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The town now had literally close to a thousand people 'Majin' living here basically at this point. Mostly Orcs and Hobgoblins but still it was a good amount of people and with that many people I was awoken by the sounds of some rambunctious drinkers ending their trip to to the Dwarf ran bar we had in the town.

"Damn... What time is it?" I muttered as I blearily looked out the window to see the moon still hanging up in the sky with none of dawn's light approaching.

I yawned and then reached over. And then groaned as my hand hit my flask... That was empty of water so I grabbed the flask and with a grumble left my bedroom to head toward my kitchen which had my source of running water in the house.

As I was refilling my flask I stilled as I felt a small flare of mana and recognizing the signature I put down my metal flask with a thud on the wooden table as I turned around with my eyes glowing with mana as I readied myself to berate the interloper most fucking furiously!

 As I recognized Treyni's mana signature and if that damned dryad thought she was going to get off scot free from dumping all of the responsibilities Rimuru should have had onto me... She had another thing coming!

"Treyni you overgrown-" I started and then stilled as I was turning around and my words got stuck in my throat at the sight before me.

See I wasn't exactly a blushing virgin even with the beauties of this world and Shion having no shame in showing off some boobage nor were any of the Majin I named unwilling to be physically affectionate in the slightest.

But a suprise sight could easily put someone on the backfoot as Treyni was wearing a front covering apron of vines and leaves that covered her front area and went down to her mid-thighs.

Treyni was also a rather curvaceous woman so even as she mostly faced me I got to see the healthy swells of her wide hips that were cleary uncovered and with her wearing no bottoms beneath that small skirt of leaves that covered up her bits.

"Uhhh..." I finished with all the charisma of a dude who was winning in an argument with a woman and she just shut him up by flashing him her tits.

And Treyni knew she won as she smiled softly and elegantly stepped forward and I blinked as she gently but firmly pushed me into my chair at the kitchen table. "Now Jake... I understand that with the elixirs being stolen, and of course your frustration at being forced to take up the task of being the Chancellor, you are rather upset with me. So please allow me to alleviate any frustration you may have." 

Unbidden I thought of her offering to do something carnal to release my frustrations upon her form but with a blinding smile she reached through the side of her apron into her chest area and my eyes widened as from out of fucking now where, from the titty pocket dimension or something, she brought out a metal kettle of all things that was already filled with water. "As a Dryad, I can listen to the songs of the plants and over the many years I have become one of the better tea makers you will ever find."

Her infectious smile was aimed at me as she asked. "So I am hoping a nice of cup of tea between the two of us will soothe any frustrations shared between us while I use the human women apology method of the 'naked apron' to make you feel better I suppose?" 

My lips twitched at the confusion she had in the naked apron bit and honestly, I coudnt help but wonder if some reincarnated or summoned individual had brought that troup here. But either way I took a deep breath and said. "Alright Treyni go ahead." 

And then it happened. Treyni turned around to put the kettle on my oven and she used some magical energy to fuel the little hot plate rune. But I wasn't focused on that. My eyes lasered in on that fantastic heart-shaped ass with her tight waist leaving a perfect hand hold to the eyes as she hummed to herself as she began making the tea.

'Oh, dear gods... A dryad is an icon for a lesser fertility goddess for a reason, now those are some breeding hips. Her tits may not match Shions but that ass and hips.' I couldn't help but think with my lips twitching as I took in the beautiful sight.

But as I took it in... I realized that I need clarification on this, was this just a ploy to get into my good books which it was working even if the tea was shit I would forgive her for allowing me to see this work of art. Or was she trying to court me for a relationship, unlike Shion, Shuna and Rimuru who were too scared to push for anything besides acting possessive.

Honestly, I was so busy lately helping build up the town, making potions and elixirs. Fighting off monsters from the town, dealing with the orcs and so much more. That I really hadn't had the time to properly grab Shion, Shuna, or Rimuru and actually progress such a relationship.

However their jealousy between the three did somewhat put a damper on doing anything as well.

So I decided to be blunt and speak. "Treyni... I am not sure if you are aware but the Naked Apron is something for very intimate couples to do where the woman wants to get the man going." 

Treyni turned around towards me with her sky blue eyes looking at me with a gentle smile as she spoke. "Well, I do want to foster a strong relationship with you Jake. I need you, and I would like to help you as much as I can." 

Before I could respond to that bombshell of Treyni confessing some feelings for me, she put a finger to her lips and said as though reciting a memory. "And I suppose that you are right. The book about humans relationships was for this action were to drain the frustrations out of a man though I wasn't sure of its meaning... As Jake, please remember that I am a Dryad, I may take on a human form but my mind and thoughts are inherently different from your own." She finished.

Even as I absorbed that Treyni poured the boiling water through the tea leaves and spices before straining out the debris leaving out a mellow darker golden liquid that had a cinnamon-like scent to it.

"Please have a sip." She said bringing over the cup and placing it in front of me and as I went to take a sip. She seemingly waited for me to take a drink too. "So how does it taste? I used some treated bark from my own tree to spice up the flavor along with using my sap as sugar."

My brain slammed to a halt at the realization that I was drinking the equilvalent of a girl giving me some bread to eat made from their vaginal yeast and I realized my hand was shaking slightly at the revelation. My eyes met Treyni's innocent blue eyes and with no shame, I remembered ReZero and Echidna making tea from some 'mystery' body fluids.

A soft slurp rang out as I drank heartily of the tea and I spat out mentally. 'Its fucking delicious!' But with a clank, I carefully put the tea down as I said more naturally. "It has a... Very hearty flavor and I can feel my mana and vitality also being... This is a fucking aphrodisiac to humans isn't it?"

And at that Treyni flushed and the leaves covering her form shook and shuddered as she couldn't react for a moment as it seemed that it literally just occurred to her that in overflowing my vitality and mana... My body would very naturally react to excess lifeforce in wanting to get rid of it.



This is double her own fault. So, this is just her just desserts coming up. Oh, the irony.

Wrath of Vajra

Jake is about to give new meaning to "Sugar Plantations".