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Chapter 8

Troy finds it really hard to ignore Jeannie nowadays. Back then, he didn´t care if she was at the kitchen, passing by next to him. Before, he sometimes didn´t even rose his gaze from his cell phone to look at her when she talked. But now, now it was inevitable!

Sometimes, while he was sitting at the couch, just wasting some time around, checking on his social media, he heard her. The elegant, yet heavy, steps of the amazon woman.

Troy turned, without even thinking. And there she was. A stunning beauty.

Jeannie´s been doing some more growing, but the doctor at the clinic said her height should settle soon. Still, she was now a 7´10” amazon.

She wore an “oversized” shirt. Which to him, would´ve been a robe. On her, the giant shirt barely covered her big, enlarged butt. Her legs were bare, and he wasn´t even sure if she was wearing underwear.

It was an easy Sunday evening, not much to do around, except looking at the amazon he had for a girlfriend. He never thought he´d feel so attracted, so teased by her mere looks. She wasn´t even trying to look hot, now, the amazon beauty had that effect on her own.

Walking around the house, at an imposing size, and with some impossible curves she had. Troy had no chance, she won´t escape his eyes now.

As she opened the fridge for an evening snack, she bent over. The shirt rising up her big, round, perfect butt. He stared, up and down, at the entire length of her luscious legs. So plump, so long, so firm, simply… hot!

Jeannie became a striking beauty. Her body, growing sexier as she grew taller. Her curves were more prominent, more sensuous. If she had wanted, she could´ve become a model of her own brand. But she was a bit too busy with her personal project. Just a few more weeks and they will make an announcement. She´s so excited!

Back to the amazon before the fridge. The whole thing seemed so tiny. The fridge stood at almost 6´2”, compared to the amazon, it wasn´t even at her shoulder level. Much less when she wears her heels.

Custom sized heels. Actually, all of her clothes are custom size. Well, she can wear some XXXL clothes, but they don´t have the fit she likes. They are often lose, baggy on her sensuous frame. She likes to feel a perfectly tight fit over her perfect body.

She pushed the fridge´s door closed and turned around. From her high position, she could spot Troy´s face looking at her as she carried half of a chocolate cake.

Something else she loves is how much she can eat. To eat as much as her and not have to worry about her figure. She could´ve eaten the whole cake and that would have no effect on her figure. If anything, maybe it can make her curves thicker and hotter. Give her a slightly plump, thick figure. But that may be too much.

As she can see on his lover´s face, Troy can barely handle looking at her.

“My,” she said, taking a bite of a slice of cake. “Are you looking at the cake… or me?” the answer was obvious, he was looking at her!

He didn´t even notice the cake on her hands. His eyes were lost on her enormous cleavage. Her breasts were big, heavy, and so perky. He could spot her nipples on the semi-transparent shirt she wore.

“I… I…” He started, but no words could come out as he struggled not to get too hard from the mere looks of her.

“Shh, it´s ok. Let me finish this and I´ll get to you, honey…” she feels she´s got some power over him.

Of course, her looks, her aroma, everything on her seems to be intoxicating to his mind. Now, she holds more power, not only because she´s close to being two whole feet taller than him, but because of the effect she has on him.

He´s more respectful. More attentive. And surely, he stares at her, peeps at her body; runs his eyes over her magnificent body, paying close attention to each of her sensuous curves. But she doesn´t mind. He´s so attracted to her. She feels as if he was eating right from the palm of her hand.

But that´s not quite what she wants. His love, that´s all she cares about. To have his attention, to come home and have her lover ready to provide all the love she needs. That´s what she likes.

Now, Jeannie´s got his attention. Every time she comes into the room, she´s got all of his attention. He´s completely focused on her body. So what if he stares? He´s allowed. He´s her boyfriend, she doesn´t care if he looks a bit at her butt, a little at her boobs. Not even if he´s gawking at her. That´s just a proof that she´s the one and only woman on his mind.

The only one he dreams of. The only woman he lusts for. But sometimes… sometimes people come and make her doubt…

“He´s cheating on you!” Danielle said later on.

It was a different day. Now, Jeannie was outside by the pool. Trying to get some tan done.

Jeannie pulled her sunglasses and turned at her daughter. Troy, cheating? What´s up with her?

First, she sighed, and then she asked: “Danielle, seriously, don´t make false accusations. What makes you think my precious Troy might be cheating on me?”

“Precious? Ugh, that´s disgusting. There´s nothing good about that jerk.” Was Danielle first answer.

“Excuse me but, I didn’t ask for your opinion. Now tell me, why are you saying such horrendous things?” Jeannie didn´t want to get mad at her own daughter.

Danielle was her only daughter. And the fact that the 5´8” woman was looking so small to her 7´11” mommy, well, Jeannie was starting to feel a little bad if she was going to get mad at her. Picturing herself reprimanding her was not fair, based on size, of course. But making those accusations. Does she even have proof?

“Here. I got a video of him at a jewelry store…” A video? Danielle´s got a video?

“How… where does this come from?” Jeannie asked as she took a sit and grabbed Danielle´s phone.

The phone seemed so small on Jeannie´s big hands. Even while sitting, Jeannie was above Danielle´s shoulder level, close to her eyebrow level.

“I just… have it. That´s not important.” Danielle really didn´t like Troy.

It was illogical, almost impossible for her to conceive the fact that a man like him could still be interested on her mother.

Danielle´s not saying her mother´s ugly. She´s pretty in any means you can think of. However, she´s grown tall, very tall. If Troy´s just a man looking for money, chasing her wealth, shouldn´t he run away by now?

Jeannie´s almost EIGHT-FEET-TALL! Any man would´ve run away. However, maybe the monetary aspect of their relationship keeps them together. Keeps him there.

“How tiny…” Jeannie said as she scrutinized her daughter´s phone.

“Gosh, just play the video!” Danielle complaint.

Seconds later, there he was. Troy, walking inside the store. Jeannie knew the jewelry. She often visits that place. In fact, she´s a well-known customer. And she has some discounts too. Which, if she was to believe on what Danielle says, could be a way for him to get cheaper jewelry.

“Look! He´s about to talk to that lady…” Danielle pointed.

“Seriously, how do you have this?” Jeannie asked.

“That´s not important.” Danielle hired someone to follow Troy. She thought he had a lover, a secret life. Seriously, how could someone want to live with her mother? At that size, she must be a pain in the ass!

They kept watching the video. Troy seemed to be looking for something. He talked to that lady. A young, blonde lady. Who seemed pretty, and close to Troy´s age.

“Look! He´s making her smile.” Danielle didn´t find no lover, or any other thing as good. But she found this.

“So what? Troy´s charismatic. That´s not a crime.” Jeannie said, upset.

They kept looking at the video. Troy asked the lady to show him a couple things. Collars, bracelets, earrings. All the while, Jeannie was trying to understand what was wrong with it.

“Mom, it´s obvious. He´s flirting with her!” Danielle said.

“What? That´s not…”

“Just look, he asks her for some items. Then, he asks her to try some of them on. And, next thing you know, he asks the lady out for coffee. A date, two maybe, and then she takes her to bed!”

“Young lady, how dare you say such things!”

“Mom, I´m a grown woman. I know how this works.”

“Listen, even if that was some sort of… plan, he hasn´t ask the lady to…” He didn´t ask the lady to try anything on, yet. But as she turned back at the video, he literally did.

He even helped the lady put on a necklace. It was golden, pretty, and it seemed expensive.

“First, he´s trying to impress her. Maybe he´ll tell he he´s got money and…”

“Shut up! I´ll watch the whole video and then, you may talk.” Jeannie was starting to get suspicious on this.

Troy seemed to be doing what Danielle said he was. Smiling, nodding. That lady also smiled. Were they just being polite or was there something else behind those smiles?

At some point, and for a moment, he touched her hand. Normally, she wouldn´t have cared, but Danielle put so much on her mind. What was that? A mere touch? Or something more?

Then, at the end of the video, she seemed to be writing something down. And then, he hand the paper to him. What was that? Had she given him her number? Was he actually flirting with that lady?

“When?” Jeannie asked, now her tone was a mad one.

“When?” Danielle asked, not sure what she meant.

“When was this video taken? How long ago did this happen?” Jeannie seemed a little desperate to know.

“Oh, uhm, this… this morning.” The guy he hired to follow Troy send her the video today. A couple hours ago, Danielle came to her as fast as she could.

“Today…” Jeannie seemed mad. And Danielle could notice that. In fact, she was a bit concerned as to say something like: “I told you.” Or to shove it at her face.

After Danielle left, Jeannie spent an hour alone. Troy wasn´t at her place. In fact, he hadn´t been there all day. He told her he had some business to do downtown. And now that Danielle had planted a seed of suspicion, Jeannie wonders, what was he doing?

She trusted him, but now that he can see what he does when he´s not around. Jeannie can´t help but to wonder. How long? For how long has he been doing this? And, was he dating someone behind her back?

Sometimes, he leaves their place, and for quite a while. How much time away does he need? He doesn´t have a job, or any responsibility with no one else but her. What does he do during that time? Cheat on her? Betray her?

She gave him all of her trust, and that´s how he thanks her?!

Jeannie was starting to get mad. Thinking, wondering, wasn´t she good enough? Of course she was! She´s better, a thousand times better than ANY woman he can find. Hotter, prettier. BIGGER! She´s the best there is!

“Fuck!” She screamed as she landed a fist on the wall. But, she took a moment to calm down. Took a deep breath. Had she just… made a hole on the wall?

Yes, she did. A whole the size of her huge fist. Deep, almost making it all the way to the other side. She had to be careful, she´s strong. What if she lost control and that, instead of the wall, had been Troy?

Was she sure about this? Was he actually seducing other women? It doesn´t make sense.

She analyzed his behavior recently. He´s more attentive, lusts at her. He seems to be teased by her. Was it actually by her or was he trying to canalize his desire to other women towards her? Use her to relieve his horny desires. Fuck her, but with some other woman in mind.

“No… that can´t be…” But how can she know? She´ll have to wait for him to get back.

During that time, she just noticed something, a slight change on him. As if he had a problem, a concern. As if there was something bothering him. Or… was he hiding something?

After a while, maybe too long for his desperate couple. He came back. The sun was setting on the horizon when he entered.

As soon as Troy opened the door, a not so pleased Jeannie walked towards him. Still wearing nothing but the tiny bikini she had when she was at the pool.

“Hi, my love.” Troy said as he closed the door behind him. Looking way up at the colossal woman before him.

“Where were you?” Was the first thing she said. Not a regular greet. Or one of her usual hugs or kisses. She wanted to know.

“I… I went out to the…”

“Where?” She asked before he could even think of an excuse. Truth to be said, he had something in hands.

“At the… mall.” He replied. Which was exactly the place where he came from.

“And?” She insisted, wanting to know the whole thing.

“And… I had a haircut?” He replied, not sure what she was looking for.

“That´s it?” She asked.

“Well… I also went to have a bite at an Italian restaurant…” He was starting to get suspicious. She´s never asked this much before, is something wrong?

“Just those two places?” The amazon said, feeling like he was lying, crossing her arms under her voluptuous chest.

“Yeah…” Why? Why was he lying to her? What was he hiding?

Was she mad? Had something happened? Was something bothering her? Troy had no idea what was this all about. But, maybe he can help.

He can´t deny her looks turn him on. She´s wearing a tiny bikini she´s about to outgrow. Her boobs seem to big for the top, her hips too wide for the bottoms. Her alluring figure is calling for him. Screaming for him to approach and make things right. Even if, according to him, he hasn´t done anything wrong.

“Did you… miss me?” He smiled, came close to her and put each hand on the side of her wide, fleshy hips.

This always works, all it takes is a touch of him and she´s immediately in the mood for some action. However…

Her frown showed no sign of leaving her face. She looked down at him, and instead of smiling and putting her hands on his shoulders, she just asked: “Why didn´t you call? It seems like an awfully long time for just a meal and a haircut… are you sure that was it?”

It wasn´t. But counting in the stop he made for gas doesn´t quite add as much time as he spent on the jewelry. But she can´t know about it. He´s got a secret. One he´ll tell her, but not today.

“I… I…” what to do? He was cornered!

“Tell me!” Jeannie´s frown fade away, and now, a look of concern filled her face. She really wants to know.

“It… it… I can´t! It´s a… it´s a surprise!” He confessed. What else could he do? He was too close to her, his desire made him an awful liar.

“A surprise?” She asked. What kind of surprise? Why a surprise? It seems he´s just postponing the moment to confess. But, deep inside her mind, she wants to believe him. Even if the rest of her it´s screaming to know the actual truth.

“Yeah, I can´t tell you right now. But soon, I will. You must believe me, I´m not doing anything wrong. I don´t want you to get mad. I just… I´ll tell you when the moment it´s right.” Should she believe him?

What if the moment is when that slut from the jewelry store comes to pick him up? To take him away and never bring him back? To steal him from her?

“I… I´ll trust you.” She said, it hurt her so much not to do so, but for the time being, she´ll trust him.

Moments later, she was lying on the couch. With a shirtless Troy on top of her. She had gotten too big for the couch. He was right on top of her, fondling with her huge breasts as he was trying to make things right.

He can´t tell her what he was doing. But with all this, with this foreplay, this tease, with all of his passion. He´ll show her she can trust him. But, even if she enjoys the pleasure his hands give her, her mind´s still full of concern. Has she taken the right decision? Is she choosing right?

As he fondles with her sensuous flesh, Jeannie´s mind is still set on the fact that, maybe she should´ve demanded an answer. She takes no bullshit from anyone, why is she so soft with Troy?

She wants to believe him, she chose to do. But there´s just something that doesn´t stop bothering her…


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