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My sponsor just looked exhausted as I was teleported onto a seat in front of him. His appearance was undoubtedly a match for myself but he looked rather different in a number of stark details as he had stark white hair along with a string of Genshin Impact Visions strung across his jacket for some reason.

"Alright Jake98212431 you are a bit of a special one actually. Your earth was actually on the path to going through a spiritual energy recovery and all that other nonsense, so your body is naturally already tuned into primordial energies of rebirth." My sponsor spoke and I kept silent as he read my file.

After a moment of letting me absorb that information he continued. "Now normally you would be thrown into a world like DXD, Warhammer, Marvel, DC, etc to become strong. But finding uncorrupted universes by the End has become more of an issue even with more Jake's and other organizations fightning off the concept of the End of reality." 

I went to ask what he meant but he just held up a hand and said flatly. "The End is something you don't need to worry about... Their common foot soldiers are Thanos and Darkseid clones all armed with copies of the Necrosword or other god-tier killing weapons. You literally don't need to bother worrying about it as such battles are millenia away from you." 

There was a moment of silence as he shook his head and then tilted his head as though listening to someone speaking to him... But there was no one here? Either way he coughed and continued to speak. "Anyway we are going to try something new. The orignal Tower of God Multiverse began collapsing in on one another and in devouring other smaller nearby universes it became a multiversal tier Tower of God thats the hub of growth for the multiverse for people to push to become stronger within it." 

I raised an eyebrow hearing that as I only had a bit of information on Tower of God having only read the first few chapters. So I asked. "So am I going to be an Irregular or something? As the Tower is a pain in the ass to gain strength from unless you shackle yourself to the floors guardians and what not." 

My sponsor firmly nodded before snorting and saying flatly. "Of course. Even if the guardians on the floors are rather strong they are still slaves to the tower and we obviously don't want you to be locked in the Tower... Anyway yeah so while Shinsoo will likely be a bit more difficult for you to learn without a guardian contract it doesn't matter as you will have your own methods."

And with that he reached into his desk with a light flying out and then shooting into my chest that made me shudder as he began speaking but my vision and hearing went dull as it felt like I was deeply submerged in water with my sponsor's words then touching something deep inside me as he spoke again with some annoyance. "Anyway your reincarnation starting bonus is enhancing your body to withstand Shinsoo which is the primordial mana within the Tower of God and the main bonus is to give you conceptual water manipulation."

Even as he said that I was quite literally drowning in the concept of 'Water' he was pushing into my mind, body, and soul. The Hashira style of Water Breathing and water bending from Avatar, and my body would passively let out a water-based charm that would make water-based monsters or beings more friendly towards me.

Just those three examples were only a small part of the total concept of water manipulation that was downloaded into my mind while my body changed to have become more lithe and willowy to fit the theme of water manipulation.

My form shivered as I could feel it... I could feel all the water, blood, and other liquids I didn't want to speak of within my own body with my sponsor chuckling and saying. "Haha! It's always a joy to see my fellow Jake's when they become enlightened to the state of what is constantly going on inside their own bodies."

My sponsor took a breath and then said frankly. "Alright so with how huge the Tower of God has become you may or may not run into canon characters as even in the base form of Tower of God each floor typically did multiple different testing grounds to get to the next level, and the outer layer of the tower outside of the testing grounds was the size of both North and South America put together... Now each floor is literally the size of Jupiter with the universes merged together with billions of people on each floor and typically millions or at least thousands of people taking the tests."

My alternate explained to me that the Tower of God was the escalator for people of ambition to gain power, where the sentient tower would isekai people from countless different dimensions and worlds. But mostly importantly he told me very bluntly.

"Now... Normally in these worlds where power is gained via violence and clawing your way up to different levels of reality and dimensions you work alone for your own safety... But the Tower doesn't like psychopaths who can only kill, the tests to get to higher floors encourage teamwork or outright force you to team up with people. So be ready and willing to team up with people but also be wary of them betraying you to get ahead."

I nodded slowly and he chewed on his lip before shrugging and smiling as he clapped his hands. "So, two things. First, what is your favorite type of cold weapon? And secondly are you ready to go?" He asked.

I blinked at the first question and after a moment I said frankly. "Uhm I always preferred thinner more elegant swords like rapiers or something to go between armor and such. And yeah I am as ready as I can be." I finished with a wry smile.

My patron made a humming noise and then he lifted his hand and I blinked as a red and bronze rapier-like sword that was somewhat familiar filled his hand with my sponsor looking at the sword before sniffing and saying. "Here, you can have this, it is the Antspur Rapier from Elden Ring, I have a few copies of it after my one of my wives tried to cook the Rot-infected ants to make some kind of chili oil for some ungodly reason also I time locked it to remain ever-sharp and durable so for at least a couple millennia it should be fine."

The Antspur Rapier had a thick bronze handle that went up a good bit with a hand cover, and the blade was a good four feet long or something that was a bright almost glowing red that had a deadly point to it.

"Just... Make sure that for the love of god, you don't stab yourself and give yourself Scarlet Rot." My sponsor said as he snapped his fingers and my eyes widened as a portal formed behind me with the sheathed sword going to my hips as I got sucked out of my patrons office.



Doing a Korean work is new. One of my favorite manhwa. Love the idea of irregulars as a whole for they are on a level unreachable in some circumstances to normal tower residents. So many chapters and an extensive fandom for so much content.


If anyone is new to it, the second season is comparable to the first. Slow start, but once it starts to pick up it's hard to put down.