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Hello everyone and Happy new year! Gosh I had lot of troubles this week x_x; I had to visit my family to prove that I'm still alive(lol I literately don't use phone or messengers for 3 years tho...my grandmother and cousins worried about me badly) after got back to my work place, my work PC mouse died. so I had to order new one X_X;

Anyway, Here's the stuff I've been working this week :

1. Recording 6th boss monster's sfx and testing boss battle :

I'm working on the 6th boss's sfx. I really want to finish this boss and put him on upcoming WIP build so I can finish up the 5th asap. Let's hope we can finish this until Jan 15th.

2. Next WIP build release date : Jan 15th

I'm pushing fenrir to finish the 13th HCG so we can put his HCG on WIP build. beside the fenrir's HCG, I need more time to test the boss battle to balance it X_X;

3. I have a question about V1.25 release:

Please check this link for more detail.

[Click this link to vote!] 

4. Gold Card : Civ Equinox 

There's minor changes applied based on feedback

[Click this link to view the image ]

5. Boss H animation : 01 & 02(still working on it)

 [Click this link to view the image  ] 

Slimy Slimy :3

  [Click this link to view the image  ]  


Last part of the 6th boss's H animation will have 

game over sprite just like the 3rd boss.

At least that's my plan. 

I hope I can finish these before the WIP build ;w;) I need more caffeine 

Speaking of caffeine, Gosh that new soda tax is killing me! 

now every beverages that contains soda have doubled price now.

I can't drink my pepsi zero anymore;w;

I guess I have no choice but stay with teas now...

Anyway, that's would be all for this weekend! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll bring much more stuff on the next weekend! I promise! 

Until then, have a good weekend and happy new year everyone!



That is sad about even soda tax being needed now.....it is only going to push companies to go more cheaper if they are paying as well. Also with the poll I don't mind what you choose to do but there is no "I don't mind" option :S


Yay~ another vore enemy~ Camel will probabely like it.


awwz I should've add I don't mind button... but too late now, X_X; I can't fix this poll.


Just wondering then what option would you prefer? As I'll use that one as the don't mind answer. (PM the answer or post the comment and then delete it if you don't want it to influence other's)


In my case, 1.25 is a good choice since I can release the update and work with less pressure, but If I release the v1.25, I can't add new gold cards and dead bodies on v1.25 since they should be on 1.50 map area. that's the problem. so to be fair, I should add remade HCGs only. and add credit names and all other card rewards on v1.50