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Size change between a couple. He´s tall, and with some bulking muscles. Although, he´s a bit husky, but on the strong side. And she´s thin, slim, delicate looking.

The couple are just talking about how things are, and that the other wouldn´t be able to take it if they were the other´s side…

Part 1

There´s no such a thing as a standard for a couple. Anyone can fall in love with any other person, and when that person loves you back as much as you love them, well, that´s when a relationship flourishes.

Take this couple, for example. On a side, we have Dave, a tall guy. At 6´6”, he´s well above the average. And not just in height. Dave weights over 400-pounds. He used to be slimmer, but he´s been hitting the gym, and after a while, he packed some pounds.

His first intention was to get muscular, and in order to achieve that, he started bulking. But he´s been bulking for quite some time now…

On the other hand, we have Kiara, she´s not like Dave. She´s slim, a thin lady with light curves. But she´s got a gentle, feminine frame. And she´s not so tall either, standing at exactly five-feet-tall, she´s quite the contrast with her boyfriend Dave.

She weights no more than 100-pounds, and she takes care of her figure, unlike Dave…

None of them really complaints about the other. Sure, he´s a big guy, and she´s a tiny lady, but they love each other with all of their hearts. However, there´s some times when they argue a little…

“Dave! What happened to the fridge?!” Came Kiara´s voice from the kitchen.

Dave was laying on the couch, watching a football game as he munched some chips. “What´s the matter?” He asked, right before he drove a handful of chips to his mouth.

“What´s the matter? It´s almost empty! Dave, you should really watch what you eat. You even ate mu yogurt, and you said you hated yogurt…” He was kind, lovely, but sometimes, he so carelessly, eats everything on the house.

“Yeah, I was hungry, and there was nothing else in there…” He replied, now turning at Kiara as she came to the living room. Still, eating the chips.

“Nothing else? And what about those chips?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh, yeah, I found them when I finished the yogurt…”

“Lucky you, huh? So, you finished the WHOLE can of yogurt, and you still have room for chips?”

“Pretty much… but hey, don´t worry, it´s bulking season. All these extra calories will turn into some big muscles.” He winked at her.

“Yeah, just like last season, which was also bulking season. Dave, you know I love you just the way you are but, when do you think cutting season will come? I´d like to see some definition too…” and for him to stop emptying the fridge, or the pantry.

“I know, I know…” He replied smiling.

So, it seems it´s easier to bulk up. He gets to eat whatever he wants, and as long as he goes to the gym, he doesn´t become a fatty. Sure, he´s a big guy, and he´s developed a layer of fat on his body, but he compensates it with all the muscle he´s put into his frame. He´s got a belly, but he also gained some strong biceps.

And on the cutting season, well, he already grew a frame to impress, he only needs to burn down all the extra fat he gained. Which, will require something called caloric deficit. Basically, he´ll eat less and less calories. He won´t go as far as a bodybuilder would on season, but he´ll sure eat less. Much less junk food, counted calories, basically, he´ll have to stop eating everything he wants.

Kiara´s not mad he gained weight. She loves him, like she said. No matter what. But she´s getting tired of getting to the kitchen just to find out he already ate everything there…

Don´t get it wrong, they love each other, but sometimes, it´s a bit annoying to live with such a big guy like him…

They are a young couple, he´s 27 and she´s 25. They moved in over a year ago. At first, it was thrilling! They got to meet each other when they got back to work, and then, they could stay together the rest of the day.

And the first person they met in the morning, was no other than their lover. Together with the singing of the birds. They were happy, they were together, but that honeymoon stage, it was coming to an end…

They were totally in love, they still are. But now that they live together, well, there´s a few things they can now notice…

For example, ever since Dave started bulking, he became a bit… lazy. When they met, he was 270-pounds. Slimmer, fit, athletic. He always liked to work out, and he mostly did cardio. But last year, he wanted to put some muscles on his body. Huge muscles, and bulking was the key.

The first fifty pounds he gain, they looked spectacular! She didn´t care if his abs were gone, his arms were huge, his chest was impressive. But then, the other fifty pounds came…

He was starting to look plainly big, and he started growing a belly. His toned middle became soft. Not that she complaints, but, she does miss the old, fit, Dave.

And then, he gained another thirty pounds. She´s concerned if there´s appoint when he´ll just be… fat.

But that´s her point of view. Now, let´s talk about his. Dave´s a big guy, wouldn´t a taller woman be a better couple to him? Love knows no size, and neither does him. However…

With all this bulking, all this working out, all this time at the gym, he came to notice some things. A few, nothing outstanding.

He loves Kiara, every single inch of her. But, he wouldn´t mind if she packed some pounds…

He doesn´t mean for her to get fat, but he´s noticed the changes on women who go to the gym. They develop some nice curves. Bigger butts, fuller thighs, and some, some even grow bigger tits.

He loves Kiara, he fell in love with her for who she was and not for how she looks. But, he had the idea that, probably, her boobs could grow. Or at least she could get a fleshier butt.

But that´s completely up to her. He has invited her to go to the gym with him, but she sticks to yoga and morning jogging.

Now, how does this couple get along with the size? To Dave, it´s easy, he only has to make sure not to step on Kiara. But Kiara, well…

Dave´s sometimes a mess, leaving his shoes everywhere. Dropping his towel in bed. At times, he´s messy, and his things aren´t exactly light or small…

She has to carry all of his huge clothing to the washing machine, she´s getting tired of it. One of his changes is the equivalent to three of hers! And that counting the fact that he doesn´t wear a bra like her.

And, recently, at night, there´s some other things she complaints about. Not his snoring, which may have increased a little bit lately. But the fact that, sometimes, he rolls over the bed. Imagine his 400-pounds frame threatening to crush her small one, there´s no way she can push him aside.

But, even with all that, they are still in love. Sure, it´s hard to live with a giant like him. Mostly when it comes to food. Seriously, would it hurt him to be more considerate about food? He´s not the only one there.

However, there may be a bit of a change soon…

“Haha…” He laughed as they were together, in the couch, watching TV.

“What´s the matter? She asked. There was no joke on the show they were watching.

“Oh, it´s nothing, I was just looking at your hand, compared to mine, yours is just so… tiny.”

“Ha. Ha. Isn´t that a bit obvious? You´re like a giant compared to me.” She replied.

“I know but, I just, never stopped to look at your hands. Have they always been so small?” He was just being silly, but Kiara´s kind of cranky, and he makes it look as if he was mocking her smaller frame.

“Well, yes, they have. Unlike someone´s belly…” she said, pointing out at someone´s growth…

“Hey, what´s the matter with my belly?” He replied.

“Well, I don´t know, just the fact that, with all of the “bulking” you´ve been doing, your waist has grown…”

“What do you mean by that?” Dave was starting to feel this wasn´t just a comment.

They are not a couple that would fight often. But when there´s an argument, well, let´s just say it´s not fun.

They weren´t yelling, or screaming, but you could see the disgust on their faces. Maybe Kiara should´ve said things differently, but she was just so tired.

Dave´s too big, and he´s selfish at times. Kiara felt as if he was just taking advantage of her kind side. Well, he never really asked her to do the things she does, but he never seems to thank her.

She made comments, he made some comments. Overall, they were kind of focused on the size…

“You just eat everything around the house!” She complaint.

“Well, that´s just because a big body like mine needs more calories than you. I bet a rabbit eats more than you.” He said back.

“Bullshit! You overeat, Dave. And that´s fine, but what´s not fine is to come home with a snack in mind, only to find out you ate the whole shit! I swear, if furniture tasted good, you´ll eat it!”

“You´ll understand me better if you weren´t so SMALL.” He replied.

“What? For your information, I´m a perfectly normal size. It´s you the one who´s too big!”

“Oh, and now you care? You didn´t seem to mind me being big and tall. In fact, you liked it!”

“I do! But I don´t like it when you´re selfish! I swear, if only someone could show you how it feels to be… mistreated by a giant like you!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes! You need a lesson! I wish you could see how it feels to walk in my shoes!”

“Well, and so could you! So that you can see that a big body ain´t so easy to maintain. I bet I wouldn´t eat that much if I was as short as you.”

And so, between all of the arguing, all of the exchanges of comments, something happened.

Thunder. The unmistakable sound of thunder filled the air. But the couple didn´t heard it so much. But then, the light´s went off. Everything turned dark.

The TV shut down, the lights all around the house. Even her phone made a sound that the charger had been unplugged. For a moment, at the late evening, they couldn´t see a thing.

And something worse happened. Although, it wasn´t so bad. Tremble. A mild tremble, that didn´t feel like shaking the house, but they did felt some quake. Barely, still, something wasn´t right.

Within a minute, things went back to normal. This strange moment was enough to break down their arguing. They were still mad, but now they were focused on something else.

Dave turned at her, as soon as the lights went on, and said: “What? Will you blame me for this too? Hmmm? Big guy forgot to pay the electricity bills?”

“Oh, relax. I´m not saying you´re a mess. I´m just saying I´ll appreciate it if you could see things as I do. Maybe you´ll be more considerate.” She replied, not mad, just being realistic.

“Fine. Maybe… maybe you´re right… but, I don´t know how could that be possible?” He doesn´t, but tomorrow, tomorrow he may…

Part 2

The couple wouldn´t stay mad forever, not even for five minutes. From time to time, it´s nice to get some relieve. To speak about their problems.

Things were back to normal a couple minutes later. But tomorrow morning, they will find out what will happen…

The next morning, when the alarm went on, Dave was the first one to wake up. He woke up at 6:00 am, a bit tired, but he was used to it. One of these days, he´ll find a way to get a better sleep. Getting to bed by midnight and waking up after a six-hour sleep, well, that wasn´t the ideal.

But he never does. At best, he gets to sleep seven hours, or a little more. Dave woke up. His eyes were tired. He struggled to keep them open.

The dim light that came into the room by the window wasn´t enough. The room was still kind of dark. Usually, Kiara wakes up at 5:00 am, gets her morning run and comes back. Of course, she opens the windows and the door, to make sure he´s aware it´s morning already. Even if he gets to sleep one more hour.

However, today, something was different.

In fact, Kiara missing that particular step of her day wasn´t just it. Dave could tell something was off. He could feel it in his… body? He felt strange. Not sick, but something was off…

He rubbed his eyes while he sat and turned over the mattress, and when he attempted to stand up, that´s when it hit him…

“Oh! Wha…?” He was still half-asleep, but he was never so clumsy, he almost fell from the bed. How?

A big guy like him could never actually fall from bed, unless he´s drunk. But, for some reason, his feet didn´t touch the floor as he expected. Usually, it´s easier for him to have his feet hanging from the bed than to have to move some more to the edge and redo the whole thing.

He instinctively moved forwards, but when he stood up, that´s when it hit him, more like… they fell.

“Wow!” He said as his shorts fell, feeling the light breeze on his naked butt. Shorts, boxers, both were on the floor. The only thing covering his crotch was his shirt. Which shouldn´t hang so low. Was he still covered by the sheets?

He knew something wasn´t right. The first thing he did was to pull up his clothes. But when he tried to put them on, he realized they were far too big, how? And what about the shirt? It feels like a short dress, what´s happening?

As he looked at his hands, he realized what was going on.

They look so skinny. His hands are big and meaty. Strong hands, manly hands, with big knuckles, thick fingers, thick wrists. But the pair of hands that were holding his shorts, they look so… thin?

His wrists were kind of boney, his forearms weren´t full of muscle, they were slender.

Dave let the shorts fall on the floor once more, he was concerned. How? His arms were so thin! Can anyone lose this much weight overnight? He put his hands on his waist, only to find out it was so thin, he could feel his hip bones, it´s been a while since he was able to do so.

But it wasn´t just that, his arms, his legs, his shoulders. All of his bulking muscles, together with quite some fat, were gone. He felt so slender, a little weak. But he wasn´t weak-looking, he was just thin. As thin as…

“K-Kiara, honey, are you up?” He asked as he turned back. Maybe Kiara knows what´s going on? Even if she doesn´t, it would be better if she was awake.

But, as he turned, he didn´t find his tiny girlfriend sleeping in bed, instead, he found something bigger….

“Mmmm…” Came her voice, sounding huskier, deeper. She rapidly sat on the edge of the bed and stood up. And up. And up! That wasn´t his five-foot-girlfriend, that was a giantess!

Kiara felt drowsy, she could barely keep her eyes open. But Dave, he was so concerned that no trace of sleepiness remained inside his body. He could see Kiara, clearly, as she stood up, taller, and taller.

In fact, she wasn´t just taller, she seemed a bit… husky?

“Wha- *yaaaAAAAAWWWWwwwwnnn* what´s the matter, Dave?” She asked, turning at him. Revealing her enlarged body.

Kiara was… bigger! Thicker, massive! And her clothes were not loose as his were. She always wore this fancy pajamas. A buttoned top and pants, that matched. However, they were comfortably loose when she went to bed, but now, the enlarged body of this woman ripped the whole thing down!

Well, all buttons had popped, revealing her massive, fleshy body…

Dave had to crane his neck to look up and up at Kiara´s taller and larger form. His eyes were widely open, he couldn´t believe it! His once petit girlfriend had turned into a giantess!

Kiara wasn´t small anymore, not even thin! Her boobs, they were enormous, her hips were much wider. Her whole body was fleshier, huskier. Her shoulders were wider, and a bit puffy, and so was her stomach. Not so flat anymore, Dave could see a bit of a belly, under the dark shadow of her enlarged cleavage.

Kiara was now big, and husky, but she was still gorgeous. Her body had filler up, surely, but in just the right places, and maybe some more…

Her body resembles the one of a big, beautiful woman. A plus size amazon, a thick lady. Full figured.

The couple hasn´t realized this yet, but there´s been a change. All that arguing about who´s got it harder, well, now they get the chance to see.

Dave´s body had shrunken, just the size of Kiara, well, the former Kiara. And Her body had changed, enlarged to meet Dave´s bigger frame. However, there were some changes.

He´s a short, slim guy, maybe a bit too skinny. And now, she´s a big, voluptuous woman. Her body´s not squared-shaped like Dave´s used to be. Kiara´s got some massive hips, huge breasts, and her waist, even if a bit chubby, is slimmer in comparison with her boobs above and the massive ass beneath. She´s got a thick, fleshy hourglass figure. Surely making her curvy, not fat, but sensuously thick.

“K-Kiara, you´re HUGE!” Dave said, looking at Kiara with some horror. What the fuck?

“Hmmm?” She said, looking for him, but he wasn´t above, as she expected. In fact, he wasn´t even in sight. She had to follow his voice, and set her gaze down, and down. When she was awake enough, she realized Dave wasn´t so… well, Dave. “What the… Dave? Is that… you? How… how did you lost so much weight, and… what are you doing down there?”

Was he on his knees? Was she standing higher? On an uneven ground? Well, it´s not like that…

“Shit! What happened to my clothes?! And… what happened to my body?” She said as she pinched her new self. Kiara was taller, much taller, and also much thicker.

Her body, once firm and stiff, was now… soft. Squishy. She first noticed her thicker arms, and immediately spotted the immense bosom she was carrying.

“Why…” Kiara started, running her hands over her almost naked, larger body. She noticed her new softness, her heavier body as she grabbed her immense tits. She was bigger, heavier, and… “Why am I so big? And… why are you so small?”

She felt the clothes sinking on her flesh. She felt she was too big for this new, enlarged body of hers. So big, so soft, so… much like his?

Dave had no idea what had happened. While they struggled with the barely fitting clothes, Kiara had an idea. As if it was a sign. A premonition. As if someone had whispered into her ear the reason for this change. Dave was shorter, thinner, and she, well, she was huge! Thick, simply… bigger!

The thought she had was: “What if… this is a way to teach him? Show him how it´s like to live with someone bigger?”

He said she had things easy. Well, this is her chance to find out. Is it easier to be bigger? Or to be smaller? As she tries to measure him with her eyes, she feels he´s just as tall as she was. Well, at least compared with were she reached her in comparison to where she used to reach him. With the top of his head below her shoulder level, just as she used to be.

Maybe it was time to teach Dave a lesson. How did this happen? Why? She´s unsure, but she´ll take advantage of the situation. But, first of all, clothes…

“Kiara, what… what´s happening?” He asked, pulling his clothes so that she could see they were huge on him.

“Uhm… I don´t know, it´s so strange. But, why don´t we get change? Hmm?” She replied.

“Change? I mean, no offense but, you already noticed this clothes I´m wearing are too… big, right?”

“Sure, on you, but how would they look on me?”


“I mean, it seems I´m, for some reason, bigger. And you, well, you´re smaller. Maybe… maybe we could try and… trade clothes?” She was eager to see if she was right.

The way his short fit his new body, it was kind of the way it fit on hers. Sure, she´s got feminine curves, so the fit is not the same. But if she´s right, then she might be his size, and him, well, he might be down to her size…

A few moments later, they were changed. Clothed. Kiara was wearing his clothes, and he was wearing hers, however, there was a bit of a contrast on their sizes…

Dave had to wear her least feminine clothes. Lucky him, they were very neutral. Some jeans, which had plenty of room on the butt, and a white-shirt. No waist-cut, no feminine touches, just a plain shirt. The fit was, well, perfect. The waist, the shoulders, the length, everything was surprisingly accurate. Which got him thinking, is he her… size?

Meanwhile, Kiara didn´t have such an easy time. Her hips were much wider than his used to be. The waist was no problem, but the hips. She had to take the baggiest pants he had. And still, her ass filled them up, and so did her thighs. Butt and thighs had a glove-like fit. With the fabric tightly wrapped around her fleshy body.

The shirt was ok, sure, it was really tight on the boob area, but it fit just fine. What she needs is a bra for her new, massive, assets.

“I think this fits just fine… what do you think?” What does he think? Well, part of him is concerned. How can she be so big? As big as he was!

However, another part of his brain, as he scans her body, has gotten a bit aroused. Her thighs, that ass, and those boobs. She doesn´t have a bra that fits those immense breasts. He can see her nipples, poking through the fabric of the shirt. So round, firm, sexy.

And the way her legs are so thick. Those pants were baggy on him, but her legs fill them up so nicely. Every inch of the fabric seems to be stretched over her long, thick, shapely legs.

“Nice…” He replied.

Kiara noticed the, sort of stupid, look on his face. As she moves, she can feel her breasts bounce. Their weight, they are just so big! And, she can tell, he likes it.

Isn´t he concerned? She´s concerned! How is it possible for her to get so big? How? She´s not swollen, she´s a big, thick amazon! The feminine equivalent to what Dave used to be.

But, now that she comes to notice it, again. Maybe it´s time for them to check on their sizes…

Part 3

There must be a reason why this happened. A cause. Something that made them change. Now, Dave´s a short, skinny guy; and Kiara´s a big, hefty amazon!

She´s not certain, yet, but it seems their bodies, somehow, have reversed. That the roles had changed. And now, she´s the big one, the heavy one. She´s yet to confirm it, but after they measure themselves, she´ll know…

“Ok, stand with your back to the wall.” She said, still not able to believe she looms so high above Dave! He´s below her shoulder level, with his eyes so very close to her boob-level. “Oh, and no cheating.” She said, wanting to tease him a little.

“Cheating?” He asked, looking way, and a bit concern, up at his now statuesque girlfriend.

“Yeah, I don´t want you to stand on your tiptoes. This must be accurate.” She pointed.

“Sure, just draw the mark.” It felt nice to tease him about his height, for a change, she was the tall one. And now, as she draws the mark, she wonders…

“Oh my… it says you´re five-foot-EVEN!” She said.

“No way! Five? Five-feet-tall? That can´t be right!” He lost a foot and a half? How?

“check for yourself, but I´m not lying.” He checked, and with his own eyes, he could see she wasn´t lying. The mark was right at five-feet.

Kiara smiled as he checked, he´s 5´, and, she knows, that´s her old height. Now, she has a feeling, but will her height be…?

“What´s taking you so long?” she asked. Standing big and tall against the wall. Waiting for Dave to make the mark by the top of her head.

“I… I can´t… ugh.” He was stretching, but he couldn´t find a comfortable position to draw the mark. Besides…

“You can´t reach, can you?” Another chance for her to tease him.

“Of course I can! It´s just… it´s hard to draw the line when I´m all stretched up.” He complaint.

Kiara could´ve marked her own height. She could´ve grabbed the pencil and drawn the line, easily. But she wanted to have some fun, so…

“Hey! What…?” She bent over, put her hands on Dave´s sides and easily lifted him off the ground.

“Wow, you´re so light! Ok, now that you can reach, draw the mark.” She lifted him easily.

Kiara was big, and she was also stronger. Her arms were thicker. Soft-looking, but there were still some muscles beneath that soft flesh. She lifted Dave as if he weighed nothing!

He swallowed, was he so light? Or was she much stronger? It doesn´t really matter, he just made the mark.

“Ok, done. Now put me down.” He said.

“Put you down? I could keep you here all day! How come my BIG, strong man became so light? Or is it that… I became big, and strong?” she had an idea on the number that will be next to the mark on the wall. She was suspicious that things had changed in a particular way.

“Kiara! Put me down! I… I´m not in the mood for jokes, ok?”

“Fine.” She said as she put him down. As if she ever was in the mood whenever he wanted to joke.

Kiara grabbed the measuring tape and turned. But she was already aware of the number. She already knew how tall she was. If Dave was down to 5´, then she must be up to…

“six-foot-six. Wow, isn´t that… your old height?” she said, smiling mischievously as she turned at Dave.

“M-My… old height?” It was!

“What´s the matter? Am I too high that you can´t listen? Should I come down?” He used to be the big one, he used to tease her for being short, and now, it seems that the tables have turned. “You see, I´m 6´6”, and you´re 5´, as far as I can remember, things used to be the other way around…”

How did this happen? She´s not sure, but she knows the reason why. All of this is in order for them to have a little twist. For him to see how are things down there. This is her chance to be the big one. Roles have been reversed. She doesn´t need to weigh herself, she knows she must be Dave´s old weight too. But differently.

Now, Kiara´s a big woman. Tall, and thick. She´s not Dave, but she does have his height, and must have his weight. Weight that´s distributed sensuously on her feminine frame. Her curves, so thick, so plump. Her ass jiggles when she walks, her hips sway to the sides heavily. And her boobs, they bounce, her gargantuan cleavage bounces sexily as she moves.

And Dave, he´s now the short one, the thin one. The one who´ll have to take how it is to live with a larger person who doesn´t care it´s much bigger.

“Well,” she thought, looking down at Dave, “I think this is my chance to show him how it is to be on the short side of the relationship…” This was Kiara´s chance to teach him a lesson. If things ever go back to the way they used to be, maybe he´ll be more considerate once she shows him how it is to have a big, non-caring, partner…

“Ok now, let´s go to the mall.” She said.

“What? The mall? Don´t you think we should go see a doctor?” This couldn´t be happening, people´s sizes don´t just… swap in the middle of the night!

“Nah, I´d like to get new clothes first. I´m not going to the doctor wearing YOUR clothes. Which, by the way… hmm, do you think they make my butt look too big?” She turned, showing off her wide ass.

Her butt was amazing! Big, round, heavy! So wide, so sexy, and soooo juicy. His pants were sinking right in the middle of her fleshy glutes, wrapped all over her sensuous ass like a glove!

“Well…” He started.

“I think that… for someone like you, it must be HUGE!” She said, knowing he was a bit hypnotized, yet, he could still tell she was messing with him.

“Me… like me? Hey! What do you mean?!” He didn´t like her tone.

“You know what I mean, short-stuff. I´m a big woman now, much bigger than you…” and so, this was the beginning…

Kiara drove them to the mall because, according to her, his truck was “too big” for a man like him. It demanded a big woman behind the wheel.

He grunted a little, but decided not to make a fuss. Either way, he doesn´t feel like driving.

Once they were at the mall, she dragged him into all stores she thought will have clothes for her. Which took like forever.

“Hey! We´ve been to like… seven different stores already! What about my clothes?” He complaint.

“Relax, we can get them once we´re done. Remember, a big lady like me may not have an easy time finding clothes that fit. You remember how not all stores had clothes your size?” He nodded, “well, it´s like five-times more difficult for a woman.

She could´ve grabbed large clothes from any store. But she didn´t want just any clothes. She wanted to look good. Besides, this new body of hers, it´s quite hefty. And, it´s got some curves that deserve to stand out.

But, being larger also came with some… disadvantages…

“Ugh, this… this jeans… they should… fit!” She pulled and pulled, trying on a pair of jeans, but the thing is, her body may have some more flesh than she anticipated. They were the biggest size they had, but they couldn´t make it past her thighs.

“Everything ok in there?” Dave asked, after she´s been taking over thirty minutes on the fitting rooms.

“Y-yeah! Everything´s going… smoothly…” She was lying.

She went through the first stores just to mess with him. She didn´t even care to try something on. She knows her size, and how things fit. However, things are different when you´re a tall and thick 6´6” BBW.

“What´s the matter? This should fit, they are… the biggest size! There´s no way I´m… I´m that big, is it?” she took a look at her reflection.

Looked with attention at her large, plump new self. She was hefty, thicker, and maybe a bit chubby. Her body looks big, but it seems, she´s much bigger than she looks.

Kiara didn´t stop to look at her reflection with as much attention as she currently does. In the morning, she was too worried about the growth to have an actual look at her body. Sure, she saw a bigger woman, but she didn´t pay that much attention to herself.

Everything in her body was bigger, all of her anatomy was larger, and thicker. Her bones were wider, larger, but it wasn´t her bone structure what got her concerned.

“Do I look… rounder?” Her face, most specifically, her cheeks. She used to have a defined jaw-line, high cheek-bones, and certainly, too little fat. But now, her face has adopted a bit of a rounder look.

And not just her face. Her once skinny arms are now thick, husky even. Strong enough to lift the new Dave, but also filled with a layer of soft flesh. But not a layer as thick as the one over her legs.

Don´t get it wrong, she doesn´t look fat, she looks gorgeous, but gorgeously curvy. She´s plump, thick, soft, but firm and curvaceous. Her waist may not be as trimmed as it used to be, but her hips are still wider than her waist. However, there´s a bit of a tummy over there.

“This… being this big does come with a downside…” She said as she drove her hands to her puffy mid-section.

She´s as big as Dave was, which makes her the bigger one in the relationship. However, she´s as big as Dave was, and that, well, that makes her a husky amazon woman.

Perhaps, there´s a bit of a downside for her current change. She´s taller, sure, but she´s also heavier. And a body as big, well, it certainly demands more calories.

*grrrrRROOOOOWWWwwwllll!!!* Both were walking down the mall when suddenly, her stomach decided to speak up.

“Whoa… looks like someone´s hungry!” Dave said, looking at the embarrassment on her face. She´s never made that sound, at least not that loud. Even he heard it!

“I… I guess I could… eat.” Well, it seems someone´s body is ready for some food.

With all the things that happened, the couple didn´t have a chance to grab some breakfast. And now, they changed their route. Heading towards the food court.

“Let´s grab a burger!” Dave said as they stood right by the food court. And, he was a bit strange by the fact that he wasn´t the hungry one. He knows he can´t make it this long without getting hungry. He always had a big appetite, but now, things had changed.

“Why do you always want to have burgers?” She complaint.

“What? Do you want a salad?” She would´ve said yes, choosing a healthy option, as always, but another growl demanded something more satisfying, than a simple salad.

“I guess we could, uhm, get a burger…” And so, the couple headed towards the counter of this famous burger shack.

They had to make a bit of a line, but it went by quite fast. And now, it was time to order. As always, Dave picked first.

“I´ll have three large burgers, two large fries, and… an extra-large drink.” He told the mature lady at the counter.

“Wow! That´s just for you, dear? Oh my, you have such an appetite!” What does she mean? He´s eaten that since high-school, however, maybe his five-foot-frame may disguise it a little, or, does it?

The woman at the counter was about 5´11”, and she was a thick lady. To Dave, she was very tall. He barely made it to her chin. However, she was not as big, or thick, as Kiara.

“I´ll have a… burger, and some medium fries. Plus a small drink…” That should be enough, right? She usually goes for less, but she´s really hungry.

“That´s it? Dear, are you on a diet?” The woman couldn´t believe the five-foot guy could eat three times more, looking up at the 6´6” lady, she found it hard to believe.

“No, I just… that should be enough.” Kiara said. But, little does she know, things have changed. Hasn´t she looked at their sizes?

Soon, the couple was given their order and then, they drifted and found a table. And then, there´s where they realized another thing that has changed.

“Fuck.” Dave said, right after he finished his first burger.

“What´s the matter?” Kiara said, her burger was gone, and she was about to finish her fries. But she was still hungry…

“I´m… I´m full.” He only ate ONE burger. And he hasn´t even touched the fries! Or the drink!

“Full? No way! You´re already full?” She asked, a bit teasingly.

“Yes! I cannot fit another bite in… in this shrimpy body!” Everyone looks so tall now, he´s certain her must be the shortest man at the mall. And that´s not nice for someone who stood at 6´6”.

“Haha.” She laughed, but there was something in her mind. What will they do with the rest of the food he ordered? He won´t be able to eat it. And the large lady, well, she´s still hungry. One tiny burger wasn´t enough to sate her. “So… can I eat it?” She asked.

“What? You wanna eat it? Well, go ahead. We shouldn´t throw it away…” He was pissed, but she, she was hungry!

The second burger was as tasty as the first one, and the third one was a delight. She ate all of the fries, and then, it was time for a drink.

“Say… why don´t we allow the big one here to have the large drink, and you can keep the tiny one, ok, cutie?” She had a full stomach, however, there was a spot left for a drink. She must wash it all away with enough soda, right?

“Sure, whatever…” He doesn´t even feel like drinking it, either way.

It seems that, with the size-change, there´s much more changes than just height, and weight. But it was logical, how could a 6´6”, 400-pound woman eat as if she was still a 5’, 100-pound lady? It didn´t make sense. Her body demands more calories. And his, well, he doesn´t need as much.

“Awww, don´t be mad, we´ll go get you some clothes and then we can leave.” She said.

“For real?” That was fast! Usually, a visit to the mall takes like five hours, but today, they´ve been there for a little more than two, and they are already about to leave? That´s nice!

“Yes, for real.” She was being nice? No. Actually, this big lady was a bit tired. And with all the food she ate, she felt as if she needed a nap. The big woman needs some rest. Which could be another disadvantage for her larger body. But he can´t know that.

Although, he may already do.

He´s been walking for so long, and his feet are not swollen. Dave feels different. Sure, everything´s HUGE now. The perspective of standing one-and-a-half-feet shorter, that´s quite a difference. But he feels… lighter. As if he could run faster, move easily. As if he had lost about three-hundredth-pounds of flesh that were making him slow.

Sure, he lost most of his muscles, but, he´s never felt so… light.

On the other hand, Kiara was the one who had found the weight. She felt slower, heavier. Sure, her boobs are huge, her butt´s tremendous, and her thighs, they are massive! But, all that extra flesh… it´s kind of hard to move such a big body for so long… thankfully, they made a quick stop at the food court, but all the food inside her, it´s making her feel kind of… sluggish.

The good thing is, Dave´s quite a simple man. A pair of jeans, some sports shorts, a couple shirts. Underwear, and they were good to go. Oh! And he couldn´t forget about something to wear at the office.

“Ok, just a quick stop here and… and we´ll be good to go.” He said, but he was thoughtful.

What will happen tomorrow? What´s everyone going to say about his new… size? A man can´t loose all that size and walk as if nothing had happened. He was small! He used to be a giant, and now, the giant´s his girlfriend!

“Ok, no worries. Uhm… I´ll wait for you here, ok?” She´s tired. Who would´ve said it.

It seems that Dave wasn´t lying. Being so big has it´s downsides. For starters…

“Ugh, why do I feel so tired! We´ve been here for so little! And… and I feel so… so… fuck.” She feels tired, and full. A bad combination for when you want to fight sleep. However, there´s still something more, she needs to show Dave how it feels to be the small one.

So far, she´s seen how it is to be the big one, but she wasn´t expecting this feeling of… heaviness. But he´s still to see the worse of living with a giant. As soon as they get home, he´ll see!

Part 4

Dave had quite a different look on the mirror. For starters, he wasn´t looking at a 6´6” dude anymore, instead, he was looking right at a 5´ guy. And skinny!

He´s never been skinny, but today, well… he shrank down to be Kiara´s size. Her old size. And, with a similar complexion, which, now that he looks at it…

“I got abs?” Sure, he´s thin, therefore, he´s shredded. With a very low fat-percentage on his smaller body. He can see quite a six-pack. Not a built, massive one, but he can see his abdominal muscles.

“Well, that´s nice…” He was a big, bulky guy. Tall, strong, simply massive! And now, he´s standing on the short side.

And now that he´s picking up clothes…

“Small´s too big? Shit, I thought it´ll fit nice. Well, at least it fits better than a medium.” The former 2XL guy, and sometimes 3XL, was down to the small clothes. The “there´s no way I can fit on those!” size.

Part of him hates this. He lost his size, however, he´s never been a guy who´s clothes felt baggy. Sometimes it´s nice to see you´ve lost a size. Unless your intention´s to bulk, or get bigger. However, Dave can see a different perspective now.

Maybe he comes to like it… or not.

Heading back home as the amazon and her short boyfriend, that felt different. Now, Dave seems to be under Kiara´s shadow. Sure no one can see him as he walks next to his 6´6”, thick girlfriend.

For the first time ever, he feels small compared to Kiara. And the feeling won´t stop here…

She wanted to teach him a lesson, and it has just begun. To shove food up her face, well, that was only one way to show him who´s the big one now. Even if she wasn´t truly trying, a big lady like hers, she´s got quite an appetite.

Then, she went for the “am I taking up too much space?” sitting right next to him on the couch. Letting a few of her fleshy pounds push him to the side. She could lie saying she wasn´t used to being a big lady, but she can surely feel her current enormity pinning him down.

And the couch wasn´t the only place where she had a chance to take over.

While sleeping, Kiara´s large frame took over most of the bed. And, sometimes not on purpose. The amazon rolled over and pushed him. And that was when she wasn´t squashing him.

Now, he gets to feel how it is to share the bed with a giant. A giantess. Things were different nowadays. Sometimes, her large, thick, heavy arm landed on his chest. Not striking him, but he felt uncomfortable with that weight over his chest. But sometimes, it was worse!

Sometimes she rolled over, way more! And ended up squashing him. With her thick body pinning him down. With her enormous breasts smothering his face. He struggled between a pair of big, heavy tits. Smooth, sexy, yet, dangerously big!

And that wasn´t the only thing that had changed. There´s a few other things…

People were shocked when they met them! No one could believe the giant dude became a shrimp! In a weekend, he went from being a big, imposing guy, to a short dude. Some people got concerned, others laughed. Truth to be told, everyone cared, however, as soon as they got he was fine, there´s where the small jokes started.

“Can you help me reach… nevermind.”

“How´s the weather down there?”

“Dave, have you lost weight?”

They were gentle jokes. Not messing with him, just pointing some things up. To break the ice, not much to hurt his feelings. Still, he didn´t like it.

And someone else who didn´t love it was Kiara. Sure, she was big, imposing, even a big intimidating. But there´s some people at work who just can´t act as mature as they should.

“Whoa! Someone gained a few pounds, didn´t she?”

“My, super-sized Kiara, look at that!”

“I had no idea you could get a growth spurt on your mid-twenties…”

“Has spending so much time with Dave turned you into him?”

That last one was right. She´s definitely turned into him. Sort of, but deep down, to show Dave what is it to love with him, that´s still her main goal…

Kiara won´t admit she feels too heavy to exercise. And, at her size, she knows that dieting could definitely help her lose weight. So, she used her free time, which she used to work out, to tease Dave.

Things were so simple. Sometimes, she just drank up the full gallon of milk. Amazed she could do it in less than ten minutes. Then, she went on and ate up all of her snacks.

Now he´ll learn what it is when the big one gets “hungry”. And has no consideration for the smaller partner´s needs.

“What happened with all the food?” Dave asked. To what she replied: “Oh, sorry, I had the munchies…”

But finishing up all the food was just part of it. Aside of squashing him too. Kiara had to show him what it´s like so, she also teased him with a few words…

“Hey, short stuff.”

“My TINY lover, can you pick us up some dinner? I´m starving!”

“Hey there, leave this to your BIG girlfriend, ok?”

And then, when she was on the mood, she slapped his butt, just a little. “My, look at this butt, so tight! Momma likes it!” She teases a bit too much.

And that´s starting to make Dave tired…

He´s tired of it. It´s been almost TWO WEEKS since things changed. Almost two weeks of standing small next to Kiara. Almost two weeks of living with an amazon of a girlfriend.

And Kiara has changed so much! She´s careless. She teases him! She became lazy! Messy! She, she…

“She´s acting like… me?” It took him a while to realize what she was doing. It´s not that she´s naturally that way, she´s doing this so that he can see how it is to live with a selfish giantess.

At first, he was mad. How could she do this to him? Can´t she tell how things are for him? But he had to see this from her point of view too. How are things for her? Who says she wanted to stand so tall, to be so thick. Things are also different to her.

And, instead of showing the support he should, he´s been selfish, still, and only being worried for what has changed to him, and not for what has changed to her. Maybe he should actually apologize, swallow all of his pride and recognize he was a mess. But he can change! Hopefully, she can see it.

Kiara was busy at her room. Getting ready, well, sort of…

“Fuck! I just… I just bought there jeans! There´s no way… they got tighter? Had they shrunk? Or… did I… grew?” Has she gained weight? Well, her plans of eating everything at the house before Dave arrives had certainly done some damage.

But it´s not that much of a gain. Still, those jeans won´t fit…

Kiara also had to recognize a couple things, being the big one is not that easy.

She feels clumsy. Everyone´s so small to her now. Things are so low, she´s bumped things with her head she never thought she could! She almost walked over her boss this morning! She takes over much more space. She even needed a new chair at the office. It was kind of demeaning, but not all chairs can carry a woman her size.

She stopped to think that, maybe it wasn´t Dave´s fault sometimes. He surely could´ve been more careful, but some other times, well, it´s nearly impossible.

“K-Kiara, may I… chat with you?” He said, entering the room as she struggled to button her jeans up.

“Uhm… sure.” He came out of nowhere. It used to be easier to hear him coming, but it seems that his current size makes him sneaky.

“Kiara I… I think you´re right…” He seemed worried. Concerned. As if he was about to tell her something important. Something from the bottom of his heart…

“I´m sorry!” He wasn´t the best with emotions, or speaking about his feelings. Sometimes, it was easier to start with it than to elaborate more into it. He wasn´t sure how to put it to her, so he just said it. “I´m sorry for… the mess I was.”

She was listening. Has he realized what she´s been doing? Probably, and she likes it! She stood straight, and crossed her arms under her big, heavy chest. Then, she looked down at him, expecting to listen to the right words.

“I… now I know how hard it was to… live with a big guy like me. Well, the big guy I used to be. I can, see what you´re doing. And even thought I find it very rude, the truth is… you´re on your right to do it. It seems… I didn´t make it easy for you.” Regret, he does seem to regret it.

“And?” She said. He may be forgiven, but only after a good enough apology. Things are going well, but she feels like she deserves more.

“And,” He looked at her in the eye, what else can he say? “And I should… I could´ve paid more attention to what I was doing. I should´ve put myself in your shoes before. But now, well, now I truly am in those shoes. And I can see it´s… it´s not nice when the other person doesn´t seem to care.” Was that good enough? Hopefully. He knows there´s more he can say. Things he can promise, but he just doesn´t know how to put it.

Kiara looked down at him. Without saying a word for a moment. Without changing the slightly stern expression on her face. But she couldn´t stay mad with him. At least, even if things aren´t going her way, at the very least, it seems he´s learned.

Kiara smiled, bent over to be at his level, and then, she said: “You´re forgiven.” And a kiss. A sweet kiss.

“F-for real!” He couldn´t believe it!

“Yes. I mean, there´s no chance you can be that way again. At this size, there´s too… little of a chance for that. BUT, you can be sure your BIG girlfriend knows you regret it. And, now I that I can tell you´ll be more considerate… maybe you deserve some… sugar.” She winked.

Truth to be told, it´s been two long weeks without sex. Who knows how things can be at these sizes. But, is she offering that right now?

“You… you wanna?” He said.

“Yes. I do. I mean, my pants are already unbuttoned, and trust me, it´ll be for the best to lose them. Plus, I like men who know how to say sorry…” AND, she´s been horny for a while now…

This was the first time, ever, he´s taken the clothes off a woman Kiara´s size. Of a woman that stands a foot and a half taller. A woman so much bigger than him. A woman as thick, as big, as sexy!

He leered at her curves, there´s no denying on that. He´s ogled her larger figure. Desired those smooth, big curves on her. To touch her enlarged, smooth body.

To take her clothes of was harder than he remembers. Mostly because he couldn´t get her shirt over her head. But, once she was naked, he was already aware of how heavy she is…

Definitely, if she´s on top, she must put some effort not to let all of her weight all over him. Else, he´ll be more squashed than pleased. But there´s something that must be said. Her curves, they are softer than he thought, the feeling´s arousing him more than he expected. And her body, her body´s hotter than he anticipated.

He´s used to being the big one, but sex with a bigger woman. Taller, thicker, amazonic! That´s a treat! A bit threatening due to the size difference, but a woman like her, she´s allowed to do as she wants to him…

Dave could feel her soft body, soft all over. Touch her larger body. Squeezed her enormous breasts. Dave was having sex with a bigger woman. Getting laid with an amazon. A big, heavy, thick and sexy amazon.

A woman who stood at 6´6”, shy over 400-pounds. With breasts much bigger than his head. Much heavier than his head. The only word that comes to his lusty brain right now is, enormous!

She´s an enormous hottie. An amazonic beauty. A beautifully big threat! A tease, arousing, desirable. And now, now this woman he never thought would be this big, is giving his body a stimulation, he never had!

To have sex with such a big woman. To insert his member deep into her fleshy crotch. Sink it into her enormous pussy. He´s not aware of his own size, right now, he´s only aware of her delightful enormity.

He´s on top now, she decided to give him a break. Well, she decided to take a break and just let him engorge in all of her curves. To fondle with this body of hers that seems to arouse him so much. Kiara was laying down, moaning as this man´s stamina seems to push him more than ever!

He seems so eager to touch her. Each squeeze, each touch, each time he feels her, it seems to drive his libido higher!

Kiara likes it. She truly does. Maybe this bigger body of hers has more benefits she could tell.

Who knows if they will ever go back to normal. But if they don´t, would it be so bad? There´s some disadvantages on each other´s sizes. But some advantages too. Maybe now, maybe, life will truly change for the best.

After all, size doesn´t matter when you´ve got love, right? And these two, this passionate couple, they can feel the love right now…



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