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Chapter 5

Jason´s often bothered by the way things are. Not that he hated his reality, but he´s done some research and, well, women were not the ever-growing beings they now are.

“Nataly, did you know that men used to be, in average, FIVE inches taller than women?” Jason started as he read an old article online.

“Ugh, Jason, again? You´re reading all those old documents?” Nataly started. From time to time, he just starts doing research on ancient stuff, like this. Well, it´s mostly about things that involve old heights.

“What? I´m just gaining knowledge. According to this, the average man stood at 5´9”, whereas the average woman stood at 5´4”. Don´t you think that´s…?” He often seemed excited about this type of topic.

“Uhm… inaccurate? Wrong? Like… not anymore?” Nataly´s not sure why he reads this kind of stuff. As if he lived on the past or something.

“I was going to say interesting…” He can talk about series, his day, food, anything and she will listen, but when he talks about how men used to be taller, she´s never in the mood.

“Come on, Jason. You know things are not that way. Men stop growing, and women don´t. I mean,” and she peeked at the article he was reading, and then she spotted a picture. “Even if that man seems like… six-inches taller than the woman standing next to him, and although they seem about the same age, you know that´s not how things are.”

“I know, but… you know what, forget it. It´s fine.” He just turned off his phone.

“Don´t get mad, I´m just saying… things are not as they used to be.” The 6´4” woman said as she wrapped her arm around him.

“Yeah…” He´d like it if she showed some interest sometimes…

Later that week, Jason was walking down the street. Just wandering around, probably going to make a quick stop and get a drink, he´s unsure.

He uses this time alone to think. Let his mind imagine how things would be if women were not the colossal beings they are.

He´s seen old pictures, of people, places. Doors were of an average height, for everyone. All cars were of a standard size, not meant for women of over ten-feet-tall. Sometimes, even if it´s silly, he likes to close his eyes and picture a world where men are taller.

How things would be if he was still taller than Nataly. How it could be if Nataly was, still shorter than him, taller than her mother.

He read, somewhere, that it used to be normal for this to happen. That Nataly would´ve been taller than her mother, not the other way around.

Jason likes to picture this, a different world. But, sometimes, when he does, he forgets to look where he´s going…

Suddenly, he hit something, something thick, but kind of… smooth? It wasn´t something, actually, it was someone…

“Young man, why don´t you look where you´re going? I won´t believe you missed a lady as big as me?” Complaint a voice, from high above.

Jason fell right on his butt as he met this woman. As his face rapidly smacked her on her waist-level. He looked up, craning his neck to look at the mature, 9´7” woman that was walking down the street.

“Sorry…” he said, mostly being polite.

“You must be, young man. Lila, can you help this poor man up?” This woman seemed, aside of arrogant, wealthy.

This woman was thick, her hairs were grey, still, she was covered in luxurious clothing. She even wore gloves, who wears gloves? It´s not cold outside.

Jason, surely, doesn´t know, but this woman was downtown looking at a place to, possibly, buy. She´d like to acquire a new property and create a small business. Not that she needs another one, but if she can put her money into work, well, that will generate more money. And make the rich woman, slightly, richer.

“Of course, ma´am.” Said this other lady. Her assistant, Lila. A woman on her early forties, who stood at 8´1”. It wasn´t so common to meet two giantesses at a place like this. “Are you ok?” Lila said as she bent over and stretched her arm so that Jason could grab her hand and then help him up.

“S-sure… I´m fine.” He replied as he reached for her large hand.

“It´s no big deal, he just bumped into me. I´d be more concerned if he left a mark or something on my clothes.” The older woman said. And what? Are her clothes more important than him? That was ridiculous. But that´s how big, eccentric women are.

In a different world, he wouldn´t have fall. And the older lady may had been shorter than him. But that´s not the world where he lives…

It´ll be nice for men to have a little more respect…

It´s not nice to feel alone in this. Jason knows he´s not literally alone. He´s got a girlfriend, family, friends. The thing is, no one seems to understand his thoughts about height.

His male friends don´t care much. They don´t like to “daydream” as he does. And his female friends, well, they just find it silly.

It´s not like he´d want the world to be like that or something. He just wants to talk about it without the other person giving him an awkward look. He´s not crazy, he´s just saying, what if?

“So… men should be taller? Is, is that what you´re saying?” Asked Lindsay as Jason told her about the five-inch difference amongst men and women.

“No, what I´m saying is, men USED TO BE taller.” It seems she wasn´t paying attention. But no one really does nowadays.

“Oh, I see… well, did you know they already sent that executive to check at the office?” Lindsay said, changing the subject.

Jason was a bit upset no one seemed to care about what he told them. But an executive? That was important.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yeah, I came here to tell you, soon, this woman will show up. She´s been all over the building, checking each of the floors. And trust me, she checks thoroughly, very thoroughly.” Jason swallowed a bit to what his 6´5” friend said, but what was the problem? He does his job properly, he´s efficient. He´s got nothing to hide.

For as much as they liked their regular chats at the office, both should go back to their duties before that lady executive showed up and, well, let´s just say it wouldn´t be nice to be found chatting during working hours…

After Lindsay left, Jason stood there, thinking. It wasn´t a busy day for him. In fact, things have been quite easy for a while.

Sometimes he stops and wonders if this is just a random job. Something anyone could do. Perhaps, he was underestimated. As a man, he wouldn´t have a high position, not be in charge of important things around the office.

He wondered, just for a moment, how could things be if he lived another life? According to what he read, 5’10”, which is his height, used to be above average for men, by a good inch. And much more compared to women´s average height.

He fantasized, just for a second, what if women worked for him? Nothing too mean, nothing too ambitious. He just wanted to be the boss, not even of the whole building, a mere floor would do. Even a department at the office.

He´ll be the one having an assistant. Walking from one side to the other at the office, he´ll be in charge. He´ll be important. And, he´ll be tall.

Living in a world where women never stop growing, well, the older they get, the bigger, curvier, taller they are. Women are more imposing as they age. And him, well, he´s certain that, someday, he´ll be looking at his girlfriend Nataly from way below. Much more than just a few inches. He knows it´ll be a few feet.

He sighed. A part of him thought he´ll be insignificant. Unimportant. And that led to something else, what if they fire him? He´s just the one who takes copies. What if they just taught anyone how to use the machine?

Sometimes he thinks he´s just there because working with the copy machine seems as something a big woman wouldn´t care to worry about. Then, it´s the man´s duty to save her that job.

He was too lost on his thoughts to notice someone approaching to the copy room. His “office”.

Suddenly, as he wondered how to look like an important asset for the company, he heard a knock on the door. A knock only a woman´s big fingers could do.

At that moment, he wasn´t looking at the door, he was facing the wall on the back. The usual place he looks at while he´s thinking. But now, creeps rose all the way from his feet to his back.

Should he be facing the door every time? Should he look straight at the door waiting for someone to come and request something from him? Copies?

He jolted and turned immediately back. Sure he should! He should appear helpful, attentive. Proactive.

“W-welcome! May I help… you?” He was expecting a giant executive at the door. Instead…

“Haha, I told you he´ll freak out.” Came Jen´s voice. The annoying woman was speaking to her other annoying friends. “With an executive at the building, he must be scared he´ll be the next one fired.”

What were they doing here? Shouldn´t they be… working? They might be supervisors, but there´s still people with a higher rank here. Still, they manage to fool around every now and then.

“You heard him? “May I help you?”, he was sure that executive was right at his door. He´s never shown that much respect to us.” Coreen said. Even at 7´2”, she was the shortest of the three.

“What´s the matter? Wanted to give a good impression to the big boss? Hmm?” Said Melody.

“I bet he did. Maybe he´s afraid she´ll fire him. I mean, he only takes care of the copies? He´s like… no one. In fact, I´m sure that, as soon as that woman finds him, he´ll be fired, haha.” All three chuckled to what Jen said.

Now, he had this trifecta of annoying women. All above seven-feet-tall, mocking him.

All three were his superiors. All three cared from little to nothing about him. All three simply met him to laugh at him.

Now, he was tired.

Jason has always hated for women to laugh at him only because they are bigger. Or because they have a better job. That doesn´t mean a thing. All these women are on their forties, and one would think they will be more respectful. Even if they were not, at least they should be mature enough not to laugh at him as if they were in high-school.

All of them had a career, all of them were grown-ups, and still, the three of them act as if they were the “popular” girls. Messing with him as if he was some sort of loser.

“Can you stop it already?” He stood on his feet. He was tired. This had been enough.

They didn´t take him seriously, and, after a pause, Jen turned at him and said: “Stop? Why should we stop?”

“Because, you three are always messing with me. In fact, I know you mess up with ALL men at the office. That´s not cool. You… you shouldn´t do that!” He complaint.

“Wow, looks like someone got mad.” Melody said.

“Heh, maybe he wants to cry.” Coreen laughed.

“No, I think,” Jen started, “what we have here it´s clearly a man who doesn´t know his place.” Jen took a step forward. Driving her hands to her hips, looking at him with a grin, from high above. She had a plan, “Maybe we should show him what´s his place, right girls?” The other two amazons behind her laughed in agreement.

Jason swallowed, had he messed up? What were they about to do?


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