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Chapter 15

Dean was just laying in bed. It was a Sunday morning. Easy, peaceful. And… quite regular.

He was looking at the ceiling of his apartment. Looking at the white painting covering the old surface of the ceiling. He had thought about a lot of things. For starters, is he capable of changing things too?

Physical things. Like… his apartment? He cannot change himself, so far, he´s only been able to change women. To expand them far enough to meet their thoughts. However, he wondered, can he change other things? After all, everything´s made up of matter, right?

He had a couple ideas. How about… a bigger apartment? He´s been able to expand, right? So… can he get a bigger apartment?

The quick answer´s… no. Just… no.

His powers are limited to… women. But that´s all he needs. After all, he´s not only capable of expanding, but of changing women´s thoughts. Well, at least sometimes.

The idea of persuading his landlady to charge him less rent, or even giving him a free rent. That crossed his mind. But then, another idea crossed his mind.

Dean was single. And not quite lucky when it comes to women. But that can change. He´s been working on that. And now, his main question is… can he get a girlfriend?

Maybe not brainwash them, mainly because he´s got no idea how to do that. Or even if that´s a good idea. So, what´s his plan? Find a date, and then… well, work things out. He´s unsure on the full steps of the plan. But step one is, get a date.

He could go for someone he knows already. Casually talk to them, and look for a way to ask her out. But it´s easier to meet someone new. Besides, he´s not interested in a long-term relationship with any woman he knows.

Although, if he was to date his landlady, maybe she´ll let him live there for free. But he´s not looking for a sugar mommy at the time. Else, he would try to seduce his boss. But that´s not his goal.

He´s looking for a cute lady about his age. The question is… where to look?

Can he just walk around the city and look for a woman? Approach her, smile, put his most handsome face, say his best line, and then work things out. And by working things out we mean he´ll be using his powers. That should work, right?

Well… why does he need to walk downtown and look for someone? That´s… not the best idea. Besides, there´s other ways to achieve that. Like online dating.

The only thing he needs to do is find a trustable site, look for women in his area. And a couple other things.

So, Dean spent most of his morning. Well, all morning. He woke up by 10:00 am. Had breakfast and did some other quick things of his morning routine before he got to his computer and searched for a site.

By 2:00 pm, he was done. He managed to find a date for next Friday. Why next Friday and not today? Well, who wants to hang out on a Sunday night? Not him, that´s for sure. He´s got work tomorrow morning.

Besides, if he has a couple more days he manages to get some more practice on his powers. Or, maybe not so much.

If he somehow managed to find a way to make a woman fall in love with him, will that still be love? Maybe he can change women on the outside, but is it ok if he changes the way they think? How they are on the inside?

He won´t be looking for some zombie, empty minded lover. Although, to be fair, there´s a chance he can´t quite do that. Still, he´ll do his best so that she falls in love with him. Even if he can´t change his outside.

But getting a girlfriend will definitely be in his plans.

Friday night came sooner than he expected. And during all that time, he managed to clear his mind and think of a plan.

He´ll make her a big, sexy amazon. BUT, he won´t change anything else. If she doesn´t fall in love with him then that´s fine. Although, he´ll try for the date to go on the most perfect of ways.

Who was his date for tonight? Sally. A cute red-hair, with the prettiest blue eyes and thick lips. Plus, she had some nice curves. But, he can make them nicer.

As he read her bio, he found some details. She liked reading, series, walk in the park. Nice stuff. And, there were another couple details. She was 25 years-old. About his age, just a year younger. And, she stood at 5´7”, but as he read that, he smiled.

A silly smile, as if he had read a joke. That may be her height, but that will be soon to change.

Sally was nice. He, as the gentleman he is, pulled her chair for her and then push it back into the table as soon as she sat. Dean wasted no time on checking her out as he did. Maybe that wasn´t as chivalrous of him, but it´s not her butt what he´s aiming for.

Dean was checking out how tall this 5´7” lady was, why? Because she seemed taller. And that was thanks to the heels she´s wearing. The 3-inch-heels. Boosting her up to 5´10”. Which is still two inches shorter than him. Maybe a bit more, counting in the heel of his own shoes.

To him, 5´10” was not impressive. Much less when it´s a fake height. Because of the heel boost. But he can change that, surely, he can boost her up to that height with the power of his mind. But certainly, she´ll be much taller by the end of the night.

They chatted for a while. He was trying to find out if she was girlfriend material. So far, she seems nice. But only to make things more interesting, he gave her a bit of a boost every once in a while.

Sally was a nice lady, and she had some nice curves. But his definition of curves was a bit… larger…

As she spoke, as she talked. As they chatted and laughed. As he nodded to what she was saying, from time to time, his mind was somewhere else…

His eyes were lost on her cleavage. Looking at the boob window on her top. Wishing for the window to be bigger, her breasts to be larger.

Little by little, her breasts expanded. Bigger and bigger. Heavier, rounder. She had a D-cup when she came in, which was nice, but after an hour, she held a massive pair of H-cups.

But that was not just it. Her whole body changed. Her hips grew wider, her thighs became thicker. He gave her a nice, sensuous hourglass figure.

They talked, sure, but he was also busy doing something else.

You might wonder, what about her height? Well, every fifteen minutes or so, he added an inch or two to her frame. Sally passed the six-foot-mark within the first hour. And not just by an inch.

By the time they had dessert, he was before a sexy amazon. With enormous breasts. He was totally lured by her. Completely perplexed by how well he had handled things so far.

Still, he wasn´t sure how exactly tall she was. But there was a way to find out…

“You know what´s sweeter than this dessert?” He asked.

“What?” She said, with a feeling of knowing what he was going for.

All it took was a look and both were on the same channel. Thankfully, she seemed to be in the same mood as he was.

As they walked out of the restaurant. Dean could notice Sally was enormous! Her curves, so thick, so sensuous. She was a beauty! And not just a beauty, a BIG beauty!

Her heels remained the same, however, all of her had grown! Her clothes also grew to fit her new body. Still, there was way more cleavage in display. With a pair of big, round, and bouncy J-cups.

She towered above him. Sally went from a 5´7” lady into a 6´6” amazon, standing at 6´9” with those heels.

Dean thought he could do better, but maybe he should wait for the next date.

He decided to take things to his apartment. Ordered a cab and took the amazon to his place.

Sally was quick. As soon as he closed the door, she was all over him.

“You´re cute…” She said, with a sensuous look in her eyes, right before she kissed him. Pressing her thick lips against his.

She thought he was cute? He didn´t had to make her say it. Was he cute? Well, coming from such a tall lady, sure, he´s cute to her.

They made out in the way to his room. He could feel her enormous breasts pressed against his body. So big, so firm, and so soft…

He caressed her soft curves with his hands. Once they were laying in bed, naked, he touched, squeezed the body of the amazon. Sally was tall now, a tall, curvaceous lady. With a thin waist and some wide, full hips. A hourglass figure, and all thanks to him.

He was hard, as hard as he could be. Yet, he was in the mood for some fun. How about expanding her a bit more while they are in bed? Just to know how it feels.

As she laid on top of him, Dean grew her breasts a cup bigger, made her three-inches taller. Added some more flesh to her frame. He figured out, why not making her 6´9” without the heels?

He was lost in her big, firm cleavage. Bouncing as they had some wild fun.

Dean was lost in the passion of the moment. Breathing in her perfume, leering at her body. But he could still think on a few other things. Was she girlfriend material? Well, she was tall enough for the ride so… sure.

And they hang out so nicely at the restaurant. She even laughed at his silly jokes. Perhaps, Sally could be a nice partner? Maybe?

He was spent. Satisfying an amazon isn´t an easy job. He wanted to ask her out for a next date, but all he could do was close his eyes and sleep. He was so tired, she left him so tired.

Dean closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. He´ll ask her out in the morning, he figured. But he had no idea about Sally´s plans.

“Hmm? Sally?” He asked, feeling the bed was empty.

As he looked around, he found the amazon, putting her last shoe, about to head out of his place.

“Oh, you´re up. Good morning.”

“What´s… where are you going? I thought we could… cuddle?” He asked, but she had some other plans.

“Listen, it was nice to meet you, you´re such a nice guy, but… I´m not looking for something serious, you know. Not for a real relationship where you cuddle and text or… call each other. Last night was nice, and I think we should leave it like that, ok?” Well, that wasn´t what he had in mind.

He felt bad, sure, but he can´t deny her butt looked so nice as he walked away. Her glutes, swaying together with her hips. So round, so big, so perfect.

It was a shame, really. He thought there could be something special between them. But it seems she´s not looking for something real at the moment.

“Well… it´s a shame but, that´s just the game…” he said to himself. Staying in bed for a bit longer.

There´s no problem, if he had such a good first date, then he can have another one, right? Find someone else. After all, any girl will be his type, all he has to do is think about it…


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