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Hello everyone, progress report is here!

1. Adventurer - Porter full animation set

Idle animation

Walk animation


Porter is one of few adventurer character that have flinched animation. because normally she does not attack the player. she's more like a "reward" of fighting against adventurers.

After porter flinched, she will run away from player. sometimes just running away , sometimes hide behind her own bag like this. during hiding, Porter is invincible.

returning to normal mode :D

2. Regarding the future plan :

With current state, I made total 5 adventurer characters that will randomly generate during dungeon.

It should be count as 6, but one is story related so he will not be count as ordinary adventurer. 

so- I have a plan to add 3 more adventurer characters (tank, female wizard, Priestess type) but I'll stop making them for now.

the priority for now is work on sound effects for 5 adventurers characters that already made. 

plus, I'm work on graphics for store NPCs

..and that's all for now.

I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have a question, please leave a comment on this post!



A little off-topic, but what is the plan and progress for the Anthophobia sprite remasters? The redone sprites are only for the main character's non-H animations, correct?



Sourjelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 07:27:16 Correct, I'm working on main character's non-H sprite animations and game engine update(gms1 -> gms2). Sprite remake progress is about 50% done now X_X;
2022-03-02 22:03:42 Correct, I'm working on main character's non-H sprite animations and game engine update(gms1 -> gms2). Sprite remake progress is about 50% done now X_X;

Correct, I'm working on main character's non-H sprite animations and game engine update(gms1 -> gms2). Sprite remake progress is about 50% done now X_X;


Take your time, I know it's a lot of work. Plus you have a bigger, more important project to do on top of that. Best of luck with your efforts!