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I tried to pick between a Beckett sister to highlight this month. Logic says Riley, given the release of On the Same Page, but... I think they are truly a package deal. 

Character biographies:

And here are their dating profiles: 

I must caveat - this was Ellie's dating profile before Gianna got her hands on it.

You might notice the different ages - this was to signify the ages they were during their novels and falling in love!


Melissa Saxon-Price

I love when you do the Character Highlights. I never pictured Ellie to look like that. I only pictured Riley to have blonde hair because of the cover of the book! Thanks for letting us into the lives of the Beckett Twins :)

Haley Cass

Thank you! I loooove doing character highlights because I have so much of their life stories in my head and not all of it cohesively can make it into the book


Okay so I'm very conflicted about this because Evelyne Brochu as Delphine Cormier was my very intense gay awakening and seeing that many pictures of her again gives me heart stutters. I love her as Riley and Ellie though and will be re-reading DTAS and going for a 5th(?) time read of Riley and Gianna because I'm seriously obsessed. Love the work you put into this!!!