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Chapter 15

Mrs. Stalwart has to work harder than she thought to seduce Harvey. Well, maybe he´s already seduced, she knows no man can resist her. Unless they are scared of her size.

She has the biggest boobs there are, she knows it, but she´s also a 9´6” giantess who´s got a stern look on her face most of the time. Probably not someone you´ll consider sweet the first time you meet her…

Vera spent some time thinking on what to do. She still has a lot to work on when it comes to expressing herself. Her tone is way too serious, dominant even. Ninety-percent of what comes out of her mouth feels like an order, coming from the amazon´s mouth. And the other ten, well, lately, she´s been messing up on her attempts to seem kind. Often, she feels embarrassed, even if her imposing body doesn´t show.

She had a plan, if she can´t seduce him with her words, then she´ll try the other way, using her body. She may be a big, thick, imposing woman, but she´s got a body most men desire. Some fear her, sure, but Harvey shouldn´t.

“Don´t fear me, you´re the only one I´ll allow to touch me!” She cried in her mind as she stood on her bedroom, right in front of a package that was delivered that same morning.

If she wants to tease him, then she must pick a different attire. Get into the office with clothes a bit more… revealing.

Surely, according to the standards, and dress code, at the office. Still, she´ll be right on the edge. On the minimum required. The hot, teasing, and barely covering, minimum.

“Let´s see how you like it…” She said, opening this huge box, with, at her size, didn´t store that much pieces of clothing. But she doesn´t need much to put her plan into action.

Why did she choose to order her clothes online and not getting to a store? Well, this is her business, and no one else should stick their noses into it. That´s how she saw it.

However, maybe a visit to the store wouldn´t have been such a bad idea…

“Ugh, this… these pants are… so… tight!” She complaint as she tried to squeeze her enormous thighs inside a pair of leather pants. What hotter than a woman with tight leather pants? Well, if they fit.

Vera pulled and pulled, but it seems that their largest size is, well, no match for a woman as statuesque as her. Even if she purchased those on a store, specifically, for tall women, their definition of tall… it doesn´t match hers…

*rrrrRRRIIIIIIiiipppp!!!” She wanted a pair of tight pants, not to rip them down before they made it through her thighs.

Now, there she was, standing on her panties as a pair of shredded pants, that promised to be big, and according to the comments, a little loose, shred apart.

“No!” she should´ve known. Since when has she been capable of wearing something that doesn´t include a big amount of spandex on it´s tag? “Ok, maybe I made a mistake…” Surely.

But even if those pants had gone above her incredible thighs, she still has a big butt that would´ve been the next challenge. And, certainly, she would´ve shredded them as soon as she took a sit.

Now, let´s move on to the next item in the box…

“A skirt. Perfect!” There´s no chance her thighs will interfere on a piece of clothing that´s not thigh-wrapping. Besides, wouldn´t it be hotter to display her bare, sensuous legs instead of covering them up? It´ll give her a smoother look.

“Ok, it looks fine, so far…” she knew it wasn´t easy to find clothes. But these should be fine.

She didn´t purchase the skirt on the tall section, she went for the big one. A skirt meant for women who have a bit more… curves. Women with a big amount of flesh on their bones. Sure, this was an XXXX-Large skirt. But she´s not fat, she just happens to have large bones on her 9´6” anatomy.

Now, even if the skirt fit perfectly on her waist, and a little loose over her protruding hips, well…

“Is there a breeze down here?” she wondered, looking down at this short skirt, only to realize that… it was a bit too short.

She took a look at the mirror, only to realize it was way too short. Her intentions were to display the entirety of her long, shapely legs. And, if she wanted, she´d bent in order to show Harvey a bit of her big, sexy ass. But this was not so… discrete.

She turned, only to see how the skirt was way too high over her butt. It only covered half of her glorious, round and firm glutes. Certainly, it wouldn´t work, according to the office´s rules. Still…

“Fuck, but… maybe, by the time he comes here, I could wear it… I´ll save it.” Plans for the future, how immediate? It´s up to him.

Her plump, long and sexy legs didn´t quite cooperated with the clothes she bought; more like the other way around. She´ll make sure to leave a complaint, she did measure herself, and those leather pants should´ve fit. But it wasn´t the time for that, now, it´s time to move on into the tops…

“Oh, this blouse!” She said as she pulled out a white blouse from the box. That one, according to the picture, was supposed to display a lot of cleavage. Much more than her current blouses. Still…

“It… doesn´t… fit!” She said as she tried to pull the edges together. Trying to button up the blouse, but her boobs may be a bit too big for it.

Soon, she heard the unmistakable sound of ripping fabric. Right behind her, a giant whole was made on the blouse. Surely because of all the effort the put while pulling.

“Fuck. But I didn´t have much hopes on this one. Now, for the next one…” The amazon said as she threw the shredded piece of clothing aside and went for the next blouse. Same style, but with a lot more stretch on it.

“Ok, now this one´s supposed to be 50-percent spandex. Which means, momma´s boobs should fit here…” And all of her. She might hold a sensuous figure, but in regular standards, she´s still huge! Let´s see how this goes…

A big lady like her struggles a bit too much with clothing. A reason why she has everything tailor-made. Specifically designed for a woman her size. She already knows what she should do, but she´s a little too distracted to think properly.

She wants to be hot, arousing to Harvey. Perhaps, this way he´ll come to her. Dragged by his lust, his primal desire. The lust for her large, sensuous body will drive him into her. She´s certain, hopefully…

But there´s always something in between…

“No! This… this doesn´t look so good…” She started, looking at her reflection in the large mirror.

The blouse didn´t lie, it was elastic, stretching all the way to meet her needs, or something like that.

She pulled and, unlike that other shirt her fleshy body ripped, this one buttoned up. It was like pulling rubber, easy, but not quite what she had in mind.

The blouse stretched, no problem, but when it did, perhaps, the fabric was also… barely covering her body.

She stood there, looking at how the buttons closed, but there was a bit of a gap between the ends of the shirt; but that wasn´t the worse part. She wasn´t sure if it was the cut on the blouse that was too low, or if her boobs were the problem. But, the cleavage she was showing, it was WAY too much.

“It doesn´t even cover my bra…” she said, looking at how the stretched fabric of the blouse barely covered the bottom of her bra. For sure, she seems as a woman who´s wearing a shirt, at least, three sizes smaller. It might´ve stretched, but pulling it too far messed up with the design.

“Hmm… maybe I should wear a smaller bra?” That was something clever to do. Perhaps, this blouse was meant for smaller bras.

She only has big bras, ones that are able to hold her bosom. Her big, heavy bosom. Carry her boobs, give them support. Not that they need it, they are so firm and perky. But she likes the comfort fit.

In fact, she wasn´t sure how far she could take things with Harvey. Or how fast. She made sure to order, and these ones were made to fit. A customized order. She ordered some bras, and some panties. Made to show up more cleavage.

She thought, maybe she could put one on and then put this blouse. She could already picture herself, with a blouse that barely covered her enormous, luscious breasts. Her plan was to wear a blazer on top, and once they were alone at the office, she´ll take it off. Teasing him with the bounce of her glamorous breasts.

But there might be a bit of a problem…

“That´s… my areola?” The bra was so light that it´s fabric was easily pulled by the fabric of her blouse.

The overstretched blouse pulled the bra that covered her humongous breasts. And the result, a major part of her areola, almost all the way to her nipple, was exposed.

Now, the amazon was standing right in front of the mirror, looking hot, but not too decent. She was showing off much more than she would´ve wanted.

“This is a nightmare…” It truly was, still, there was something right at the bottom of the box.

She thought of everything, even not wearing a bra. And for that, she needed some patches. Some silicone patches that will cover her nipples.

“Ok, here we go…” Mrs. Stalwart said, standing right before the mirror, wearing nothing but a thong. Showing off her long legs. Like pillars of the most sensuous flesh. Shapely, strong, sexy.

Her curves were at full display. And now, she was topless. Approaching the first patch to her large, heavy breast. Even for a woman her size, she knows her boobs are a bit too big. And now, she´s about to attempt something she´s never done.

She´ll cover her nipples, only. As she did, she wondered, this is exciting for men, right? She wasn´t sure, but the more cleavage she shows, the better, right?

“Ok now… it should be put on… and it´ll automatically be pasted to my… to my… why isn´t this working?” The instructions were simple, put it on and the glue on the surface should attach the patch to the boob. Still, there was a bit of a problem.

Even if it did cover her areola, and she made sure to check on the diameter on the patch, there was something in between. A bit, fat, erect nipple. Pushing the whole thing, making it impossible for the glue to work. Even if she found a way to paste it, her nipple will make sure to push it off.

“I should´ve known… maybe I´m not made to use sexy clothes…” Usually, she would´ve thrown it all away. But she had the hope that she´d look like the model on the pictures.

But she was not going to give up. She´s in charge of a whole office, making herself look sexy is nothing for a woman like her.

If she can´t get new clothes to make her look hot, then she´s adapt her old ones to make her look hot.

Although, she might be working too hard for nothing. She´s already a gorgeous woman, isn´t she taking things too far? It seems, this desire inside her, it´s pushing her to do things she normally wouldn´t do.

Next time she meets Harvey, she´ll make sure that he notes her. That he looks at her. A compliment would thrill her, but to have him leering at her, that will work too.