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Hello Everyone! Weekly report is here!

Whoa, I barely made it in time X_X; I'm really sorry for the late posting. Here's the pixel works I've been working this entire week.

1. Gold Card : Zone tan

[Click here to view the image ]

I've been try to contact the Zone Achive, but I unfortunatly I wasn't able to contact me ),: I'll keep try to contact him but If he don't allow me to use Zone tan image, then I might have to alter the gold card name to... something like this image below.

 [Click here to view the image

Oh yeah, There's also Pixel H animation for her, but I'm still animating her right now. so here's the still image version of deadbody

 [Click here to view the image

2. Since the 6th boss has been revealed, here's the additional image of him

 [Click here to view the image

This image will be use on the new Jump attack from the below pattern.

3. And Boss battle H animation! - 01

 [Click here to view the image

If the player fall into water, the boss will dive into the water and bring her out to surface like this. but if the boss is in middle of attack, his tentacle will attack the protagonist instead the boss himself. :P

4. Trying to add internal shot of Kitty zombie <3 Giant flower & Normal zed H scene

I'm still middle of animating it as well, here's the sample still image.

 [Click here to view the image

Please give me your thought :D

Alright, that would be all for this weekend! 

I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you on the next weekend! :D



Jump Attack from the below!!! Great!!! ...... It seems like that falling into water = death... So it's a pretty though battle...


Depends on if you need to jump somewhere but water is the only place and then taking the boss damage if you still can struggle very well is then worth it as you get put back onto a platform (maybe) and avoid major damage. This can all be adjusted in the difficulty I feel though.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:21:26 Sixth boss on the way :&gt; Gimme gimme
2016-12-19 09:13:55 Sixth boss on the way :> Gimme gimme

Sixth boss on the way :> Gimme gimme

Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 07:35:47 Nah, you will not get instant death from falling into water. That's just too harsh&gt;.
2016-12-22 22:48:00 Nah, you will not get instant death from falling into water. That's just too harsh>.

Nah, you will not get instant death from falling into water. That's just too harsh>.


That much better... Or we will need a death animation that extremely long to reduce to the frustration and desperation... (I personally enjoyed the frustration and desperation~)