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Chapter 5

Both, Aaron and Emma, were aroused by the other. Emma´s cheering size, and those succulent curves, it was teasing him so badly! And Aaron, to look up at her, making her feel so big, so dominant, she liked it!

None of them said a word, but it was obvious they wanted to other so badly. And, with slight hints, they were getting what they wanted.

The first one to speak up was Aaron, who suggested they should take things to their dorm. Maybe they could do some more research over there. Online, of course. Or, if she was not in the mood, maybe they could have some rest. It´s been a long day.

His main worry was not to be so obvious. Wanting to take things to their dorm the night after they first had sex? She could be suspicious he´s in the mood for a second round. However, Emma accepted.

She wasn´t sure if he was actually tired, but there´s one thing for sure, she´d love to take things to a private place. She could´ve had sex with him at the library but… it´s not allowed, plus, they could get expelled. It´ll be safer if they are at their dorm.

Emma accepted, but was she too fast? Had she agreed to easily? He wouldn´t be suspicious she intends to be naughty once they are alone, right?

Both ignored the truth intentions of the other. Deep down, both wanted to have sex with the other. Both wanted to due over last night, but better!

Ignoring how they were changing to meet the desires of the other. None of them had any idea how much of a turn on they were becoming. How, inch after inch, they were arousing the other more.

Emma liked being tall. It was surreal that everyone thought she´s always been like this. How come? How is it possible? How does everyone believe she´s always been this tall? Everyone but one person… Aaron.

Same thing´s happening to him. Isn´t that suspicious? He´s aware his height has changed too. He´s aware, but everyone believes he´s always been that height. Everyone… but her! How is that possible? She´s the only one who knows he was taller, and he´s the only one who knows she was shorter. Isn´t that strange? Like, a shared dream or something?

Emma´s been putting quite some attention on that. Maybe she´ll need to do some research to get a better view of this. But, speaking of view…

Emma likes, even though she thinks it´s a little mean, but maybe this isn´t permanent so she´ll enjoy it while she can. She likes to… compare sizes with Aaron. When he was tall, well, it only made her feel short. But now that she´s looming above him, well… she likes to compare how tall she is against how short he is!

Both of them are walking down the campus, heading to their dorm room. It´s a little late, the sun´s settled and night´s darkness is already taking over the sky. Night´s lights at campus are on, and she´s not sure if it´s the light or what but… does he look… shorter?

Emma´s still not used to being such a tall lady. Which has obviously resulted on her being unaware she´s grown another inch throughout the day. She´s a 6´3” amazon! Still, even with her small height change, she can tell Aaron looks… different.

She thought she had about three inches on him. He was supposed to stand at 5´11”, while she was 6´2”, but that doesn´t seem right anymore…

Emma liked to stand taller, she felt sexier! And she definitely looked sexier! The extra bounced on her breasts, the swaying of her wider hips. Her long steps. She´s slowing down not to make him rush, but there´s something else she came to notice.

She´s trying to disguise it, not to be so obvious. But she´s trying to measure herself to him so… she must look. Constantly, step after step, she´s looking at him. And she can surely tell something´s off! For starters, she can see above him, easily!

He used to look slightly down at him, and now, now the top of his head´s at her nose level!

“Should I say it? Has he noticed?” She thought, unsure on what to do.

Maybe Aaron has already noticed the new size difference and he´s just too shy to say it. Perhaps, he´s not feeling too good about it. Or, maybe, just maybe, he´s embarrassed about it? Whatever his reasons are, she won´t make a comment. Not now…

But it´s obvious! She stands seven-inches taller than him! Both unaware their sizes have changed, again, but this time, it´s Aaron the one who had the largest spurt…

They shared a look every now and then. It was obvious there was a larger gap between their sizes, but either blamed it on the fact that the other had changed, not them. But only Emma was right about that. Aaron had, without noticing, lost quite some inches.

Now, they are walking, all the way down to their dorm. Standing as a 6´3” woman, and her 5´7” companion. No one at campus really cares to notice, everyone´s busy with their own stuff. However, she´s starting to look too tall for him. Something he certainly loves! But won´t tell, at least not yet…

After the long way back, which seemed longer to him, and a bit shorter to her. They found themselves at their room. Both thoughtful, and also, both waiting for a chance to take this to a different level…

“So… no luck today, huh?” Aaron started, looking at Emma´s gorgeous sight. She was so tall, so sensuous. He struggled not to get turned on by her mere looks.

“No, I guess we could do some research here. Online, maybe something will pop up. You know, internet´s got everything one may need. We only need to be sure where we look for, right?” Emma started, noting the look on Aaron´s face.

He wasn´t babbling at her, or salivating all over the floor, but she could tell he was lost on her. It´s quite nice to be such a bombshell.

“Right?” She asked, not sure if that would be such a good plan. Part of her wants to give some to Aaron, but only if he´s also on the mood. Else, she´ll feel like a lusty amazon, and that´s not quite her goal.

“Oh, yeah… I guess we could do some more research. Unless…” He started.

“Unless? What?” She was just waiting for an excuse.

“Well… we´ve already checked. And, I think we´ve done enough work for today. Maybe, maybe we could have some rest? I guess we earned it, right?” He suddenly peeks at her chest. And at her curves, she knows he´s not thinking on resting.

Emma smiled, she knows he´s just waiting for her to say the word, so…

She approached, walking towards him, slowly, sensuously. Standing straight, standing tall. Looking down at him, and when she stopped, she put her hands over her wider hips. And with a big grin on her face, she asked: “Are you sure you wanna have some rest? Or… is there something else you have in mind? I know we´re both thinking the same… mind to share your thoughts?” He swallowed.

All it took was for him to say he thought she was sexy. He didn´t even had the chance to tell her he´d like to have some sex before she bent and kissed him.

Her lips, so juicy, implanted over his. Kissing him passionately, eagerly. He drove his hands to her hips and took a hold of her as they closed their eyes and got lost in the moment.

The door was locked. The curtains were shut. They were alone, finally, both of them were alone.

They took things into the bed quite fast. Aaron was eager to peel her clothes off. To remove the fabric and reveal her luscious body. A woman like her, a woman her size, a woman that hot must be praised! He took his time, kissing her, all over!

Once in bed, where he had a better reach, he kissed her neck. Slowly, tenderly. Making her tingle. Within a moment, they were both on their underwear, and he had a better chance to kiss her sensuous body.

Every inch of her was arousing him, every single inch of flesh made him quiver. Got his heart going. And then, as he got harder on his crotch, he could tell something had changed. But he didn´t pay as much attention to it as he should have.

Aaron desired Emma´s body. Last night, sex was amazing! Finally, they both were developing a connection. And now, now she´s huge! He can barely believe this busty amazon is Emma!

As she lays down, he can look at her new proportions. Her legs are longer than his, and thicker than his! Her thighs are so plump, so firm, smooth, sexy! Her hips are wide, but her waist has maintained so thin, narrow. Doting her with a hourglass figure. One with some big, hefty, alluring breasts.

As he removes her bra, as he´s finally seeing those boobs that have been teasing him all day. As he gets the chance to meet those bare, beautiful breasts that have been calling for him all day, he´s dumbfounded.

Aaron´s on his knees, standing in bed above her as he looks at the perfection of her boobs. They are big, round, heavy, soft. And so perky! He just hit the jackpot!

But he´s not the only one…

“Like what you see? Hmmm?” Emma said, looking straight at him. He was speechless. Looking at her boobs with all of his attention.

She knew he was in a small boob-trance, so she just smiled and got busy herself. He could look all he wants, and he can also touch. But she´s got just the same permission over him so…

Emma went down, knowing he´ll be so hard now. She could feel his member, but couldn´t quite see it. Her boobs were kind of blocking the way. But she could definitely feel his member, hardening over her stomach. She wanted to see, it felt big, she just wanted to see how big…

When she removed his underwear, she was in shock! His member was about… ten-inches long! It wasn´t so big last night. If Aaron´s shrinking, why is his penis so big? Was it because of… her?

She made some sort of wish. She wouldn´t mind Aaron standing shorter than her, but if it happened, then she´ll need a big cock to please her. His member should be big enough to satisfy her. And the looks of that massive member between his legs. She´s just hungry for it!

But first, he must work her off a little…

Aaron was all over the amazon´s body. He could hardly believe this strange situation has brought one of his fantasies to life. Was he aroused? YES!!!

He could hardly hold himself as he kissed, caressed, and fondled every inch of her enlarged anatomy. He was too focused on her that he didn´t notice his member had grown. And his shrinking only made his member look bigger!

But Emma noticed. The feeling of that big, thick dick. She was eager for him to start with the real deal. She liked the foreplay, but the real action was much sweeter…

Within a couple minutes of lusty touching, Aaron was ready. He accommodated himself and inserted his member inside her awaiting pussy.

The feeling, it felt tight. For both. He had no idea his member had gotten so big. He could feel it, but he just didn´t thought an amazon like Emma would also find it big. But that size, that´s a size she likes!

She moaned with deep pleasure as he inserted his cock. And kept going as he fucked her. Her boobs bouncing heavily as he thrusted his hips, pushing deeper and deeper. Driven only by the lust that filled his mind.

Looking at her enormous breasts bounce, that got him going, he sped up, which caused her to feel a deep pleasure. She wished for him to have a big member, and now, he´s got a fine cock. A big member that´s pleasing her, deeply.

It seems their desires have come true. Tonight, Aaron´s in bed with an amazon. And Emma´s in bed with a man who makes her feel big, and still, who´s got a member big enough to blow her mind.

But the question is, had the changes finished? Is this done? None of them have an answer yet. But the main question is, will they stay like that? Have their heights settled or… will there be more changes?

Last night was perfect. Emma woke up, satisfied. A little tired. But they had a lot to do so, she´ll just take a shower and then they will be good to go. Maybe, as a way to thank him, to show she appreciates him, she can treat him with some breakfast.

Something simple, maybe even something from a bending machine. He´s not picky. However, when she turned to look at her lover, she noticed something different…

“No way! Did he… did he… shrank?” She thought, immediately considering the possibility that she might have grown.

Emma wasn´t certain, she had to check on him while he was asleep. Of course, she couldn´t make him stand, he was asleep, he would´ve fallen. The next best option was to try and measure his body as he laid in bed. Trying her best to guess.

Even if it would be very hard to get an estimate…

“A thumb´s like… an inch, right?” She thought, looking at her own, but how could she be certain? She was tall, what if she was too tall for it to be accurate. Besides, measure him using her thumb? It´ll take a lot of time. Perhaps, he´ll be awake before she´s half way done.

“Ugh, we need a measuring tape…” She complaint, but resumed on ordering one and, simply, comparing herself to him.

Emma was tall, very tall, she´s as tall as the bed´s long! Or, maybe, a little more? She wasn´t sure, but she does notice one thing, Aaron´s feet are way less far than hers. And his head´s not at the top of the bed either. She´s not right, but maybe, just maybe, he´s about… ten inches shorter?

“Oh my, is this… ten inches?” She whispered as she pictured them standing.

Emma, a tall, sexy amazon. And Aaron, standing short, praising her. But wait, praising? She liked him, she really does, but as far as to think of him that way?

Well, maybe not that far. Perhaps, he could just be a guy who´s extremely lucky to be with a fine lady like her. Tall, pretty, sexy! She´s a triple threat!

However, while she fantasized about being a tall amazon, dwarfing him, he slowly woke up.

“Huh? E-Emma? Is… is it morning already?” Out of both, he wasn´t the morning person.

“Yes, it is… good morning…” She said, anxious for him to wake up and have a chance to see if her estimate was accurate.

Aaron had a bit of a hard time focusing. He knew Emma was laying next to him because, well, they had sex last night. And, he can smell the fragrance of her cream. So sweet…

But there was certainly something else…

When he could finally focus, he saw something he wasn´t expecting. Even if, deep down, he truly did. When he saw Emma, awake enough, he realized one thing… she was bigger!

She was huge! He might be laying in bed, and surely that affects his point of view a bit, but, she´s so big!!!

“Wow! Emma, did you just… grew again?!” It concerned him, and also, aroused him.

“Well, I´m not sure. I believe you shrank. But… maybe we should check.” She was eager to find out.

Aaron had just woken up, and to him, an amazon was laying next to him. Well, he was already aware of that, so let´s say, a BIGGER amazon was laying in his bed. He wondered a lot of things, how did both fit in a single-sized bed? She was so tall? Or, maybe, was she right and he… shrank?

Just how tall are they!

“No way… Aaron, you´re… below my chin-level!” Emma announced.

“Chin? No way! I… Are you sure?” That… she was over a full head taller?

“Positive! I can´t believe this, the gap between us… wow.” Emma was excited.

“But… but, did you, uhm…” it got him kind of aroused to say this, but he said it either way, “am I shorter or… are you the one who´s…”

“Taller?” Emma finished his sentence. “Well, I don´t know. We don´t have a measuring tape in the room. I guess we could go to the nursery again and find out. Unless…” There´s something else she noticed. Something hard.

He woke up, hard. Which was natural. A morning-wood. However, realizing Emma was much more of an amazon, it drove his attention somewhere else. And, ironically, it made him even harder.

Emma did notice that. She looked at him, from head to toes, as he stood up from bed. And she liked it! She was so much taller than him! And what´s more, his member, is it as big as last night or, maybe, just maybe… is it bigger?

Emma bent over, and with a huge grin on her face, she reached out for his member. Excited to feel how thick it was.

“Unless you´d like to believe I grew, and you stayed the same. And, if you like, perhaps, we could make a good use of this… this hard-on of yours…” She was eager to have some fun with that huge member of his.

He gave to her charms. With her hand on his member, and with a body like hers, he´ll give her exactly what she wants…



Loving how this story is turning out. I'm hoping Emma desires him shorter more than Arron desires her taller!


I´m glad you like this story! Honestly, I can´t believe it´s been five chapters already, how fast!