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We welcome back podcaster/comedy writer Mark Malkoff—host of the new podcast Inside Late Night, as well as the very fitting The Carson Podcast—for an epic discussion of the season 4 finale. We dig into SO MUCH of the TV history in this episode, including a ton about Johnny Carson, his relationship to The Simpsons, and how this was one of his final TV appearances. Not to mention so many details on the creation of this episode, like multiple drafts with different guest stars. Is Gabbo fabbo and Krusty rusty? Listen now to learn... that ought to satisfy the little S.O.B.s, hehe. Wait, is this still being written down?




Are Bette Midler's teeth breaking the rules for drawing Simpsons-style characters? I thought I remember seeing a style guide that said teeth are supposed to look like they appear in the TS logo, but I'm not sure.

Anna Mansager

I say “look Smithers! Garbo is coming!” all the time and nobody ever knows what I’m talking about

Jason Williams

Chili Peppers fan since the late 1980s and I’ve never heard them referred to as the “Red Hots”. 🤷‍♂️