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Chapter 26

Trevor has to be attentive, and spend some time with both girls. Not just with Kelsey. Now, it was time for a date with his other love, Pam.

He liked his date with Kelsey, he had a chance to look at her big, toned physique in action. Lusting her flesh as she worked hard at the gym. And at the end, well, there was a cherry on top of the cake.

Now, it was time for a date with Pam, and he wonders what will they do?

“Trevor!” Came Pam as she opened the door and rapidly stepped forward to hug him.

Trevor liked it. The 6´5” amazon felt soft. Tender. Her body was quite the contrast to Kelsey´s. Pam was soft, warm, smooth. And she smelled so sweet… was it vanilla? Cookie dough maybe?

The truth is, Pam´s been working hard in order to get ahead of Kelsey. Maybe she´s not working hard at the gym, but she´s working hard at home. Working on her own expansion.

He truly guessed the smell. She does smell like pastry. The reason? She´s been eating more and more. She must get ahead of the game, and food with loads and loads of calories will help.

However, she can´t stop once Trevor gets there, and, in fact, she found the right way for him to help her with her growth.

“Feed you?” He asked, a little confused by her date proposal.

“Well, of course! I´ve been growing so nice and soft, but it seems that, things had changed lately. I don´t know why, but I haven´t been able to grow any taller for you…” She can easily persuade him to do what she wants. After all, this is all for him.

And putting things that way, it will certainly speed up the convincing process.

“I know you like my new body. But we both know I can get bigger! Tell me, Trevor, wouldn´t you want me to get bigger? I mean, look at these boobs. They are so big, and soooo soft. I bet you could use them as pillows if you wanted.” She teased, grabbing her big, soft breasts, and lifting them a little.

“Well, I…” He started, staring right at her big, soft tits.

“So big, so soft. But they can get BIGGER. SOFTER. All you have to do is… help me get bigger for you…” she knows he can´t resist it.

Trevor´s a man who fantasizes with tall, thick women. And helping them get taller and thicker, there´s no way he can say no to that.

Next thing he knows, he´s standing next to Pam. Who´s laying on the couch. And right next to both, there´s a big box. A box about three foot tall, three foot long, and three foot wide.

“Open it…” She said, with a tender tone.

“Ok…” What was it on the box? He may not know that, but she´s got a plan.

As he opened the box, he realized it was full, and when he finally focused on it´s contents, well…

“Are these…?” He can read the name on the tag, all of this were tiny pieces of pastry. All in individual packages. It was a box full of sweet, fattening cakes.

“I know what you´re thinking. But no. They are not what you think. These, right here, they are fine, sweet, chocolate-covered, pieces of the most delicious baked products. All made up of vanilla bread, filled with the smoothest, most decadent cream. And yes, they are full of calories!” She may put it in a different way, but this is all junk food with a ton of sugar.

“Ok, and…?” He wasn´t sure what this was all about, although, he had a good idea.

“And? Don´t be silly. You´re going to feed them to me!” She said, hoping his cock will turn hard. But he was still thoughtful on what he was about to do.

“What? How… feed you? And how many?”

“All of them, silly. Now, you better hurry if you want us to get to the… the real dessert…” She had a plan for the end of this date. But first, she must be nice and full.

Pam´s been wasting a lot of time lately. And a lot of calories too. If she wants to get ahead of Kelsey, then she must use her date time with Trevor to pack the pounds. Eat as much as she can, and, in the meantime, tease him.

“Mmmm… so tasty…” she said as he fed her the first one, of many.

She wasn´t lying, it was sweet, creamy, overall, a decadent delight.

The box was full, and, in the end, it will be empty. But the full one will be Pam. Filled with all those calories that will help her body grow bigger and softer for him.

“So delicious…” Said the amazon as she finished her fifth piece.

Trevor was watching her with delight. There´s a particular term for these, if he liked to feed her, then he´d be called a feeder. But his main goal is not to feed her and see her get fatter. His main goal, what he´s aiming for is to watch her get taller, sexier.

Sure, big, beautiful women are also gorgeous. But he´s more into the size of them than the fatness. However, she does make this interesting.

“Oh, I can feel it in my stomach. When we´re done, I´ll be so full. I´ll be heavier. Don´t you think that would also make me bigger? Hmmm? Your bigger, thicker girlfriend. Little ol´ me will become big new me. So full, so big, and soooo soft. I´m 6´5” now, but if we keep a good pace, maybe you´ll meet an even taller woman soon. And with all this food, certainly, an even bigger one as well…” He swallowed, but not cake.

Trevor liked the sound of those words. Bigger? Thicker? An amazon! She´ll develop a sensuous, hefty figure. And soft to the touch.

He smiled, and sped up a little. Not shoving all to her mouth, but he worked faster. The problem is, once he was half-way done with the box…

“Ugh, I´m so, ugh, so full!” She complaint. It was too much sugar.

“But… we´re half-way there. Don´t you wanna?” And so, he approached an already open sweet piece of cake.

Pam may have exceeded her limit. She could feel her stomach, so full, stretching to her very limits. She´ll get over this soon, but in the meantime, while more and more food keeps coming, she can´t quite relieve her overfed pain.

“I… I´ll try…” She said, rubbing her bloated stomach as she tried to make more room for more.

In the end, Pam managed to fit another ten pieces inside. But she had to unbutton her tight jeans. All this food will certainly help her develop a much thicker, and sensuous figure. However, right now, it´s a heavy ball of food sitting on her stomach.

Her belly has ballooned quite a lot. But it should be flat by tomorrow. Most of her growth goes to her hips either way, and her boobs. And it also gives some more plumpness to her thighs.

“I… can´t… ugh…” She complaint, laying on the couch, with an aching, overfed, stomach. Taking deep, slow breaths.

“Well, you certainly took more than I thought…” He said, looking at a half-empty box. “Don´t worry, maybe someday you´ll be able to finish this whole thing.” He added.

“Oh, you bet I will! But not now…” Her belly was round, tight. So full. “For now… can you… rub my belly?”

“Rub your… belly?” He asked.

“Yeah, just be careful. I´m too full… just rub it, nice and slow, would you? I´ll give you that special reward once we´re done here…” Reward, that sounds nice…

Pam could see Trevor was eager for that reward she mentioned. And she was also happy to know her teasing worked so well with him. To talk about gaining, growing, that she´d be an even thicker, taller amazon of a woman. That got him started.

And to caress her, that elevated him to even higher levels of arousal.

Once the soreness of being too full was gone, the time had come.

Pam slowly stripped, teasing Trevor with her growing curves. She even made a question, “If we keep up with our… feeding routines, how big do you think I´ll get?” Electricity ran down his spine. Bigger? How bigger?

He´s well aware that Pam´s been softening as she´s been growing. Now that he has a better look of her body, as she strips down, he can notice her thicker curves. Her plumper legs, her wider hips. And on top of that, she´s got some massive breasts.

All of her body is covered by a thick, smooth, and healthy layer of fat. This treatment guaranteed one thing, no matter how fat, she´ll always look gorgeous. No cellulite, no stretch marks, only soft, sensuous flesh.

Within no time, Trevor was on top of the plump amazon. Naked, with his throbbing member already inside her hungry pussy. He kept rubbing her body, feeling every inch of her soft skin. Touching all of her soft smooth surface.

Pam was right, he likes it soft. He likes her soft self. She´s still unsure if he does like chubby women, or if it´s just the expansion what he likes. But whatever it is, she´s both! So there´s no problem.

“Mmmmm, that´s right. Massage your big queen, Trevor. Caress my curves… feel my ever-expanding flesh. And make sure to remember how it feels, because soon, I´ll get even bigger. Bigger, just for you…” The thrill those words sent.

The effect she had on him. He was hungry, lost in his own lust.

All he knows is that he wants more! She should get taller; she should get thicker. And with his help, she will definitely reach that goal…


Sizeking Dom

Really hope we get to see Pam grow taller again