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Chapter 37

This wasn´t the first time Larry ignores a woman in order not to listen. This wasn´t his first time not listening. He thought it would be a good idea to put on some music and block Cathy´s words. To block her voice using music. It was useful, kind of…

In order not to insult her, or lose his temper, he chose to ignore her. Which should do, but it actually didn´t. Yes, he avoided an even larger shrinking spurt by not insulting her, however, he still shrank.

By choosing not to listen, he broke another of the rules Evangeline had already settled. And not for the first time, or the second one, but the THIRD time!

Larry´s vision got a bit blurry. Was it the shrinking or maybe… was he nervous about it? Perhaps… worried?

He was barely above the three-foot-mark. Exactly, he stood at 3´1”, but now that he failed, he´s looking forward to shrinking below the that mark.

He shrank, slowly. Looking at the number of the elevator go up as he went down. He was two floors away from his destiny, now he was only one floor away.

His heart skipped a beat, then, it sped up! All he could think about was Evangeline´s voice. Echoing in his mind. Saying, I told you. Or warned you. Or all those things she says, that are so annoying to him, that only confirm he failed. And now, he´s suffering the punishment.

When the elevator´s door was open. Larry stepped out. He had a meeting with the boss. A meeting with Mrs. Davis. And now, he´ll meet her, but as a 2´10” man!

This was getting ridiculous! He was less than half the man he used to be! Everything around him seems so big!

“Fuck, why does this keep happening!” He thought, annoyed. Dealing with the shrinking is not so easy. Sure, it feels weird, it creeps his body, but the feeling is gone as fast as it comes. However, the consequences after it…

He´s surely bothered by the height loss. Things are out of his reach. EVERYTHING! He feels so dependent. But that´s not the worse part. The worse part, according to him, is the way people act around him.

Messing with him for shrinking? Well, yes, that´s annoying. But not as much as some other thing. Some people, and he feels a bit bad about feeling this way but, those who care, well, they seem to care too much!

And there´s someone who cares, who he´s about to meet…

“No way! Larry is that… you?” Mrs. Davis said. And surely, her voice sounds deeper than last time.

Larry didn´t want to point the obvious. Of course he looked different, he just shrank! But that wasn´t the worse part.

Before he had a chance to answer, Mrs. Davis stood up. He had no words to describe how big she was. But looking at the giantess approaching, it got him kind of… aroused…

He listened to the click-clacking of her heels as she came over to him. The sound of her heels, her three-inch heels. Making her three-foot taller than him! She stood a bit over twice his size. And he liked it!

He wasn´t eager to see her as big as she was, or to shrink as far as he´s shrank. But there´s some, let´s say, benefits. Now, Mrs. Davis is a sexy giantess!

Her hips, which seem so wide, sway sensuously from one side to the other with each stride of her shapely legs. The mature woman´s got a thick, shapely body. And a slim waist, giving her quite the milf looks.

And, above all that, she´s stacked! Her boobs bounce with each of her steps. Is it him or do they look bigger? Well, kind of both. For a moment, all he could look at, all he could think of, were those massive breasts. So high above him, so round, so big, so perfect!

Her blouse had some extra buttons lose. Which wasn´t unintentional. She wanted to show off a deep, sensuous, line of cleavage. She wanted to tease, to drive his attention towards her boobs. Why? Well, she knows why…

“Oh, dear, you´ve shrank again?” She asked. Standing right before him.

Larry must admit that the sight of this woman is not what it should be like. He´s leveled with her crotch. Her crotch! Things had really changed. However, he´s not sure if he´s feeling a bit uneasy for her imposing height or… for her luscious body.

Her legs looked so thick; her hips were so wide. But her boobs, those boobs were what got him marveled. And he knows, very well, what comes next…

Within a minute, he was sitting before her. She started chatting with him, casually. Asking him about his day, about his week. About the way things had been to him. And then, she moved on into the office matters.

She explained to him that, there wouldn´t be any problem if he wanted to take a few days off. Even a few weeks. Sort of vacations. But he´s not in the mood to lose more.

Mrs. Davis knows he won´t slack on work because Violet´s there to take care of everything. She´ll make sure things get done.

However, there´s always a reason why he´s at her office so often. And it doesn´t always have to do with work matters…

“Are you comfortable?” She asked, as he was now sitting on her lap.

“Sure!” He must admit her lap´s quite comfortable. Soft, cushioning. And big!

He´s sitting on his boss´s massive lap. She´s an amazon! A giantess! And she´s so warm and welcoming.

“I´m glad…” Mrs. Davis said.

She wants him to be comfortable because of what´s about to come.

All the while, since he entered her office, her nipples have been hard. And now, she´s starting to drip.

She always liked Larry. He was a good employee, a respectful man, and handsome. He deserved a treat, but she wasn´t sure what it could be. Until she found out…

Slowly, Mrs. Davis removed her blazer. And then, she unbuttoned her blouse. Larry swallowed, he was right in front of her, right on the action as she discovered her breasts.

To look at her, how she removed her bra. That big bra. How her breasts were pushed forwards to him as she drove her hands to the back. They were so big, so perky, and he knows, they must be full…

Why is she lactating? He doesn´t really know. And he doesn´t truly care. Every now and then, she gives him the chance to suck on those big, fat nipples of hers. He must admit that, every time, they look bigger. But that´s not bad.

Larry sucked on her creamy milk. He closed his eyes and got lost on the moment. Feeling her heavy, soft tits on his hands. Able to only support the weight of one of her massive breasts with both hands. Mrs. Davis was certainly a big woman now. Just as everyone else.

As he sucks, part of him wonders, why does this have to be his lesson? Women getting bigger and bigger? Well, not quite, he´s shrinking. But that doesn´t change the other fact.

To him, all women are getting bigger. Thicker. And even sexier. However, where´s the punishment on that?

This, right now, feels more like a reward. Although, he can´t quite understand that, Mrs. Davis, she´s the one getting the reward…

To have a man empty her tits. That´s a pleasure. She wanted to remove him from his work. Turn him into her personal assistant, a man who´s most important job would be to come and suck on her huge tits. But that wouldn´t work.

She actually needs someone to get some work done. And, if she´s honest, there´s something else. He says he can still work, and Violet says so too. But the thing is, she must be sure. Therefore, she´s got a bit of a trial for him. Right after their meeting is done.

“Very well,” Mrs. Davis started as she buttoned up her blouse. “I think this was quite a… successful meeting, don´t you agree?” Larry nodded.

Every time he gets to see her massive breasts, that´s a success to him.

“Now, before you get back to your office, there´s something I´d like you to do.” This was new. He´s never had an extra task after.

“Ok.” He replied, waiting for her to give the word. Maybe he´ll get a chance to fondle with her body? Perhaps, she would allow him to get farther than just sucking on her tits?

“By 11:30, which is in about,” She looked at her wrist watch, “fifteen minutes, You´ll meet Cathy at her office.” What?!

“Cathy? For… what for?” Cathy, again?

“I know you´re doing your best, and Violet says so to, but I´m concerned, dear. That´s why I asked Cathy to… run a few tests for me. But don´t worry, she´s just going to make sure you´re still capable of working. Relax, in the worst case, we´ll find a way for you to keep your job. But, there would be a few changes…” He doesn´t like the sound of that.

Mrs. Davis could tell, by the look on Larry´s face, that he didn´t like the idea. He had to meet Cathy? She hates him!

“Aww, don´t feel that way, I´ve spoken to Cathy already. She won´t be rude with you, I promise. And, if there´s the need, you can always call me. You´ve got my number, right? I promise you everything will be alright.” It was easy for her to say it.

Mrs. Davis is a little taller than Cathy. And she´s the boss of her. She´s basically her superior. Someone she must treat nicely, at all times. But him? Larry´s just the annoying co-worked Cathy hates.

A party guy who lived a nice, and lusty, night life. But now, things have changed. However, that doesn´t change the fact that Cathy thinks he´s a nasty man who´s mere presence annoys her.

What can he do?

As the elevator went down, he had no clue on what to do. How can he act? There´s a lot of things he can´t do. That´s if he wants to preserve his current height.

“Shit, I should be rewarded for this…” He complaint.

“For what, Lawrence?” Evangeline suddenly appeared on the elevator next to him. And now, well, she was taller!

Every inch he loses, now they go to her. Evangeline, the once 5´7” angel, was now standing at the elevator next to him. And she was BIG!

He lost three-inches, and they all found their way to her. Now, Evangeline stands at a striking 6´5”! She stands even taller than Violet! And Violet was an amazon!

Of course, his perception of people is constantly changing, however, he can´t deny Evangeline´s much bigger.

He can tell, by the thickness of her body, that she´s grown up and, also more voluptuous.

Her boobs had grown. Her butt has expanded. Her thighs are fuller. Her whole, longer, legs are so shapely. So smooth. Evangeline´s hot. Tall, voluptuous and hot!

Why is that? Well, part of it is to punish him further. What´s more humiliating than to see all of your size going to the person who´s shrinking you? It must be frustrating, she can tell.

However, she´s got an extra reason. Sex. She´d love to experience sex as a colossal woman. Why? Well, two reasons. One is to see if men respond better to a tall hottie. And two, she´d like to see if men respect taller women more…

Whatever the result is, she´ll enjoy the long way there.

“You´re…” Larry started, looking up at the sensuous giantess. The top of his head´s about six-inches bellow her crotch. Evangeline´s legs alone are much taller than him, and… thicker?

“Taller? For sure! I told you, from now on, all of the size you lose, I´ll grow it. Which, if I´m honest with you, makes this body of mine much sexier, doesn´t it?” She turned so that he could look at her butt.

It was so close to him, and also taller! He had to look up at her big, round, sexy ass. And also hold himself, it was a treat! But also so perfect…

“Ok so, you said you should be rewarded… may I know why?” Evangeline asked, shifting to a more professional tone.

“What for? Well, for being… nice to Cathy. Now, because of you, I´m forced to spend who knows how long at the office of a woman who HATES me. If I succeed on following your rules, I should be rewarded. Don´t you think?” He had a point, well, at least according to him.

“Rewarded for that? Hahaha! Oh my, you´re hilarious. First of all, none of this is my fault. You´re the one who shrank by not obeying my rules. Which led to your boss having questions about you being able to go on with your job. And second, why should you be rewarded? It´s your duty to be a gentleman.” She replied.

“Yeah, sure. I´ve got nothing to win, but if I mess up, then you´ll take more inches from me.” He complaint.

“I wouldn´t put it that way… but if that´s how you see it…”

“There´s no other way to see it!” He strongly replied.

“Believe me, there is. But you seem to upset to understand.” It seems Evangeline won´t be of any help.

In the end, if he makes a mistake, it´ll cost him. All he has to do is be polite. And hope he doesn´t go against any rule Evangeline has previously settled. And, hopefully, won´t break another he hasn´t heard about. But it will be hard…

Within a moment, Larry was standing right in front of Cathy´s door. He checked on the time, it was 11:28. Two minutes before the scheduled time.

But he was worried. Cathy seems to be the person who mostly causes him to mess up and lose height. Now, will he lose twice in the same day?

“Shit. Why is this so fucking hard?” He thought, worried, but he had no other choice.

If he doesn´t follow a direct order from his boss. He could be in trouble. And Evangeline will surely take some inches from him. His only choice, is to walk in…

*knock* *knock*

“Come in!” Cathy´s voice called from inside.

Larry had no choice but to do as he was said. Who knows, maybe time will fly and he´ll get out of there before he can tell.

But he ignores one thing, what if Cathy has another thing planned…

“Hi, Cathy…” Came Larry´s voice as he opened the door. Struggling, but he could still reach. Barely.

Cathy was working on some papers, but she was aware he will be at her office. She just lost track of time for a second. However, she didn´t fail to see the changes in him.

“Well, well, well…” She said, with a smile on her face, as she saw him. And as she stood up, she continued: “Is it me or… are you shorter than before?” She slowly approached to him. Looming above him by a lot! Her crotch was just above his eye-level.

“I may… I might have lost a couple… inches today.” He admitted.

“I see… well, let´s note that.” She was eager for his visit. Now, for the next hour or so, she was in charge. And him, he´ll have to do as she says.

She promised Mrs. Davis to be professional, but there´s some liberties she can take…

“Higher…” she teased.

“I´m trying!” He complaint as he jumped, as high as he could.

Cathy knew that, everything she said, he´ll do. Mainly because he might have no idea how she´ll make sure he´s still capable of going on with his job. And so, she took a pen in hand, and then rose it, at her chest level, but to him, that was over a foot higher than him.

“Try harder, I know you can do it!” She was smiling, why? Because she was having her share with him. To tease him for being such a jerk.

Besides, no one can tell she´s being mean if she´s got a supportive smile on her face, right?

“Ok, test one, failed.” She wasn´t going to write that down. That had nothing to do with an actual test. She just wanted to make him jump. For him to follow her commands.

“And… what does this… prove?” He said, recovering his breath back.

“Basically… this´ll prove you´re unable to reach for a shelf.” She lied.

“And… couldn´t we… just use a tape… or something?” Why did he have to jump for about five minutes?”

“Nope. Now, let´s move on to the second test…” And so, he was in for some test, which were actual ones, and some others that were just her showing him how small and weak he had become.

Next thing they did, was to write on the computer. To use the keyboard and to measure the speed with which he wrote. That was an actual test.

But after that, she arm-wrestled him. Only to prove him how much weaker he is. Or was it to prove him how much stronger she is? Either way…

“Come on! Are you even trying?” She wasn´t even bulging, and he was completely red on the face. Not to mention her hand´s like three times bigger than his.

He wasn´t completely sure if all the tests were real. Part of him, which was right, thought she was just teasing him. Messing with him only because she could.

He wasn´t that much of a deuce, does he truly deserve this? However things were, he made sure to comply. To listen, to follow each of her commands. Only that way he´ll save himself from height loss. Even if it was hard. Using a computer was one thing, but arm-wrestling?

Are there actually strength tests there? Or she´s just making them up?



Great chapter! I really like the interactions with (and the intentions of) his boss :)