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Chapter 8

Jason couldn´t stop thinking about what had happened the other day at the office. How a gigantic woman, a high executive, a woman as important as Mrs. Braxton, how come she stood up for him?

This certainly makes him wonder. So far, he thought all important women didn´t care, at all, for men who were just random to them. But this woman, she didn´t act that way. Jason had the idea that, in this new world, the bigger the woman, the less they care for a man.

It was common to see giantesses getting divorced from men. Their long-time lovers, and why? Because they often were more successful. Harder to please, had higher expectations than the ones their current man could sate.

They asked for more, but what can a man less than half their size give? Their only resolution was to end things up. And this often led to women who despised men, finding them inferior, and of no use to them.

Jason knew things were not that way. Men were not useless just because a woman stands over ten-feet-tall. But such a size difference gave most women a feeling of superiority.

Standing taller, stronger. Finding themselves smarter, earning more, capable of more. This was what separated the new society. What made him aware that women often find men smaller and insignificant. But it seems, this wasn´t the same for everyone.

Nataly was his girlfriend, therefore, she cared for him. And so does Nataly´s mother and Jason´s own mother. But they were just some of many.

All other women, Jason thought he lived in a world where giantesses didn´t care at all for a man like him. But after what happened, he´s found something else to think about…

Nataly´s words echoed in his mind. Was Mrs. Braxton actually a woman who cared? By knowing he was weak and couldn´t stand against those seven-feet giants, did it call for a certain side of hers?

Jason was too fixed on thinking things were screwed, that his reality was one where he´ll be obsolete, replaceable. Unnecessary. And sometimes, his only use was for women to make fun of him.

He thought he was only safe, to put it in some way, with those who knew him and cared for him. And, in the outside world, while surrounded by actual giantesses, he was alone. But Mrs. Braxton just proved him wrong.

He spent so much time reading about the old days. When men and women were of a similar height. Where men were even taller than the average woman. He liked to think of a world where things were even. Or at least closer to that. However, he didn´t expect that there were giantesses out there who cared.

Jason stayed away from neighborhoods were women were gigantic because he was afraid they will just step on him. Not literally, but he´d rather not be called inferior. However, the day he met Mrs. Braxton, that changed.

Were there actually giantesses who cared for men? For real?

That was Jason´s point of view. His perspective as a 5´10” man living amongst ever-growing women. Other men had different points of view. Some differ, some thought the same way he does. Or close to it, coming to the same conclusions. However, it´s different for everyone. Some have it easier, and some have it harder.

Now, back to Jason´s ordinary life. He was just sitting there, at his usual spot at the office. His office, to say it on some way. He was at the copy room, just waiting for his lunch time to arrive.

Today has been a lazy day. For some reason. No one stepped inside the room, which was very strange.

There was a point when he thought everyone was on a meeting and no one cared to tell him. But things were not that way.

Turns out, Mrs. Braxton was still around. He hasn´t seen her in a while, two days to be precise. Ever since she saved him from those bully women. Yet, he knew she was still on the building. She said it, there was a lot of work to do. A lot of things to fix.

Imagine, it´s a big building, with over 300 employees working there in two different shifts. To go over each and every employee, it´ll take some time.

Jason was just sitting there, looking at the ceiling. Doing… nothing. He can´t help it. There´s no way he can work if no one comes and, well, gives him something to do.

Which got him a little nervous. They could literally show everyone how to use the machine, it was really simple. Just have someone give him some maintenance and boom, he might lose his job. Was that the reason why no one has come? Have they put more copying machines around the building?

It´ll be more efficient, and save everyone a lot of time. Even, they didn´t need copies, they could just send digital documentation and stop wasting paper.

Still, he knows no one will change that. It´s been the same for ages. Nonetheless, what if that change comes… today?

“Yeah, sure…” He thought, knowing he was overthinking this whole thing. “As if someone from high above was going to come and tell me I´m fired…” But, maybe someone might hear his words…

Soon, he heard some heavy steps approaching. Everything was so quiet, and his place was away from the rest of the people. He was sort of in a lost corner of the floor. Yet, everyone knew where to find him.

And now, there´s someone coming his way!

His heart skipped a beat. He feared someone was coming to do exactly what he said they wouldn´t. Fire him. Terminate his contract. If they found the way to make things more efficient and just let him go, there was nothing he could do about it. Really. It wasn´t up to him, it was up to the company.

Now, seconds feel like minutes as this woman, whoever she is, entered the room. Why is it taking so long? Or, is it him?

*knock* *knock* and then, she came in.

“Hello? Jason? Oh, there you are.” Called Mrs. Braxton. She had a smile on her face, and stood so tall! He even forgot how enormous this woman truly was. She was taller than he remembers.

“Y-yes!” He replied as he rushed to stand up. As if she should get mad because he was sitting there. But this leads to some questions, is it his duty to look for something productive to do while there´s no one coming to him? Was it? There´s never been a need, but with an executive here, he must make sure to show he´s an important asset at the office.

Why was Mrs. Braxton at his office? Well, “office”. What was she doing there? Was this… his final day?

“I´ve been going around the office all morning, letting everyone know about a resolution to which I came. And so, I just noticed something… don´t you think they are so rude for keeping you away here? I mean, I´ve spoken with every supervisor at the building, but I´m pretty sure that, down here, no one has tell you about it, have they?” Oh no! It sounds like he´s fired!

Truth to be told, he doesn´t even have a supervisor. He´s just the copy guy, is there a need to have someone supervising that? If there´s something to be fixed, the floor manager will let him know. But today, there were no news to him.

“N-no, Mrs. Braxton, no one has come to tell me anything.” Not even his friend, Lindsay, said anything about it. Not even a text. Was there a list of people getting fired?

“Aww, Jason, how many times do I have to tell you? There´s no need to be so formal. But I guess you can´t help it, can you?” She said, adoring his manners.

“Sorry!” he replied, not looking for an excuse to get fired.

Jason can´t hide it, he´s concerned. Close to being afraid. Was he actually going to lose his job? It wasn´t fair!

“Don´t worry, dear. It´s ok. Anyways, I came here to give you some news,” He immediately imagined Mrs. Braxton saying those words, we´re going to have to let you go. He could already picture himself carrying a cardboard box out of the building. Totally sad. But before he gives up, let´s hear her words.

“So, I´ve noticed there´s a lot of work to be done here,” She continued, while all he was waiting for was for her to tell him he´s fired. “there´s a lot of work to do here. A lot of changes I´ve sent, al lot of information I´ve already sent to all superiors at this building. And, there´s things I´ve noticed on my own. That´s why I like to go over each and everyone personally. To make sure I don´t miss a single detail. Am I right? Isn´t it better when you check on things on your own?” she asked, and he was sure she wanted a reply.

“Yes. It´s… much better.” He was afraid this was his end.

“Anyhow, I´m giving too much of an explanation. As I went on, I found out one thing. Here, in this room, I think… I think there´s a change that needs to be made.” His heart stopped for a second, this was getting so real! He´s getting fired!

Changes, she was speaking about changes. And that she liked to go through things personally. Was she firing him on her own? Came all the way here just to let him go he´s being terminated? It sucks! He allowed her to continue, but he could already feel it coming.

“So, there´s a change, coming soon, but I don´t want to give you any fake hopes. All I can tell you is, you might be leaving this room soon! But what I can do tell you is, I´ll be staying at this building for a season!” She seemed cheerful, but wait? Was she firing him? She said he´d leave the room, but not now. What was going on?

“You´re… staying here?” He asked. Not wanting her to fire him. It all sounds like she is, but so far, she´s not. And he´ll leave it that way.

“Yes, I wrote down SEVERAL changes that need to be made. And, in order to make sure my advice is properly followed, I´ll supervise the whole thing. But I need to arrange a few things back at the headquarters before I officially come here.” So it seems, Mrs. Braxton is going to stay here, at least for a season. But, why does she had the need to come here and tell him?

She said it, he´s leaving that room, was she letting him know he´s getting fired in the future? That´s so not ok!

“I just came here to tell you because I feel no one else will. But don´t worry, I´ll also fix that.” And so, the giantess winked and left.

But he had so many questions. Before she left, he took a step forward and, with a clear loud tone, he asked. “Wait! What do you mean I´ll leave this room?” He´d like to have an answer.

He knows it´s not the best idea to make a woman stop as she´s making her way out. Much less with a high executive. But if he was getting already fired, then there´s no problem about that. Right?

Mrs. Braxton stopped, turned and, with a big smile, she added: “Oh, right. I guess I could let you know already. Well… let´s just say you´re getting sort of a… promotion.” Promotion? A promotion!

Why? What for? Well, who cares, he´s getting promoted!!!