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Chapter 54

Colin had a hard decision to make. He felt really silly, but he´s also nervous. Nervous for what he´s about to say, and silly because it should´ve be so much of a deal.

He´s making a big deal out of something so simple. Yes, this “simple” thing could ruin his relationship with Lillian.

He had a question, something he wanted to tell her, something important. Yet, he wasn´t sure if this would be something good to say. Something nice to ask.

Colin wanted Lillian to be his girlfriend. To make things official. To propose to her. But, deep down, he´s worried. Not only because, well, why would a woman as big and imposing, not to mention gorgeous and kind, would make things official with a guy like him? A shrinking guy like him.

He feels like she´s got a lot to lose, while he´s got a lot to win. After all, he´ll be winning the heart of a gentle amazon. Ignoring he may already have done that. Still, there´s more to the matter.

First of all, what are they? Friends? Friends with benefits? Or, just maybe, he´s thinking of them as something more than they actually are. Maybe he´s just the guy she fucks, and that´s it. Nothing more than sex.

But, if that was true, why was she so nice? So kind, so attentive. If he was only a guy she had a sexual interest in, then she would´ve dumped him the second things went awkward. And shrinking does make things awkward for him.

She stayed, she consoled him, held him. Hugged him to make all of his worries go away. She was kind, a gentle soul. The thing is, how gentle?

Another of his worries is, what if she´s making all of this out of pity? What if he´s just a basket case she decided to care for? What if she can´t let him go, merely out of compassion?

Perhaps, she´s just with him to, who knows, accumulate good karma? Be a good woman? A nice lady? For everyone to look at her and say something like: “Look! There she is, helping another poor guy. How sweet of her.”

Surely, she´s not that way, but he can´t help but to have those thoughts.

And the last thing he´s got in mind is, what if, just maybe, she already considers him as a… boyfriend? What if he´s the only one who´s uncertain about this. She´s more mature, from a different generation, still, there were proposals at her time, right? People had the need to make things official, right?

He´s not just going to speak up so that she, out of nowhere, breaks into tears because he didn´t already saw them as a couple, right?

“How stupid…” He thought.

Colin wasn´t alone, in fact, he was right at Lillian´s place. And, right now, he´s sitting on the couch, right in front of her.

She bought this huge couch recently, one that can be turned into a bed! And now, she´s laying in the bed as he sits on the edge, right in front of her. With his back against the eight-feet-tall, voluptuous amazon.

Her boobs are the softest pillows he´s ever touched, he must admit that.

“What´s the matter?” She said as she ruffled his hair a bit, you seem too quiet, is something bothering you?” Lillian asked.

“N-no, I… it´s nothing.” He replied.

“Are you sure, dear? You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” Her sweet tone, and her sweeter words. There´s no way that´s fake, there´s no way she´s pretending.

And he knows that, a woman as big as her, she wouldn´t be with a guy like him out of pity, or mainly because she can´t break things up with him. If she didn´t want him in her life, then she wouldn´t have invited him over to watch a movie. Something SHE did, and HE didn´t ask for. But he really appreciates the nice gesture.

These last few days have been awful. The shrinking hasn´t stopped! He´s lucky Lillian´s always there when he needs her.

The main issue is, he´s not aware she´s the reason why he´s shrinking. That the milk coming out of her breasts, that sweet nectar, it´s the root of his height loss. And, unlucky him, when things get a bit hotter, he often finds himself latching at that big, fat, thick nipple.

Which also caused him to get down to 4´9”. He was under a lot of stress. He used to be a 6´2” guy, now, he´s lost almost two-feet in height! He´s worried.

Mostly because the woman he´s dating, hopefully she sees it the same way, is a gargantuan amazon! Even when he was tall, she loomed above him, and now, she´s gigantic!

Colin can´t say that the shrinking does have some benefits. For starters, everything about her is bigger! Her boobs, her butt, even those thick lips. Lillian´s a colossus, and also a bombshell. She´s everything he wanted, but bigger.

Thicker, more curvaceous. And so hot. Even the mere touch of her breasts makes him quiver. It turns him on. But now, he´s got too much in mind to focus on how sexy she is.

He lost his chance to answer, he didn´t even nod. Lillian was too much of a care giver not to notice something´s bothering him. And she knows it must be his height.

She feels bad. Not for the same reasons as Colin, but they are kind of in the same direction. He keeps shrinking, and she can tell. But the thing is, his shrinking is directly her fault. The fault of those huge mommy milkers that can´t stop producing shrinking milk.

It was harder than she expected to keep his lips away from the milk, but the good thing is he´s not going down as fast as he would have. She can´t be sure, but her milk´s shrinking effect may be losing intensity. The effect may be the same, but lighter.

Without saying a word, the amazon pulled him, deeper into her breasts. Soon, Jonathan felt a wall of soft flesh pushing against him, or was he being pushed against it?

“Awww, what´s the matter, dear? I don´t like it when you´re so quiet. Is it your height?” she said, wanting to ask as if it was her fault, and partially, it is.

Colin felt electricity running down his spine as this woman pushed him, deeper into her embrace. Deeper, sinking his body on her big, smooth cleavage. Her boobs were so huge, maybe he can sink his entire torso between them. And now, he´s deep into them.

“I…” He was dumbfounded.

“Shh, it´s ok, don´t talk, let Lillia take care of you. Let me wash away your concerns with my big, warm hug. Allow me to take you to a nice place. You know you´re safe here, right? With me, with your big, loving… friend.” She wanted to say something else, but she abstained.

He knew it was the moment, she made a pause, even she was uncertain about what they are. But calling them friends, that´s a good start! And he knows, she meant more. But, does she mean what he does?

For a moment, everything was quiet. And Colin took this as his chance.

“Lillian… do you… like me?” He turned, and looked straight at the amazon´s face.

It was easier to do it this way, she was so tall he didn´t even came up to her boobs. This way, he doesn´t have to be under the shadow of her massive cleavage.

“Why, of course I like you, sweetheart! Why do you have such a question?” She does like him, she cares, she loves him.

“I like you too. In fact, I… I have something I´ve been wanting to ask you all… all day.” He swallowed.

It was hard to make the question, he felt as if the world was suddenly shrinking. As if the whole room was getting smaller. For a moment, there was not TV sound. No wind blowing outside. No sound of the cars going down the street. Not even his breath. For a moment, for a long moment, everything was quiet. All he could hear was his own heart beating.

He encouraged himself, it was now or never. This was his chance. He threw all of his worries away, all of his concerns. All those possible scenarios. It was worse not trying than actually saying it. He lost all the things that were bringing him down and just asked.

“Lillian… would you be my… girlfriend?” He had no ring, no chocolates, not even flowers.

Colin was just there. No romance at all, just a question. And all of what it cost him to say it.

“Aww, honey…” Lillian said, but that was not a yes. Not an answer. She hadn´t given him what he wanted. Yes, or no, he needed to know.

A second felt like an eternity. Maybe she was about to say no. Maybe she didn´t felt like being officially with him. It would be easier to ditch him away if they are nothing more than friends. No compromise, no bond, nothing that ties them together.

Colin´s heart skipped a beat. He said it. He already said it. Now, he was just sitting there, waiting for an answer. He needed an answer!

“I… I´d love to, dear…” Yes! She said yes!

And so, Lillian bent a little, coming closer to him, puckering her lips, and then, his lips met hers. A kiss, they confirmed it all with a kiss. A kiss, of affection, of love, tender, sweet, and to him, it tasted like glory!

And soon, very soon, the kiss escalated into something else.

Her lips felt huge, very thick, and so wet. It started smoothly, gently, and soon, things sped up. She was kissing him with more passion, he was kissing her deeper.

Then, his hands followed, touching her, caressing her large, amazonic body. Touching her skin, massaging her flesh. Lillian followed him, caressing his body with her much larger hands. She was enormous, her touch was enormous.

Soon, both began to remove their clothes. Lillian could feel Colin´s erection, poking her right on her stomach. And Colin could feel her erect nipples, poking through her shirt.

In the blink of an eye, they were both naked, already on the bed-couch. They proceeded to sate their lust. To make things official with some sweet sex.

Colin was on top, on top of the colossal woman. She was just too much for him. And still, this woman accepted him, not only as a friend, but as a boyfriend! He was the one, the one she chose to give her love to.

It felt so good to finally be able to tell they were a couple. It felt so nice to know this woman loves him that much.

Colin was lost on Lillian´s enormous, luscious body. Her proportions, her dimensions, she was hot! Thick, plump, large! Her thighs were thicker than his chest, her legs were almost as tall as he was. Her arms, a single arm could easily wrap him all over.

But the part of her he desired the most were her boobs. Those big, heavy mounds. And those thick, sexy nipples. But there´s more to those boobs than just softness and roundness.

Her tits, in all of their massive glory, are a fountain. A fountain of the sweetest, creamiest milk. He can resist the urge to have it, but not when her tits are naked. Not when he can see the fat nipple from where it all comes from.

And when it starts to drip, he can´t fight the temptation to suck on it.

By then, Lillian´s always too lost in the ambrosia of love making. Her body turns so sensitive whenever she has sex. Maybe it´s the side effect of the treatment, maybe not.

The only thing she knows is, whenever he touches her nipples, her already dripping nipples, she feels like melting. She quivers, electricity runs down her spine like a lightning! She turns still, she allows him to tease her boobs. To suck on them, she can´t resist it.

She knows he shouldn´t, but he doesn´t. Colin doesn´t know this may cost him another inch. But he shouldn´t worry about it. Lillian´s there, as long as she´s there, she´ll make things right.

Which is something else. Now that they are a couple, and that´s something he wanted and she didn´t have to push him into, can there be any changes?

Lillian had some things in mind. As she lays naked, next to him. As she looks up to the ceiling while he´s laying on her arm. As both of them are trying to catch their breaths. She wonders, what does being his girlfriend imply?

Sure, it means she´ll be lovely, caring, sweet and tender. But she´s already those things. She´ll be attentive, emphatic, she´ll understand, but she already does those things. She´ll listen to him as he´ll listen to her. However, there´s something else, something very important to her.

She turned at him, making the whole couch quake under her movements. She turned and, after kissing him once more, she asked: “So, my cute boyfriend, did you like it?”

“I… I did.” He answered. Sex was awesome. She was so big, so soft, fleshy, sexy.

“I´m glad…” she replied, with a little question in her mind. “So, now that we´re a couple, do you think, maybe, would you like to move in with me?” That was sudden.

“Move in?” He wasn´t expecting things to go on so fast!

“Sure! I´d love to have you home with me. Besides, now that we´re… official. I´d like to know, would you move in so that… I can take care of you?”

“Take… care?” He asked.

“Yes! Your… this shrinking of yours, it doesn’t seem to stop,” and she knows that the milk he just drank will shrink him even further. “so, my question is, and you´re not forced to say yes, but, just consider it, would you move in with me? I can help you out with your… shrining problem. We don´t know how to reverse it, but it would be of good help if you were home with someone who… cares.” She had the best intentions.

Colin was uncertain, what does this imply? Move in?

He didn´t consider all of the changes this decision could bring. For starters, move in? And, she´ll take care of him?

Part of him felt he´d be some sort of burden. She lives alone, she´s got her own routine. Sure, she often invites him over, and he´s also spent the night there; but what if he actually lived there?

Would he be a pest? Well, she invited him so… it seems she wants him to move in. Maybe she feels alone, he thought. Perhaps, she needs some company. Or maybe, she´d like to have her lover at home, who knows.

But that also brings some questions. Take care? She´ll take care of him? He´s not ill, just… shrinking. Which could be worse. It seems she knows that, soon, he´ll need help. Daily tasks are starting to become a bit difficult, and if she has already thought of it, then, she´s offering to help him with that.

He can picture himself at this place. Laying on the couch, watching something as his amazon of a girlfriend comes and brings him lunch. And a kiss. A big kiss. It could be nice.

Maybe she´s trying to bribe him, promising to be sweet, tender, even pampering! Take care of him, what exactly could that mean? To cook? Clean? Laundry? Perhaps, all of them?

It was a nice offer, but he´ll have to think about it…

“I´d love to move in… but, don´t you think this is a little… soon?” He replied, not quite rejecting her offer, but not accepting either.

“Soon? Oh no, this isn´t soon. We´ve known each other for a while. And, if you´re worried you´ll bother me here, let me tell you, you will certainly not. I´d love to have to around. I´d love to have my lovely… boyfriend at the house. So that I know you´re ok. So that I know you´re happy. So that I know… you´re safe.” She seemed a bit concerned about this last part.

“Safe? But… why?” He asked.

“Well, you´re shrinking, and the outside world… well, it can be quite dangerous for a man like you. But, if you´re here, with me, under the care of your big girlfriend. I think you shouldn´t have nothing to worry about.” She liked the idea, and now, it was time to persuade him.


“Just think on this, how long do you think it´ll take for things to get… harder? We´re not sure if you´ll be able to keep your job. And, without a job, it´ll be impossible to pay the rent. And not to mention food. But, if you were to move in with me… well, that wouldn´t be a problem.” She winked, and came closer, trying to be as tender and loving as possible.

She wanted to persuade him. Now that he opened a small window of possibilities, she wanted to put them all in the table. Maybe just as a suggestion, but a strong suggestion from her.

“If you move in, you wouldn´t have to pay the rent. Or food. Not even the bills. I´m an independent woman, you know, I´ve got control of all expenses around the house. And trust me, I can take care of a man like you. No problem. If you move in, you´ll have nothing to worry about. Plus, you´ll have all the love, the attention, all of your lovely girlfriend, 24/7. What do you think?!” She was eager for him to say yes. But he´s just not ready.

“I… I´ll have to… can I think about it?” He wanted to say yes, but… is it the right decision?

“Of course, take your time.” She knows that´s inevitable for him not to fall into her arms. Sooner or later, he´ll be right with her.


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