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Freya and Hestia then left me alone as they went into the kitchen to talk about 'divine' affairs specifically away from me and Epsilion. 

So I was just relaxing on the couch after a long day in the dungeon and all the other stress of the day when the door to our rented house was slammed open making my eyes snap open with claws forming in my hands using the hardened slime I called upon.

But as I looked over the couch I almost managed to roll my eyes before my eyes widened as Delta met my eyes and then her form shot forward towards me in a blur as she cried out happily! "I knew I smelled boss was back!" 

In a show of great dexterity, she flipped over the couch up into the air and then using gravity to fall down towards me she basically just did a belly flop onto me that resulted into Delta's very ample breasts slamming into my face and pushing my head into the cushions beneath me as I groaned at how her stomach landed on my chest.

"Boss, Delta killed... All the monsters in the dungeon haha!" She cheered happily as she settled onto my chest.

I managed to put my hands around her waist and with a grunt of effort I pushed Delta down so I could speak past her tits as she looked down at me with a pout. "That's good Delta did you make us some good money, and where is Alpha though?" I asked with Delta's eyes widening.

"Alpha... Ahh hehehe uhm I think I left her when I picked up your scent where I just ran home... Alpha is going to kill Delta!" She shrieked at the end and as though prophetic a series of harsh clicking noises rang out as the face of the unamused blond elf leaned over the couch to look at Delta who was shivering as she hid agaisnt me.

It was like a dog that ran onto a child's bed to avoid the mad human parent and tried to use the child as a shield not to bully them. 

And it almost worked until with a creaking noise the front door that Delta broke through to make it inside creaked before with a loud clatter fell off its broken hinges onto the hardwood floor with a loud noise that made my lips twitch as Delta's ears snapped backward agaisn't her head in fear.

"Delta... No meat for dinner tonight." Alpha said flatly with her face shadowed by her long blond hair as she looked down at Delta.

Delta sniffled and with tears brimming her eyes like someone told her that her that a beloved family member died, Delta thickly whispered in affirmation. "Yes, Alpha... Delta did bad." And with that the crying wolf kin buried her face into my shoulder to avoid looking at Alpha who rolled her eyes.

While I myself... Was feeling awkward as hell with Delta crying on me so I tried to move things along as I lifted up a hand to begn scratching Delta just below her head on her neck through her hair made her shiver in joy and cut off her water works. "So how did the Dungeon exploration go?" I asked Alpha.

The blond elf blinked at my question before smiling slightly and she folded an arm under her chest with the other resting on her cheek as she made a humming noise as she collected her thoughts before speaking. "The dungeon... Its monsters are weak for people of our skill level even if our mana enhancement has been weakened from our previous peaks. The only real issue we will have is that we are incapable of destroying the dungeon itself to easily get into the deeper floors."

She actually looked slightly annoyed as she continued. "The upper floors of monsters aren't any challenge to the Seven Shadows or even any of Shadow Garden's Number members honestly. So I am thinking that we will need to set up a base around Rivira to have our main facilties to begin training up a new a new Shadow Garden."

'A new Shadow Garden?' I thought in confusion while looking at Alpha and I voiced my confusion as I asked. "We are still low-level and don't have alot of funds. Is it wise to take up so many projects and where will you even get recruits?" 

Alpha instead turned to the side and I got up on the couch with Delta grumbling at me sitting up but I saw Zeta walking into the house with a huge rice sack thrown over her shoulder and with a negligent toss she dropped the bag on the ground with a heavy sound of clattering coins rang out with Alpha saying confidently.

"We have the initial funds already as you can see. And I know that within a couple of weeks Gamma will have tripled this amount as she learns about the business opportunities of the world. And as for recruits..."

I met Alpha's cold blue eyes as she said frankly. "This world is not short of orphan street rat ladies and young girls we can induct and turn to our cause... Plus Freya herself will be perfect to speed along any growth of loyalty."

My face went flat but before I could say anything Zeta said flatly. "Jake don't bother with morals. I killed seven pimps that tried to capture me, two slavers who wanted to sell me to the red-light district. And I broke the limbs of two dozen homeless people who tried to rob me as I walked through the Daedalus District."

I couldn't help a facepalm hearing that and I just waved a hand as I said with a sigh. 'Alright alright, I am just more focused on my own growth to be honest. Anyway, Alpha I got a new skill from the goddess Hestia that Freya brought in to help do our Falna's."

Alpha's face became slightly troubled before she hummed in thought as she smiled and said. "Thats... Got potential actually, while Freya is the goddess of the Seven Shadows with this Hestia touching upon us at times for updates. This Hestia if she proves herself to be trustworthy will stay in the shadows and primarily do the updates for the lesser members of Shadow Garden." 

I didn't respond to her plan of rebuilding Shadow Garden as I knew that it was actually a good idea to bring together more resources along with having the pressure to bring about more gods being made to make contracts with myself. But I was worried about my own exposure level with having such powerful skills.

Either way, I explained my new skill to the girls and they shared a look with Zeta saying bluntly. "Alpha's plan to revive Shadow Garden is even more important then. Even if we grow at even greater speed then you with our skills in combat being leagues better than your own. Having a squad of less talented and trained people who can grow more in terms of your own growth could be good." Zeta mused more towards the end.

I shook my head with a wry smile as I wondered who they would even pick up for a new Shadow Garden but as Zeta and Alpha began discussing it I heard more footsteps of heels clicking on hard surfaces with Beta, Gamma, and Eta walking inside with Beta asking with some amusement. "So I assume that Delta was a bad girl and broke the door?" 

And Delta's head snapped up from my shoulder as she howled. "Delta is sorry for being a bad girl!"


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.

Damion Frost

Delta is best girl and ill die on this hill!


Poor poor Delta, it's not her fault she best girl