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Taking in the various Pokemon in my surroundings I bit my lip as I considered how viable it was for me to try to capture the Vaporean and what I think was a Kings gene Feebas that was seemingly trying to either earn the Vaporeon's favor... Or it was trying to eat it? 

Either way, I inhaled and realized that if I wanted to capture both I needed to get both of them out of the water as shoulder either of them got into the water and decided to swim off... Yeah, there won't be shit for me to do to a Vaporeon that can turn invisible while within water.

[Virgin Mindcontroller- Use your psychic energy to throw both of them onto the ground outside the river. Or instigate the other 'Pokemon' in the river into fighting them while you block off the river to capture the strongest of the monsters in the area.]

My face twitched reading Lelouch's first good advice... And then his terrible advice with Rias and Ai quickly descending upon him to heap verbal abuse upon his form. 

"Your first bit of advice was good. Second part not so much, its not like I am trying to find the most poisonous insect by stuffing a bunch of them in a jar." I said shaking my head and then I refocused as I looked at Rose who was in my arms. "Rose I want to capture that big fish swimming around that Vaporeon that is laying on the rock, are you ready?" 

Rose the Ralts nodded firmly with her determination burning brightly to my psychic senses as she formed a condensed ball of Mystic Flame in her arms as she waited for my order to attack!

I gave a wry smile at how gung-ho she was but I firmed my resolve and I reached towards the two Pokemon with my psychic energy as I made ribbons of invisible psychic energy that parted through the water and once they approached both the Feebas and the Vaporean I attacked!

The psychic ribbons snapped to life like vicious snakes that wrapped around their forms in the case of the Feebas the ribbons completely wrapped around their body and for the Vaporean they wrapped around their torso and with a scream of a surprised "Vaporeon!" That was easily translated as 'what the fuck!?' I yeeted them out of the river and towards me with several other Pokemon looking on at the sight of a flying Feebas and Vaporeon.

A double set of thudding noises rang out as the flopping about Feebas and the Vaporeon hit the ground in front of me and without even waiting for my order Rose cackled with joy and bother Pokemon were blasted by the Mystic Fire...

Or it would have but a high-pressure water beam from the Vaporeon sliced through the condensed ball of fire and I held up a hand with the sound of an explosion ringing out as the water beam exploded into streams of water and mist when it slammed into my angled psychic shield.

'uh oh... I have fucked up.' I thought as from the from Feebas that was now floating above the ground from where it had smacked into the ground came its own attack.

"This is bullshit!" I yelled out exasperation as I felt Rose enhance my shield with her own psychic energy. As the Feebas roared out with a stream of purple flames slamming into my shield as the damned thing had the Egg move Dragons Breath.

[Princess of Ruination- Sooo that Feebas definitely has a Milotic parent... Who probably got together with another dragon type, either a Milotic or with how this is Kanto it probably did the nasty with a Dragonite. Wait could its father be that King's-Gene Dragonite that Bill was researching?]

Rias's thoughts were cut off as I called out. "Hey I want to capture you two. If we beat you two, will you come with us on our journey?" 

The Feebas and Vaporeon shared a look before the Vaporeon sniffed with disdain at the Feebas and then the Vaporeon looked back at me and its eyes flared with a pink light.

My mind consciousness dulled as all I could think about was how beautiful and perfect the Vaporeon was until I felt ice enter my veins as my psychic energy flushed out the foreign energy and I looked at the Vaporeon with some amused anger. "Seriously! Did you just use Baby Doll Eye's on me?" I demanded.

And the Vaporeon raised a hand to cover its mouth as it made a series of Vaporeon sounding laughs which made my eye twitch and then it said its name in a questioning manner that I knew it meant something along the lines of 'like this?' and then its eyes glowed again even more powerfully.

I could tell it was now treating me as another Pokemon to mentally smother under the fairy move rather than an almost defenseless human but even then with myself being prepared the pink energy just collided with my mental shields with the Vaporeon pouting with disappointment before abruptly swinging its tail at the two of us.

And from the swung tail came a powerful blade of water at us but at this point Rose had yelled out with glee as during the previous interactions she was charging up another more powerful Mystic Fire and this one using the training she had gotten from Sabrina's pyshcic pokemon actually was shaped.

The mystic fire was shaped like a drill and the fire move enhanced with Rose's psychic energy broke past the Aqua Tail and then the Feebas made its own move by condensing its Dragon's Breath to form a denser beam of flames that slowed the drill of Mystic Fire allowing the Vaporeon to slap the Feebas out of the way to the side as they both dodge the drill that shot past them and slammed into the ground and then violently exploded sending dirt and debris everywhere.

[Worst Teacher- So these two do have some decent amount of teamwork. I wonder if they are friends or if this just normal for Pokemon to work together at times?]

With how the Vaporeon slapped the Feebas so hard I really doubted they were friends but either way, I took a breath and then I said. "Rose, mystic fire on the Feebas I will keep the Vaporeon busy.]

The Vaporeon looked at me with smug amusement hearing that and then said its name in a manner that could only mean smug derision towards me so I just shrugged and said. "Yeah, the Feebas is more scary so my Pokemon needs to deal with it first." 

My answer to that was another high-pressure water jet that would have probably cut me in half if I didn't block it with a psychic shield even as now without the Vaporeon to block Rose's attacks. She was able to use Teleport to dash around the Feebas to slam it with weak Mystic Fire's before it could react with how slow and ungainly it was on land.

"Oh, are you mad that you can't deal with a human?" I teased the Vaporeon who looked at me with some actual anger in their eyes and then it dashed forward with its form clad in silver-toned energy of a Quick Attack that made me mentally groan it shattered through the quick psychic shield I put up in front of it to slow it down.

'I forgot that Vaporeon is the tankiest of the Eevee line not just a long-distance nuke like they were playing at.' I thought as I kicked backward to avoid a brutal Aqua Tail that the Vaporeon slammed onto the ground as it missed my form.

A powerful mystic fire slammed into the Vaporeon from the side and then I heard Rose cry out as she got slapped across the body as the Feebas used a Tackle that slammed her back a few meters making me grimace but I took the chance that I was given with the Vaporeon being hurt by the sneaky attack to grab the Feebas with my psychic energy like before.

And even as I felt its aura breaking apart my psychic energy, I ripped it toward the Vaporeon and slammed the two of them together.

"Ralts!" Rose cried out as her eyes glowed with purple energy as she used Confusion on the two of them and as they both shuddered under the mental attack I whipped a couple Pokeballs into my hand and using my psychic energy as a guide I slammed the pokeballs into their foreheads making them snap back and maybe get a bit of a concussion with how hard the metal balls hit them in the head before they got sucked into the Pokeballs.

With two matching clicking noises the Pokeballs fell to the ground and then they started matching shuddering noises as the Pokemon within the balls tried to struggle out of it... Once... Twice... The balls shuddered and then it stopped.

My heart stuttered as a long pause was there for the third and final shake until they both shook again with a loud clicking noise ringing out as I exhaled heavily in relief with myself falling to my knees in mental exhaustion at blocking several Pokemon moves.


Israel Perez-Rolo

Okay, this is great because it acknowledges that throwing hands is a very needed skill for shenanigans. Also, Gojo giving good advice distubs me.


Good chapter. Also, too many from for a sentence: I thought as from the from Feebas that was now floating above the ground from where it had smacked into the ground came its own attack.