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Chapter 39

Days went on. Larry felt so uncomfortably aware of his size. However, there were times when he didn´t have the chance to think about it…

Right now, he´s laying naked on top of Violet´s large, sensuous body. They are currently at his place. Just the two of them. Enjoying themselves…

He can hardly believe this giantess used to be just one inch taller than him. Right now, she´s huge!

But that doesn´t change the fact that she´s hot. And the bigger she seems, the bigger other things get too…

“So…” Violet started, with a sensuous, deep voice as she laid naked beneath him. As her larger body laid over his couch. “You don´t seem to mind, do you?” she asked.

Larry was a bit confused. “Mind what?” He asked.

“You know what I mean… my growth.” Oh, right. Violet´s in the mood for some roleplay.

He should´ve known by her message. She said she wanted to meet him, and that she had something planned. Which can only mean, she wants to play.

“Oh, right… I don´t mind.” He said, doing his best to play the game.

“I´m sure you don´t. I mean, the look on your face when I ripped all of my clothes off. How you lurked at me as my boobs grew bigger. As my legs grew longer. As all of my body expanded out of my clothes! I´m sure you didn´t mind that…” The truth is, Violet´s still a 6´2” woman, which is pretty tall already, but she wants to play it as if she was about fifteen-feet-tall.

“Why would I?” He continued, “I´ve never seen a… giantess as hot as you.”

“Mmmmm, so you like it? For your assistant to become a sexy giantess?” She asked.

“I certainly don´t mind…” And so, he squeezed one of her breasts. Violet let out a soft moan. She was in the mood. She certainly liked his teasing. And the fact that he kept on with the roleplay, that made her even happier.

She got hotter by the second.

“Tell me, do you like my new body? My longer legs, how thicker they are. I can feel the contrast, you know. Your legs feel tiny compared to my long, shapely legs. As if mine were as thick as tree trunks! Long as them too…” She said.

“I… I can feel that. But don´t worry, I find those long legs as soft as ever…”

“I bet you do. But, what about my boobs?” And so, she placed her own right hand on her right boob. “I bet you like them more. They are bigger, heavier, even… softer. Tell me, do you like enormous breasts, Larry?” How could he deny any of that?

Right now, her boobs are almost as big as his torso!

“If I like them? Violet, I love them!” She blushed.

“You do? Mmmm, I knew it. I mean, just look at the size of these…” And so, she squeezed her boob, and then, she rubbed her erect nipple with her thumb and index finger. “Soooo big, soooo perky…”

He was already hard, and for some reason, her dirty talk, even if kinky, made him harder. Right now, he was no shrinking man, right now, Violet was a growing woman. A woman who towered above everyone. Above houses even! Right now, in his couch, there was a giantess who wanted, no, who craved for some love.

And Larry´s the only one who can give her the love she needs…

Things went on rapidly. Kissing, love making. He can´t deny it made things kind of interesting to believe she´s growing. To think she´s a giantess. That it´s she the one who´s going through the size changes.

To believe her legs are thicker, her breasts are larger. To lie to himself and think he´s actually having sex with the tallest woman there is!

Even if this wouldn´t last forever. Even if reality will come back in a moment, during sex, there was nothing else. No one else, no outside world. Only him and the giantess laying on the couch…

Larry would´ve loved to live in that reality. To think Violet´s actually a giantess and that he´s not a shrinking man. To think that something odd´s happening to her, and not to him.

He knows that´s not the best of wishes. That he shouldn´t wish for something like that to happen to a woman as sweet as Violet. But he´s not literally wishing for it. Although… it doesn´t seem that she´ll mind much.

Thinking about it, maybe she would even like it. At least that´s what she makes him understand. That she, not so secretly to him, wishes to be taller. Bigger. Thicker.

He chooses to think he´s laying on his couch on top of the stomach of a sensuous giantess. Laying his still 6´1” body on top of the naked body of an enormous woman. Choosing to believe her legs are the ones that got longer, that her body is the one that has expanded. And not that things are happening in a very different way.

“What´s the matter?” Violet asked, her hand rubbing his bare back.

“Huh?” He asked, raising his head to look up at her face. A face past some enormous breasts.

“You´re quiet. Too quiet. Is something bothering you?” She asked.

Of course she could tell, she´s been working too close to him for a while. She can feel it, sense it in him. She might be able to read him like a book! Sometimes more easily than others.

“There´s… nothing. Everything´s fine.” He lied, putting up his best fake smile.

“Come on, Larry. I know there´s something going on. You´re too quiet for a man who´s laying on top of a naked woman. Tell me, what´s the matter?” He can´t lie to her.

For as much as he hated it, it´s time to confess. Although, there´s not much of a confession. She already knows what the matter is. It´s hard to live in a world where you´re shrinking. As if everything else was growing.

As if everyone else was getting bigger. But things are not that way. Everyone´s the same, all things have remained the same. It is him who´s going through some unpleasant changes.

Well, he´s changing and there´s also someone else who´s changing. An angel…

“Is it about the size?” She asked.

“I… yes. It´s about it… but it´s not like before. You know, I know things are changing, but I was… I was just wondering how things would be if… if it was truly you the one who was growing…” He confessed.

Violet knows he´s concerned. Things are not so easy now. Actually, she received an email. About the new stuff she´ll have to do for his shrinking boss. She doesn´t mind, but she knows he will.

Even if he doesn´t complaint, she knows it´s not so easy to process all of this changes. And they keep happening so fast to him!

They just laid there, not saying much about it. She didn´t want to be too pushy about it. She just gave him a chance to let as much as he wanted out, and nothing else.

They remained there. In the same position. But now, her arms were around him. Holding him, comforting him. Sending all of her good vibes, all of her care to him. Love, she wanted to show her love, her concern, the way she cares…

Larry was coping with his life as it was. Surrounded by people who cares. But always under the sight of an angel, an angel that´s tormenting him!

It´s of no help that Evangeline became a 6´5” giantess. But he doesn´t pau much attention to it. He just moves on with his life, even with all of the intromissions of this annoying angel.

Life goes on, and suddenly, he finds himself at Mrs. Davis office, again.

Now, Larry´s sitting over her desk. Looking at his gigantic boss. Hearing her words. Which seem to get sweeter the more she talks.

The more time he spends with her, the more they talk, as weeks go by. She just keeps getting more and more kind. More attentive. Sweeter, basically.

“Now, honey, how´s everything going? I´m really glad you passed those tests last week.” She said.

“Yeah, me too…” He replied, looking at how his boss removed her blazer. He already knows how this path goes. The way this is, as it always turns to be.

“You know, it would be a shame to lose someone as… skilled as you, dear. You´re such a good employee. But you´re much more than that, you know…” She removed her blazer, exposing a pair of large, swollen breasts. Breasts he knew were full.

Larry just nodded and listened to the words of this mature, hot woman. He can´t deny it, she´s sensuous. And her breasts, they are huge! And full, he knows they are full. He can see some wet spots right over her nipples, well, where he knows her nipples are located.

“You´re special, dear. Very special to me. But don´t tell anyone about it. A boss can´t have favorites, you know.” She winked.

Why was he special? Well, it´s quite simple. He´s the man in charge of relieving Mrs. Davis “pressure”.

Once more, Larry was at her office. Once more, she removed her blazer. Then, her blouse, and finally, her bra.

She revealed her big, swollen breasts. Showed off her perky nipples. Teased him with the round, soft look of her breasts.

Then, a smile, a smile that invited him to come over. Not to be shy. A welcoming smile. A smile that said: “You know what to do…” and he does know. He´s been doing this for quite a while now. But every time, after every one of this “sessions”, or “meetings” her breasts only look much bigger.

Larry was sitting on this mature woman´s lap, on his boss´s lap as he sucked the sweet, warm milk coming out of her nipples. Milk coming out of her tits.

He can´t deny he´s used to the flavor. That he quite likes the taste of the boss´s nectar. That the touch of her hands is warm, loving. Why does she want him to do this? She´s too discrete about it, and he knows she should. It´ll be awful for both if someone found out!

The thing is, is he the only one? Or, is there any more men coming all the way here to such on her tits? She´s full, definitely, but she cannot hold all of that milk for a full week before his next visit.

Does she pump herself when he´s not around? Or maybe, does she not produce milk in his absence?

All of this questions, why is he having those questions? It´s a bit concerning. And slightly awkward. Does he feel jealous? Does he mind? Is it that he cares her words aren´t true?

What if he´s not as special as she says? She doesn´t lie, that should be true. But, what if it´s not? She´s the boss, after all, she should say the truth at all times. Someone as important as her shouldn´t have the need to lie to a subordinate like him.

And once again, as he thinks of himself as her subordinate, he believes she thinks of him as something more. Like she said, someone special. Considering him much more than that. Her favorite? Maybe? Could that be?

And even if it´s not. Even if all has been a lie, who cares? Well, part of him does. Part of him feels special, actually. Knowing the boss cares for him, well, that gives him such a warm feeling on the inside. A warm, precious feeling…

“You´re confused, aren´t you?” Asked Evangeline. The curvaceous, 6´5” amazon of a woman. Well, angel…

“Confused? Why?” Larry asked.

Now, he was at his office. And yes, he had a lot to process. A lot of things in his mind. And most of them were about his new life. Because it is how this is, a new life. A new life as a man who stands at 2´10”. All thanks to the angel before him…

“Lawrence, I know what you think. You can´t hide anything from me. But I know you´re not trying to lie, you´re just uncapable of putting your thoughts into words. But I´ll help you with that. After all, I´m your therapist, right?” She giggled.

It was annoying to see her. And she knows he dislikes her presence. But what can be done? This is the way it is because she wants it to be. He´s lost control of his life, and on the things he has to do. And the things he can avoid. But what can he do? After all, this is his divine punishment. And the one who decides, the one in control it´s Evangeline. The amazon before him.

“I know you´re confused about the way things are now. You´re unsure why so much has been taken from you, and yet, how is it that you´ve got other things in exchange. For instance, you´re unsure as to how you got the attention, the care, of most women around you.” Well, that´s right. How come everyone cares for him? He wouldn’t care for someone else who was going through this. But they do.

All sweet women care for him. Some get worried for him. Some are concerned. Some show all the support they can. And yes, we´re talking about Violet, Mrs. Davis, and Nellie.

However, there´s others who don´t really care that much. They are aware, but like he would, they don´t need to get too involved in it.

“This is also part of the lesson I´m trying to teach you. If it wasn´t you, then you wouldn´t care for yourself. But it is you, and you´re naturally worried. But now, you´re not just thinking about yourself, you´re more perceptive as to how others act around you.” Evangeline explained.

“You´re conscious of what others think, sometimes you´re overwhelmed by their opinion. And sometimes, you´re worried about what they might say. All things are completely natural. However, those who are kind with you, you can´t find an explanation as to why they are, right? And that´s what´s bothering you. You wonder, why is it that they are so kind? Why do they care so much? Why? Well, the answer´s also a lesson. And I´d like you to tell me, why do you think they care?” She asked.

This was a question he must answer. A reply he must give.

“I… I don´t know…” He replied, the easiest answer.

“Try. I know you know.” She insisted.

“They… feel pity?” Why else?

“Wrong answer. It´s not pity.” She said.

“They… do they use me for their own benefits?” Is that it? He´s worried that might be it.

“Nice guess, but it´s not like that.” Then what is it?

It was too hard for him to tell. However, the answer might be obvious. Obvious enough for him to guess and not be wrong about it.

“Do they… are they just… good people who care for a lost case like me?” Kind hearted women who will lend a helping hand for a man like him. Who felt sorry, but not pity. Who wanted to help him, help him because of their sweet hearts.

“That´s better. And yes, they are. Now, do you see how it is when someone´s nice with others? How it is when, even through all the despair, there´s always someone willing to be there for you? How does it feel?” It felt good…

Larry once was a guy who cared from little to nothing for others. Looking for his own well-being every time. Just thinking on himself. Doing always what was best for him, and nothing else.

He was hurt once, and that turned him into a selfish man. Bitter for some, annoying for others. Some envy him, some wished to have what he has. But that´s just the normal. However, it was not as if he had the world at his feet. And now, after a change of perspective, he´s changed.

Slowly changing, becoming someone more conscious.

“You must feel lucky.” Evangeline continued. “Even after all the size you´ve lost. You can still keep your job, you have help here, and at home. Believe me, the only things you´ve lost are the ones that lead you to bad habits.”

“In some sort of way… sure. My… life, I do get to keep some things.” He said.

But this isn´t over. He knows he´s lucky. But for how long? How much more before Evangeline takes everything away? She seems nice from time to time, he can´t deny that, but it only takes a mistake for her to take his height away.

He´s a man, living his life under the eyes of an angel. Tormented by her. And the worst part is, for some reason now, all the height she takes from him, goes straight to her.

Why does she want that? Is this just to make him feel smaller?

There´s no doubt she has all planned inside her mind. So far, she´s just giving him a few things on what to think. Is he going through the right path? Does she mean things have been done well so far? She can´t be teasing him, her tone´s kind, but isn´t it always that way?

She wants him to see how things are, in order for him to thank what he´s got. And not as much as to miss what he´s lost. Like she said, all those things he´s loosing were the ones that made him a selfish person. Bad habits he must lose.

And he´s losing them. Little by little. But what he doesn´t want to lose is any more height. Any more of his size. The problem is, it only takes a mistake for it to happen. The question is, when will that time come?


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