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Chapter 6

Things were different around the house. Inside Jeannie´s mansion, there were a few changes…

Things needed to change, to scale-up for this growing woman. She was getting a little too big for the bed, a bit too tall for chairs. She needed a little more room to accommodate her growing ass.

She´s grown quite some more. Reaching the seven-foot-mark. She feels so tall, her limbs are so long, and that´s not it, things just look so small now.

Cups, glasses, even food. Not to mention the height of the shower. Jeannie´s been growing more and more. Her body, expanding in the most sensuous of ways. Her breasts have grown, her butt has filled out. Her thighs are so plump, so firm. Her narrow waist looks so tiny in comparison to her wide, fleshy hips.

She feels tall, big, powerful! She´s not only the boss, the owner of a wealthy company, she also resembles her role. Tall, imposing, a little dominant everywhere she walks.

Everyone´s aware of her growing state, however, it´s hard for people not to look at her in a certain way. Some still think this is surreal. Others wonder if there´s some sort of magic involved. And others, well, while some envy the woman, there´s some who leer at her.

Just imagine the boss, walking down the hall. With the perfect legs, the perfect breasts. A beautiful face, with hairs that shine under the light. Her walk, so graceful, her long steps making her butt jolt as she makes her way. She´s alluring to the eye. To everyone, especially to Troy…

He´s home while Jeannie´s at work. He doesn´t have much to do. He doesn´t need to work, he takes care mostly of his own self. Making sure to keep the young, attractive body Jeannie so much desires.

Plus, now he must work on ways to please her. Before, it was easy, she was older and got tired quite fast; but now, now he needs to find new ways to keep the woman satisfied. Sexually. But that´s not it.

He wonders, what if she gets tired of him? She´s gotten so tall, so gorgeous. What if she was to change him for a new model? He´s young, sure, but what if she wants a bigger man?

Just like her car, she changed her luxurious sedan for a big truck. Of course, she passed the car over to him, but still, Jeannie needs bigger things.

With all the changes around the house, all of the things changing in order to get adjusted for her new size, what if, one day, he´s one of them?

He´s concerned, a bit scared even. What if, one of these days, she just comes home to tell him this is over? It wouldn´t be so hard to be back on the game, he´s young, handsome, attractive. But there´s more to it.

Now that Jeannie´s young, he can truly see how pretty she is. Now that her body has expanded, he can leer at her sensuous body. Everything on her turns him on so badly. But, that can´t just be it.

The way she is, so sweet around him. So caring, so tender. She´s not even like that with her own daughter. He can´t say it, but he´s sure that, if Jeannie had to pick one of them, it´s most likely that Jeannie will pick him. He wouldn´t brag about it, but they fight quite often. And he knows that, most of the time, it´s because of him.

How long before Danielle persuades her mother to break-up with him? To kick him out? Is he giving as much as he should? He´s still got the looks, but is that enough?

Jeannie looks like a model, a big, hot model. And she´s gotten so tall. The top of his head barely passes her chin level, and soon, he´ll be below that.

He´s unsure on how long it will take before her growth stops. If she ever wants it to. He can tell she likes her new size. Everyone looks at her, everyone notices her. And the respect, wherever she is, wherever she walks, she´s imposing, sticks out, commands respect.

Troy´s doing his best for them to stay on the “honeymoon” stage of their relationship. Bringing gifts three or four times a week. Being attentive, gentle, kind. There´s not many things he can give to a woman that already has it all. And there´s not much he can buy. Jeannie gave him a credit card, but, buying her a gift with her own money? Is that romantic?

“Oh my, what a hard day…” Jeannie complaint as she entered the mansion through the ten-feet-doors. She wasn´t physically tired, but mentally, she needed a break.

Aside her regular job, there´s some other things she´s been doing; some plans she´s got for the future. Some BIG plans. But she´s still working on that, her team´s already working on the basis of it, and someday, she´ll be able to give the big announcement. For now, it´s still on the first stages…

“Jeannie! My love… how was your day?” Troy said, walking in and stepping close.

“Aww, how cute of you to come here and meet me at the door.” Something he´s been doing daily now.

“Well, I missed you…” It could seem fake, but he means it. By now, he´s actually falling in love with her. And not only because of her fortune, or her body. Even if those things have a major impact on his decision.

“You´re so sweet, you know that, right?” Her kind words echoed inside his mind as her long fingers caressed his face. Jeannie towered above him by more than a foot.

There´s an eleven-inch difference between then, technically. But with her heels on, those four-inch heels make her a 7´4” amazon. And yes, she needs them.

To compliment her expensive, elegant, and stylish attire, she needs everything. Sure, no one will be looking at her feet when there´s a huge pair of melons. Her boobs fill up her top, a lot! If she was to lose just one button, those boobs will be able to find their way out of her blouse.

Soon, they took things to their bedroom, where he makes sure to treat her as the queen she is.

“Mmmm, ohh, that´s right…” She said, almost moaning due to the massage he was giving her.

“You like it?” He asked, standing on his knees behind her back.

“You´re soooo good at this…” Jeannie replied. And why wouldn´t he? He´s been practicing on ways to become a better lover. Massages, baths, to cook for her. Everything he can add to the list, will help.

Now, Jeannie was sitting over the mattress, but her blouse was gone. Still, she kept that gigantic bra that supports her massive breasts.

Troy can tell this is working. He still has her right where he needs her. In love with him, but this gives him a bad feeling on his stomach. Does this make him manipulative? Does this make him bad?

His primal goal was for her not to make it. That this treatment would, somehow, help him with his goal of keeping her fortune. But now that it worked, he knows there´s no chance it will happen.

She´s younger, physically, biologically. She´s so healthy that she could even live more than him! But that´s not what he cares about. With these past changes, he´s come to realize that, this woman, the one standing before him. She´s good.

Sure, she´s changed, a lot. She´s taller, and smokin´ hot! But that´s not it. Even after all those changes, even after all that´s happened, not once, she´s been mean to him.

Jeannie may be different on the outside, but on the inside, she´s the same woman who´s loved him. He can feel her affection, he can feel her attention. She doesn´t even put the company above him! She loves him, she truly does.

Even after this, after seeing, after knowing that she could do better than him. That she could get a better guy, she chose to stay with him. She chose to love him the same way. She´s not arrogant, she hasn´t turned mean, she hasn´t changed the way she treats him. After all this time, she´s still the same sweet woman she was.

And this is killing him.

As she moans in pleasure, now laying on the bed while he´s working on her back, he feels guilty. All the good things that came because of something he did with not the best intentions. All the good consequences that came after the treatment, all the good that came to her life, and why? Because he wanted to get rid of her faster.

He´s bad, he feels bad. But he´ll do his best to make it up to her.

“Ohhh, there, riiiiight there… mmmm, Troy, when did you became so good at this? Oooohhh…” He doesn´t deserve all that love. Everything he does, he gets complimented, and even if he was not to do a thing, he knows she´ll find a way to show him how much she loves him. Does he deserve that?

Jeannie´s been busy, the massages, she appreciates them. She believes he does it because he knows how hard she´s working. And part of her think he´s doing it as a way to thank her for all of the hard work.

She doesn´t need him to work, or to cook. Not even to come to the door and greet her when she comes back. But all those things, those are the ways he can show his appreciation for her. Of course he can´t buy her expensive things, but the flowers he brings, the little cakes he buys, all those tiny chocolates, those gifts, she loves them.

Jeannie likes to come home and relax. It´s been a long time since she´s had a chance to do it. Sure, she was retired, but she felt as if she was missing something. And now, the world has given her a second chance. A new chance for her to do everything all over.

Of course, some things are already settled, and they only make her wealth grow, but there´s other projects she has a chance to work on again.

On a side, she could be a model for one of their campaigns. A bikini-model. How´s that? The elder woman as a model? Well, she doesn´t look the age she is. Her body is just so firm, so smooth, and so graceful.

She´s not skinny, she´ll never be. But curvy models are a trend now. Not that she´s too curvy, but those breasts and that butt, together with her sensuously plump legs, those are curves, and those curves put her in another category.

But the life of a model is not what she´s looking for, she´s only doing this because everybody insisted, and Troy told her she should go for it. He´s so supportive, or so she thinks.

The other project she´s been working on, the one she´s excited for the most, is to bring a certain something to the market. The treatment she´s into, well, how about giving everywoman a chance to have a try? Her results are striking! But, maybe not all of them would like to become sexy amazons. Some will only want to be young again, and not go through all of the size changes. Still, she can try both…

The massage ended, but in a happy way. Jeannie felt so good, so relaxed. And, as Troy started working on her butt, her arousal increased. Nowadays, she feels a bit aroused all the time, not to the point where she´ll get wet, but her desire has augmented.

Whenever she spots him, she knows there´s a chance to take things into the sexual spectrum. And, when he stares at her boobs, she knows tonight´s the night.

As he worked on her body, she could feel his member, hard, stiffening. The touch of his hard cock on her back, on her legs, she was certain, he wants some. And that´s fine, because she´s in the mood…

Soon, Troy was working on her body, but not only with his hands. Now, he was on top of the amazon, with his member, deep inside her pussy. His hands were now massaging her naked breasts. So big he could barely handle them, so fleshy, so smooth, so perfect.

How did this happen? How did he end up being the lover of a rich amazon? The answer´s clear, but a better question should be, how is it that he´s being compensated? He did wrong, why hasn´t he been punished?

Perhaps, it may not be the time. If the universe will bring something back to him, then it´ll be when he least expects it. Until then, his mind will be troubled with his own guilt.

For now, he´ll keep praising Jeannie as the goddess she is. A goddess who, often, needs his lover to please her sexually. If he makes her happy, then he can´t be that bad, right? If he pleases her, then he´s, somehow, compensating what could´ve been a mistake, right?

After all, all that happened, it´s because of him. But, if everything didn´t came up as this, if there were some consequences, some unpleasant, unwanted consequences, then it would´ve been his fault too…

He didn´t have the time to worry his mind with this. He´s trying to wash all those worries away, and to do so, he focuses on her sensuous body.

Her legs, so sexy, the curves on her full legs, the soft feeling. Her hips so wide, and the way her thighs make this sensuous curve, the way her butt´s so firm, so juicy. The way her waist narrows from above those wide hips. And the contrast of her enormous breasts with that tiny waist.

Jeannie´s got an impossible hourglass body. A body only a goddess like her could. A sensuality only she knows. And soon, she´ll be even bigger.

Week after week, she´s been going to the clinic, only to receive the same answer, her growth´s not over. But she doesn´t mind. Troy doesn´t seem to be afraid by it. He´s come to accept this very well.

And Jeannie doesn´t really mind that much. She´s got the money to go one size up every time she needs. Refill her closet with new, bigger things. To make some adjustments around the house when needed. However, how big is too big?

She wouldn´t want to be transported on the back of a truck as if she was to be displayed for everyone´s amusement. However, she can also order some company to customize a car for it to be big enough for a woman like her. Someone´s already done it, right?

But there´s other things to her, more important, than her height…

After such passion, after their bodies, like any other night, met. After they shared the lust, the warm touch of their bodies. After they were done with this passionate encounter. They were tired.

Of course, he´s the one who´s tired the most. It´s getting a bit hard to please a woman her size, and more when her lust and desire has also increased. But he´s managed. Still, all that energy he spend, he needs to recover…

He fell asleep, he was exhausted. His whole body was covered in sweat, he needed to recover. Jeannie wasn´t as tired as him, she´s past him now. But she won´t complaint. If he exhausted himself this much, if he gave until the last of him to keep her satisfied, that´s a proof of how much he loves her.

“So cute…” She said as she put her arm around him, and, while both laid naked, she hugged him.

He may be asleep, he may be exhausted, but he can still feel her love. As he accommodates, turning at her, as he gets closer to her large body, she knows he can feel she´s there.

And, at times like this, she wonders, “This is true love, right?” This isn´t fake. This isn´t him, staying there just in order to inherit her fortune. This isn´t Troy simply trying to appear as a good lover for her. This is genuine. This is real, this feels good…

Everyone told her, a man his age would only be behind a woman like her because of her money. What else does she have to offer for a guy his age? Before, that was true. Before the treatment, Jeannie didn´t have so much to offer, but now, now there´s so much more.

Aside of love, what else could she give? Money? She thought it was logical for her to give him money, gifts. Sure, she was buying his love, she felt as if she was paying him to be with her. To love her.

Even when he said those sweet things, even when he did all the things he did to show her their love was real, deep inside, she knew his main reason to stay was because she was rich. But that´s just the way most people do it these days. Sugar mommy, she was a sugar mommy. She knew it, but chose not to care.

But that has changed. The change, the true change came after the treatment. Maybe he loved her more because he resembles a woman more his age, perhaps, he loves her, truly, because of her luscious body. But, in the end, isn´t it just physical?

The answer, whenever she has some thoughts like this, the answer comes when he´s asleep. How can he lie if he´s not conscious of what he does?

“Troy… Troy… my love, are you awake?” She whispered. And, as expected, she received no answer. He was gone, deeply asleep.

And, t was the perfect chance for her to confirm how deep his love for her is.

Jeannie came closer to him, slowly, carefully. And then, she wrapped her free arm around him. Instinctively, slowly, he turned, to hug her. Sleep, unconscious, and still, his arms were wrapped around her. Maybe with a week hold, maybe it wasn´t even a good hug, but still, he´s hugging her, right?

A proof that, even while he´s not aware, he shows some love to her. A way to show her that, even when he´s not aware of what he´s doing, even when he´s not aware of the consequences of his actions; while he´s not focused on giving her a good impression, to convince her, persuade her, to trick her.

He can´t lie if he´s asleep, right? He can´t fake things he´s not aware he´s doing. A hug, while sleeping, only confirmed he loves her. Why else would his arms find their way to her if it wasn´t true love?

“An embrace as warm as this, it´s only for a true lover…” she whispered as she closed her eyes and decided to enjoy the moment. A moment of peace, tranquility, a true moment of love…


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