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 Hello everyone, weekly report is here! 

Here's the news and stuff I've been working during this week!

1. EXstage 2 - Boss B's attack pattern 1 :

[Click this link to view sprite ]

Tentacle whip. 

Beware of this attack since this boss have special effect on his melee!

2.Boss B's attack pattern 2 :

 [Click this link to view sprite

 [Click this link to view sprite

[Click this link to view sprite

He's dick can drill underground and pop out to fierce the protagonist >:3

but tentacle attack from bottom is too boring right? we've been using this pattern too many times. so, I have a plan to make this one to spray the poison cloud if it failed to grab protagonist. so protagonist must jump to evade these moving poison cloud, or it'll damage the protagonist like the flame dose. 

3.Boss B's attack pattern 3 : 

 [Click this link to view sprite

 [Click this link to view sprite ]  

 [Click this link to view sprite ]  

He can summon minions that looks like lion seed, but explosive version.

Player must shoot them down, or evade them before it expolode.

This minion is boss B's main attack pattern. he will summon it with various pattern. 

4. Remained, unfinished pattern for boss B :


-Jump animation for roll swap

5. Regarding 15th HCG :

I'm not sure Fenrir can finish it before the next week(WIP build release date)

but I'll keep communicate with him to help him to finish as fast as possible.

6. I finally managed to contact with Zone Archive! :

and he gave me permission to use Zone-tan's name on gold card! 

Fantastic! Thank you Zone Archive! :D

7.I'll start work on last gold card and last H animation after March 12th :

After that, everything will be settled. there'll be only few bug hunting and refining process left. Woot! Almost there!!

...and that would be all for this weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you on next weekend! 



So is it the drill that will pierce through heaven?


Well this drill isn't powerful enough to pierce the heaven, but have enough technique to send the protagonist to heaven :P


Holyshxt that dick


Wow nice of Zone Archive


Those attacks are great! Can't wait to fight (and die) in this epic boss battle! And since you have the permission, will you plan more struggle of Zone-tan? We know that she wouldn't give up easily~


Yeah, I was sooo happy when I found his mail. I'm so glad I got a mail from him. he's really great animator. haha.


I'll try to add some gimmick on her sprite after I finish the boss battle and H animation. ;P