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It seems I forgot to upload this chapter last month. Sorry about that... maybe we can call this a double update LOL.

But seriously, sorry for that. Here´s chapter 17

Chapter 17

Carol woke up. It was a bit odd to wake up on a different place. She was already used to her old apartment. Sure, it was small, it needed a couple fixtures, the aroma of old wood and painting were all over the place, but she lived over there for enough time to call it her place. Even if she didn´t quite own it.

Now, she was waking up in a bigger room, breathing in the smell of a relatively new house. A room, of a different smell. Sure, it still smell a bit like sweat, since it used to be the “gym room”, but it won´t be long before her feminine touch brings a new scent to the place.

Carol can´t deny there´s also a new feeling. As it often comes. The feeling that she´s grown. She´s come to notice it. It´s hard not to notice she´s grown an inch. But she´s come to notice more things than just her own height.

For starters, her clothes. The different fit on it. How her augmented curves fill up more space. Her wider hips, her thicker legs, and those massive breasts.

She doesn´t want to be self-centered, or to claim she´s a hottie. But her old self stands no chance against her now. She´s just so tall, so curvaceous, and so sexy!

“Wow! 6´1”!” She said as she measured herself. By now, having a measuring tape was a must.

She was so glad, finally, she was a fairly tall lady. And, now that she comes to think about it. “Well, wasn´t Kevin 6´1?” Yes, he USED to be…

“No fucking way…” Kevin said, alone, in his room.

Size has been a changing matter around this house. Not only for growing women like Carol, Gene, or even Leslie. Kevin´s also going through his own size-change. The problem is, he´s on the pill that makes you shrink.

Gene and Carol were having a blast. Taller, curvier, hotter. They had the pills that would make you grow, that will help their bodies develop thicker, sexier and fleshier curves. Doting them with alluring bodies most man will gawk at.

However, to Kevin, well… he´s not exactly being rewarded…

“That can´t be right! 4´8”!? How?” He lost another inch.

The truth is, Carol found a way to make Kevin, let´s say, pay for being a jerk. And, in the meantime, she found a way to make herself taller. And then, she shared it with Gene, who´s taking it further than her. But the thing is, the roles have changed…

“Fuck, I´m taking my meds, this shouldn´t be happening!” He complaint. Should the shrinking stop?

Well, they told him, lied to him, that the pills should stop the shrinking, but so far, they only seem to “slow” it down. And, in reality, they are actually the cause.

Kevin was upset. He was mad! Imagine, waking up, day after day, only to see how you keep shrinking? That was frustrating! He was a man, a grown man, this shouldn´t happen!

However, even during all this despair, he was able to catch a glimpse, with the corner of his eye, someone was passing by his bedroom´s, slightly open, door.

It was Carol. His new housemate. Surely, he never agreed for this to happen, but things are out of his control nowadays.

Part of him was mad. She wasn´t supposed to be there. Sure, she´s like a housekeeper, but she should be coming and going, not staying at his place to sleep! What´s more, does she live there now?

The truth is, this was all part of Gene´s plan. A plan only Gene´s aware of. Carol and Kevin will be like pawns, she´ll slowly guide them through, and in the end, she´ll make sure they make her “dream” come true.

But there´s still some time before that happens. Right now, he still hates her. But he can´t deny one thing, she´s sexy!

She made her way out of her room, carrying a towel and some clothes. There´s no shower inside her bedroom, so she´ll have to use the one at the end of the hall. And as she makes her way, Kevin came out to have a look at her body.

To him, she´s tall, really tall! He´s not even at her shoulder level, and now, as he peeps out of his bedroom, he glares at her.

She´s a couple steps away from the bathroom, but this gave him time enough to leer at her legs. Those long, thick, shapely legs. She´s wearing a pair of really short, shorts.

And as she makes her way to the bathroom with her long strides. He´d love to see the bouncing of her boobs. Carol´s hot, it´s a shame he finds her so annoying.

He was a little too dumbfounded to be careful. He was leering at her, and once she entered to the bathroom, she turned to close the door, and had enough time to see him, peeping through the door, looking straight at no one else but her.

He scattered back inside, but he wasn´t fast enough. Carol spotted him. And she knew exactly what he was doing.

“Ugh, he´s staring… again.” She knows he looks at her, he even went as far as to grab her ass. But she taught him a lesson, which didn´t work as well as she would´ve wanted. Right after that, Gene came, like momma bear, and scared the crap out of Carol. But she can´t blame her. Kevin´s a jerk, but Gene´s still his mother. And Carol´s boss.

She can´t hurt him, but, there´s other things Carol can do…

“Fuck, did she… saw me?” He knows she did, as she turned to close the door, they made eye-contact. Even if it was just for a fraction of a second before he jumped away from the door, they looked at each other.

The question he should be asking himself is, what will she do?

Carol locked the bathroom´s door. Last thing she wants if for Kevin to come in, uninvitedly, and stare at her naked figure.

As she, not so pleased now, turns on the shower, she starts removing her clothes. One by one, piece after piece, she strips down. And then, she stops to take a look at her naked body.

Carol can´t deny one thing, she likes what she´s seeing. Her taller figure makes her body longer, more elegant. And her thicker hips give her a more feminine look. Plump thighs, wide hips, and a round, firm butt behind.

But if that´s not enough, she also has a huge pair of knockers. Firm, perky and soft breasts.

“They´re big…” Bigger, definitely. Carol´s slowly making her way into becoming a statuesque beauty. Just like Gene. Even if she´s way ahead of her.

Still, Carol´s tall, she´s hot, and she´s still upset.

Her question is, how can she punish Kevin without truly hurting him? Well, there´s a way. A teasing, and promising way…

Kevin, after making sure Carol was still in the bathroom, made his way out of his room. It was a quarter after nine, and he found himself in the kitchen. Worried on how to make an excuse as to why he was looking at her. More like perving at her.

“Fuck, this is my own house. I should´ve be making excuses! If she asks, I´ll just… I´ll tell her I´ve been here all morning.” A lie, simple, and quick. Refusing to admit he was there to stare in the first place. Not so clever, but it´ll work.

Time went by, and a fresh, showered and dressed Carol made her way down the stairs. She had a plan, and her clothes were also kind of tighter. But she´ll get to it later. Now, it was time to have her share with Kevin.

“Good morning.” She said, with a neutral, yet kind tone. Greeting Kevin who was sitting at the kitchen´s table. “Wanna have some breakfast?” She smiled, delighted for her own, slightly mean, plan.

“Uhm… sure.” He said, surprised she wasn´t already yelling at him for peeping at her.

“What? You haven´t had breakfast yet? Wow, I was just being polite. What´s the matter? You can´t reach the pantry?” She teased. Making him frown, but this was just the beginning.

“Hey!” He said, standing from his chair as she was passing by the table.

“Don’t worry, it´s just a silly joke, but, speaking of jokes… wow, can you believe it, I just measured myself and, do you wanna guess how tall I am?” It was already explained to all that Kevin´s “condition” or his “disease” was contagious. But it had a different effect.

As far as he´s concerned. He´s shrinking, and all women around him seem to be growing. A very convenient way to explain the whole deal.

“What? You… you´re taller?” He replied. It was hard for him to tell, with all of the changes in him, it´s hard to tell. But he´s aware Carol´s growing, so…

“Yes! I´m taller. But, would you like to guess the number?” She said, coming closer to him. Standing tall, and a little imposing, before him.

Kevin swallowed, but tried not to show it so much. Carol was uncomfortably close to him. Standing mere inches away, looming so tall above, and with a grin on her face that made him feel uneasy.

Was this because he peeped at her? Was she about to slap him again? No, she made a question, now, it seems she´s waiting for an answer.

“I… I don´t… I don´t know.” He said, giving one step back, but the menacingly kind amazon immediately gave one step forward.

“Come on! Guess! Any number would do!” She seems eager, is she excited?

“Well… f-five… eleven?” He´s lost his perception of people´s heights, was that a fair guess?

“No! Try a little higher…” she said.

Kevin couldn´t think straight. Why does she want him to guess? Besides, was she mad for what happened a moment ago? And, on top of that, why are her boobs so close to him! Her big, round breasts are right in front of his face.

He doesn´t know what to do. But right now, he´s just a part of her little game. Which should show him a lesson, hopefully.

“My, it seems the cat´s got your tongue. Well, I´ll tell you, since it seems to be a little hard for you to speak, I wonder why…” She knows why. “I´m, as you can see, but can´t tell, six-foot-one! Can you believe that!”

He shook his head to the sides as he wasn´t sure what this was all about. But did she really said 6´1”? Wasn´t that his…

“Weren´t you 6´1”? Well, used to be? Oh my, can you believe it! I´m your old height!” She said, shoving it to his face with a friendly tone.

But this was not just it. She didn´t just want to tell him about her current height. She needed to put some more to it.

“Six. Foot. One. Wow. I´m as tall as you were. But, as you can see, our bodies are not alike. I have these, I believe you´ve noticed, but I have these wide, fleshy hips. And my bootie´s, well, certainly much bigger than yours was. And let´s not forget my boobs. Look at them!” She said, pushing her chest forward, almost smothering her boobs against his face. “It´s big, isn´t it?”

“Y-yes. I… I can see it´s quite… big.” He replied, feeling nervous.

“I mean, it looks big to me, but how re things for you? I could´ve said you must feel as I used to when you were this tall. But our sizes don´t quite match our old heights, right?” Now, she was getting somewhere.

“I mean, yes, you were 6´1”, and I´m 6´1”, but… you´re not as tall as I used to be when we first met, right?” And so, she bent a little, looking at him right in the eye.

“No, I was 5´4” when we first met. However… you´re not 5´4”, are you?” He couldn´t even answer that question. So this is what this is all about? She just wants to tease him? Well, he can´t say he doesn´t deserve it.

“No! Last time we checked, you were about… 4’9”, right? Wow, you would´ve been so short if you stood next to me, well, old me. And now, I mean, you don´t even come up to my shoulders! Perhaps… boob-level? That´s about right. You´re standing at the same level as my breasts, isn´t that hilarious?” Now he gets the point.

Of course she spotted him while he ogled at her. Of course she was upset. And now, she´s just getting her payback, if not just for now, also for all those times when he bragged about his size. Which were not as many as he thinks.

“How tall are you? I can´t tell because, you know, I got taller.” She said, mocking him a little.

“4’8”.” He declared, immediately regretting his words.

“What?! No way! Kevin´s only 4´8” now? Hahaha, oh my, that´s hilarious, don´t you think?” Sure, mock him, it´s also her fault things are this way, but he doesn´t know that.

“I mean, look at us! I totally tower over you! No wonder why you look at me so much…” Well, now she made it obvious this is her payback. “Tell me, do you look at me because you miss your old size?” She asked, looking at him as if she had total control of the situation.

“What? No! I just…” How dare she?

“Or, maybe, you look at me because you´re… scared? Perhaps, are you afraid Amazon Carol will treat you bad? Hmmm? Are you concerned things will change between you and I? Maybe… are you checking on me to make sure I don´t… turn into a bully?”

“What the…? You? Bully… me? Come on, don´t be ridiculous. Besides, why would I be scared?” He tried to make it seem he wasn´t concerned, yet, he kind of was. And her next move made him freeze.

In the blink of an eye, Carol put both of her large hands over his shoulders and pinned the 23-year-old to the wall with her superior strength. “Why not? I mean, I´m bigger, stronger, and, well, you´re just the boob-level deuce that leers at me. I think you deserve a little lesson, don´t you agree?” She wasn´t mean, or too dominant.

Carol dominated him, physically, but her tone was gentle. She was smiling all the while as she spoke the truth. As she makes him see how overpowered he is. How much bigger, stronger, how she´s the one in control.

“You know,” Carol continued as she, effortlessly, had him pinned to the wall, “If you´re going to look at my ass, at least you should be polite and greet me first. A mere “good morning!” would do. You don´t have to stare at me from behind the door like a creep. Although, that doesn´t mean you´re allowed to look at me. It´s rude, and you wouldn´t want me to be rude with you, right?”

“No…” He said, before she did something else. Kevin´s afraid now, she´s way too big, and he can´t move, she´s truly the one in control now.

“Good. Now, remember, be polite with me, and I´ll be polite with you. Else… well, we wouldn´t want to find that out, do we?” He shook his head to the sides.

“See? You´re a smart one. Now, what would you like to have for breakfast?” She asked as she let him go.

“I… I… I´ll have what you… like…”

“Wow, someone´s already learning! I´ll make scrambled eggs.” She winked and turned to the stove.

His eyes immediately looked for her ass, how could he avoid that? She´s the only woman he can see now. Leslie´s gone, and that hot doctor won´t come here until who knows when. He either ogles at Carol or looks for a magazine or something. But no magazine model has her curves.

The swaying of her hips as she makes her way to the stove. Maybe he should keep his eyes to himself. Else, she might get mad.

“Fuck, now I care?” Well, when you live with a woman who towers above you for a good seventeen-inches, you either follow her rules or… try not to be there.

Kevin´s life had changed, again. Carol seems more assertive now, which is not convenient for him.

But he´s still got an ace under his sleeve. What would Gene think about this? For the housekeeper to manhandle her son? She would certainly complaint, right?

“She pinned you to the wall?” Gene asked. The 6’9” amazon. Taller, thicker, and more voluptuous than Carol.

“Yes, she did!” Kevin immediately complaint. If she wants to play, then he´ll play too.

“Carol, is that so?” Gene asked, not wanting to hear she hurt Kevin.

“Yes. But he stared at my butt this morning! I had to… explain to him that´s not nice.” Carol replied, blaming it all on him.

“Kevin, is that true? Were you looking at Carol´s butt, honey?” So now, he´s the one to blame?

“NO. I mean… yes, but… she pinned me to the wall!” He wanted to blame it all back on her.

“Dear, it´s not nice to stare at women like that. At least she used her words this time…” It seems Gene´s also on Carol´s side.

However, there will still be a small talk after this.

“So… he stared at your butt?” Gene asked as both, Carol and her, were alone in the kitchen.

“Yeah. I turned to close the bathroom´s door and… there he was. Peeping at me.” Carol explained.

“Oh my… you were not naked, right dear?”

“Of course not! But… I just… he needed to be taught a lesson. He must understand that… there´s a punishment for that. I can´t go all around the house with his eyes glued to my… butt.” She whispered the last words.

“I see…” Gene´s glad, partially. At least, Kevin shows some interest on this woman she would love he married. Meanwhile, Carol doesn´t seem to interested in him. However, she understood Gene´s rule about not hurting him. Now, in order to make these two fall for the other, she must add something to the game.

“How about…” Gene continued. “Instead of punishing him for doing wrong… maybe… could there be a reward for doing right?” Gene had something in mind. And she was hoping Carol will catch up with that on her own…



Thanks for uploading this chapter. This is one of my favorite stories of yours.