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"Welcome, Master and Mistress," greets the head of Farlan's bodyguards, Yasha herself. She had came to Austria in advance to clear the area for the safety of the Shinji, Schliemann, and Hien ro.

Yasha accepts the hand of Master Farlan as he comes down the helicopter, before she reaches out to assist Kino. But, not before the Mistress Lei catches her hand, causing Kino to trip since he was caught off guard.

"You little wench! This is why I don't like your soggy Pho noodles!"

"Talk from a country whose residents rely on virtual anime girls to find a mate."

Kino sticks a tongue towards her as they proceed out, while Yasha helps the Shinji Master fix his clothes. Then, he looks up and cheekily smiles at the dark Russian girl. "My my, how gorgeous.... any chance I can buy you from the Schliemann and put you in my team, my lady?"

"I must decline, I am not a fan of raw sushi." Yasha emotionlessly released his hand and walked away to follow Farlan.

"Damn, Farlan made a female clone..." Kino whistles, following them.

later on,

"The Schliemann, Shinji, and Hien ro."

"Oh shít," Kino curses once they were met with multiple assault rifles when they arrived at the gate of a prestigious Mansion, not one found in any map. For it belonged to quite possibly, the most powerful family in the world; "This is the Levough?"

Lei is starting to worry since they are not phased when it's announced who they are. "Uhm... didn't your cousin marry Járed's Father,  Kino? Tell them to stand down."

"Bítch, he grew up in America,  I didn't actually know him!" Kino explains. While both of them are panicking in the limousine,  Yasha and Farlan were all too calm opposite them.

Maybe our Mafias don't work. "Tell them... we are Farlan, Kino, and Lei. Here to talk about Járed."

Perhaps they'd let Járed's childhood friends come in.

And, they did. The gate swung open, and the hundreds of guards reverts to stand by in respects of the Levough's wishes. Although, it will take them an hour before entering because the car and the passengers has to be thoroughly checked.

later on,

"You... have all grown up."

Kino's jaw drops as well as Lei who stood in full shock at the man in the dark green suit, standing above the grand staircase overlooking them. Farlan stares in awe, still composed. So this is the power... of the successful La Juliet experiments.

Járed Levough's parents looked like his siblings. They never aged, because of the Stem Cell Mutation replacing any damaged cell,  including that of the skin organ. Justin Levough stands before them, looking no older than 20, and beside the Former Master is a young man carrying a mug of hot chocolate with two hands. Kei Levough, who they know to be Kino's cousin.

It was understandable that they'd look young back when Farlan and the gang were 9 to 16 year olds. But they looked exactly the same more than a decade later. Justin Levough was all too intimidating; dark hair, half-lidded dead serious eyes, and a strict posture that made them all feel like kids all over again. Lei and Kino had always been terrified of Járed's parents, and even as grown ups they still are shaking their knees. The three of them were all lead to be seated in the sitting room, where they sit in front of the infamous Justin Levough.

"You found us," says Master Justin. "Was it the Hien ro, or the Shinji?"

"Combined efforts," Farlan answers with courtesy. Meanwhile Kino is still starstruck and sometimes glances at the scared young man behind Justin Levough. "We are here to talk about Járed-"

The scared young man suddenly spoke up, "Which one of you destroyed Carvalle? Which one of you betrayed my baby!"

"Darling," Justin says in attempt to calm him down. At the sound of Justin's calm voice, the man seems to be fearful at the Master. "Drink your chocolate, my love. Forgive them for disturbing your afternoon hot cocoa."

Justin's spouse stepped back and avoids looking at them, eyes terribly sad and disappointed. Meanwhile the Master Levough smiles at them, "It was the Shabdkoshi, wasn't it? How sad for your group to have such traitors. Kids nowadays... they don't make the same good friends as I have back in the day."

"It was the Shabdkoshi that attacked CDI, but it was not our friend Navi," Farlan corrects, holding his ground against Justin and held himself in the same level as this underground legend. After all, the Schliemann can arguably be the most powerful out of the Unholy Trinity right now.

"Yeah, he ran away. Probably got disowned. It was your rival, Varma?" Lei adds, wanting to clear Navi's name. Their friend would never hurt Járed or do anything that would lead to that.

"Hmm... Varma...still wants to climb the Unholy Trinity Caste. How typical," Justin hums, rolling his eyes. Then, with a sip of wine he asks them, "Well, what is it you'd like to discuss about my son?"

"Is he alive?" Lei says, quite emotionally because she has hope that the Levough is powerful and Godly enough to protect their most valuable person. Járed Levough became their only child after the death of Keiji, right? Surely...

However, Justin merely stares right in her eyes and answers, "No."

"Wha-that can't be!" Lei gasps, suddenly standing up if not for Farlan holding her back. "That's your son, the Levough is the most powerful Mafia out of all of us, surely you-"

"Lei. This is not how we do business," Farlan scolds her for getting carried away in the presence of the Levough Master. It's making her Mafia seem more inferior. They must stand strong and display minimum weakness or flaws in order to be great leaders. So far, only Farlan has accomplished complete maturity. However, Hoàng Lei just truly, truly misses their friend.

Kino looks at his cousin, Kei, and witnesses him fidgeting uncomfortably while looking down. Farlan then pulls Lei down to her seat and asks the Master, "Did you retrieve the body? I have a means to bring him back the same way you were brought back."

"Oh? How is that?" Justin was intrigued, raising an eyebrow. This almost 50 year old man, with an inability to age therefore looking even younger than the kids present, is very much intimidating.

Farlan admits, "We have the blueprint, Miles Taylor. I stole him from the Shabdkoshi. I brought him back... for Járed..."

Farlan's eyes flashed vulnerability for a brief second. In his eyes, a single glimmer from a tear which was then deleted by a blink. No weakness, no flaws. Emotions are a Mafia Boss' worst weakness. His true feelings shouldn't surface out at this moment of desperation to find Járed.

"You stole... a blueprint... a variation of what my brother created," Justin says, recalling his Scientist of a brother who pioneered the first ever Stem Cell Mutation, and was the cause of his Family's mutation. Justin looks down at the table and merely says, "So you want my son's corpse to bring him back?"


Justin leans in, intimidating three big-named Mafia bosses, two of which were from the Unholy Trinity. "The Levough became gods who defied death because of this Mutation. We... never should've played God. Nobody should ever play God. You should destroy the blueprint. The dead should stay dead."


The three went speechless, watching the cold look on Justin Levough's eyes who bore no desire to bring back his own son. He had lost two. Even with the belief that they will not die because of the mutation. Is this how cold the Levoughs' hearts are? Is this how they rose to the top, leaving dead bodies behind and keep looking forward?

He let Járed die... he has no plans of bringing him back?! Lei looks at the Levough Master in disgust. "You-"

"Get out of my sight, it's tempting to assassinate three Mafia bosses under my roof," he coldly says, crossing his legs and leaning back into his chair. The Levough men guarding the room alerted themselves and pointed guns at the bosses, to which only Yasha herself steps up to block them off of Farlan.

Kino protests, "Master Levough, you can't just-!"

"Uhm Justin, I want more chocolate?" The man behind the Master suddenly requests with the sweetest of voices, halting the tense scene in the middle of the room. His whole image truly looks like he doesn't belong in the underground world. Too timid and gentle, yet he melts off the cold look in Justin's eyes for the duration of his speech.

"Sure baby, go make some for me too," the Master says with a smile, startling everyone else. So this is what love had done to the most ruthless man in the world? But, he's probably only putting on that face to not scare his spouse. Still, a nervous and fearful Kei Levough scurried out of the tense room.

Farlan Schliemann was the first to stand up, followed by a disbelieving Hoàng Lei and an unsettled Shinji Kino. They turn around to exit, leaving without any information or lead as to where Járed is.

The Levough guards closed the grand doors and left them to journey to the end of the hallway where another set of guards are waiting to escort them. However, they heard a voice coming from a slightly open double door.

"Uhm... hello?" The three, plus Yasha, look at where the shy spouse of Justin Levough peek through a door, calling onto them. "Uhm... About my son..."

"Yes?" Kino steps forward, finally correct about this man knowing something since his nervous fidgeting earlier, as if he wanted to speak up.

Kei indeed speaks up. "Please follow me quietly."

some time later,

"My Keiji... I couldn't save him... I couldn't go to Carvalle to save him. My Járed..." Kei starts to sniff in his sadness, all while setting fire to a torch which triggers the sensors and opens a door disguised as a wall, much to everyone's awe. "I don't want to lose my Járed..."

"You guys have secret doors here?" Kino gasps, and Lei punches him in the guts for his noisiness.

"This... was created during Járed's time as Master... he got this built for his brother..." Kei nervously yet sadly says as he leads them to a bright white hallway. He seems to be a very gentle and soft-spoken person, he is the opposite of the dark and intimidating Justin Levough.

"So Járed is alive? You're leading us to him, right?" Lei inquires.

"Uhm..." Kei wasn't sure what to answer.

"If Járed was here all along, but Justin Levough rejects the use of Miles Taylor... it doesn't make sense, why would he?" Kino wonders.

Lei theorizes, "He must have plans to steal Miles Taylor away from the Schliemann, then fix his son-"

"No," Kei softly cuts her off, facing them with a very sad smile before opening a double door with trembling hands. He was still holding a cup of hot cocoa. With a soft yet sad voice he says, "He ordered for my Járed's body to be incinerated... to be destroyed. I... gave them a fake corpse to burn... I couldn't let them hurt my son, even in his death."

All this time, Farlan had never shown any emotions for he only has one goal of finding an old friend. But this time, seeing the cryo-preserved corpse of Járed Levough himself, he can't help but exhale his professionalism away and tears start pooling in his ducts.

Járed... An awful, but relieving sight. A fully reserved Járed Levough, missing his right leg, left forearm, and his entire right arm along with the right shoulder. His head was also missing a chunk. But, his beauty was preserved perfectly, though his lips were plastered with pale death and his hair is frosted with ice. His lifeless face brought life back into Farlan's heart, as well as happiness in Lei and Kino.

"A building... fell on him..." Kei says, fighting so hard not to cry. "I... meant this as a memorial, where... I can protect my baby even in death... nobody can touch him... or hurt him anymore... peacefully resting here... but after you said you can fix him...? I have hope... maybe... maybe I can hug one of my sons again..."

Lei runs to her childhood best friend to look closer, while Farlan clutches his chest after feeling a burn. Kino followed after her, wanting to see the face of their loudest member next to Kino. Járed was within their age unlike Schliemann and Llorona, so they felt a lot more closer to him. To lose a friend feels like they lost a brother, and now they have hope.

Farlan remained by Kei's side, feeling as guilty and greedy. Both a flaw, and qualities of a ruthless Mafia Master. He doesn't want to go closer because he doesn't feel like he deserves the feeling of victory yet. He tells the Levough Mistress, "I can bring him back. You will allow us, right?"

I don't know what I have to do if you say No. But, I will not allow you to say No. Farlan is too desperate, he's willing to steal yet again.

"I am afraid... you have someone going after your life..." Miroh Llorona. "Will my baby boy really be safe with you, Schliemann?"

No. He will not be. "He will come back to you fully whole and breathing."

Kei wholely smiles at him while hopeful tears fall down his cheeks. After Justin shut down the Stem Cell Experiments, and completely abandoned playing god, there wouldn't be any means to bring back Járed. But, the Schliemann Master comes with the blueprint, and the Shinji with the best technology. Kei will entrust his son to them. He is desperate; it's his last hope of saving his one of his sons..

a day later,

"You know, Miles Taylor may be a little sissy bítch but I can see such big díck vibe from him."

"I would be afraid of sleeping with him because he may have a bigger díck than me."

"Don't bro, your díck is very big, don't feel bad."

"Wait, how did you know his díck is big? Did you see it, comrade?"

"No, what do you think of me, gay?!" The gangster huffs. "But I got to touch it last night; very nice, you know."


"Oh shít, he is here."

The silent gang leader sits by the window sill, smoking a cigarette as he listens to the door burst open and in comes a very happy Miles Taylor.

"Vanya and I baked these cookies, please try them," Miles happily hands the man a star shaped sugar cookie with pink icing.

Misha wants to slap it away; he could've, everyone expected him to. But, he shocks his entire gang when he merely opens his mouth for Miles to put the cookie in, before Misha bites a chunk away.

"Ew. Too sweet," the gangster grumbled with his deep and low voice.

"Ehh, but you're still eating it?" Miles teased, poking the scary gangster's cheek.

"Master's rule of being unable to hurt the concubine must be héll for Leader."

"Poor Misha."

"I want to bake cookies with Vanya too..."

Annoyed by their whispers, Misha who understands Russian just grabs the concubine and pulls him out of the room, a confused Miles following behind.

But, that confusion soon turns into excited giggles when Misha pushes him inside a broom closet and pins him against the shelves. The man sneers, "Stop coming in the Music Room as much as you please, you're welcoming the gang to ogle your body!"

He's wearing shorts with garters corrected to the hem, a silk or satin white shirt which is unbuttoned at the first few tops, creating an effortless cleavage. With his reputation as a concubine and wearing this sexy stuff, the men are sure to get intrigued and even attracted.

"Hmm?" Miles then teases Misha with a gorgeous smile, "Don't project to other people, I know it's only been you who ogles my body. The others are straight, right?"

"Yes and so was I until you sucked my díck, they can get attracted too," Misha spits out, but Miles merely giggles while being pinned. "Are you having fun, slútty bunny?"

Miles' heart skipped a beat, staring straight up at this man with the most delighted look on his face. Taewon...? "Misha?"

He bites his lips, making the other male stare down in conflicted attraction. The way his name was said with a smile made the gangster's heart flutter, why is Miles causing this? His other hand goes to the concubine's neck and gently wraps, pulling Miles against him for a little kiss.

What a sin, making out in a broom closet as his brother was cleaning the oven over in the kitchen. They had their little kiss for only a minute, before a guilty Misha pulls away and releases Miles.

"The Master will arrive any time now. Stay away from us, especially Vanya so he won't get in trouble," Misha says with a low voice. Miles only likes him after all.

"Misha?" Miles decides to kiss him on the lips once again, "I won't get both of you in trouble. I like the both of you."

"What?" The gangster scoffs, "No you don't. Liar."

"I do?" Miles confesses, "I only clung to Vanya because you always push me away. I had to find a way to get you to stick with me. And that is through your brother. Did I fool you enough?"

"You little slút."

"Can I be, for the both of you?" Miles jokingly giggles. However, it weirds Misha out on how they're easily swayed by this one male, something that other gorgeous females can't do, even the ones with gigantic breasts and beauty that rivals godesses.

Misha stares at him for a long time, trying to decipher this mysterious man. But, Miles stays smiling, hands reaching up for Misha's neck and the gentle touches seduces him. "Did you really think I'm only after your brother? When I've protected you right from the start...?"

Misha, bothered by his terribly beating heart grabs Miles to pull him out of the closet. He drags him into the kitchen, where Vanya was washing dishes.

"Out, all of you," Misha commands to the idle chefs who are chopping vegetables to prepare for the Master's arrival. The kitchen was left alone with nothing but them, and Misha suddenly pulls out a knife and threaten Miles' neck with it.

Vanya was shocked, and so was Miles. Before Vanya can even make a move, Misha only questions, "Who the fúck are you, Miles Taylor? What do you want with us?"

I want to tell him. But... I can't. "You're still loyal to Farlan, aren't you?"

Miles answered with a question. Vanya washes his hands and goes behind Misha to stop him from possibly hurting Miles. They'll get in trouble.

"Why does that matter?!" Misha angrily growls, "You come in, you suddenly save me from the Master multiple times when I've done nothing but bad things to you, then you tell me you like me?! What the fúck is wrong with you!"

"I can't tell you, but please trust my words!" Miles defends himself, not really afraid of the knife but more so, "I'm afraid of what Farlan might do to you."


"I know who you are!" An impatient Miles Taylor yells out, silencing both brothers. Breathing heavily, Miles starts to tear up. "I... I've met you before. Before you came to Russia."

"We were born here."

"Is that what he told you?" Miles defiantly looks at them, "You should know better than to trust a Mafia. Don't you lack childhood memories, you also have forgotten m-?!"

"Everyone's memories get wiped before they enter the Mafia, it's fúcking normal!"

"Is that what he told you?!" Miles yells out, looking at Vanya with tears in his eyes. "I am not loyal to Farlan. I am forced to serve him. I am..." loyal to you, "... loyal to myself. So I do what I want. And I want you guys to remember me!"

"Who the fúck even are you?!"

"I can't tell you so long as you're loyal to Farlan-"

Speaking of, Misha's radio just notified him. "White Gold is in the Building. Accompanied by Red and Silver. I repeat-"

"He's here..." Misha mumbles, "You stay away from us from now on. I don't give a fúck if we knew who you were."

Miles' heart broken when Misha left him where he stood. He looks at Vanya, who seemed to be sad and confused as well. Farlan lied to them. A lot.


"I can't believe we smuggled Járed out of the Levough..." Kino mumbled, "And his parents are strange, too..."

"Overbearing Mom and strict Dad? Tell me about it, my Dad almost prostituted me so I'll have a use."

"Did he? I bet nobody would pay for you-OW! Fine fine, I'll pay for you to clean my toile-OW!"

Lei ignores him after landing hits and sighs, "But Járed's really dead... how terrible..."

"No. He won't be..." Farlan denies, "The Shinji Laboratories can provide the compatible limbs to transplant onto him, correct?"

"Why not synthetic? It's much safer," Lei suggested as they walk through the lobby of the Schliemann mansion, filled with nothing but gold luxuries.

"Yeah I can do robotic limbs, my Mafia is the most advanced in the technology department," Kino boasts, actually trying to show off to Yasha who he is trying to seduce into their Mafia.

Lei bursts his bubble of confidence, "You seem to forget the Chinese and Indian Mafia, making anime isn't that technologically advanced."

"Hey! That's not what we do!" Kino huffs at her, tripping the Hien ro Mistress and making her elbow him in the guts. "Ugh, Ursula."

"Shan Yu, with your receding hairline," Lei mocks him, making Kino gasp and check his precious hair. This made both Yasha and Farlan roll their eyes.

Farlan got distracted by a presence of curly hair on top of the stairs, the beautiful Miles Taylor freshly dressed in a provocative yet formal attire to greet the Master.

"Miles," he gently holds his hand out with a smile, something that weirded out Kino since Farlan is usually very serious.

"Oh? This is him?" Lei says in astonishment, watching indeed a very beautiful man descend the stairs and lay his hand on Farlan's. He seems a little bothered and uncomfortable, but doing his best in the presence of the Master of the Schliemann and visitors.

The other two bosses raise their eyebrows when Farlan lovingly kisses Miles Taylor, the blueprint itself, on the lips. In fact, it made Kino's eyes bulge and confused Lei.

"Uhm whoa, I thought you had a crush on-"

"I don't," Farlan debunks his feelings for their friend. "I have a lover. My Lisichka here is all that I desire."

"Ohh... this whole time I thought you wanted your boyfriend back, then you already have one..." Mistress Lei snorts. Miles stares at these strangers, wondering which Mafia they are from because they haven't been introduced yet.

"Yes," Farlan bends to kiss Miles on the knuckles, making the man's eyebrows dip. "It is all about business. I am happy with my Lisichka here."

But finally... finally, I have all the means to get back Járed. I am truly happy.


Raven Nguyen Tran

Hmm if u think about it Jared probably doesnt have his memory backed up so when he is brought back he probs wont remember shit.... Farlan's got a chance....


Why does Mikes always slip in 🤨 how does Mikes bypass all the edits