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As you can go back and see from earlier this month - the winners of "who would be most likely to dress up for Halloween in a couples costume" were Caroline and Hannah, of When You Least Expect It. By a mile! 

I don't disagree, for several reasons. First, because Halloween is Caroline's favorite holiday, and the one she indulged in, herself, even before she was well and truly with Hannah and Abbie. 

Second, because, as many of you commented... well, Abbie is a big part of the picture. If Abbie wants to celebrate Halloween, are Caroline and Hannah going to disagree?! Definitely not. 

So, I would say that our views do align, as to who would be the most likely to dress up in Halloween costumes together! 

I have to comment, though, that it's lucky Riley and Gianna weren't yet on that poll, because they have been doing Halloween costumes together for a decade, and - you might have guessed it - they kill it. I think, this year, they would go as barbies. 

The thing is - none of the poll options would have been the wrong answer. If I'm writing a couple falling in love? They would in some way/shape/form, end up in a couples costume at some point in time, for some reason or other. For some couples, if only because at least one person would be really into it and their partner is, well, really into them.

Would Brooke Watson be dying to dress up for Halloween, let alone in a couples costume?! Of course not. Does Faircombe have a Halloween Spooktacular in town square every year? They sure do. Will Taylor get Brooke to dress up with her? Abso-fucking-lutely. She begrudgingly loves it - story of her life, right?

Mia definitely does dress up every year for Halloween, and even though it might take some work, Ellie does join her -- and they will have the most accurate and detail-oriented costumes at any party, hands-down.

Charlotte Thompson is, actually, the person least wanting to dress up in a Halloween costume; honestly, it's just not something she's ever partaken in. But she would absolutely do it for Sutton. And more than anything, she will be dressing in family costumes when her daughters are little. 

Ahem, anyway. 

Back to the poll winners - 

The official first couples costume worn by Caroline Parker and Hannah Dalton IS... 

Aurora the Knight (Caroline) and Clara, the royal in disguise (Hannah) - straight out of Katherine Spencer's latest novel. 

Caroline's costume!

Hannah's costume!


Camille C.

I should have expected it'll be something this cute 😭 but why did I think they'd go with Skully and genderbent Mulder with Abby as an Alien 😂

Robin M Lee

Um, I think it would be the coolest thing ever if you were to actually write the Aurora and Clara stories. js.

Haley Cass

Honestly, it wasn't a terrible guess since Caroline loves the X Files! I was THIS close to having them go as Faith and Buffy tbh