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Chapter 4

“Are you ready?” Came Nataly, stepping inside their bedroom.

“Sure.” Jason replied, putting his shoes on. “Do we have to go?” He complaint.

“Ugh, I told you, I already confirmed it with my mother. We can´t get out of this. But relax, we´ll be back here in a blink of an eye, you´ll see…” She added.

“Sure.” It´s not like Nataly´s mother, Emily, is an obnoxious woman, but she can be a little… annoying.

Jason really didn´t want to go, so he used his last resource…

He approached to Nataly from behind. Coming closer to the 6´4” woman, and, as he put his hands gently on her hips, he kissed her neck from behind. This used to be much easier before, but at 5´10”, he´s struggling a little more than he once did.

“Mmmm, ohh…” She moaned as he kissed her right where he knows it makes her quiver.

“Mmm, you like it?”

“Mhmm…” She replied.

He had a last-minute plan. If he can get her to bed, if he can make her forget, then they will miss this, not so nice, date they have.

Then, he drove his hands to her shoulders and started massaging them. Gently, but hard enough to give her some pleasure.

“Ohhh…” she said, he knows she´s kind of tense due to the visit. Maybe this could help.

Things seemed to go as he wanted, until he drove his hand lower and tried to remove her shirt.

“No, Jason, I know what you´re doing. We can´t have sex. We have to be at my mother´s place in forty minutes. We don´t have any time to waste.” She said, coming back to her senses and, in a way, rejecting him.

“Oh, come on. Really?” He was not going to get out of this. But he had to try.

It was a twenty-minute drive. After that, they were both in front of Emily´s door.

The look on Jason´s face, he clearly didn´t want to be there. And that´s because he knows what will happen as soon as Emily opens that door.

They had to go to the side of the city where women Emily´s size live. Houses made for women on their late forties. Which means, the doors are as tall as nine-feet-tall. All the houses are huge. Perhaps, they can fit their tiny apartment inside the garage.

Nataly rang the bell, and, in a second, both could hear the heavy, and excited, steps rushing to the door.

Jason rolls his eyes to the side, annoyed. Now, there´s no chance they can turn back and leave.

Soon, very soon, a bit, excited Emily opens the door. Quick, and widely.

“Welcome!” she cheers as soon as she spots both of them at the entrance.

“Hi.” Both say. Nataly trying to seem happy, and Jason, well, he´s not trying to hard to hide his annoyance. But at least he greeted Emily.

“Awww, my baby and her boyfriend finally came!” Emily says, putting her hands together and looking at them tenderly.

It´s not so easy to have a mother that big. Nataly will have to live knowing she´ll look up to her mother for the rest of her days.

Nataly may be tall, but Emily´s a 48-year-old, 8´5” amazon! And her body is just so thick. The big, fleshy curves of a mature woman. All wrapped on with a dress filled with a floral pattern. She´s barefoot, but a woman her size doesn´t need heels to tower above her 25-year-old daughter and her boyfriend.

“How´re you doing, mom?” Asked Nataly. Who´s cheek was immediately pinched by Emily´s big hand. And yes, the pinch was a bit harder than she would´ve wanted, but it won´t leave a mark.

“So nice of you to ask. Mommy´s been fine. But a little lonely…” Emily wanted to make a proposal, and this was the beginning of it. But the rest will wait until they are all at the table.

All the while, Jason barely made eye contact. He would´ve walked away, but he had manners. However, Emily noticed he was a bit upset.

“Oh, what´s the matter, honey? Are we a little grumpy today? Why don´t you come here, and let mommy Emily give you a BIG hug.” He´ll never call her that way, but before he could protest, the amazon bent over and reached for him.

She picked him up as if he weighed nothing. Soon, Jason was right in the place where he didn´t want to be. In Emily´s embrace. Squeezed by her thick, strong arms. He´s never used to the affection of mature women.

Besides, the fact that her boobs are so big, and that they are kind of smothering him a little, that gives him mixed emotions. It´s quite uncomfortable for him to be pinned against the boobs of his girlfriend´s mother. He only took a deep breath and tried not to think.

“See, I have enough love for both, don´t be jealous…” Emily said as she put Jason back on the floor.

“I´m NOT jealous.” He replied, he would´ve rather extended his arm for a handshake, but he knows what would´ve happened.

And he knows because he already tried. He explained Emily he wasn´t a hug person, but, next time he visited, when he extended his arm, things didn´t went as he wanted. Instead of having a handshake, she pulled him and did the same thing she did today. The amazon picked him up and smothered him with her matronal affection.

Emily wasn´t a bad woman, or a mean lady. But her affection sometimes its… a bit too much.

“Ok, sweethearts, now go wash your hands, the meal´s almost ready…” Emily said as she walked into the kitchen. Leaving both of them alone at the entrance.

Nataly could see the look on Jason´s face. He was clearly mad for what happened before. But she won´t waste this chance to tease him a little.

“What? Mad because she hugged you?” She said.

“Of course!” He replied, but low enough so that Emily couldn´t hear, “that´s exactly what I wanted to avoid.”

“Maybe you´ll rather have her pinch your cheek? Trust me, it´s not much better…” she rubbed her cheek.

“This is unfair! We´re adults. Why does she have to be so… suffocatingly affectionate?” He started.

“You know that´s just the way a mother is.” He just grunted to what she said and chose not to talk about it.

A moment later, the three of them were all sitting at Emily´s big table. Jason was never used to the size things are at women´s houses.

He lives in a new world, but the contrast in heights, he´s never gotten used to it. For example, his girlfriend, Nataly; he remembers the time when he was actually the tall one. But that was so long ago.

Now, as all three share some time at the table, he looks at Emily. The amount of food a woman her size eats is amazing. She eats more than twice as much as he does. And now, he´s come to think that Nataly has started to eat more than him too.

It´s not that he´s complaining, or rejecting the reality of the world in which he lives. But he often stops to take a look, and wonders, since when have things been this way? All women grow, and grow; they just keep getting bigger, taller, and thicker. He´s not worried about it but, he knows there will come a time when Nataly´s just as tall as her mother. How would things be by then?

“So, tell me, how have you been? Hmm? I want to know how´s been work for my two favorite people in this entire world!” Emily started. She was affectionate, sweet. But Jason often feels she´s a bit too sweet.

He´s got nothing against her, not all women treat him the way Emily does. Still, no woman seems to treat him the way he wants. With women under seven-feet-tall, it´s not that hard, but women who are as big, or even bigger than the amazon sitting before him, well, it´s not always this nice.

“We´ve been… good. Everything´s been working very well so far.” Nataly started.

“Oh, have you received a bonus at the office?” Emily asked.

“Well, not… not yet, but maybe… soon.” Nataly wanted to show she was a capable woman, a capable person. And that things are fine without mommy needing to take care.

“That´s good! Growth opportunities are always important, you know that, right?” Nataly nodded. “And how about you, Jason? How are things at the… office.” Emily knows his main duties involve, well, the copy machine. But that doesn´t mean he´s got a small job.

“Same old, same old… things are… good.” Emily seems to have something in mind. Her questions were a bit… peculiar.

And, after everyone was done, she revealed what was in her mind.

“I´m just saying, maybe you´ll get to save more money if you didn´t pay rent. I´d love to have you both move in with me. Oh, it´ll be so nice! The three of us together. I can take care of you both, it´s no big deal.”

“Mom! I told you, we´re doing fine! There´s no need.” Of course that´s why she wanted them to meet her. Emily can´t stand both of them living on their own. In this new world, most mothers are overprotective.

“Oh, but honey, you could do better. Besides, don´t you think you´ll be happy back at mommy´s place? Hmm?”

“No, mom, it´s fine. We´ve managed pretty well so far. And believe me, we´ll do better.” This wasn´t Emily´s first attempt, both were aware of that.

Jason felt a bit tired of those offers. Even his mother makes them. “I´ll cook.”, “I´ll clean.”, how independent can they be if they live at their mother´s? They are grown ups, even if she towers above them by two-whole-feet, and maybe a bit more. Both can take care of themselves as the adults they are.

“Listen, Emily, we… appreciate the offer. Believe we do, it´s just that… don´t you think we should live our own lives? I don´t mean to sound rude or anything, but how independent can we be if you… pamper us?” Maybe he could find his way out of this with a different approach other than saying no.

Jason continued. “I mean, if you cook, clean, and basically do everything around, what´s left for us? Don´t you agree we should… manage on our own? Clean our own place, cook our own meals?”

“Aww, honey. You shouldn´t have to worry about that when you´ve got mommy around.” Once again, Emily´s not his mommy. And he´ll never use those words when he´s speaking to her.

“I know, but the real world´s… it doesn´t work that way.” Maybe he had a point.

“Fine, if you still want to live on your own. I´ll leave you guys be. Mothers must show support too. BUT, if you ever struggle, or need anything, my door´s always open for you two, ok?”

“Ok.” Both said, smiled and nod.

Within less than an hour, both of them were saying goodbye. And, as soon as they were both in the car…

“I told you I didn´t want to come. She wants us to move with her. MOVE WITH HER!” Jason complaint.

“Oh, relax. It´s not that bad.”

“Not that bad? Nataly, do you want to move back with your mother? Because I wouldn´t.” He said.

“No, of course not. But I´m just saying, she´s just trying to be kind.”

“Kind? Or trying to bribe us to move in? Besides, what does she get?”

“You know what she gets…” Emily said, and then, both of them replied:

“Hugs.” For some reason, big, mature women love to give affection. Amongst other things…

Now, the couple was moving back at their place. Driving away from the huge houses on this big neighborhood. Things could´ve gone worse. Thankfully, everything went on smoothly.


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