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Chapter 7

Jeannie´s life, even if there were some mild doubts, they were not big enough as to be called a concern. However, what was big enough, more like who, was her!

Jeannie´s height kept escalating. Sure, she´s paid some visits to Dr. Walton, but the results are always the same, her growth should seize and her size should settle, at some point. But Jeannie doesn´t care.

She´s past the seven-foot-mark. She feels like an amazon! Tall, imposing, denoting respect with every step she takes.

There´s some other business more concerning than her still augmenting size. Such as the plans she´s got for the company. More like, a branch of the company she´ll start. But that would be next month, for now, she´s still got some time to make some plans.

Right now, she´s walking down the hall, discussing some plans with a few of her associates as they walk down the office areas. Her mind´s focused on the new business, still, she can hear some gossips, about her!

This has become more common nowadays. Imagine, your elder, and formerly retired boss, comes back with, not only a different look, but size? Everyone knew who she was, but they were not aware there would be so much of a change.

For starters, Jeannie, a woman on her early sixties, doesn´t look older than thirty. In fact, she looks prettier than any other woman in the office. ANY!

And that´s not just it, everyone can see her growth, not only speaking of her height, but of her body. A ton of people were gossiping about her new body, her height, her size. Some made a few, sort of lusty, comments about her. But those, well, for a woman her age, some felt more like compliments. Just imagine this, she came back to be the office´s hottie! More like the hottie boss, but you get the idea.

Even if there was some desire on their words, some others had comments that were a bit more… sour.

Sure, for those who hadn´t seen her, the first ideas they got were that she had done some surgery. Dyed her hair, breast implants, butt implants. That they sculped her body with expensive treatments. That she had Botox, that her face had been stretched, amongst many other things. But that wasn´t right.

During the first months, everyone could notice this wasn´t the same woman. No, she was different. The treatment was not a trick, or some mild fixture, they gave a remedy to her age, bringing her down to the radiant, 30-year-old-looking, beauty she is.

A lot of people, even associates, wanted to know what she did. And how they could get it done on themselves. But for that, she told them they should wait.

But things were not settled there. After the radiant change on her appearance, they all noticed the changes on her size. Slowly, Jeannie grew, taller and taller. When she was past the six-foot-mark, people were curious if this was the same woman. But after some papers and analysis she brought, everyone knew it was her.

And then, she just kept growing. Taller and taller, and now that she´s a 7´3”, gorgeous, buxom, sexy woman, well, gossip just never seems to stop…

“Don´t you think she´s too tall?” A guy said as she walked past them. He whispered, but nothing can escape her ears.

Jeannie stopped walking, and the five other people that were walking with her stopped too. Following her. Then, she turned, took a step back and, looking at the guy she was sure said it, she asked: “Excuse me, are you speaking about me?” Her tone was polite, her look wasn´t stern, yet, she´s too big not to freak them out a little.

“I… well…”

“Honey, don´t try to deny it, it´s obvious you were speaking about me. Now tell me, what were you saying about my size?”

The guy knew he had to confess, he either did that or took the risk of getting fired.

“I… well, I was just saying that… I wondered if, you ma´am, weren´t a bit too… tall?” He tried to be respectful, but he knows he messed things up already, still, he was trying to make amends.

“Too tall? For whom, dear?” The way she speaks to him, how she so casually talks to him as an inferior, making sure to define who´s in charge. Who´s got the power, the control. Who´s the boss.

“I… I think we all have… noticed your… uhm, changes. Which are fine! I mean, you look great, ma´am. But, I was just… saying that, your height, however it has changed, I wondered if it wasn´t too… tall? Like… maybe, you may have issues finding the right… couple?” He had no idea what to say. He felt dumb after each word that came from his mouth.

This guy was 5´10”, the top of his head was an inch below the base of her neck. Jeannie had casted a large shadow over him as she bent a bit to look at him. He felt in trouble, he felt that he just pissed the biggest one in the room, which was totally true. And now, this big person, well, he´s unsure if she´ll fall over him like a brick wall.

Jeannie stood back up. Crossed her arms below her enormous breasts. All while she look at him deadly in the eye, and then, she said:

“My height, is none of your business, dear. I´ll be the one who decides how tall is tall enough. Now, my boyfriend, I assure you he loves every single inch of this majestic woman. I haven´t heard a single complaint from him. However…” And so, she turned and looked at everyone in the room, and rising her tone, so that everyone could hear, she added:

“I´ve heard a lot of you gossiping about the changes on me. Sometimes I find them interesting, but some other times, I´m sure you have no right to say what you do. It´s my body, my decision, and I don´t want to hear a single more word about it. If you don´t like the changes in me, too bad, because I do! Now, whoever has any complaint, you´re more than welcome to come over to my office and discuss it with me. My doors will be open for anyone who wants to have a chat.” With that, she said, you don´t like it? Too bad, because I don´t care.

“I´d like all the chit-chat about my body to stop. Else, I´ll have to take some action because it´s often too disrespectful from you people. And now,” She made a pause, turned down at the guy who, apparently, had messes everything, not just for him but for all.

“I expect you to be more respectful in the future. You should, at least, wait for someone to leave the room to start talking about them behind their backs, understood?”

The guy nodded. He swallowed and the nodded again.

“Perfect. Now, where were we?” She said, speaking more casually to her associates.

The room was awfully quiet for a moment, and then, the guy this first guy was talking to, just said:

“Well, I hope she doesn´t fire you. She seems serious.” And when doesn´t she?

She was tried of the nonsense people were talking. If she had a butt-job, a boob-job, a full-body-makeover. It was HER body. Whatever she did is only HER business. And no one else´s.

She never cared, she´s the boss. She knows there´s people who envy her success. Those who are jealous. And now that she has her youth back, well, that just adds to the list of things people will hate of her.

Imagine, being rich, healthy and now, being a giant hottie. There´s, at least, a dozen people biting their tongues about her.

She never truly cared about what anyone had to say. Not until now…

She´s not totally fine with her growth. Sure, she´s got some impressive proportions. Enormous breasts, a titanic ass, the thighs, the hips, and all with a waist as narrow as hers. She´s gorgeous, radiant even. But, her height´s always something that concerns her.

What if that guy was right? What if Troy gets tired of it? What if she gets too… big?

How long before his male ego betrays him. She´s already taller than him, by more than a foot. Isn´t that something that bothers men? For their girlfriend to be taller? For them to look smaller, weaker when compared to a lady? He may not be like that, but what if he does think that way?

What if he´s kept all those thoughts as a secret? Should she ask him? She´s worried she may be right…

In order to confirm it, well, she only came up with a way to do so…

“Mmmm, yes, right there… oooohhh….” Moaned Jennie as Troy gave her a massage. Right now, he´s working on her butt! Massaging her glutes intensely, hardly, they are so massive, so thick, it´s a lot harder now that his palm looks so tiny compared to her juicy ass.

Both were naked, Troy had his stiffened member rubbing against her torso as he worked on her glutes from above. He seemed passionate, he seemed to like it, he was always asking her if she did, and now, she wanted to do the same…

“Tell me, do you like it?” Jeannie asked, holding a few moans.

“What? Massaging you? Of course!” He replied, ogling her enormous ass.

“No, silly, not the massage. I mean, do you like my body…?”

“If I like your body? Of course I do!” He replied. But Jeannie wanted more than just a mere yes.

“Can you… elaborate on that?”

“Elaborate?” It was kind of a silly thing to say. But Troy´s known her enough to tell when she wants to be complimented. And now, it was one of those times. “I LOVE your body. Your breasts are perfect! Your butt´s outstanding. Every inch of you it´s just so, mmmm, delicious! I could stare at you, all day long, without blinking. Every inch of your gorgeous, sensuous, and large body…” there was that word again.

Large, big, thick, enormous! All those things meant one thing, and one thing only, he has noticed her size. Her continuous expansion has turned her into a curvy, stacked amazon. Her body is outstanding, like he says, but, why does he have to say it? Why does he have to immediately speak of her size?

“What else?” She asked, hoping he didn´t say something else like, huge boobs, enormous ass, so thick, so full, things that denoted the fact he´s only thinking about her enormity.

If he happens to be thinking only about her large body, well, then there´s a chance he´s concerned too. Would he want her to keep growing? Or, has he realized she´s too big? What if she´s too big!

Troy knew he only talked about her exterior, her physical aspects. And she doesn´t seem so satisfied as she was on previous days. So, it was time to be true with her. To speak from the heart.

He had lines, things he had practiced before. To tell her, back when he first met her. But back then, he wasn´t so in love with her. Back then, money was his number one priority, but now, now she is his priority. All of her.

“Aside of your sexy body? Hmm…” He said while he continued rubbing her glutes, not moving a bit to the back of her plump, firm thighs. “Well, maybe… would you like me to tell you what I like about you?” Jeannie didn´t thought of it that way.

She only wanted him to tell her he still loved her body. That she wasn´t too big. But if she speaks about other aspects of her, well, that´s better!

“Sure! Why not?” After all, sometimes couples share what they love about the other, sometimes it´s therapeutical, right?

“Where to begin…” He started, rubbing her enormous leg as he spoke. “I like your smile. So radiant. And the way you look in the morning. So perfect, even with all that bright, messy hairs on you, you just look so… gorgeous.” He turned and started massaging her back as he looked at her, she was his muse, and he needed inspiration.

“I like how attentive you are. How sweet. How tender. I know you pamper me a lot, and maybe… maybe sometimes I feel like I don´t deserve so much affection from a woman like you. You´re kind to me, Jeannie, so so kind. I… I think, I think you´re the woman with the purest heart I´ve met. And I like, what I like the most about you is that… you´re willing to share your life with me. All your love, all your time, with a mere… mortal like me. I´m nothing but looks, I know, but you, now, your exterior´s only trying to match the pure, kind, good woman you are inside. And I´m sure, very sure, I… I just… don´t deserve you…” He was honest.

For the first time, the very first time in a long time, he decided to be honest. At least, to say what he truly felt. But, there was a reason why he was saying he doesn´t deserve her. Jeannie´s so good, he doesn´t deserve her because he was only behind her money. But not anymore. Now, he´d like for their relationship to flourish. To grow, just like she is…

Jeannie felt a know on her throat. That was so sweet, so much more than what she wanted to hear. She knew it, she knew Troy was a sweetheart. That he loved her, and those words, those words mean the world to her.

She had to hold some tears back. Then, she turned. Jeannie´s gotten much bigger than him, enough so that, she can easily turn and make him fall from her.

“Don´t! I´m the one who doesn´t deserve you… don´t think it´s the other way around…” And rapidly, her arms were wrapped around him. She hugged him, maybe a bit stronger than he would´ve wanted, but she was so sweet.

“I love you, Troy. Please don´t be scared of these words. But I love you. And I think, I think you´re the one. Everyone´s been so… so nasty about my new size. Everyone but you. And now, now that I can see how you feel, you´ve never spoke in such a way before. I just… I don´t know what to say…” A kiss, she kissed him.

Troy felt wrapped by Jeannie´s enormity. He could feel her arms around him with a gentle, still too tight, embrace. And, in front of him, her enormous chest was softly smothering his entire body. Pressing their soft, inflated, gargantuan tenderness all over him. He was in the embrace of an amazon. A woman who was surely still growing.

Part of him felt he did the right thing. He was sincere. But, now that he can tell what she needed was affection, he feels kind of bad. Yes, he was true to her, but he hasn´t tell her the whole truth.

He wonders, will he shut those thoughts or… will there come a day when he admits it? When he confesses?

Her love for him only intensified after that. Which didn´t help much for his situation. As days went on, Jennie´s love for him just intensified. Maybe it was the lust that was growing too, but she felt so affective when he was around.

She brought gifts, kisses, hugs, showing him how much she loves him. Which didn´t help to the remorse he felt.

But there were ways in which he tried to make amends.

All of the kissing, it escalated very fast. And, well, it doesn´t really help that she has such a luscious body. He couldn´t stop staring at her curves. As she came out of the pool, with her wide hips swaying from side to side. Her body, all wet. Her hair, completely soaked as she threw it from one side to the other.

It was inevitable for him to get hard. And, sex was always a good way to show the other how much they love them.

Jeannie stood before him, bustier than ever, curvier than ever. Now, she stood at 7´6”, the top of his head was barely at the base of her neck. Her growing breasts, closer and closer to his face as days went by. He can´t deny it, her body´s a threat!

They rapidly took things upstairs, to their bedroom. Laid on an even bigger mattress. Troy felt her soaked body on top of his. He felt her large hands, her long fingers taking off all of his clothes.

Then, when he was naked. She took of the tiny bikini she had on. Revealing her perky nipples. He had no choice but to grab those gargantuan breasts. He was immediately dragged to touch the firm, fleshy enormity of her bosom.

Soon, his erect member found it´s way to her pussy. He felt her augmented weight on him as she pinned him down to the mattress. Jeannie´s size never fails to amaze him. And so far, her expansion never seems to stop.

They kissed, touch, caressed each other´s naked body as they had sex. For a long, long time. There was nothing to do, other that to show each other how badly they desired the other. He kissed her, on the neck, making her quiver.

She just feels so lusty. So horny. She can´t help it, she´s hungry for sex. In desire for no one else but him. For Troy to give her the satisfaction she so much wants.

Maybe she´s not the lucky one, as she thinks. She fucks his brains out, not the other way around, now. It´s him who should be thankful such a gorgeous, big, stacked, and magnificent woman loves him. Now, Jeannie´s closer to being a goddess…


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