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Every guy wants to be a guy that girls would want to be with and boys would want to be like.

Jace Ford is the opposite. He's what girls would be jealous of. It's either he makes gay guys go after him or makes straight boys sexually confused.

Actually, he goes both ways. One thing's the same though, guys and girls always go after him. So naturally, he's sex with legs. He manipulates anyone with his husky voice or his signature 'I wonder how you'll look being fúcked' look. Casual sex feels great for him, and he gets anything he wants if he pulls the right strings.

He only got into the spotlight right from the start because of his connection with Jason ford, the Secretary of the elite Kappa Aegis Fraternity. Even his fraternal twin brother Jason is sick of his ever-changing partners. During breakfast right now, he voiced this out.

"Mommy's getting sick of your in and outs, Jace. She already accepts you being bi, but she wants you to settle," says Jason.

Jace grumbled, "If she expects me to fúck someone more than once then you better expect me to put on lipstick and shop with girls."

Yep, Jace Ford is not one of the 50% of the gay population who's feminine. Though he has their mother's features, he is still as masculine as ever.

Both brothers have brown hair, but Jason dyed his Burgundy red. Jace's was naturally curly and he styled it in a quiff, his curls making cute bangs on his face. Their mother being Italian gave them both a Roman nose but what stood out from Jace is his natural plump lips and slim but defined jawline. He looks more Italian than Jason, who took their Father's Greek features. Handsome nonetheless.

Jason placed his breakfast plate on the sink as he washes his hands. "Don't bring anyone home, Kappa's elites will be having a meeting here."

Jace's eyebrows cocked up. He is referring to the Fraternity officials which are composed of the President, Vice, the secretary (Jason), and the Treasurer. The President of Kappa Aegis did offer Jace a spot in the elites, but Jason is against it since his brother will be fúcking half of the Frat in no time.

"Why bring home when my fun is coming here?" Jace chuckled, smirking at his twin.

Jason pursed his lips, "Jace, the rules..."

"No fúcking fratmates, I get it." the guy laughed as he hopped out of the long stool. The time on the microwave indicates he should get his ass to the driveway. "Just a joke, 'Son, you know me..."

Though inside, he was bummed he couldn't take anyone home. The best orgasms happen in his room.

"You catching a ride?" Jason asks as Jace grabs his bag.

"He'll drive me to school like usual," Jace yells, exiting the room. "Bye, Virgin!"

On his way to the main double doors, he passed by the body-length mirror and he paused to whistle at his own ass, accentuated by his skinny ripped jeans. He wore a red varsity jacket today that contrasted his brown hair, under a simple black shirt.

His body is athletic, but not so buff. He is more on the slim side but with defined muscles and abs. He may have a pale ass but his torso is toned from his favorite hobby as a swimmer. He's 6 feet whereas Jason has extra 2 inches. Jace is definitely one that both sexes will thirst for.

And he loved the attention. He loved the perks that came from a fúck. Free rides home (Jeremy) because he's too lazy to drive, homework (Stacy), free gym membership (Allen), even for an A+ (Ms. Freed). Miss Freed is the only one that he would fúck in the faculty, all because she's not married and she's only in her early twenties.

However, he was getting tired of the safe zone.


Silence in the car. "Duuuuude." he trailed out again to his best friend Jax.

One friend which he hadn't fúcked because they've been together since kindergarten and Jace sees him as a brother. He let Jax drive his Bugatti because the guy was going to borrow it to go take his baby sister out or something.


"You've been saying that for the past 15 minutes, díck or pússy?" Jax blurted out, asking him what the hell he wants. He knows him that much.

"Stop being such a díck, you pússy," Jace whined while bumping the back of his head with the headrest. Jax scowled. "I'm sorryyyyy Jax, I love you. Want me to suck your díck?"

"No thanks, I have nothing to give you." At this reply, Jace laughed.

"Friendship," he smiled. They could joke about things like this and nothing could change the way they feel towards each other.

"That's free. Or in exchange for borrowing this car. Why are you being so whiny?"

"I'm tired of exploiting my body for perks," Jace went back to whining.

"You're the one exploiting them. Katy gave you a Rolex for a freaking compliment." Jax chuckled. "Sociopath."

"90% of successful people are sociopaths you know, besides you can even get money if you seduce hard enough."

"Like prostitution?"

"Or better, porn. Because you'll be famous and the one month pay is what a prostitute earns in a year."

Jax raised an eyebrow. "So you're a prostitute?"

"Low key but I'm not, because I do it for fun, just with perks." Jace again slammed his head backward. "I want something that I'll be proud of getting away with! Like... someone who'll stop themselves from fucking me because that doesn't happen."


"Not like that, it hurts my ego. Nobody rejects me, I'm the king of everything. Just... Someone who won't give in to 10 seconds of me saying hi."

Jax gave him a bad idea. "Try forbidden sex."

"Incest?! Ew!" Jace jumped in his seat. "I'm not fúcking my brother, his díck is too small for my taste."

"You've seen it?"

"No, but I'd like to think that my díck is the biggest out of both of us. Plus, I don't fúck men who have smaller dick than me. Except for freshmen, I would top freshmen."


"That's my line."

later on,

Being deprived of séx for more than 48 hours killed Jace's motivation to smile. Right now in Science class he did nothing but magnify his vision at the blue ball pen at his desk. He wants a fúck but isn't really in a mood to ask one of his fúck buddies. Besides, it's against his one rule to avoid attachment.

All of a sudden he heard his name being called twice. "Ford! Jace Ford!"

He snapped out of the trance. His eyes met the strict blues of Sir Calvin, clearly irritated at his lack of attention. The girls giggled behind Jace, and he turned his head to flash them a smile with a playful blink. His flirty stare remained as they land on Sir Calvin's, and the man inhaled sharply before turning around.

His ears are red. It sparked something in his sociopathic mind.

Throughout the lesson, Jace gave the teacher the stare. Studying, observing. Common to most sociopaths when trying to analyze an individual. He paid close attention, not to the lesson, but how the man would flicker his eyes to Jace's shorter than the rest of the class as if Jace's creeping him out.

Jace knew it wasn't that. Jace knew how to get his sex drive back.

the day after,


In the hallways, while opening his locker, Jace texted his best friend who studied in a public school.

Dude. Fúck incest. I'm gonna do the forbidden thingy with a teacher.


He pulled out some books and closed the locker just in time to receive another text from Jax.

You already have that with Miss Freed.

✔Recieved 10:16

Late thirties or early forties. Man. Married, divorced twice. Two children. He's thirsting for me.

✔Sent 10:17

Dude wtf? Did you already ask him about himself?

✔Recieved 10:17

School records. Facebook. You know how oldies post every event there. 30 minutes of observing makes it 100.99% sure that he's confused.

✔Sent 10:19

From first period? Damn! What's with the .99 though...?

✔Recieved 10:20

Because I have no proof yet but I can't be wrong. 😈😈

✔Sent 10:20

It was typical for Jace to not view himself as someone lesser. Jax isn't surprised but he rolled his eyes and smiled at his best friend.

Give me two weeks, tops. If he'll be begging for this ass, I'll have my fun by rejecting him.

✔Sent 10:22

Why do I give you ideas 🙄🙄

✔Recieved 10:22

Because you love me. ❤🤗

✔Sent 10:22

The plan was set. Jace isn't gonna be bored any longer.

three days later,


It was day three and Jace is giving Sir Calvin hell already, there's no wondering if he's into his student anymore. He was.

Every time the science teacher looks at him, he smirks mischievously. Jace would pretend to talk to the guy behind his seat so Sir Calvin would have to call him out. And when his gaze lingers, Jace lips his lips and looks away. He knows how flustered that makes him.

He's mine to play with.

Jace also noticed increased awkwardness when it comes to him exposing his neck. So he would rest his head on the desk for a few minutes then sit up and stretch making his adam's apple protrudes. Oh you know how hot that looks, Sir Calvin.

The week went on. Five days were spent, and even Jax is amazed. Jace couldn't contain his pride over having a teacher wrapped around his fingers.

To increase manipulation, Jace studied tRNA Protein Transfer in Cells to answer the questions Sir Calvin had. Everyone was impressed by this, and every time Sir Calvin calls on him he stands up and sucks his plump lips in just to release them before answering.

He noticed the change in the teacher's breathing pattern and he is enjoying how he stutters when saying how Jace answered correctly.

It was Monday of the second week, and Jace made sure to study well enough to finish way early in order to just stare at him. During the test though, he would put his lips over the ball pen and when his peripherals picked up Sir Calvin's gaze he would push the pen in and out, even showing a little tongue.

It got intense when Jace looked up with a piercing and mischievous gaze. What he got in return sealed his win.

A scowl, huh... it's about time...

He continued the charades. He would moan in "frustration" every time Sir Calvin collects homework. Jace would never pass, and he waits when the teacher would ask him for his homework.

"I left it at home~," his mouth was neutral but his eyes were challenging and playful, yet he remained still, only flirting with his eyes.

"And what is your excuse, Ford?" He stated in a strict voice that made everyone quiet down. Jace looked around frowning sarcastically as he search for an excuse.

Eventually, he licked his lips and his eyes darted from Sir Calvin's eyes to his stomach, back to his eyes before looking away. "My dog chewed it up." He said before giving Sir Calvin a sarcastic look, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Nothing like making your eyes say "I'm thinking about your díck but not your díck" makes a díck hard. I didn't even look down there.

Jace Ford is a manipulating, cunning sociopath and he is damn well proud of it.

"I expect detention, young man."

Hmm...detention. But it'll be with Mrs. Haley.

As Sir Calvin walked towards his desk Jace caught up yelling, "You say that like you're my Dad. Are you, Daddy?"

The class burst out laughing. However, since Jace was on the front seat with only an angry Sir Calvin glaring his way, he bit his lip and raised an eyebrow. Sir Calvin inhaled sharply.


After he dismissed the class, Jace took his time to arrange the notebooks that he purposely laid out just to put back in. He made sure he was the last one to exit.

And when he did, he heard a voice that made him stop and let all his classmates go out. "Ford."

He turned around with his head sarcastically bent upward, but it only showed his slender neck more slightly covered by a pair of headphones. This made him look like he's frustrated to be called out like this.

In fact, delighted to be.

"Detention by the end of the class, alright?"

Since he wasn't turned all the way back, he can notice Sir Calvin checking his ass out. "Wouldn't want to miss that with Mrs. Haley."

Another fact, he'd be delighted if that happens too. But he's not the one to expect that to happen. He's gonna make it happen.

It was lunchtime when he asked Jax to buy him a new phone with a sim card, it can be the cheapest phone because it wouldn't be of any use after. Jace gave him the money plus extra hundreds.

"For the sister, if you don't want to accept," he said to the reluctant Jax.

"Thanks, man. I can't believe your charm made him actually want to fúck a nineteen-year-old boy."

"I'm legal, I'm fabulous. That's why. Want me to record me rejecting him?" Jace smirked.

"You're still gonna record it anyway are you?"

Jace made a mischievous frown. Jax sighed and rolled up the window to Jace's car, which Jace let him borrow again because he had Jeremy drive him. Speaking of, he's gonna have to fúck Jeremy after being possibly turned on by a forty-year-old man.

After dismissal by last period, Jace went to the detention room early to find no one there. Everyone's being a saint right now. Dialing a certain phone number with his cheap newly bought phone, he pinched his nose.


"Hi, is this Elena Haley speaking?"

"Yes, this is she..."

"I am calling you in regards to your daughter, Annie? She's bullying a poor boy with polio and we need you here in Sunshine Elementary to discuss possible suspension?"

"I'll be right there." He can hear the teeth-gritting.

This is the job for the Assistant detention officer now, he placed the phone on the ground before stomping it until it's lifeless before putting it in his bag.

Jace hopped on the front desk and leaned back slightly, propped by his arms. He sat there nonchalantly waiting for a certain someone.

The door opened. He turned his head towards the door and saw Sir Calvin.

Now he isn't the one you'd call old, though Jace refers to him as oldy. He looks to be in his early thirties. Tall, with extra pounds of muscles, he was more muscular than Jace. The man doesn't look to have rock-hard abs and but he doesn't need to suck a belly in. He was tall with the same height as Jace's brother, and his dark beard that looks five days off of shaving is really hard to miss out on. The intensity of his blue eyes was hidden behind framed glasses.

"I think this is the perfect time to talk, Ford. Sit down."

"I am sitting down," he raised an eyebrow playfully.

Sir Calvin gestured to the chairs. "Down."

"Oooh, he likes to top."

"Excuse me?" He blinks rapidly before standing in front of Jace. "Don't disobey a teacher, sit down properly!"

"Or what? More detention? Do you really want me in here with you for much longer?" Jace chuckled, not moving an inch. "I'm flattered."

Sir Calvin rested his bum on the table behind him, crossing his arms. "I see what you're doing, Ford."

Jace blinked flirtatiously. "I see what you're thinking, Matthew."

"You are talking to a teacher," Sir Calvin stood up, pointing a finger at him. "Do you want me to call your parents for misconduct?"

At this, Jace reached over and grabbed the navy blue tie Calvin was wearing and pulled it towards him until the man hit his crotch on the table Jace was sitting on and his ear inches away from the mischievous lips.

"Why call them when you're already here, Daddy?"

"Ford..." Gone was the authority from the teacher's voice. There was a threat. Séxual threat if he doesn't stop his seduction. Exactly what Jace has wanted.

"I've seen how you look at me. I've given you a show, Mister Calvin..." Jace whispered seductively in his ear, "This will stay between us, I won't snitch..."

The teacher's breath deepened.

"Just tell me what you want to do to me. More detention? Suspension?" He removed Sir Calvin's glasses. Jace made a bold move of his mouth encircling the shell of Calvin's ear and licking it. "Or do you want to punish me in ways that I will like the pain?"

"You've seduced me far enough, Jace Ford." Sir Calvin grabbed him by the collar and made the boy face him.

Jace licked his lips. "Did you lock the door?"

"I did."

Almost immediately, Jace gave him the ultimate kiss. Sir Calvin replied with hunger, venting out séxual frustration from all the days of teasing. Jace moaned as his hips moved forward to meet Sir Calvin's waist. He enveloped him with his legs.

Sir Calvin pulled away to attack Jace's neck.

"Sir, do you really want to do this with me?" He moaned because Calvin was pulling him closer to his crotch and he can feel how being he is through some weak slacks. "How much do you want to fúck me?"

"I want to fúck your manipulative ass so hard, Jace Ford! You think I don't know what you do to Freed to get fúcking grades?" He pulled Jace's hair so his neck can be exposed more. "Are you seducing me for grades now, are you Jace?"

"Oh Matthew, you know I can ace Science on my own..." Jace licked his lips.

"I want to fuck you so bad right now," Calvin growled almost desperately and Jace drenched kissed him with a victorious smile.

Then the kid broke off the kiss. "You're married and have kids, you think I roll that way?"

Jace hopped off the table with a semi boner. Sir Calvin really looked big in his pants but some pússy made kids from that man's sperm and he is not a homewrecker. Just a mind fucker, maybe.

As he walked his way towards the door he was slammed to the chalkboard by his teacher.

"You undisciplined child, leaving me like this after 2 weeks of looking like you want this díck? You're gonna get it." He aggressively said.

Shit, that's hot. Jace was too stunned at the desperation. He realized they shouldn't go this far.


Sir Calvin pushed him by the head until he faced his cóck, which he just pulled out and Oh my God, he's huge. "That's Sir to you, now suck."

Jace looked at him hesitantly. I shouldn't be doing this, he's double my age! But hnnnngggg this will be the biggest I ever had but oh no, what about—

"Fúck it," he muttered before grabbing the shaft with two hands and engulfing the head with his mouth all while keeping his sexy eyes on the teacher.

Sir Calvin groaned before Jace removed one hand and wrapped his tongue around the head. He couldn't pump it because it was really dry so he licked it from base to tip earning an approved main from Sir Calvin. Jace poured saliva from tongue to head and used his hands to distribute it before he can pump wildly.

His eyes were all on Sir Calvin up until he put 5 inches in and it was poking his throat. At the sixth, he choked. He repeated the process, bobbing his head up and down. He used a hand to pump the rest.

He sucked like he was trying to milk him like there was no tomorrow.

"Fúck, Jace," spat Calvin.

"Mmmmngg..." Moaned the sociopath. Calvin started to grip on his bangs because it was the longest and thrust in and out of his mouth. Jace made gagging sounds but from the number of football dícks he sucked, his gag reflex was nonexistent.

However, Calvin is trying to push in more, angling his head up. This time Jace actually gagged and cough, pulling away from the dick.

As he was coughing, Sir Calvin asked, "Lube?"

"Bag, Second biggest zipper." Usually, he would have lubed up before an encounter but he originally planned to not have any encounters at this moment right now.

"To to the table and show me your áss." He commanded.

The authority in his voice made Jace's abdomen tingle. He obediently went to the front desk and removed his shirts, pulled down his pants, and bent over proudly showing his best asset besides his face and charm.

He looked over to see Sir Calvin in his peripherals. Then he felt the cold thing slide between his crack and a finger massaged his hole making him moan out. Sir Calvin grabbed a hold of Jace's dick with a cold finger and it made him shiver, his 7.8 inches throbbing in his teacher's fingers. He gently pumped it.

All of a sudden Jace felt two fingers enter him. "Ooh!"

"You're used to doing it here are you?"

"Mmm yes..." His ass was slapped.

'Sir." Calvin ordered, pushing the rest of his pointer and middle finger inside and prodding the walls looking for the prostate. He pushed on it.

"Ohhh yes Sir, right there!"

Sir Calvin took one of Jace's knees and put it over the desk where he can see his ásshole widespread. He kept fingering while his other hand removed themselves from Jace's díck in order to masturbate his own.

"Sir..." Jace moaned out. He loosened himself, desperate for intrusion.

"You now roll this way, huh..."

"Matthew I want you to fúck me!" Jace demanded. That earned him a hard slap in the ass as Sir Calvin spread his fingers.

"Manners, Ford..." Because of this, Jace whined in impatience.

"Please... Sir? I want you to fúck me... I want your cóck in me..."

Sir Calvin pressed his teeth against his lips but none could press harder than Jace when his huge diameter invaded his ásshole.

"Ahh-mnnn! Oh fúck...!" Inch by inch, he was stretched. Inch by inch, his high was growing near illegal drugs. Sir Calvin reapplied lube every time he moves, so Jace's áss is pretty glistening and slick.

Once everything is in, Sir Calvin erased all means of gentleness and immediately set out to fúck his student the way he has always wanted to in his class. Jace made sure his moans were definite but will not be heard from the outside

That smirk... "Ohhh fúck yes.. ! Ohh yes! Aahh...!" Jace gasped.

Those lip bitings, "Shít....you cumslút, enjoying a rough fúck better than I."

The goddamn pen súcking, oh how he wanted to punish him by shoving his díck down those lips. "Hmmmyeah... Oh Sir... Yes right there! Right there!"

All of a sudden, Sir Calvin grabbed the knee of the leg positioned over the table and flipped Jace so he was right in front of him, blushing. A good fúck is always his weakness.

"I wanna see you enjoying the results of you disrupting my class..." Sir Calvin growled. He started pumping Jace's díck while invading his horny hole. Jace's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his mouth stayed open to make way for his pleasured breaths.

"Hmmm... am I a better fúck than your wife... Sir?"

The question earned him two fingers down his throat and pushed upward to stretch the skin around the uvula, so he gagged. "She doesn't let me do this..." He squeezed Jace's díck, "I can't do this..."

"And I definitely wouldn't be allowed to do this," Sir Calvin jerked his hips to nudge the deepest parts of Jace's backside and a rapid fuck with his girth and length was enough to drive the boy mad.

"Ahhh~! Hahhh~! Funngggghh!" Jace tried to curse with Sir Calvin's fingers inside his mouth. He can feel the díck inside him convulsed, nearing climax. Jace was at his limit with the harsh pumping of Sir Calvin's hand.

Jace ran his tongue over the fingers invading his mouth and gave the teacher a smirk. With the last few strokes, Jace ejaculated, stretching his neck out in ecstasy as his seed shot out in batches all over his stomach.

Sir Calvin's fingers left his mouth and it made him moan, the friction in his walls and the jabbing of his prostate too much to handle. The teacher's fingers slid across Jace's torso coating him in his cúm before bringing them back to his mouth.

"Taste good?"

Giving a jab at the subject he taught, Jace smiled. "Mmm...glucose."

At that moment Sir Calvin smashed his pelvis against Jace's ass and even he can feel the sperm traveling from shaft to tip before dispensing into him. It has something to do with the ripples in his walls while the cóck is unmoving.

Jace propped himself into his elbows, out of breath but the smirk never disappeared. Slightly pissed at his amusement, Sir Calvis pulled his hair back and squinted at the cheeky boy.

"You pull that stunt again, and I swear-" Jace licked his lips to cut him off.

"I know you'll end up wishing that'll happen again," he giggled.

that night,

"Shít," Jace cursed. Because of the amazing affair, he had earlier he forgot to text Jeremy for a ride. It was getting dark, and the spirits of temperature are starting to refrigerate him.

Jace whipped out his phone to text his best friend.

I'm stuck here and I don't have a ride, my pride is too precious to ask Jason to drive, can y

All of a sudden, a voice behind Jace made him jump.


He turned around with widened eyes, only to find the silhouette of a nerdy handsome face with a flat expression. Jace relaxed and smiled at the other male with glasses.


This man was no stranger to him, in fact, he was no stranger to anybody in the school. Victor Strauss is an academically excellent student who has earned the title of Student Body President. He defies all stereotypes of nerds and bad boys.

He is tall, a good 6"4 because of the genetic connection of his Basketball playing Father, a chiseled jaw that surpassed masculinity, and eyes as blue as saturated oceans. His hair is jet black styled in a quiff, with a couple of bangs hanging loose in his forehead. Right now his neat quiff is secured with a beanie. He wears +3 graded glasses with black frames, layering the deep but blank eyes of seriousness and maturity.

Victor never really liked Jace, since he fúcks anything with legs. However, he has a compelling urge to... he doesn't even know. It's anything but keeping away from him, which is preposterous for someone the complete opposite of him.

Jace frowned playfully at him. "Seriously, ditch the glasses. You'll attract models, not acne-faced lab junkies."

"Isabelle's a lab junkie and she's the hottest girl in school." Victor bluntly responded.

Jace shrugged, "She just knows how to do make-up."

Victor turned to his side and started walking away, disapproving of Jace's generalization.

Jace glanced at the text he's supposed to send Jax and clutched his phone tightly before catching up with Victor. "Hey President, wait!"

Once he caught up with him, he nudged the guy's shoulder. "Can you give me a ride?" He clasped his hands together, "Please? Pretty please?"

He's supposed to make an 'I'll suck your díck if you do' joke but Jace is aware of Victor's humor (which is less to none) so he decided against it because then that'll make him a prostitute in Victor's eyes.

Not a bad idea but I need a ride, brainy—Jace rolled his eyes.

Still, Victor ignored him. Jace begged him until they got to his Audi.

"Ugh, you're really leaving me here? I cast a vote on you," Jace pouted. Victor sighed, the breath he exhaled making a slight evident cloud against the cold dusk. He opened the passenger door.

"Yes! Thanks for helping the needy, Pres!" Jace hopped in and seated himself comfortably. Victor darted his eyes to the boy's feet before bringing them back to his eyes, warning him to not dirty the car floor with his shoes.

Jace got the idea, but Victor almost looks like he's checking him out and Jace can't help but blush, Pres is so hot and didn't even bother to hide his fluster.

Victor got in the car and fastened his seat belt, Jace having none of it and so the raven glared at him for ignoring safety measures. "Belt."

"Ooh, whatcha gonna do? Spank me with it?" Jace stuck his tongue out despite knowing full well what he's talking about.

Really sick of his shit, Victor's hand darted across Jace's torso and pulled the belt from his right to the bottom left. Jace was somewhat... neutrally surprised. He wasn't expecting that. And he definitely wasn't expecting to get turned on by Victor's musky but geeky scent.

The car started moving. It was getting awkward. Jace opened his mouth to do another sarcastic remark, but Victor beat him to it.

"As long as there's someone to fúck, you'll take up anyone, do you?" Jace was surprised. Victor didn't sound like he was asking so he can get a move on Jace. His intonation was lower.

The curly-headed boy chuckled, "You sound like it's a bad thing."

"Is it when the one you're fúcking go to jail and has a family barely being put together," Victor bluntly said.

Jace slumped in his seat, staring at him with all humor drained from his face. "You saw us."

Silenced, confirmed the statement. Malice crawled up Jace's face despite him being serious. "And you stayed and watched?"

"We'll talk about this later."

"Why not now?"

Victor gripped the wheel tight. "You do know I have the power to suspend you for sexual acts against somebody without saying it's Sir Calvin. Don't make me do that."

"You would've," Jace retorted. "Why won't you?"

Suddenly, the car skidded into an empty road with barely a single car to pass by because of this quiet neighborhood. Victor undid his belt with one single movement of his finger then he threw himself onto a very surprised and very shocked Jace.

He was kissing him.

Now, anyone has the urge to kiss the Almighty Jace Ford. But none had done it without his permission or his intentions for them to kiss him. And he doesn't even know if it's the best or worst part that it's Victor Strauss.

Of all people, it's the student body President. Of. All. People.

However, Jace liked the taste of chocolate and black tea on his lips. Yearning to taste some more, he darted his tongue out to lick the bottom of Victor's lips. The man pulled away, not because of disgust, but by the shock of how easily Jace accepted his kiss.

"Pres..." Jace smirked. "Do you like me...?"

"I don't. In fact, I hate you." Victor blurted out, eyes on the road and making the car move again.

"That was a great way of showing you hate people. Maybe I should kiss alcoholic dads and rigor morris assholes." Jace whispered loud enough for him to hear. The guy leaned towards the elite Victor Strauss, "Following that logic, I'd kiss you so hard if you tell anyone about me and Mr. Calvin."

"Funny you should mention that," Jace was taken back by Victor's statement as he stopped the car right in front of his house. "Because I'm here to blackmail you."

The President grabbed Jace by the jaw and pulled him in for their face is merely one inch closer by distance. Victor's dark eyes bore a hole in Jace's.

"From this day on, if you have sèx with anyone that's not your lover, I will expose you." Victor unlocked the doors. "Think of it as a concern."

That does not make sense.

the day after,

"I expected rejection, not porno." Jax stood horrified hearing the moaning and the raw fúck happening in Jace's phone despite it being hidden in the background.

"I wish it was, people'd pay for it..." Jace winked at his best friend before taking a huge bite of his Ham sandwich. They were enjoying food in a peaceful cafe.

A cake was placed between their table. "Here you go."

"Thanks, Elise," Jax smiled.

"Such beautiful hands craft such delicious delicacies..." Says Jace. Jax kicked him under the table, glaring at the flirt.

"Dude no. Fúck with her and I swear it'll go down..."

Elise laughed at this, and Jace smirked at his best friend. Jax released a 'what' face. "You're right Mister Ford, Lawrence does make some hunky sandwiches." Elise winked.

Jax looked at the other employee which seemed to be actually Jace's type. He looked embarrassed and hid his head behind some books. Elise placed a hand on his shoulder. "He knows I only fúck with my own kind."

"Les," Jace held his hand up and Elise proudly smiled.

"Bi!" She slapped her hand against him.

The cafe doors dinged open for a new guest. Elise turned around to serve the guy and Jace had the pleasure of watching her thick booty sway as she walk.

Jax elbowed him once, he didn't budge. Elbowed him twice, "What? It's not a sin to admire lesbian booty."

"Dude, that's the Pres." Jace snapped his eyes to the one Elise was serving. It was him, accompanied by a tall and skinny young boy who seemed far too uncomfortable.

Victor's eyes landed on his, and his dark eyebrows rose in surprise finding Jace here. I'm the regular, why is he shocked?

Victor's eyes remained on his until they took a seat, in which Jace raised a suspicious brow and sipped his bitter black coffee.

It is unlikely for Jace Ford to be tensed up like this. His best friend is starting to notice since Jace was sipping his black tea noisily. A habit he does when deep in thought or in worry. And that says something because Jace hates making noise as he eats.

Jax looked over to the table which Victor Strauss sat in with another male. Elise was taking their order and he can't help but be suspicious that his best friend started acting weird when they come in.

Meanwhile in Jace's head, that bastard... who is he to restrict me of basic human instinct? He was growing so frustrated that he started sipping the edge of the cup even though there wasn't any more coffee to sip.

Tch, blackmailing. I wish he'd just ask me for a fúck instead of that. What kind of blackmailing is that?! He doesn't even gain anything other than watch me suffer.

Jace didn't even realize that Elise approached their table to give him another Ham sandwich. "Hey Fab Fágs, here's your—“

All of a sudden Jace slammed his cup on the table earning the attention of others. "I JUST HATE IT WHEN IT'S OUT OF MY CONTROL!" He yelled subconsciously.

It's the equivalent of a trigger since his ego cannot take processing a situation where he's being held away from being in charge of his life, or situation.

Jace just realized what he had done and Jax was mortified. The whole cafe was silent, but he didn't blush in embarrassment. He glared at Victor's way, meeting his eyes before taking his wallet out and slamming down the first bill he pulled out, which was a hundred bucks.

"Buy your sister ice cream with the change," Jace muttered before storming out of the shop. He said that because Jax isn't the one to accept money from him because of rich-friend perks, so he had to say the money was for Tyra. Everything Jax works for is for his sister anyways.

Jace ran into an alley where he hid from street view, pushing his back against the brick wall of a music shop. He bent down and grasped his knees with his hands, breathing heavily.

I'm gonna teach that bastard. That... that nerdy... Wal-mart Clark Kent but Gucci Peter Parker!

He had to get away from there because one, he acted crazy, two, he didn't want Jax knowing that his aight-ness is being challenged by a hunk with glasses, and three, he didn't want Jax to know that he didn't fúck the man with glasses yet, something he would've done in a wink of his eyes.

Apparently, one with Rolex watches and golden necklaces shouldn't wander off in an alley.

Three boys who look old enough to be in prison and outfits old enough to be the 'hip' in the '90s approached Jace.

"Well, what do we have here...?"

"Says 90% of wanna-be thugs who find a human being in so-called 'territory' other than half-eaten food by street cats," Jace retorted. "By the way... no undergraduates can claim territories. You can't even claim a house. "

The one wearing a beanie took Jace by the collar and smashed him against the brick wall. "Watch your mouth, noodle-head! Or I'll cut off your hand instead of just taking the watch."

"It's nice how you identify my hair after the food you've been eating since your mom disowned you."

"Bitch!" The beanie guy punched Jace's perfect face, and Jace can already feel the sting of his teeth scratching his inner lip.

Jace doesn't really have a death wish, he's just really bored, that's why he's killing himself by pissing them off.

"You punch like one," he spat.

The tallest one in front of him kneed him in the gut and he groaned, hunching over and hissing out a curse.

They immediately mumbled and pulled out his Rolex and his jewelry, except for the spiked earring he wore because they believe it's just plastic.

Jace stood there and grinned at their stupidity, My black emerald earring cost 15,000 dollars, cheap bastards.

After stripping the boy off gold and silver they pushed him to the ground and the other two started kicking him.

"Got anything to say, spoiled rat?" beanie man said as he kicked Jace's head to the other side.

"Y-yes... I was..." He spat out blood, "I was going to say 'prison soap' jokes... but then I remember how that feels good and I don't want you to know the feeling..." Jace laughed despite the situation because he believes his joke is dank as fúck.

The tallest guy pulled him up by the hair, "Little faggo-!"

"Get lost," Jace remembered that voice, all too well.

He shifted his gaze to where Victor stood, hands-on what seemed to be a white pistol with a black silencer. He seemed too calm and Jace even suspected of him enjoying the sight of his precious face beat up.

The men cursed, but refused to move and instead braces in their fighting position.

"Ayo, drop that pallet gun you--" a sharp hushed bang goes the gun as the shape bullets hit the trashcan beside them. The gun was real.

"Shít man, let's bail!" Said one and the guy threw Jace on the ground making him land on his palms and ass, stinging. They ran and jumped/climbed over a fence via a dumpster.

Jace had his head down. His shoulders jerked up and down as if he was sobbing.

Victor approached him. "Ford..." Keeping his gun inside his coat, he reached out to the boy. His torso was still jerking.

Sighing, Victor removed his coat (pushing the gun in his belt) and wrapped it around Jace's shoulder. "Your friend should take care of your bruises."

Suddenly Jace threw his head up and Victor realized he had been laughing the whole time with a face beaten up. His eyes were teary, his cheeks flushed, and his lips stretched despite being cut. He chuckled as if it was the most amusing thing he had ever seen.

"Ahahaha...!" He cackled loudly. He wheezed and he didn't stop laughing. "You should've seen their faces!"

Victor's blank face became more of an irritated one as he knelt to his level. "You got robbed and you almost got killed."

Jace spat another batch of saliva mixed with blood on the pavement, still laughing loudly and clutching his aching stomach. "It's all ten cents to me."

This brat, Victor pursed his lips. "Ford..."

In a flash, the laughter was gone and Victor got pulled towards Jace by his collar. "You bastard... don't call me Ford, you're not the president in these streets anymore!"

Victor was still calm, silently admiring an angry Jace. "You're pissed because of our deal?"

"Hell yeah, I am! I'm Jace Ford! To fúck is on my agenda! You can't just blackmail me into--" to add to his frustration, Victor leaned in and planted his lips on Jace's nagging ones. It definitely shut him up until he pushed the glasses-wearing president away from him.

He stood up, eyes fuming. "Ugh, stop being so unpredictable! What are you thinking?! What do you want? What do you gain from me not having sex with people!"

He screamed rather than raise his intonation as a question. He hated being out of control, he hated the fact that it's Victor that he can't read.

Victor pushed himself up but Jace kept on ranting. "You know I could care less that Calvin goes to jail... I don't gain anything from it and I don't get affected other than a few statements! But I swear, if his kids are taken away from him I will—" he stopped. He didn't want to seem like he cared at all. Now he believes he looks sappy as hell.

Since 8-year-olds, Jace and Jason Ford lived with their single mother, since their dad left them for another boy, yes someone young enough to be his son. The fact that Jace is doing the same (without commitment) to Sir Calvin's family is not something he wants to digest. Sir Calvin doesn't deserve his kids and his wife, he's a cheating bastard, Jace thought. But the kids need a father. Jace knows how it feels to grow up knowing that Daddy just wants sex with 18-year-olds. He could've tolerated that, but he left them like disposable garbage. Something he can't emotionally handle.

"What do you want, Strauss?" Jace questioned with stress. "Do you want to sleep with me? Do you want me all to yourself?"

Imagining the idea, Jace thought it wasn't bad. If I'm not allowed to have séx without a relationship... he'll be my séx in our relationship. A malicious aura surrounded an unsmiling Jace.

Jace stepped towards Victor, hands seductively grazing his skin. "Do you want that, Victor? I'm not breaking any rules if I'm exclusively yours... is that why you don't want me fúcking other people...?"

"I'm calling your friend to take you home." Victor turned to leave and walk away but as he does so, Jace behind him hunched over and puked all over the alley floors.

Jace cursed, shít I look pathetic walk away damn it. Instead, Victor sighed and put Jace's arms around him and his arms in Jace's waist under his own coat. "I'll just take you home."

Jace grunted, "Your home...?"

"Your home."

Jace chuckled at this, maybe puking is a good idea... He started responding to the pain instead of gutting it in, groaning here and there. "Ahh... my house is an hour ride from here... You know, an estate."

Victor sighed at the cheeky boy. "Hospital."

"If you take me to the place where nurses wear masks instead of people with contagious disease then I'll beat you up myself," Jace growled. But actually, he's just claustrophobic of all the white that's in there.

"Fine. Ours is just 15 minutes away. I'll stitch you up there."

later on,

Victor Strauss ended up taking Jace Ford to a condominium building via taxi. Jace was sure Victor came to the cafe from a car but shut his mouth about it. Victor helped him walk through the lobby and into the elevator, going up to the 16th floor. From the elevator to the condo unit, he had to carry Jace on his back.

"Wow," Jace gawked at the place when they entered, him piggybacking on Victor.

He shouldn't be surprised since it is a rather luxurious residency building, but he didn't expect Victor to be this luxurious. They went in a taxi, and Victor isn't actually the one you'd guess as someone who has so much money. All that is known about the Strauss family is their high reputation in Germany.

Jace let out a grunt when he was placed on a sofa. "You must be a big shot, living here..."

"I live with my brother..." Victor responded.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice made Jace jump in his seat. "And your brother is really happy you ditched him, bastard."

A young boy was sitting unnoticeably in a chair located in the veranda in front of the sofa he was sitting on. He was too quiet, maybe that's why Jace didn't notice him.

It was the same guy Victor went in the cafe with. The boy had dirty blonde hair and dull, pale blue eyes that stared at Jace as if he was some pest without using other facial muscles. He could curse people with those eyes, unlike Victor's who will silently judge you. He's skinny... almost too skinny, that he looks like a dead skeleton wearing a black blazer. At least the guy has style but damn, sleep a little... Jace thought referencing the natural darkness in his eyes that almost mimicked a messy eyeliner...or is he actually wearing one? His eyes have hollowness I'm them that the darkness made itself at home.

The guy seemed miserable but at least he found comfort in glaring at Jace. A shiver ran through his spine. At least Victor's scariness is approachable... this guy looks like Hot Topic meets Tumblr serial killers.

He hears Victor's voice from around the kitchen. "At least I left the keys for you, Rye. Calm down."

"At least I didn't run over pedestrians, fucktard...they'd look worse than this one." His younger brother growled in a normal voice before Victor strolled in the living room with a first aid kit.

Jace's face contorted in insult. Before he can mutter a comeback Victor announced, "That's Orion. Excuse his attitude, Jace. He idolizes the Joker and just wants the world to burn."

"In detail," Jace hears Orion mutter under his breath.

"Go to your room, Rye."

"Gladly. Wouldn't want to see fággots making out."


The guy stood up, and Jace saw that the guy was not as tall as Victor, only very noticeable since his height didn't really match up to his skin and bones of a figure. Yet he hunches, so he must be taller than what he seems. Orion sneered at Jace before rushing off and disappearing.

"Ugh Victor, give him some of your manners," Jace cringed as the other me sat down beside him.

"He does have my manners, I just know how to pretend to like and respect people." He bluntly said.

"Now take off your clothes."

Jace scoffed, "You have to get me coffee first."

"That's not---" Victor sighed. This was Jace Ford, after all, King of séxual innuendos. "I saved your ass earlier."

"So now you wanna fúck it?" Jace laughed.

Victor grunted. "For fúck's sake..." Victor pulled Jace's shirt up himself and undressed the boy's torso, however the moment the clothing slipped up Jace's fingers he leaned over and engulf Victor in an abrupt kiss.

This was what he preferred. Being in control. He tasted the caramel in Victor's tongue which he didn't get the chance to earlier. Victor can taste the copper tinge of the cut Jace has on his lips.

If he's not gonna be fucking anybody, he's gonna fuck this Student Body President now or any other day, and even Orion can't bitch about it. He's gonna have Victor Strauss wrapped around his finger as he did with Sir Calvin.

But who is Victor Strauss?

Victor Schliemann-Strauss, the name drenched with authority and sensibility. A 19-year-old senior, he runs Carvalle Secondary Educational Academy as a Student Body President. The school itself is a name of prestige, with branches all around the world, even defying the common title of High School. Him being responsible for all 2 thousand students definitely is something a sociopathic Jace Ford will play with.

Little to nothing is known about his background, except that his family runs a successful 'company' in Germany. The vagueness of the facts led students to speculate the Strauss' business ranging from Mafias to Russian political affairs.

This stems from the fact that Victor's mother is German and his father is Russian, though none really knew about any of them. One thing is for sure; Victor is loaded. He may not be wearing expensive accessories or buying sports cars like Jace, but the school built an entire dorm room thanks to the Strauss', their donor.

Personality-wise, Victor is stiff and serious with no humor whatsoever, even struggled with sarcasm. He always looks like a hollow block with a lot going on inside, the man just has a strong filter to keep his words composed. If not, he would've cursed on Jace like a madman.

He has a definite high IQ rating since he perfects any exam. Though he claims to study for days over it and "if you're listening to the teacher, there's no need for studying", they say otherwise. If he had been in Jace's year, the 3rd year senior is on the bottom compared to him.

So nothing is really out of place when Victor is being responsible. He is composed, he is accepting of any form of differences, he doesn't care about other people's business as long as their business doesn't involve hurting others.

Personality-wise, Victor Strauss is another rich, genius, and a very boring kind that's bound to be President of the country someday. Jace seems to think that. Anyone who thinks so is incorrect.

"Why won't you tell me about your family?" Jace whined after Victor rejected his 17th question about where he came from.

"Curiosity kills the cat, Jace." He quietly murmured as he dabbed Povidone Iodine against a scraped knee.

Jace snapped his fingers sassily, "But satisfaction brought it back! Hah!"

Victor stopped the gentle dabs and looked up at the annoying male, squinting his eyes making Jace uncomfortable. Is that what I look like when I look at people? Damn, no wonder they want to fúck with me.

"What made you think I want to satisfy you?" He smirked in a sexy husky voice. Jace felt his abdomen stir in arousal.

"Ngh, I really want to fúck you now, Strauss!" He whined, throwing his head back. He was fighting not to get hard when Victor's face is literally one foot away from his crotch. In addition, he hasn't had séx since they talked which was two days ago.

Jace could easily fúck without him knowing. But the point of being a séx god is for people to talk about it to their friends and brag about him. Besides, anybody who got the honor of touching Jace under any of his clothes couldn't keep a secret about their achievement. And Victor Strauss is the fúcking President in Carvalle.

Jace pouted at the irritated Victor, "Why won't you fúck me, Vicky?" He said in a whiny, childish voice.

"Because," was all he replied before taping a gauze into his knee with a medical tape. He sighed as he turned to move into his lip, glad that Jace wouldn't be able to talk for a while.

"Wait!" Jace exclaimed. "I'll answer any question if you answer mine."

Victor was silent as he stared at him.

"Anything! Absolutely anything! If you don't want me snitching about your parents then..." Jace inhaled uneasily, "I wouldn't want you snitching about mine. We could be anti-snitch buddies."

Why is he even curious about Victor's family? Simple answer, he wanted to know Victor more as a person. It's a crucial step to manipulation. Stalk, observe, hint, move. From innocent favors to sex, that was the whole ordeal with control. Know who and what they are as a person, observe how they solve and react to everything, hint your intentions for them to know and not resist it, move.

Jace simply cannot stalk a social media-less Victor and even the school record didn't give details of his childhood, family, interests and etc. Victor is unobservable because this wooden plank with blue eyes is just so unpredictable and so hard to read.

"Victor," Jace begged with his eyes. "Kill my curiosity?"

Victor sighed, staring at the floor hesitantly. Is he really considering it? Does he really have something to ask me? "Fine, what is it."

"Tell me how you grew up." And as Jace flinch and hiss at the antiseptics Victor applied, he had told him the story.

He was raised in a strict family. Growing up in America with his thick German accent he was always teased by racist 9-year-olds screaming "Nazi" at him. He got rid of his accent and spoke in an American accent. Because of the bullying, he never really talked about his European descent. Because his parents were somewhat similar to what they teased him about.

Victor grew up being yelled at every time he makes the tiniest noise at the dinner table. They were sent to bed at 7 and any movement in their bedrooms that indicates they are still awake will earn him a spanking. Every pet he owns will be killed because of pooping anywhere except the $ 250 litter box. How strict were his parents? He hasn't heard of a phone until he was 15.

15 was when he met his half-brother, Orion. 15 was when his family crumbled down. Turns out his father had another kid with a prostitute and when he was convicted of raping another woman, his illegitimate son was brought to our home because his mother couldn't fend for him.

Victor's mother was furious and attempted to kill Orion. So he took the poor boy and they ran away to their mother's parent's house, in which only Victor was treated well and not Orion. Victor protected Orion for one year until his grandparent's son, Victor's uncle, adopted them as their own because he and his wife couldn't have kids.

The parents he knows as of now are his Uncle and Aunt, both living in Germany owning a huge manufacturing company and dealership. Now Jace knows why Orion always looks like he wants to murder him, the boy's been through a lot. And even though he curses his own brother, Victor still chooses to protect the child that ruined his family.

Victor never wanted that family anyways. They were homophobic, racist, bigots, and hypocrites. So he loves Orion for taking him away from that family. They were happy now.

"So..." Victor placed the last band-aid on Jace's sterilized forehead, "Satisfaction?"

All the malice drained out of Jace. He doesn't pity him, he doesn't feel bad... especially for the kid that's gonna be a future serial killer... because Jace Ford lacks what everyone else has, empathy. He feels nothing. He doesn't feel awed at Victor's story, he doesn't feel bad for what they've been through. But he was hushed because it says so much about Victor's character.

After a few moments of unawkward staring, Jace sighed. "Satisfied. Though disappointed you're not an alien. I guess it's my turn, hit me." He flatly said.

Victor leaned into him, and the curly-headed sociopath blushes at the way he was aiming for a kiss. Victor didn't kiss him, he only leaned to get a better look to search for honesty in his eyes. "Why are you, Jace Ford?"

"What kind of question is that," Jace scoffed.

"Why, are you Jace Ford?" Victor repeated. "If you tell me, I might take you up on that offer."

Jace's eyes widened. Oh yes please Daddy, but... he cursed. He knows what Victor meant.

"My Dad left us for someone else. A 20-year-old boy. I was 9 at the time. I saw my mother break. That was the last time I felt empathy. I never wanted to feel what she felt on that day. Heartbreak.... scared me. I started avoiding girls like a plague, I started cringing at the mention of séx.

Then, puberty came. I couldn't help it. And not only was I wanting to fúck a girl, but I also want to fúck a guy and want a guy to fúck me. I found out séx without commitment was a thing, so I started doing it."

He answered as if it was nothing. It really wasn't, Victor caught on. "You answered the question "Why does Jace Ford do that", not "Why are you, Jace Ford."

Jace squirmed in his seat, his ears vividly red. The way Victor said that just made him extremely hard. He wanted that fúck right then and there.

"I'm... I'm Jace Ford because..." He tried forming words in his brain because it's something that cannot be expressed in words.

"I want somebody to love me. To fall in love with me. But I know where that will lead to. And I couldn't find undefeated love by waiting. So I make people love me. I make people obsessed with me. They'll be attached to me so hard that even if there's a 20-year-old hot twink standing around they'd still stay. I use manipulation to make people stay, I use them to get whatever I want, and I wouldn't have to get hurt by it..."

He didn't know it, but his eyes stung. There's still a part of Jace that yearns for love. That love. The perfect one that his parents had. Surprised kisses, back scratches, piggyback rides... all broken because somebody was a better fúck than his mother.

"I'm Jared Ace Ford because I want to feel good without feeling bad," Jace swung his arms around Victor's neck, inhaling his scent. "Now...fúck me, Strauss," he purred in Victor's ear.

"Our deal is—"

Jace pulled him tighter, "Then make me your lover!" He whispered with gritted teeth.

Jace's mind was clouded with what he had just said earlier, what Victor made him say. He hated it, he wanted to forget. Victor was making him feel the memories he wanted to dispose of, and he was going to get pleasurably fúcked by him as a punishment.

Jace's knee grinds into Victor's tight crotch, despite the denim tights he can still feel the arousal coupled with Victor's hesitant breath. "Make me your lover, Vic... Make me your bítch... Make me your slút... Fúck me as hard as you want, a brat like me deserves it, eh?"

After sealing his fate, Victor grabbed onto Jace's neck and pulled him away before smashing his lips into the boy's bruised ones, the sociopath smiling into what would be his next victory. He groaned in anticipation as Victor's one hand traveled from his neck to his shoulder, then down his sides. He was deathly hard.

Victor growled against the kiss. He had his own plans, he made his own conclusions. Jace Ford may be a Sociopath, but Victor Strauss is a Psycho.



This Monday, Jace Ford slammed his locker close. A girl with fake glasses and a top so cropped it classified as a bra approached him, leaning on the lockers as people stare when they passed by.

"So, Jace... are we still meeting after cheer practice?" She asked. Makayla or Mackenzie... honey, take those glasses off...

Currently in the mood to kill a moose, Jace faced her and smiled sarcastically. He took her small jaw in his hands gently and pulled her close, licking his lips while watching her plump ones.

"I wouldn't miss it, princess..." He leaned in, but as their lips brush he paused. Victor was in his peripherals, it was evident with all the other students rushing around and his motionless body standing and observing.

Jace smiled, before pushing his tongue inside her mouth, and she welcomed him with her bubblegum-scented kiss. Jace shifted and opened his eyes, staring straight at Victor. The bastard watches, Jace crept his hand into her neck and basically fúcked her with his tongue, looking at Victor once in a while to make sure he gets the message.

Pulling away, he swears he can see stars in this girl's eyes. He ran his thumb over her lips romantically, "Gorgeous..."

Yet all he can associate with that word is himself, and Victor. Mostly himself, nobody can outshine him. But Victor.... he cursed, wanting him so much his díck starts to harden. Fuck him.

After leaving the girl, he passed by Victor with a deadly aura.

I am Jace Ford. JACE. FORD. That guy DARED to fúcking REJECT ME?! How fúcking dare he. How.... dare... Ugh!

He got seated, squinting his eyes at any of his classmates who dare look at him. Jace was disheveled today. His curly hair was sticking out in all places, he got bags under his eyes because of being puzzled on why somebody rejects an offer of a lifetime, and he is paler than usual. He was getting tired of rubbing chapsticks over his dry lips.

Yet, everyone still finds him dashing today because it's him. They thought it's just a new look and they are loving it. Why was he so stressed over rejection you may ask? Welcome to the life of a sociopath.

He smashed his head on the desk making the majority of the class look over to his seat. The teacher called on him, asking if he was okay, and he raised his head and answered, "Yes." Right before smashing his head into the desk again.

Fearful and somewhat weirded out, the teacher continued.

Can I just ask Sir Calvin for another fúck? He remembered Victor stayed late. Fúck.

"Fúck. That. Nerd. Geek. Son. Of. A...." He mumbled in incomprehensive words against the desk. Wait, I can say his mom is a bítch, right? She technically is.

Jace literally offered his body exclusively for Victor. And he denied. That was enough to put Jace over the edge.

Having enough of literally nothing else in his mind but, Jace Ford got rejected. Jace Ford got rejected by a European Clark Kent with the power of anti-boner, he waited until everyone in Carvalle got home.

The Student Council and other officers are going to patrol the place, but after observation and recent flirting with the school body secretary, he found out that Victor commonly checks the whole fifth floor where the faculty rooms are and one of the libraries.

In exactly six minutes, he will be alone on that floor with the Vice off to inspect the third floor. As luxurious as Carvalle may be, it is not the janitor or the security's job to inspect after school hours. They patrol after 6 pm, and nighttime onwards. Their job is to look for intruders or trespassers.

The student officers' job is to make sure no student will stay after class hours or be locked in. Also, to prevent any horn dogs fúcking in the nooks and crannies of the school. Since the ones patrolling are also teenagers, they know the best place to look.

Jace spots Victor entering the 2nd library, the one which officers mostly hang out. Calmly with his air-infused feet, he entered without a sound. His stomach tingled from all the frustration, plus the days of not being fúcked haunt him.

Without facing the door, he closed it not bothering to lock. As Victor was scanning the books of any misplacement, Jace wrapped his slender but tough arms around Victor's torso, saying nothing.

"Ford," he blankly acknowledge his presence, yet also question why he was here at late hours.

"You were jealous earlier."

"I was watching if you were to engage in intercourse when our deal is still intact," Victor replied.

Jace whined, his grip tightening. "Why that kind of deeeaaal? I'm starting to lose my patience, I won't even care if Calvin gets arrested."

Victor stepped away from his grasp and went on to return books to their shelves.

"You care about your reputation, Ford. Fúcking teachers are a whole other thing."

"I'm starting to not care about that too," Jace licked his lips. After receiving no answer, he walked towards Victor smirking, until he was beside the guy and leaning on the table.

"If you—"

"I'm not having séx with you, Ford."

"Oh~" Jace sighed exaggeratedly. "I guess I'll have to go fúck someone else than kill myself. I'll start with your brother."

"He'll kill you."

Jace lifted himself off and sauntered away. "Sounds good to me. I wonder how outcast díck feels—"

All of a sudden, he was slammed into a shelf and was cornered by Victor's broad form. He didn't wince but moaned because of the pain.

"Would it kill you to stop seducing people for once?" Victor whispered.

"Yes." Was the answer.

Victor sighed, "You can fúck anyone that you're in a relationship with."

Hell no. "But I want you."

Victor let go of him, but Jace didn't move. They remained an inch close to each other.

"Leave," says Victor.

"Aw come on, don't be a nazi..." The joke was out of context but Jace felt the other guys clench. "Is it because you hate gays? Are you gonna send me to a concentration camp?"


"I'll concentrate on sucking your díck," the way Jace spat the last word made it clear that he wants a word from him.

"Ford, shut up and leave."

Standing on his toes, Jace pushed his mouth towards Victor's ear. "Or what?" He whispered sultry before darting his tongue out and licking Victor's earlobe.

Then, in clear but accented German Jace whispered, "I'm yours to destroy."

In a flash, his curly hair was pulled back and he was shoved to the floor. Looking up at Victor, he laughs. Striking his nerve by racial insults were examples of Jace's impulsive nature. He was going to get ragefúcked if that's the only way.

Then the president said in German that almost made Jace cum, "I'll [fúcking] give you what you want, then bítch."

Unbuckling his belt, Victor pulled Jace by the hair again which the curl totally enjoyed. Jace's eyes bulged at the sight of Victor's huge hard-on, and he felt torn between being jealous that he was bigger than his own or feeling hungry to have that destroy him. As expected from the tall nerd.

Jace licked his lips as Victor commanded, "Suck."

Jace immediately grabbed hold of the package and swirled his tongue around the huge bulbous tip before engulfing it with his lips. He put some 4 inches in and let his tongue explore to make it moist before pulling away to suck the tip, cheeks hollow.

His blue eyes were on Victor's the whole time and the way Jace's eyes wandered in oblivion as if in a dreamy state made it hard for Victor to prevent raping his mouth.

"Ford..." He grunted when Jace started bobbing his head up and down, his hand pumping the few inches that he left out. He also squeezed Victor's balls and even goes down to lick them.

"Mmm..." Jace breathed in a throaty moan before running his tongue sideways on the shaft and letting it rest on his cheeks before licking his lips. "Am I breaking our deal?"

No, because you're mine... Victor thought but didn't make a word. He threw his head back as Jace started déepthroating him, his tip feeling the soft and moist tissue of the back of his throat. It was heavenly.

Victor wasn't one to finish early and Jace loves this fact. His hips eventually jerked to go deeper within Jace's mouth and those grunts of choking became music to his ears.

In the times that Jace moans and Victor feels the vibrations in his throat, he curses in Russian, sometimes even Italian.

Jace smiles, for someone who studies up different lingual curse words to get away with cursing his family, he was very amused.

Victor felt himself build up after minutes of his còck being licked and worshiped by the one and only Jace Ford. The hand gripping Jace's hair loosened up but the pace of his hips is still fast and making sure he hits the uvula to stretch it out because it is heavenly. Jace is just subjected to anything that comes as long as he can get the pleasure of being used by his blackmailer.

Victor cursed in Russian again. "Fúck, Jace...you little....fúcking..." Then proceeded to string a line of curses as he blew up in Jace's waiting mouth.

Slender finger wrapped around his còck and milked everything out into Jace's horny mouth. He swallowed every drop cleanly, smiling in victory.

After zipping himself up, Victor leaned into the shelves, head down. Jace frowned at how he couldn't read body language. Was he guilty? Frustrated? Happy? Fúck Victor and his ability to not be read.

"Jace..." He breathes out in a heavy German accent, the original one he grew up with. He knelt at Jace's level. "Are you sure you want to take this path?"

Without thinking and too enticed by his mouth being violated Jace replied, "Yes..."

"Then..." Victor pulled Jace in for a kiss and he smiled.

Did Victor just smile? Jace widened his eyes. He has never seen the man smile before. Smirk, yes...but with both corners turned upwards...

"...then you are mine and mine only. Come."

later on,

Jace was too stunned. Something changed. Not just gradually changed due to second thoughts...something snapped.

Inside Victor, and inside Jace. There was all lust, and now Jace can feel the other guy's lust towards him. They rushed to Victor's car and arrived in the condominium building in less than 7 minutes. Apparently, this guy knows how to get around traffic.

Jace was dragged from the lobby doors to the elevator. When it closed, Victor pressed his floor and immediately pushed Jace against the walls and into a heated make-out session where both of them know where it will lead to.

When the elevator doors opened Victor hauled Jace out and made out with him in hunger right at the door as Victor unlocks the thing. When pushed inside, Jace immediately sheds his jacket and pulled his shirt off.

"What about your brother?"

"He can take the hint." Victor hauled him to the bedroom and pushed him on the grey-covered modern bed.

"Oooh... I like witnesses, can he join us instead?"

Jace was met with a possessive peck. "No, mine only," Victor growled in german.

Jace was loving this confusing but satisfying change of attitude. He moaned out loud when Victor licked one of his nipples, his hands pulling Jace's ripped skinny jeans off.

"V-Vic!" Jace gasped when Victor wrapped his fingers over Jace's hardened rod. He can hear Victor's hoarse breath as he pulls away, taking off his clothes except for the pants which he took off incredibly slow.

"You're absolutely beautiful..."

Jace laughed, running a hand through his curls. "Tell me something I don't know..."

Victor smirked and nodded to the side table, in which Jace got the idea and took the lube from the drawers.

"Do yourself," says Victor. Damn, Jace bit his lips, utterly turned on at Victor's natural accent. Seriously, fúck those bullies who caused him to get rid of the accent. Jace would be humping him the first word he utters.

There goes another fetish...

Jace spread his legs wide to give himself access to his hole. He poured lube on it and put his finger over it, coating his digits with it. Victor watches with hungry eyes. And Jace loves the attention.

With two fingers, he pushed them in his own hole, abdomen tingling with excitement so he wrapped his other hand on his cóck, pumping teasingly. He moaned out when he pushes them further back in, then back out.

Victor's breathing pattern started to shift. Jace giggled, moving his fingers around to stretch the entrance for a whole minute. He was used to being impaled, but in order to accommodate Victor's girth without bleeding the next morning, he had to do work.

He even pushed in a third finger and fúcked himself there grunting and moaning imagining his digits were Victor's, so he pumps his cóck faster. Eventually, he removes one finger and separates the two, opening his hole.

"Victor...I need you, please..." He moaned in broken German like the little séx deprived whóre he is.

Victor wasted no time and grabbed Jace's one leg and straightened it to his torso. He positioned himself to his hips and Jace used his lubricated hand to slick up his member. Victor rubs his tip on the entrance and coated it with the liquid.

He pushed a few inches in and Jace's throat is already stretched out, his head bent upwards. "Big... b-big..." He gasped.

"Bigger than Calvin?"

Jace exhaled to find the strength to remark, "Would I be complaining if it wasn't?"

Victor pushed all of him inside, unable to hold everything in.

"Ahhh! Ahfúck, fúck, fúck, fúck..." Jace breathed to relax because he can't handle his prostate being stretched out along with his walls.

"Hahh...Victor, fúck me and fúck me hard, I'm not a virgin for you to stop for---nggh!" Victor started digging has deep into him, their hips clashing.

"Oh yes... oh motherfúcking yes....!" Jace replaced his chanting with breaths and curses, unable to process the amazing thing going on in his lóin. Not to mention he didn't notice Victor starting to pump it as fast as the díck buried in his áss.

"V... Victor... V-Vic... tor...!" Jace groaned.

For a few more minutes they fucked like that, until jets of Jace's sperm start to shoot out and stain his torso and some on his chin, yet Victor didn't stop pumping. "Ahhh...my babies, you're milking me dry..." He joked despite being out of breath.

With an angry whisper, Victor felt so overwhelmed by his new territory. "Mine."

Once Jace felt a ripple inside of him and his insides were filled with semen, he thought he had his fill. Up until Victor flipped him around and he knew it was gonna be a long night.



I love it Im so excited for this book less gooo