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Chapter 38

Cathy knew the power she currently had over Larry. He couldn´t help but to do everything she said. And that was not because Cathy was aware of anything about his actual shrinking problem, but because she was assigned to evaluate Larry´s estate.

It was a mere formality, just to make sure he could still work at the office. And Cathy was well aware that, all she needed to make sure, was that he was capable of using his computer. But she had a lot more in mind…

How can she make sure to have fun and, in the process, humiliate him a little? Well, with certain tests that, intentionally, were meant to test his strength.

She made him do push-ups, sit-ups, squats. All with his body weight; which, given the fact that the shrinking´s proportional, he can do without a struggle. He can handle his body weight as if he was still 6´1”. No problem. However… that wasn´t fun for her.

“Ok now, try picking up this box…” Cathy commanded as she pushed a random box filled with papers.

The box seemed HUGE to him. And, even if it weighed no more than twelve-pounds, to him, it was like carrying a hundredth! Lifting a box almost as long as he is tall, and wider than his shoulders, it was quite a problem!

He couldn´t get a hold good enough to lift it off the ground.

He struggled, trying to get a hold of it, trying to accommodate his body, but it was useless.

“I guess we´ll have to fail you on this one. Now stop, before you hurt your back.” Cathy said, and then, just to show him, she bent over and picked the box, with too little effort. “My… how light…” she wanted to tease him.

To annoy him. Make him mad. To show him that, now, at his current state, he was nothing but a shrimp. A weak man. Insignificant. Just as he used to be, but now, it was actually true.

Larry sighed, both in tiredness and also annoyance. These tests, there´s no way they are real. There´s no such a thing as a series of tests to check on a shrunken man´s functionality around the office. And even if there was, it wouldn´t be like this.

Larry knows Cathy is just making all this up. But he can´t complaint. He can´t say a word. Else, he´d be calling her a liar, or accusing her in some way. And, probably, this could end up violating either of Evangeline´s rules.

He´s a man who stands at 2´10”, he doesn´t want to find out how would it be to lose more inches. And, close to Cathy, the chances are always higher.

He´s not saying she´s like some sort of button he mistakenly pushes. But their relationship as coworkers is such that, inevitably, he´ll act or say something that will end up in him losing height.

This was so unfair! She´s as guilty as he is. Why does it always have to fall on him?

“It wouldn´t be bad if she shrank too. To feel how this is to me…” He thought, sure that, even if Evangeline was aware of his thoughts, she wouldn´t do it anyways. Besides, what are the chances that it could happen? None, because this is a punishment specifically designed to him. “Well, at least she… she should get fat. A pound for every time she´s been obnoxious. I´m sure she´ll add a couple dozens to that frame…” anything to see her annoyed. Or at lease displeased.

But there´s no chance. The one who´s being punished is him. And no one else…

Larry kept following Cathy´s rules. Following the lead of the gigantic woman. He was so annoyed, but he can´t deny one thing. From this perspective, her legs look so long and shapely…

Cathy looks like a fifteen-feet-tall giantess. And her legs look like tall, thick pillars of sensuous flesh. From his angle, it´s hard not to stare. Besides, she´s wearing a skirt. Revealing the nice smoothness of her soft legs.

“Ugh, are you looking at my legs? Gosh. I´ll write that down. “At his current height, it´s easier for him to look under a woman´s skirt.”” Cathy complaint, and noted.

“Hey! That´s…” He started.

“What? A lie? No way, I can see you. Even when you can clearly tell I´m big enough to beat you to the pulp, you just can´t stop, can you? You can´t help yourself from looking at a woman in an inappropriate way. To leer at me, to glare at my body.” Cathy has from none to zero tolerance with him.

“That´s…” well, that´s sort of true. Maybe he is leering. Staring. Looking at her with some luscious thoughts. But that´s not fair. He´s just staring because, well, she´s huge! Everyone´s huge!

It´s like living in a world of giantesses! It´s inevitable for him not to notice things off the chart. The new scale of things. The new size, length, the dimensions of everything. And, well, as a man, how could he not stare at bigger boobs or bigger butts?

Perhaps, this was another reason why Evangeline chose this as a punishment. Because, aside of looking up to women, he´ll be teased by their bigger assets. Their larger charms. And, perhaps, even kicked by a woman who finds it annoying.

He´s lucky Cathy was warned. She cannot put a finger on him, else, she´ll get in trouble with the big boss. And that´s certainly no fun.

It was frustrating to her. But this is how it´s been for him for a while now. And, at least, she´s not the one shrinking.

They spent about an hour there. An hour doing something that should´ve taken no more than twenty minutes. All because Cathy wanted some payback. She already disliked him, but since he got her in trouble with the boss. Causing her to receive a written warning. And now the boss, Mrs. Davis, has an eye on her. That wasn´t fun. But this, this might be…

Cathy can´t deny she´s having fun, humiliating him as she knows he´s going through a lot. This is like a punishment, or at least her way to show him how little he is.

“Well, according to this… you´re weak. Waaaaay too weak.” She stated, looking down at her notes. With the sole intention of pointing out how weak he is.

“I´ve shrank. I´m not weak, just… lost most of my strength due to the size cha…”

“Weak. We can resume it on… weak.” She won´t let him have one, not a single one.


“Moving on. You´re too short to reach. Too weak to carry stuff. Probably you´ll have issues with your transportation…” She continued.

“Actually, Nelly… someone already drives me here…” It sounded better in his mind…

“Heh, I should´ve known…” She´s enjoying every little thing that´s been taken away from him. Probably a bit too much. Does he really deserve that much hate from her?

She listed all things she thought would be, insulting sure, but mostly used as “feedback”. But the good thing is, he passed!

“So… I can still work?” He asked, unsure if he had listened correctly.

“Yeah. I mean, you can´t carry stuff. You can´t reach other things. But, you can still use a computer, and, as long as you´ve got a booster sit, and an assistant. You can still be productive. For now…” Those were good news.

Larry walked out of Cathy´s office, happy he could still work. But he was aware of so many things. He´s weak! She made sure to point that out in every chance she had, but the fact that she used it in a mean way doesn´t make it false. He´s weak!

But what was he thinking, he´s lost so much height. So much size. So much mass. Bone, muscle, he´s lost a lot of the things that made up his strength. He´s proportionally still as strong as he was. But at his current size, he´s much, MUCH weaker.

“This sucks…” He thought, walking down the hall, heading towards his office, but without helping the fact that he´s… defeated.

“Aww, don´t be sad. At least you didn´t lose more height while you were in there. You did exactly as Cathy said, without complaining. I can´t deny I´m kind of proud!” Came Evangeline´s voice.

“Sure, I did what she said as she… mocked me. I´m not dumb, I know half of those things were only to show me how… weak I am.” The word weak echoes in his mind.

“Well, yes. I know she was mean for doing what she did. And she could´ve been nicer…” Evangeline added.

“Yeah, and you could´ve stopped her!” He complaint.

“You know I can´t interfere in such things…” Sad, it was sad. However, someone else was enjoying herself…

Evangeline was at the other side of town. Casually walking into a coffee shop…

Evangeline was now a 6´5” amazon. Tall, curvaceous. Pretty. She walked, swaying her hips sensuously las she gave those long strides. So tall, so elegant. So gorgeous.

“My… everyone´s looking at me. So obvious. Maybe I should´ve worn heels, they might´ve liked it more.” She thought, knowing very well she had all eyes on her. But it was inevitable.

When an amazon as gorgeous as he walks in, she catches some looks.

Evangeline was looking for another date. Well, sex. She was looking for a man who liked a woman as tall as her. This time, she went for a regular, yet fancy, coffee shop. To know if men there will also fall for her.

Checking if the environment, of place, affects the mood of men to seduce her.

She was thinking in everything as she walked. Not sure on what to order, but as she looked for something warm and sweet, she was thinking about her clothing.

She wore some nice jeans. Of a navy-blue color. But they were tight. Tight over her fleshy curves. She wondered, has she gotten too… juicy? The answer´s clear, sure, but no one minds.

She wore a white top, lose, yet tight over those massive breasts of hers. And, above the top, she had a leather jacket. Of a brown, caramel color. Meant to hide her boobs a bit. Not that she´s afraid of showing too much, but because she knows that men would want to take that jacket off to look at those sexy boobs.

“Hello, dear…” She said, greeting the guy behind the counter.

“H-hi… ma´am…” She was shockingly pretty. And she used a sensuous tone intentionally. She wouldn´t mind if she has to take that guy home. She´s playing with all the cards now…

She was tall, pretty. And she had all the signs that say, “Hey, I´m single… interested?” and, was there someone interested? Well… yes, and no.

Did some find her pretty? Sure. And, were they willing to make a move? Nope. She looks way out of their reach. But that soon changed. As another guy arrived.

This guy was handsome, of an athletic complexion. Dressed in jeans, a plain shirt, and some casual boots. And yes, he was quite a player.

He immediately scanned the place, looking for a pretty woman, and once his eyes fell on Evangeline, he smiled. He´ll get a coffee first, and then, he´ll go visit that cute blonde by the corner.

This guy was tall, yes. But not taller than Evangeline. He stood at 6´2”, and could tell Evangeline was also a tall lady. But he wasn´t sure just how tall.

The guy ordered, and immediately walked towards her table. Evangeline could tell his intentions. It was obvious.

“Mind if I sit here while I wait?” He asked. With a million-dollar smile. Ensured, on the hunt.

“Sure.” She replied, smiling.

It was obvious that his only intention was to flirt with her. His kind greeting, the way he looked for her approval before making any serious move.

Evangeline listened and smiled as he talked. She knew his prime intention was to impress her. He spoke about his job, his position. He didn´t gave any details he didn’t have to. Like his salary, or schedule. But she was certain he wanted to impress her.

For someone who doesn´t really know the value of money, like her. Or cares about status, this was all like a waste of time. But she heard him with attention to let him know she was interested…

“So, now that I have my coffee… would you like to take yours and come with me? Take this somewhere else? Maybe… my place?” He asked.

“I´d love to.” She replied.

She knows where this is going. And it´s perfect! All she had to do was pass a small test before.

“Whoa… you´re tall… nice.” He stood up, and then she followed. This guy certainly wasn´t expecting to meet a woman three-inches taller than him. But he really doesn´t mind. He´s looking for sex, not a long-term relationship. Besides, Evangeline´s fine!

This guy, who´s name was John. Acted as a gentleman, opening the door for her. Even if he took the chance to look at her juicy ass as she passed him by. Then, he walked her to his car. He had a sports car, quite fancy.

She can´t deny he´s a bit like Larry. Although, he seems to frequent different places. But the dynamic´s the same. A man who thinks he´s an alpha, and seduces women using his looks and status.

Evangeline can´t deny two things. One, she doesn´t really mind the way he is. Right now, Larry´s the only one who deserves a punishment. John´s not as bad as Larry. But if he´s not careful, he might end up that way. Or maybe not. She can´t tell the future.

And, the other thing she realized is, at 6´5”, sports cars are tiny! She´s sure he only drives it because of looks, not comfort. There´s no room enough for her legs. And she has to bent a lot to sit in there.

Now, after the tight way to his place. They were finally there. His place was fancy. An apartment, but well decorated. Minimalistic, but with good looks. Simple, clean. It was nice.

“Mind to have something stronger?” He asked as he pulled out a bottle of champagne.

“Uhh, sure.” Alcohol? Well, it gets you in the mood faster than coffee. At least for mortals.

Evangeline liked this feeling. She liked how men treated her. How they seduced her, the way they worked their way just to please her. All with one thing in mind, sure, but it´s nice to be treated this way. To be… worshiped.

It didn´t took long before they went into his room. Evangeline took her clothes off. Seductively. Slowly pealing the clothes off of her large, fleshy body. The sensuality with which she removed her jeans. How she revealed her bare, soft flesh.

The perfect look of her soft skin as she stood naked. The shape, the firmness of her breasts. So big, so sexy. Just perfect.

John was not going to be intimidated by her size. Sure, she´s taller than him, but that doesn´t make her a threat. If anything, that only makes her a big, gorgeous woman.

He laid back in bed as she laid on top of him. He could feel her soft skin touching his. The warmth of her body. The softness of her boobs all over his chest as her juicy lips met his.

He touched her body, making her tingle a little. He caressed her curves. Rubbed her soft, perfect skin. Evangeline moaned softly as he worshiped her, as he caressed her.

Evangeline likes the fact that, even if she´s bigger, her body still reacts the same way under the correct stimulation. How she´s an amazon, but that doesn´t stop his touch from arousing her.

She wasn´t sure if the passion with which he worked was due to him being this way, or if she had something to do with it. She´s taller, bigger, does that mean she´s harder to please? That men have to work harder in order to satisfy such a lady? Or he´s just trying to give her a good impression?

Perhaps, he´s just doing such a hard work because he´s completely aroused. Seduced by her body. She can´t deny the fact that she´s developed such voluptuous curves. That her long legs are smooth, sexy. That her boobs are huge. Falling on the size that men fantasize about.

She´s a bombshell. A tall, voluptuous woman. The thing is, do men prefer tall women? Or is it her size what they like? The size of her boobs, the size of her butt. Her thighs, her hips. Is the arousal coming from looking at a woman with such dimensions?

There´s one thing for sure, John´s not wasting any time. He´s kissing her passionately as he inserts his member on her pussy. Working hard to satisfy a tall woman like her.

Her moans confirm she likes it. He knows how to move, how to thrust his hips, how deep to get. This might not be this man´s first time, that´s for sure.

Evangeline allowed herself to get lost in the sweet lust of passion. Leaving everything else aside for a moment. All she thought about was the size of his member. Big enough to please a woman like her.

There´s a few things she´ll have to analyze later on. Does size affect the way men perceive a woman? If she was shorter than them, then that´ll be the norm. But standing so much taller than most men, does that intimidate them? Puts her out of their reach?

She can´t be sure, yet, but she can confirm that later. However, there´s men who do like taller women. Men who worship a woman as they call her an amazon, a giantess. A pretty, sexy statuesque woman.

Her question is, will getting taller ruin her chances, or, will it make those who like her more passionate about it?