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Hello everyone, weekly report is here.

Today, I managed finish the most of part of the 6th boss's boss battle. it's about 75% done. the main move ment is done, but I need to balance it for actual "fun" fight.

also the 25% is the part where I have to add the "H" animation to make this boss battle complete. 

1. Here's the screen shot of the 6th boss's boss room :

[Click to view the image] 

Pretty dark huh? Currently boss battle is about 25% not enough tho, the player can't recover from falling from the box/ or dive, so player must use cheat code to reset the room. which is sux ):

2. New gold card gallery :

It works just like the ending credit :D 

 [Click to view the image]  

 Player will able to get access to this gallery by click this button 

 [Click to view the image]   

You will have to collect the all gold card to unlock this contents

3. Image for the  Cut scene :

 [Click to view the image]  

This image is for Opening part of Ex stage 1 . 

I still need to draw about 6 of these images

...and that would be all for this weekend! I'm so sorry I didn't brought the H animation this time. I wasn't have enough time to draw them X_X;

On the next week, I'll bring the protagonist's H animation for boss 6th and another gold card! We are getting near to the end! woo hoo! :D

have a great weekend everyone. I'll see you on the next weekend! 



This is making me realize how close to the end of this game's development we are and then when a new project may emerge. But it feels kinda sad though happy like that book you finish and it had what it needed in it. However it leaves it open for an continuation to occur. PS on a side note I looked at the screenshot of the boss room and my first immdiate concern is if the jumps are within reach without being near near to the edge as the jumping is something which can be hard to do in the game specifically at the start of the first extra section where you can make the jumps but they are hard and annoying.


Good luck and don't get sick, because Winter is coming wwww

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

I had a similar feeling when jumping. There's a slight delay when pressing jump, which means that a series of death pits will be frustrating to jump over due to timing. Oh well, have to test it out first.


Yeah, the end is near :D and just like you mentioned, the platform part was most part I've been worried about. so I'll try not to punish the player too harsh when they fall into the water.


don't need to if you give enough platform room. Atucally that is an idea.....maybe difficulty changes what size the platforms are? So easiest is where you find it hard to fail jumps and hardest is where you need to be good with timing and accuracy.