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It's official, the votes are in - 

I will be hosting a zoom on Sunday November 19th at 4PM EST

I believe that this means it will be 4pm ET (US), 1pm PT (US), 9pm in England, 10pm in Germany, and 8am (Monday, November 20) in Australia. Honestly, my calculations could be incorrect (outside of US time), but I... think... it's right?

I'm putting it in here a couple of weeks early to give anyone who wants to come and hang out for an hour (or two) enough time to put it in a calendar :) 

Some more info about the zoom - 

I will be there, camera and audio (of course) on, ready to answer any questions about my books. On the Same Page questions/conversation, but also any questions/comments about other books (past/present) are welcome! It's totally casual and you don't have to have your camera or audio on to join; feel free to come on in. 

... I do hope some people will at least ask some questions and come and chat with me, though, or it might get awkward. The thing is, I can talk to myself about writing or tv shows or... whatever else, for over an hour, but I'd really prefer not to. 

Also! If you can't make it to that zoom, I will be recording and then post it later that week. You can feel free to write a question here on this thread and I will answer it/talk about it during the zoom! 

I will post the link to the zoom in a post on here the morning of Sunday, November 19th for you to click on. 


Morgan Kings

I don't think I can make it sadly, but I do have a question about whether you would consider centering characters who are more androgynous or even masculine of center? (My women's studies days were a while ago now, so apologies if this is not the current parlance!) I am fairly new to your books and indeed lesbian romance in general, and it feels like the genre is femme heavy. Don't get me wrong, I do love femmes, I'm just wondering if you'd consider writing characters with a broader representation of gender expressions.