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Chapter 17

Things were really different in this new world. With the arrival of this new virus, there were some changes. Mostly speaking of size…

On the outside world, people´s more cautious, more careful. Men feel really vulnerable out there. Just picture this, if you have a night of passion with an infected woman, you might wake up shorter. With a loss of inches.

Men are concerned. Even avoiding tall women for the most. Just picture this, a man, any man, being scared of a 5´9” woman. Scared of nothing but the possibility that she might be infected with the virus.

A tall guy, avoiding a lady. She might be pretty, gorgeous even. And this man´s afraid of speaking to her only because she´s a bit above the average in terms of height.

This has begun, as a strike of paranoid. And how can people avoid this? Well, it´s simple. A mere test. To have a check-up to know whether or not you´re positive for the virus.

Of course, in the heat of the moment, falling into the charms of a gorgeous woman, it´s not as easy to remember to ask.

However, women are not just the ones to blame. It should be obvious that a woman who stands above 6´6”, wearing clothes that seemed to be a size smaller, well, it´s a hint that the lady might be infected.

There´s some people that are skeptical. That chose not to care about it. Not to worry. People who think this is some sort of joke. A lie. Even after seen the proof that the size changes are out there, all a result of this existing virus; some still don´t care about it. And they keep going with their lives as usual.

An example might be Jack. This tall, sturdy man that seduced, or let himself be seduced by, Blythe. He thinks this is a lie, and if it´s not, then it might be like a flu. You can either catch it, or not. And he hasn´t gotten a flu in quite a while…

He spent a night of passion with this sensuous amazon. Blythe was gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous, she was a goddess!!!

A muse, a towering muse that stands above seven-feet-tall. With the biggest breasts you´ve seen. The most sensuous curves. And legs, long, shapely legs that go on for miles! To merely call her a beauty will be nearly insulting.

However, as much a she is charming, she´s also quite a threat. Imposing, with a dominating look, but not a threat on that aspect. After all, she´s an infected woman, right? Well, maybe Jack sort of forgot about it, or chose not to care. Surely it´s the second one.

The man walked out of her place the next morning. He thought he was immune, a prime specimen of a man, on top of the world. But as he woke a few inches shorter, and had to crane his neck more to look at an even taller, more curvaceous, Blythe. He swallowed.

He felt shivers of fear running up and down his spine. But he had too much pride to fall for them. He just steeled himself and walked out of there like any other time.

However, unlike any other time, he was walking away as a shorter man. Don´t get it wrong, the formerly 6´4” guard, was still above average in height. But not as tall and he used to be…

It was really early that morning when the now taller Blythe gave Jack a goodbye kiss and walked him to the door. Part of her is sad this will surely be the last time she meets him. He was such a good lover. But she´ll live, no worries.

But there´s a question, a mild one, who´ll be the first one to meet this even taller, sexier, and striking amazon?

The answer´s quite simple. Cory. Why? Well, Andrew´s still not allowed to leave his unit. And Dave´s got different activities that don´t push him, not even a bit, close to Blythe or her unit.

But Cory, well… he´s sort of the one. The chosen one. The unlucky one? Maybe? Let´s not forget he was kind of concerned about taller women. Meeting an amazon, that wasn´t much of a pleasant situation for him. Even less after he´s shrunk again.

But that was his old self. That old version of him that felt overwhelmed, not in the good way, by the sight of a towering beauty.

And to be fair, it´s not a woman´s fault, and not like all women like to keep growing and growing. Some do, don´t get it wrong, but not every woman´s excited about being a growing bomb that explodes a bit after sex.

A woman who´s size depends directly from sex. Like a height vampire, a size thief. That´s not something good, but let´s keep in mind, not everyone thinks the same.

Now, Cory´s crossing the street, heading straight to Blythe´s place.

It´s later than it was when Blythe walked Jack out of her unit. It´s been a while, and everyone´s got some time to do their respective activities. And, Cory and Eunice, were not going to wake up early today. It was not in their plans to wake up early. Therefore… they woke up almost by noon. Just a quarter before the clock ticked twelve.

And, unluckily for him, Eunice had a task for him. She wanted to make pancakes, why? Well, the amazon had some desire for the sweet, pastry taste of pancakes. But there was a little problem, there´s no sugar around the unit.

It wasn´t in her plans to prepare such a breakfast. It came out of nowhere. Still, this sweet delight depended on someone to go get some sugar from their neighbors.

Now, Cory´s walking straight to Blythe´s place. Why him? Why did Eunice choose not to go get it herself? Well, she felt a bit lazy today. And, why didn´t she asked, using the power of their tablet, and made a request to have sugar delivered by a guard? Well, she didn´t want to bother.

Not to bother other people, but she did bother Cory. Eunice had her reasons to do this, one of them, the main one, was that she wanted to make sure Cory was not too overwhelmed by the sight of a giantess.

They experienced sort of a height change recently, it wasn´t a HUGE change, but it was still something.

Now, Cory´s heading towards Blythe´s door. Passing through her front yard, taking a last step forward and ringing the bell.

Eunice made sure to ask her first. To ask Blythe if she had some sugar they could borrow. A cup should be more than enough. And, why Blythe? Why did Eunice ask Blythe and not Daisy or Lena? Simple, Eunice feels people´s treating Blythe unfairly.

Well, they may be kind of right, but she´s not as bad. She gave her a second chance. And so, she sent Cory straight to her door. First, to make sure she didn´t lie to her and that she´s not going to steal his man from her. And second… who better to test Cory than the tallest woman out there?

Cory now stands at 4´9”, not even five-feet-tall. He feels so weird. However, that´s not the worse part.

Compared to Eunice, he´s short. Compared to his girlfriend´s towering 6´6” height makes him feel so short. Now, try to imagine the feeling he´s got as he wonders how tall can he be compared to Blythe´s enormity?

But that´s not just it, on top of being so tall, she´s so in love with teasing!

It´s been said Blythe doesn´t mean to do anything to harm any man out there. Well, except for the guards. She´s got no intention to take things anywhere with any man there. She knows everyone´s got a couple, and she respects that.

Even if it hurts her a bit to be thrown in there, trapped alone in a unit. She knows it´s not that bad. However, she needs to do something to stay entertained. And what a better way, as an expanding woman, than to tease men? No one can ignore the hotness of her sensuous body. Men´s eyes are immediately dragged to her sensuous curves.

It´s inevitable, her boobs are way too close to their eye-level. However, that was before, now…

“Hi there, what can I do for you, little guy…” came Blythe´s voice from above. Way above!

She was enormous. Cory only made it as far as belly height! Belly!!!

But wait, why do we say belly and not stomach? Stomach should be meant to define the region of the abdomen, right? A flat, plain, stomach. Well… let´s just say that, right now, Blythe´s kind of… round.

Before saying a word, Cory´s eyes were immediately drawn towards her body. Her massive body. She was soooo tall. To him, she looked like a real-life giantess! And why wouldn´t she? After Jack´s visit, she became a 7´7” amazon of a woman!

The first thing his brain did was to process Blythe was ENORMOUS! But that was not just it. Instinctively, after craning his neck to look up at her, his eyes scanned her body. From the very top of her head, well, what he could see. Her massive breasts were kind of in the way.

Huge mounds, soft-looking, of flesh. Boobs. So big, so heavy. Enormous! But that´s not the main deal, right now, what´s caught his attention the most is… her belly!

His first thought was, a belly? Why does she have a belly? And not just a pouch, not just some bloated stomach. Blythe´s got an enormous belly on her! Which, for a man at Cory´s scale, looks even bigger!

He knew Blythe was in shape, as all women who were infected by the virus. Somehow becoming gigantic hotties. Growing sensuous curves, and maintaining a slim-like figure. Hourglass figure, and a bit thicker for some, still, pure sensuality. But now, she had a huge gut?

For some reason, her belly was round, big and heavy-looking. How? She had a flat stomach last time he met her. And there´s no way she can get a belly this huge in just a day, right? This is out of what´s logic to him. However, not out of what´s logic to her…

Blythe noticed he was in some sort of trance looking at her belly, so she spoke. “Pretty big, isn´t it?” she asked as she guided her hands to her inflated stomach.

He could see how her large hands massaged her soft belly. He was worried, what was in there?

“Yeah, it´s one of my food babies. I must admit that being stuck here has some benefits. I can take advantage and order a whole buffet! Just for me. Believe me, this is not the first time I´ve pigged out like this, and it won´t be the last.” She winked at him.

“Oh, hehe…” he was nervous, he didn´t know what to do or say. But she did.

You see, there´s some new things women who are infected can do. It´s been explained that they have a faster metabolism. That they grow taller. And that any gain in weight will be distributed on their bodies guaranteeing the most sensuous of figures. Well, at least that´s how it was described, a bit lusty, by some scientist…

Another thing that can be done is, logically, eat more. The body of a taller woman certainly requires more calories than the one of a shorter one. And more if she´s got a higher physical activity. But that´s the normal.

Now, how about a woman that´s been infected? How about a woman who´s got the virus? Well, they require more calories, but how much is too much?

Blythe discovered that a while ago. And no, she didn´t found a limit, but she did find out something else. She can eat more, much more. As much as she wants, not just as much as she needs.

She was sad one day, a bit depressed on the first week she was there. So, what did she do? She decided to burry her sadness in a pile of food. She ordered everything she could think of. Not carrying if she got fat, or sick.

But, what did she found out? Well, another benefit of this virus. She ate and ate, just watching her belly grow. Rounder and rounder as her stomach stretched, filled with food. More and more, she just kept eating until she felt like stopping.

Then, she laid there, at the couch. With over thirty-pounds of food sitting inside her stomach. But what was the best part about this? The next day, her stomach was as flat as always. As if she had just eaten the usual. And so, she discovered this, she can eat as much as she pleases, and there won´t be any consequences!

Now, she does this only once in a while, and today, it was one of those times…

Blythe´s sure she´s the only one who knows about this. Probably. At least inside this place, amongst the people occupying the units. Now, seeing the way Cory looks at her over inflated but, she can help but to take advantage of that nervousness and just do as she pleases.

“Here,” she rapidly bent over and reached for his hand, then she instantly started rubbing her belly with it. “How does that feel, quite tense, right?”

“S-sure…” he said. Unsure if this was real. But it was! That´s her stomach! How? How did this happen? Is she going to pop?

“And yet, it is so soft. I bet you could sleep over it, use my big, bloated, SOFT tummy as a huge cozy bed.” Her tone, so sexy and lusty. And she was only talking about her belly.

Cory just swallowed as the immense woman kept massaging her stomach with his hand. He feared his hand could get stuck on her belly button. He could recall that same button, of the outie type, stretched above her tense muscles; now, that button was nowhere to be seen, it had turned into a void of some sort.

“Hahaha, your hands are sweaty, are you nervous, honey? Hmmm, is my BIG belly making you nervous? Well, don´t be. As I was saying, this are like vacations, but waaaaay better. Even if I stuff my face on food, I won´t get fat. By tomorrow morning, my stomach will be as flat as always. That´s the bright side of being a growing amazon, don´t you think?” Her pants were unbuttoned, her stomach was so stretched. Soft, all so soft. Why had she done that?

Infected women eat more, but that´s because of the virus, however, she overdid herself. Her belly was just so big that, inevitably, the thought that he could fit inside that belly came to his mind. Shills ran through his spine.

Blythe smiled. He´s clearly concerned. And yet, so focused on her belly? She can be so mean sometimes…

“Tell me, honey, is there anything you wanted?” She asked, but she was sure what he came there for.

Eunice had previously asked her via the tablet. And she was well aware of it. She only wanted to see if he could make a full sentence out of his mouth.

“S-sugar!” He said. But it wasn´t a full sentence, and she did took advantage of it.

“Aww, well, thank you! I think you´re cute too.” She knew he didn´t mean to call her sugar, but she couldn´t help it.

“N-no, I… I came here for… sugar. Oh, but I forgot the cup…” he said.

Blythe giggled, patter his head and said: “It´s ok, I´ll let you borrow one. Just wait here, I´ll be right back, ok?” And so, she left, walked away and headed to the kitchen.

Cory looked at her butt as it swayed away from him. So sensuous. Then he turned away. How could he stare at her butt? He´s got a girlfriend!!!

Nonetheless, he couldn´t help but to wonder, what if all of the weight gained went straight to her butt? Her thighs? He pictured Blythe, the gigantic amazon, with a pair of the thickest, longest legs he´s seen. The widest hips. And the roundest, firmest butt.

All women were growing in such a sensuous way. With hourglass figures. Big boobs, wide hips, big butts. Sometimes, he wonders, why? Why are they growing in such a sensuous way? Well, does it really matter?

“Here you go, anything else, sweetheart?” Right now, Blythe was so enormous that it made him quiver! But he remained calm. At least now he remembered to do so.

“No, this will be it. Thank you.” Finally, he came back to his senses. Well, after babbling a bit, staring and, oh, yeah, leering at her. But she doesn´t mind…

“You´re welcome, dear.”

Cory smiled, and then he turned. Heading back to his unit. But now, when he set his eyes towards the door at his unit, he spotted something other than the door. Eunice!

As he made his way there, he wondered, had she been there the whole time? Did she catch him staring at Blythe? She can´t know he was leering at her butt, right?

“I… I got the sugar…” He said, a few feet away from his towering 6´6” girlfriend. Who, compared to Blythe, doesn´t look that tall anymore.

“Nice. I see you didn´t struggle as much to talk to a tall woman. I´m glad. Although…” He swallowed.

He thought he was doomed! But her next words were kind of soothing.

“Do you know why her belly was so big? I don´t mean to be rude but… did she swallow a balloon or something?” Eunice was confused. Ignoring her new capacities. But he´ll soon explain.

Things went well today. Although there was some tease, Cory managed things normally. Hopefully, he can keep this way. Hopefully…


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