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Hello everyone, weekly report is here! 

Here's the news and stuff I've been working during this week!

1. EXstage 2 - Additional animation for Boss B's attack pattern 3 : 

 [Click this link to view sprite  ]  

 [Click this link to view sprite  ] 

He will try to pull the player into death trap. 

Try not to stay near him!

2. EXstage 2 -  Boss B's attack pattern 2 :  

 [Click this link to view sprite  ] 

Everytime the boss failed on catching the player, he'll release the Toxic gas! 

It'll damage the player like the fire does, try not to touches it!

3.  EXstage 2 -  Boss B's transfrom :  

 [Click this link to view sprite  ] 

 [Click this link to view sprite  ] 

They don't give up easily! after he transfrom, He'll attack the player with massive flower bombs. Take him out as fast as possible!

4. Great news! :

Fenrir gave me 15th HCG, which is mean we are 3 HCGs away from full remake! Whooo hooo!!

5. Sketch for 16th HCG :

[Click this link to view image ]

(This is not fenrir's sketch. He draws better than me ;w;) I drew a sketch for fenrir to help him understand scene better. and this one is for EX stage 3 boss's HCG >:3



If you didn't registered your name on the list, and still want to put your name on the ending credit credit/ID card, please visit  [THIS PAGE] 

And one more thing, I see some of you gave me a real life address for make this ID card. Please don't. Exhibiting your privacy might cause you, or someone include me in trouble. I'm fine with joke, or fake address such as "in your heart" or "Yamete st. Kimochi town 696969". but the real address- I can't add them in game. 

It might end up hurt someone.


IF you register yourself AFTER the March 31st, I won't be able to put your name on the ending credit/ID card/etc until next major update. 

...and that would be all for now. Originally I was planning to finish up the boss A's attack pattern, but unfortunately there was other stuff I had to take care X_X;

Anyway, from now on I'm going to work on last gold card and Ex stage 3 boss's H animation until the next weeked.  

Until then, have a great weekend everyone! :D



i have played the demo on newgrounds and wanted to buy the game from dlsite but i cant use paypal there so i desired to buy it from you here, plus i believe you get more money from here than there. good luck hopefully this 10$ helps at least a little (cant spare much my self hence month only )


Hello Nickolas Tromp, Nice to meet you and thank you for your kindness and the support! Please don't forget to save your reward page to receive the future update! :D Also feel free to send me a message when you have question. I'll do my best to answer your question. ;)


So the EX2 boss(or bosses?) has a final form? That's awesome... I guess we need to save a molotov for this~ And I love your new CG!


i added you to my following list so that when you come out with another game i can try the demo and buy it from you if i like it, keep up the good work i'm hoping you get as big as zone-tan.


yeah and that was why I said it'll take longer than I expected. I need to draw lot of pattern :D and that's right, saving molotov will be the best idea to deal with boss B's second phase!