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There was an overload of work and commissions, and coupled with my recent vaccination (aka followed by a terrible fever and non functioning left arm), I can only work really slowly. I focused on drawings since it's easier to draw with one hand than type with one. Virgil was unable to help the past two days because he had to focus on his thesis. Fun fact: I wrote down how Kino deleted Navi's thesis because of Virgil's current dilemma with his own, haha...
In regards to my health, other than the side effects for the vaccine, I am doing well. I will go to a check up this Tuesday, and refill my medicine for November this Wednesday. Another hunt for the prescriptions again... here in my country, there's not always availability.

Today, I will publish Driven by the Sociopath as well, since the cover artwork is finished. I've been working on that these past few days.
CARVALLE: School of Psychopaths will be published in bulk here, each post containing 10 chapters. I might explode your notifications after a while.
And yes, the Driven by books will be exclusive here. Although I will publish snippets on Wattpad.

TOMORROW: New Poll! CARVALLE: School of Psychopaths publishing

WEDNESDAY: Alternate Path, Driven by the Pornstar Bulk publishing.

FRIDAY-SAT: Chapter 14, Exclusive One Shots punishing.


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