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Part 3

There must be a reason why this happened. A cause. Something that made them change. Now, Dave´s a short, skinny guy; and Kiara´s a big, hefty amazon!

She´s not certain, yet, but it seems their bodies, somehow, have reversed. That the roles had changed. And now, she´s the big one, the heavy one. She´s yet to confirm it, but after they measure themselves, she´ll know…

“Ok, stand with your back to the wall.” She said, still not able to believe she looms so high above Dave! He´s below her shoulder level, with his eyes so very close to her boob-level. “Oh, and no cheating.” She said, wanting to tease him a little.

“Cheating?” He asked, looking way, and a bit concern, up at his now statuesque girlfriend.

“Yeah, I don´t want you to stand on your tiptoes. This must be accurate.” She pointed.

“Sure, just draw the mark.” It felt nice to tease him about his height, for a change, she was the tall one. And now, as she draws the mark, she wonders…

“Oh my… it says you´re five-foot-EVEN!” She said.

“No way! Five? Five-feet-tall? That can´t be right!” He lost a foot and a half? How?

“check for yourself, but I´m not lying.” He checked, and with his own eyes, he could see she wasn´t lying. The mark was right at five-feet.

Kiara smiled as he checked, he´s 5´, and, she knows, that´s her old height. Now, she has a feeling, but will her height be…?

“What´s taking you so long?” she asked. Standing big and tall against the wall. Waiting for Dave to make the mark by the top of her head.

“I… I can´t… ugh.” He was stretching, but he couldn´t find a comfortable position to draw the mark. Besides…

“You can´t reach, can you?” Another chance for her to tease him.

“Of course I can! It´s just… it´s hard to draw the line when I´m all stretched up.” He complaint.

Kiara could´ve marked her own height. She could´ve grabbed the pencil and drawn the line, easily. But she wanted to have some fun, so…

“Hey! What…?” She bent over, put her hands on Dave´s sides and easily lifted him off the ground.

“Wow, you´re so light! Ok, now that you can reach, draw the mark.” She lifted him easily.

Kiara was big, and she was also stronger. Her arms were thicker. Soft-looking, but there were still some muscles beneath that soft flesh. She lifted Dave as if he weighed nothing!

He swallowed, was he so light? Or was she much stronger? It doesn´t really matter, he just made the mark.

“Ok, done. Now put me down.” He said.

“Put you down? I could keep you here all day! How come my BIG, strong man became so light? Or is it that… I became big, and strong?” she had an idea on the number that will be next to the mark on the wall. She was suspicious that things had changed in a particular way.

“Kiara! Put me down! I… I´m not in the mood for jokes, ok?”

“Fine.” She said as she put him down. As if she ever was in the mood whenever he wanted to joke.

Kiara grabbed the measuring tape and turned. But she was already aware of the number. She already knew how tall she was. If Dave was down to 5´, then she must be up to…

“six-foot-six. Wow, isn´t that… your old height?” she said, smiling mischievously as she turned at Dave.

“M-My… old height?” It was!

“What´s the matter? Am I too high that you can´t listen? Should I come down?” He used to be the big one, he used to tease her for being short, and now, it seems that the tables have turned. “You see, I´m 6´6”, and you´re 5´, as far as I can remember, things used to be the other way around…”

How did this happen? She´s not sure, but she knows the reason why. All of this is in order for them to have a little twist. For him to see how are things down there. This is her chance to be the big one. Roles have been reversed. She doesn´t need to weigh herself, she knows she must be Dave´s old weight too. But differently.

Now, Kiara´s a big woman. Tall, and thick. She´s not Dave, but she does have his height, and must have his weight. Weight that´s distributed sensuously on her feminine frame. Her curves, so thick, so plump. Her ass jiggles when she walks, her hips sway to the sides heavily. And her boobs, they bounce, her gargantuan cleavage bounces sexily as she moves.

And Dave, he´s now the short one, the thin one. The one who´ll have to take how it is to live with a larger person who doesn´t care it´s much bigger.

“Well,” she thought, looking down at Dave, “I think this is my chance to show him how it is to be on the short side of the relationship…” This was Kiara´s chance to teach him a lesson. If things ever go back to the way they used to be, maybe he´ll be more considerate once she shows him how it is to have a big, non-caring, partner…

“Ok now, let´s go to the mall.” She said.

“What? The mall? Don´t you think we should go see a doctor?” This couldn´t be happening, people´s sizes don´t just… swap in the middle of the night!

“Nah, I´d like to get new clothes first. I´m not going to the doctor wearing YOUR clothes. Which, by the way… hmm, do you think they make my butt look too big?” She turned, showing off her wide ass.

Her butt was amazing! Big, round, heavy! So wide, so sexy, and soooo juicy. His pants were sinking right in the middle of her fleshy glutes, wrapped all over her sensuous ass like a glove!

“Well…” He started.

“I think that… for someone like you, it must be HUGE!” She said, knowing he was a bit hypnotized, yet, he could still tell she was messing with him.

“Me… like me? Hey! What do you mean?!” He didn´t like her tone.

“You know what I mean, short-stuff. I´m a big woman now, much bigger than you…” and so, this was the beginning…

Kiara drove them to the mall because, according to her, his truck was “too big” for a man like him. It demanded a big woman behind the wheel.

He grunted a little, but decided not to make a fuss. Either way, he doesn´t feel like driving.

Once they were at the mall, she dragged him into all stores she thought will have clothes for her. Which took like forever.

“Hey! We´ve been to like… seven different stores already! What about my clothes?” He complaint.

“Relax, we can get them once we´re done. Remember, a big lady like me may not have an easy time finding clothes that fit. You remember how not all stores had clothes your size?” He nodded, “well, it´s like five-times more difficult for a woman.

She could´ve grabbed large clothes from any store. But she didn´t want just any clothes. She wanted to look good. Besides, this new body of hers, it´s quite hefty. And, it´s got some curves that deserve to stand out.

But, being larger also came with some… disadvantages…

“Ugh, this… this jeans… they should… fit!” She pulled and pulled, trying on a pair of jeans, but the thing is, her body may have some more flesh than she anticipated. They were the biggest size they had, but they couldn´t make it past her thighs.

“Everything ok in there?” Dave asked, after she´s been taking over thirty minutes on the fitting rooms.

“Y-yeah! Everything´s going… smoothly…” She was lying.

She went through the first stores just to mess with him. She didn´t even care to try something on. She knows her size, and how things fit. However, things are different when you´re a tall and thick 6´6” BBW.

“What´s the matter? This should fit, they are… the biggest size! There´s no way I´m… I´m that big, is it?” she took a look at her reflection.

Looked with attention at her large, plump new self. She was hefty, thicker, and maybe a bit chubby. Her body looks big, but it seems, she´s much bigger than she looks.

Kiara didn´t stop to look at her reflection with as much attention as she currently does. In the morning, she was too worried about the growth to have an actual look at her body. Sure, she saw a bigger woman, but she didn´t pay that much attention to herself.

Everything in her body was bigger, all of her anatomy was larger, and thicker. Her bones were wider, larger, but it wasn´t her bone structure what got her concerned.

“Do I look… rounder?” Her face, most specifically, her cheeks. She used to have a defined jaw-line, high cheek-bones, and certainly, too little fat. But now, her face has adopted a bit of a rounder look.

And not just her face. Her once skinny arms are now thick, husky even. Strong enough to lift the new Dave, but also filled with a layer of soft flesh. But not a layer as thick as the one over her legs.

Don´t get it wrong, she doesn´t look fat, she looks gorgeous, but gorgeously curvy. She´s plump, thick, soft, but firm and curvaceous. Her waist may not be as trimmed as it used to be, but her hips are still wider than her waist. However, there´s a bit of a tummy over there.

“This… being this big does come with a downside…” She said as she drove her hands to her puffy mid-section.

She´s as big as Dave was, which makes her the bigger one in the relationship. However, she´s as big as Dave was, and that, well, that makes her a husky amazon woman.

Perhaps, there´s a bit of a downside for her current change. She´s taller, sure, but she´s also heavier. And a body as big, well, it certainly demands more calories.

*grrrrRROOOOOWWWwwwllll!!!* Both were walking down the mall when suddenly, her stomach decided to speak up.

“Whoa… looks like someone´s hungry!” Dave said, looking at the embarrassment on her face. She´s never made that sound, at least not that loud. Even he heard it!

“I… I guess I could… eat.” Well, it seems someone´s body is ready for some food.

With all the things that happened, the couple didn´t have a chance to grab some breakfast. And now, they changed their route. Heading towards the food court.

“Let´s grab a burger!” Dave said as they stood right by the food court. And, he was a bit strange by the fact that he wasn´t the hungry one. He knows he can´t make it this long without getting hungry. He always had a big appetite, but now, things had changed.

“Why do you always want to have burgers?” She complaint.

“What? Do you want a salad?” She would´ve said yes, choosing a healthy option, as always, but another growl demanded something more satisfying, than a simple salad.

“I guess we could, uhm, get a burger…” And so, the couple headed towards the counter of this famous burger shack.

They had to make a bit of a line, but it went by quite fast. And now, it was time to order. As always, Dave picked first.

“I´ll have three large burgers, two large fries, and… an extra-large drink.” He told the mature lady at the counter.

“Wow! That´s just for you, dear? Oh my, you have such an appetite!” What does she mean? He´s eaten that since high-school, however, maybe his five-foot-frame may disguise it a little, or, does it?

The woman at the counter was about 5´11”, and she was a thick lady. To Dave, she was very tall. He barely made it to her chin. However, she was not as big, or thick, as Kiara.

“I´ll have a… burger, and some medium fries. Plus a small drink…” That should be enough, right? She usually goes for less, but she´s really hungry.

“That´s it? Dear, are you on a diet?” The woman couldn´t believe the five-foot guy could eat three times more, looking up at the 6´6” lady, she found it hard to believe.

“No, I just… that should be enough.” Kiara said. But, little does she know, things have changed. Hasn´t she looked at their sizes?

Soon, the couple was given their order and then, they drifted and found a table. And then, there´s where they realized another thing that has changed.

“Fuck.” Dave said, right after he finished his first burger.

“What´s the matter?” Kiara said, her burger was gone, and she was about to finish her fries. But she was still hungry…

“I´m… I´m full.” He only ate ONE burger. And he hasn´t even touched the fries! Or the drink!

“Full? No way! You´re already full?” She asked, a bit teasingly.

“Yes! I cannot fit another bite in… in this shrimpy body!” Everyone looks so tall now, he´s certain her must be the shortest man at the mall. And that´s not nice for someone who stood at 6´6”.

“Haha.” She laughed, but there was something in her mind. What will they do with the rest of the food he ordered? He won´t be able to eat it. And the large lady, well, she´s still hungry. One tiny burger wasn´t enough to sate her. “So… can I eat it?” She asked.

“What? You wanna eat it? Well, go ahead. We shouldn´t throw it away…” He was pissed, but she, she was hungry!

The second burger was as tasty as the first one, and the third one was a delight. She ate all of the fries, and then, it was time for a drink.

“Say… why don´t we allow the big one here to have the large drink, and you can keep the tiny one, ok, cutie?” She had a full stomach, however, there was a spot left for a drink. She must wash it all away with enough soda, right?

“Sure, whatever…” He doesn´t even feel like drinking it, either way.

It seems that, with the size-change, there´s much more changes than just height, and weight. But it was logical, how could a 6´6”, 400-pound woman eat as if she was still a 5’, 100-pound lady? It didn´t make sense. Her body demands more calories. And his, well, he doesn´t need as much.

“Awww, don´t be mad, we´ll go get you some clothes and then we can leave.” She said.

“For real?” That was fast! Usually, a visit to the mall takes like five hours, but today, they´ve been there for a little more than two, and they are already about to leave? That´s nice!

“Yes, for real.” She was being nice? No. Actually, this big lady was a bit tired. And with all the food she ate, she felt as if she needed a nap. The big woman needs some rest. Which could be another disadvantage for her larger body. But he can´t know that.

Although, he may already do.

He´s been walking for so long, and his feet are not swollen. Dave feels different. Sure, everything´s HUGE now. The perspective of standing one-and-a-half-feet shorter, that´s quite a difference. But he feels… lighter. As if he could run faster, move easily. As if he had lost about three-hundredth-pounds of flesh that were making him slow.

Sure, he lost most of his muscles, but, he´s never felt so… light.

On the other hand, Kiara was the one who had found the weight. She felt slower, heavier. Sure, her boobs are huge, her butt´s tremendous, and her thighs, they are massive! But, all that extra flesh… it´s kind of hard to move such a big body for so long… thankfully, they made a quick stop at the food court, but all the food inside her, it´s making her feel kind of… sluggish.

The good thing is, Dave´s quite a simple man. A pair of jeans, some sports shorts, a couple shirts. Underwear, and they were good to go. Oh! And he couldn´t forget about something to wear at the office.

“Ok, just a quick stop here and… and we´ll be good to go.” He said, but he was thoughtful.

What will happen tomorrow? What´s everyone going to say about his new… size? A man can´t loose all that size and walk as if nothing had happened. He was small! He used to be a giant, and now, the giant´s his girlfriend!

“Ok, no worries. Uhm… I´ll wait for you here, ok?” She´s tired. Who would´ve said it.

It seems that Dave wasn´t lying. Being so big has it´s downsides. For starters…

“Ugh, why do I feel so tired! We´ve been here for so little! And… and I feel so… so… fuck.” She feels tired, and full. A bad combination for when you want to fight sleep. However, there´s still something more, she needs to show Dave how it feels to be the small one.

So far, she´s seen how it is to be the big one, but she wasn´t expecting this feeling of… heaviness. But he´s still to see the worse of living with a giant. As soon as they get home, he´ll see!


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