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Merry Christmas everyone! 

Well~ it's almost end of Christmas tho- 

but yeah, I wish everyone have happy holiday :D

Now back to the main topic: Weekly report is here!

During early this week, I've been testing HTML exporting, so I wasn't have much time to draw the stuff to celebrate the holiday- which is meh D: 

but here's the pixels and sprites I've been working this week.

1. Gold card -  Civ Equinox 

[Click this link to view the image] 

 [Click this link to view the image]  

Here's the Type A and B, personally- I don't think I've finished on this card. I'm just showing  this in public just to show what I've been doing this week.

I need the goldcard owner's feedback. I wish Civ like this one :P

2. Deadbody reward - Zonetan 

 [Click this link to view the image]  

3. Something not worth to click : smoke effect

I had to draw the smoke effect since the HTML5 exporting crashed because of GMS basic effect caused crashes. I don't recommand you to click this image. It's just smoke/dust look like image S:

[Click this link to view the image] 

4. HCG remake progress : Fenrir is still working on 13th HCG, He'z struggling to express the erotic H scene. ;_;

5. Next WIP build release date : 

Personally, I wish I can release it on Jan 8th, but I might push it back to Jan 15th to finish up + add the boss H animaion on 6th boss. Also, I need to ton down the difficulty of  Ex3 stage @_@; that stage is kinda insane right now.

6.Quick question : I got the feedback from many people, so I'm kinda want to know everyone's thought. Do you think I must give the HCG on player not give up on retry? I mean I gave the HCG to those people who gave up on retry  as a cheer up gift. but seems like many people think this system is just annoying.

What do you think? Please let me know what you think!

7. Don't forget to claim your ID card reward! 

If you claim your ID card after the Jan 29th, you will have to wait until the next update project!

[Click here to check the reward page] 

...and that would be all for this weekend! I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you one the next weekend! :D



It's kinda OK for me, but I think the cg should come with NO MORE LIFE LEFT~ Let's depress and despair...


Maybe make it a clear prize including the animation too?


Well so far his line work is look perfect to me. He'z struggling with color part now. S:


Hmm, clear prize for beat the entire game(include the v2.00) might be a good idea :D but this decision can also be frustrate the people who collected HCGs one by one X_X;


Make it a clear game code, so for people that want to, they can input the code to get all CG, for those that want to collect, they can collect~~

Ray Animus

Sourjelly if you want, take this as reference. To unlock the HCG one must get H with the zombie and quit which is commonly used in many other H games, the fact is some check points are ridiculous as some of the Zs are far and we had to go all the way to them to unlock. My suggestion is 1 have it where when we "die" have a continue option where it leads us to the HCG which then lets us choose to retry or quit. 2nd have it where when you finish the whole game have it all unlocked (kinda against this as it would be fun to go back into the game and try to unlock each and everyone of them)


Excuse me for jumping in, but I like your 1st opinion, it makes sense! But I'm afraid that's a lot of work for the game system... Btw, personally I'm here for the game-play instead of CG, so I don't care if it's very hard to complete...I'd rather to get the CG when you can't retry anymore~


Thank you for the feedback! 3 votes on beat the game and give them as reward. note note!