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Hello everyone? Ah yes, weekly report is here!

1. Fenrir is working fast right now :

He almost finished 15th HCG .... already? huh? D:?! ohohoh, then I need to draw another sketch for the next illustration! so- ...bam! here's the another rough sketch!

[Click this link to view image] 

HCG for EX stage 2 boss! >:D

I drew this sketch in a rush so please excuse my dirty rough sketch X_X; perhaps I should clean it up before I show this rough to fenrir.

2. NEW Pixel animation room :

[Click this link to view sprite] 

Yep, new pixel room is done. finally. I might need to add little bit of decoration, but all the basic system is done. How about old pixel animation room if you ask? I'll keep that for people who finished the ONLY main route. so player who beat main route, they will see the original pixel animation room. and if player finished the entire route, he will be rewarded v1.50 pixel animation room. >:D

3.Gold card : ARCON DEREK(Unfinished)

I'm still working on this gold card. so the final version will be bit different. 

but here's the unfinished version.

[Click this link to view image] 

 [Click this link to view image]  

 [Click this link to view image]  

 [Click this link to view image]  

5. EX stage 2 boss's H animation start/end :

[Click this link to view sprite] 

 [Click this link to view  sprite ]  

This is how animation start and end. now I should fill the middle >:D


If you didn't registered your name on the list, and still want to put your name on the ending credit credit/ID card, please visit  [THIS PAGE] 

And one more thing, I see some of you gave me a real life address for make this ID card. Please don't. Exhibiting your privacy might cause you, or someone include me in trouble. I'm fine with joke, or fake address such as "in your heart" or "Yamete st. Kimochi town 696969". but the real address- I can't add them in game. 

It might end up hurt someone.


IF you register yourself AFTER the March 31st, I won't be able to put your name on the ending credit/ID card/etc until next major update. 

and that would be all for this weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all on the next weekend! 

Have a great day!



ooooo hehehehehe


Your CG is invalueble!! Definitely want to see more, or you should pack them with the 1.5 as "omake". I just wonder: how long it takes you to draw a CG? It could be pretty exhausting if you do all the pixel works and CG just by yourself. If it takes too long...maybe you can only draw those sketches and let others paint the color?


there's not much sketches since I started this for help fenrir, but alright! I'll add them on omake. In my case, It usually take a week for draw full illustration. about a day for sketch, a day or two for line art, and rest of days for coloring and detail :D


Will we know the main story's detail ? Because now we only know some character's story, like Golden card, but about the main story, we don't know how could this happened.


the source of infection will remain unknown. It might be the biotic weapon, or some kind of alien infection. but I want make them as a blank page on purpose. Because what's important is after the outbreak...and beyond. :P


playing the hell out of this right now, I like the replayability that comes with the "choose your chapter" menu, so far there are no bugs, the twirly hand boss was difficult, the turret vs. hall of infected sort of tower defense thing was a change of pace, I must be close to the end. worth every penny.


Thank you very much! If you have a question or want to give a feedback, feel free to tell me anytime! :D