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Part 1

On a Sunday morning, the weather´s nice, the skies are blue. Traffic is, well, there´s still traffic, but it´s noticeably less compared to a regular week day.

Today´s quite a special day. Unlike any other Sunday in town, today´s the great opening of a new store in town. They´ve been working on it for quite some time, however, it was quite fast!

The whole thing was assembled in a period of two months. They must´ve invested quite some cash to get things done so fast.

Most people are coming because, well, it´s a new place. There should be some special offers over there. Discounts, POGOs, new products, and, above them all, samples!

It´s common for certain places to give away free samples to customers. Mostly of food, ok, especially food. And this place is no exception.

Right now, there´s a bunch of flag-lines all over the place. A new parking lot, with recently painted lines. New Shopping carts, new registers, everything´s new!

The place looks quite attractive, the store´s big, very big! The entrance must have a door about twelve-feet-tall. And the ceilings inside must reach the twenty-feet mark. Or at least eighteen-feet. It may be hard to tell.

Right now, the place seems kind of packed. The parking lot is almost full! Even if it´s barely 10:00 am. The store just opened today at 9:00 am.

“Wow, it´s amazing!” Said a woman, Melanie. Melanie Wilson.

She´s a woman in her mid-thirties. With light-brown hair, a bit wavy. Her skin is a little pale and her lips are thick. She stands at 5´7”, carrying a pair of C-cups on her chest. She´s curvaceous, but a bit slender. She´s got hips, but they are not too outstanding.

She´s there because, well, she´s got nothing better to do today. She´s a single woman who´s curious about this new store.

There were a lot of advertisements to drag people´s attention. TV, fliers, even on the radio! Everyone inviting you to come over to the great opening. And how did they made sure to gather a crowd? Easy, at the end, commercials said:

“And remember, we´re giving away FREE samples. And between you and me, you can take more than one!” Basically, they are giving away free food. Which is something… not so new, however, this samples are not just any samples…

Melanie entered the store. She walked in on her regular Sunday-outfit. Some old jeans, a random shirt, and flats. She was an attractive woman, but she just doesn´t put so much effort on her clothing. Her eyes are of the prettiest blue, and her thick lips look so kissable.

She doesn´t wear any make-up, not wanting to lose too much time in the mornings. And since she´s not working today, she doesn´t put too much effort on her clothing. She´s just there to check on the store, and if she sees anything she needs, then she´ll put it on her cart.

“Oh, a cart…” she said, turning at the shopping carts area.

She walked over there, pulled a brand-new shopping cart, placed her purse in it and made her way to the door.

“Hi! Welcome!” Said a greeter at the entrance, waving at Melanie.

“Hey.” She replied, smiling.

The clerk, who was always smiling, made sure to welcome Melanie to the store, just as this person does with all customers. And then, a quick recommendation: “Feel free to grab as much samples as you want, they´re free!” And then chuckled.

Melanie just kept walking, politely of course. Wondering, are free samples like, their phrase or something? She didn´t pay much attention to it and walked in.

As soon as she passed the entrance, she could see the actual inside of the store. The place was HUGE! It seemed big from the outside, but once inside, the whole place kind of doubles in size.

High, high shelves, packed with a ton of things. At the entrance, clearly, they put things someone doesn’t need much often. Such as electronics, and appliances. This is the way they make sure you check out what you don´t need on your way to things you actually need. Like produce.

But that´s fine, she´s there to look, after all. Just to wander the aisles as she, well, tries to waste away some of her time during this Sunday. Melanie lives a simple life, she´s just a simple woman.

Working on a nine-to-five basis, a little exercise over the week, she watches some series. Reads a few pages of a book every now and then. Hangs out with her friends every month or so. Nothing outstanding.

“Well, the prices are actually low…” she said, checking the price of a blender. Compared to other stores, these prices are like 20-percent lower.

“Maybe they want to drag a lot of new customers with their low prices.” But if prices were so low? Which is totally a deal, why didn´t they mention that on their commercials? Everything seemed to be guided to…

“Free sample?” Said a lady, carrying a tray with cookies.

“Oh…” Said Melanie, turning at her, wondering from where this lady came from. “I´m ok, thank you.” She replied, not really wanting to eat a cookie. She doesn´t have a sweet tooth.

“You sure, ma´am? These are freshly made. You can find the dough on aisle ten. And it comes in different flavors. Chocolate chip, Vanilla, Chocolate, Brownie…” Melanie was really not into cookies. Or any other sweets.

“Thank you. I´ll… keep that in mind.” She replied, literally not wanting to hear any other word.

The clerk seemed a little disappointed. But she understood. “Oh, ok… well, if you change your mind, I´ll be around, ok? But be sure there´s plenty more samples at the store! Have a nice day.” She said while smiling.

Melanie just nodded. She didn´t want to be rude, but this is a bit harassing, maybe she´s just giving it her best promoting these… cookies. But she didn´t really need any samples. Much less on this empty aisle. Seriously, where did she come from?

She just kept looking on the same aisle for a couple more minutes, wondering, does she need a new blender? Maybe a new microwave. Everything´s so cheap!

“Maybe some other time…” she said, walking out of the aisle. Heading to a different one. However, the same thing happened on that aisle!

“Free sample, ma´am?” The fuck?

This was a guy, and unlike the other lady, he had something… non-sweet.

Melanie was about to reject the offer, but the smell…

She came to the store sort of… on an empty stomach. She usually wakes up on Sundays too tired to make breakfast. And now, the meaty, greasy smell of the food on the tray… it´s making her mouth water.

“W-what are those?” She asked, looking at the tray.

“Mini-burgers. Made with the finest beef…” and he proceeded to tell her they were on the frozen-area. On aisle 22.

Melanie couldn´t resist them, they smelled so nice, and they looked so cute! She couldn´t resist it. Maybe it wasn´t the best idea to come to the store on an empty stomach…

She couldn´t help it, she just grabbed one and started munching. It was so delicious. So meaty, kind of juicy too. It only seemed to have ketchup on it, but it tasted so good!

“You´re telling me these are frozen?” they taste so good!

“Yes, ma´am. And you can find them on aisle 22. Did you like it?” The guy said as she drove the last bite to her mouth.

Melanie nodded. “Yes! So tasty!” She smiled.

“Would you like another piece?” she wanted to say no, but her stomach grumbled, luckily it was an inaudible sound.

“Relax, they are free. And our manager always says, customers can have more than one.” He winked, as if this would be their little secret.

Melanie couldn´t resist it and just grabbed another piece, then, she thanked the guy.

She doesn´t want to be one of those people who abuse the free samples, but he insisted. Besides, it´s only a second piece, it´s not against any rule.

“I´ll be around, if you want some more. Or you can check out some other of our samples, and remember, they are free…” He said and then he walked away.

Melanie smiled, but she´s kind of… creeped out. First of all, if there´s so many cars outside, how come she hasn´t seen any more customers? She may have passed two or three people while she´s there. But there´s like a hundredth cars outside… where´s the rest of the people?

Soon, she´ll know. Melanie will know the real reasons for those free samples. Or, know where is all that people.

However, there´s something she hasn´t realized, at least not yet. The mini-burgers she just ate were delicious. So tasty, a delight to her mouth, however, they have a bit of a secondary effect…

Are they full of unnecessary calories? Empty calories? Do they make you gain weight too fast? Well… yes, but unlike all things that have the exact same effect, these burgers are a bit different.

Melanie kept walking with her cart through the aisle. Her mind focused on the taste of the burger. She wondered, what was it on that burger that it made it taste so good! Maybe she was hungry and that was it. Perhaps, it´s been a while since she last ate a burger.

As she wonders about the sample she just had, she ignores something else. A reaction her body had. Food poisoning? No. An allergic reaction? Nope. It was something… different.

Melanie was not the kind of woman who pays too much attention to her surroundings. That´s why these people have summoned before her without she even listening to them coming. However, there´s something she didn´t realize. And that´s not something out there, but from her own body.

For some reason, her jeans are kind of… tighter. Her hips sway a bit more as she walks. But she´s so focused on her own thoughts to realize.

There´s been a few changes on her body. Changes that appeared after she ate those free samples. For starters, Melanie´s no longer 5´7”, now, she stands at 5´8”, perhaps, half-an-inch more.

Her hips, her butt, and her boobs have grown, slightly, yet, they have expanded.

There´s something going on with those “free samples”, apparently, they are not free. They come with a certain cost. But the cost isn´t money, but something else…

Part 2

Melanie had grown! But not so much. But how? How did she suddenly expand? She hasn´t really paid attention to it. Her clothes are a bit tighter, but not constraining.

She just kept wandering through the store. Curious as to where was all people? The parking lot was almost full, they should be here, right? Unless they are using the parking lot only to, well, to park their cars somewhere.

“There´s so many things here…” She thought as she wandered through another aisle. This time, she was surrounded by pillows. Of all sizes and brands. Brands she didn´t even knew existed. And, to her surprise, the store had it´s own brand. Only that, their pillows were a little… bigger.

“Wow, look at the size of this one, it´s so big! And, oh, so soft.” She wondered, does she need a new pillow? But she didn´t have too much time before something else caught her attention.

No, it wasn´t another one of the clerks with free samples, this time, it was a smell, more like, an aroma…

“It´s so cheap! I mean, the fabric looks so good, and the softness… and… the color… it… it´s… wow, what smells so good?” soon, she found herself walking towards that aroma.

Trying to track down the origin of that sweet, meaty, and saucy smell. Maybe it wasn´t the best idea to come here without having breakfast…

She had already been through, maybe, a quarter of the store. And that took her like thirty minutes, but now, she´s skipping some aisles to find out what that smell is. Where does it come from, and why it is so… delicious!

She skipped a couple aisles and was soon close to the frozen´ section. Before large fridges filled with boxes. There, she could actually see some people, at the distance, she wondered, why weren´t they all around this, this guy with a tiny oven.

“Welcome, ma´am, would you like to try our mini-pizzas?” He asked. Pulling a tray from the oven.

“I…” she was about to answer, to extend her arm and grab one, but they were hot. Still, that´s not what interfered with her, but someone else…

“Oh, there´s more! I need more!” Said this woman, a very big one, she seemed excited.

She was not as rude as to bump her out of the way, she just came from her right side and soon, grabbed a mini-pizza, ok, maybe two.

Melanie was amazed by two things, one, the guy was asking her, it was rude from this woman to come and interfere with it. And two, this lady was big.

Melanie patiently waited for the tall lady to get her share and leave. The woman was so tall, and thick. She had some big curves, and stood at no less than 6´8”, however, her size was not the main issue, but the way she… covered it?

Her clothes seemed a bit too small. In fact, her blouse did too little to cover her belly. She could see the tanned stomach of this woman. A bit bulky. But that was not the big deal, above that soft belly, there were a huge pair of tits. Enormous. Her crop top did way too little to cover them up.

And the worst part was, her shorts. They were tiny! Maybe they were big, probably too big for Melanie, but this lady, doesn´t she feel that the fabric is sinking in between that massive ass of hers? For a woman like Melanie, it´s a bit indecent.

But the big lady must like to let her flesh out. Some people may like to ogle her massive assets. She´s thick, sure, she´s big, yes, is she hot? Well, a bit too… curvy. But that´s not Melanie´s problem.

“Have you tried them, dear? OH, you´ll love them! This must be the tenth one I´ve had, haha. But like they say, you can have as many samples as you want, right? The clerk nodded.

Melanie didn´t care for what the woman said. She stepped between her and the tray, she´s not so nice. Besides, she doesn´t need her to come and tell her what to do, she was already on her way to grab one.

As soon as the big woman left, Melanie had her chance to try them.

“Careful, ma´am. They´re hot.” Said the guy as she took a mini-pizza. They were a little bigger than bite-size, the same size as the palm of her hand. She grabbed one, together with the white carboard placed to use it as a plate, you know, not to get burned.

Melanie took the first bite, and soon, she was amazed!

It tasted better than it smelled! The cheese, and the pepperoni. It´s like a thick, tiny pizza. With a crust that tastes, mmmm, so good. What´s it with this place and their food? Everything seems to taste amazing! Now she´s kind of regretting not taking one of those cookies they first offered.

“Want another one, ma´am?” The guy asked.

Without noticing, she had already eaten the whole thing. Wasn´t it hot? How come she finished the whole thing already?

She thought that maybe she shouldn´t. She already had one, plus two mini-burgers. Maybe this made it up for breakfast? Or maybe…

“Sure! I´d love another one.” Well, now this surely makes it up for breakfast. At least her light ones. But this food is certainly filled with much more calories than her bowl of cereal, or her yogurt. Still, it doesn´t matter. It´s only a couple extra calories. Right?

She ate the second piece and soon, she asked the guy where the boxes were. She needs to have some for herself.

As she walked to the fridge, on the same aisle where the guy was, she noticed something, her clothes, aren´t they… tight?

She wanted to blame it on that large lady, blame it on the fact that way her clothes fit, it was making her self-conscious, but it wasn´t just that. Her whole attire feels… tight?

She only ate a little, she can´t be bloated, right? It´s not like she was assaulting the free samples. But if she was bloated, then her jeans button would be the problem, the way they were wrapped around her waist. But it was not.

Instead, Melanie felt off, on the boob-area. As if her bra was… too small? It couldn´t be, she had already used it before, there´s no way it shrunk. Besides, when she got dressed, it fit totally fine. But that wasn´t the only problem, her butt, she feels as if her jeans were sinking a little on her ass as she walks.

She felt weird, strange. However, she still made her way to the fridge and soon grabbed a box of mini-pizzas. Two, just in case.

She was focused on herself, but she didn´t really noticed her reflection in the mirror. The truth is, she wouldn´t have noticed either way, the size of everything was bigger than normal. Those fridge´s doors must be about ten-feet-tall.

Who´ll need something that big? However, what she ignored, what she didn´t see, was the size of herself. If things would´ve been normal, a regular scale, then she would’ve noticed she was no longer her original size. The tightness is not only because her assets have expanded. She´s growing.

Melanie may not notice, but her jeans are a tat shorter. Which is natural, the 5´11” lady surely needs more leg-room than the 5´7” lady she was.

Melanie has grown, taller and thicker. To the point that, her clothes are starting to feel too tight.

She was curious, but then, she was distracted by some other people. Just as tall as the lady from before, 6´8”, or maybe 6´10”, these people were huge! Are all tall people here at the store? The shortest, well, more average-size people she´s seen are the clerks.

Besides, their clothes look tight too? Why? Is she out of fashion? Should she wear overly-tight clothes too? Well, the ones she´s wearing aren´t far from that.

Melanie wandered for a while more, wondering if she should leave, her clothes are killing her!

As she kept going, looking for her favorite yogurt brand before she left, another person popped up, a lady, shorter than her, maybe she was 5´3” or 5´2”, and she had a tray with tiny bottles, of milk?

“Would you like a sample, ma´am? They are free.” She said. With a big smile, a polite tone, as the rest of the clerks.

She didn´t really like to have, well, so many samples. Besides, she doesn´t really like, well, plain milk. She´d appreciate more something like, a coffee.

However, the clerk was really persuasive.

“This is our milk-brand. It comes in many sizes, this is the smallest one we have. Of course, in a twelve-pack. Oh, and it comes in many flavors! We´ve got whole-milk, Lactose-free, skim, and, now, coffee! It´s the new one, and I promise, it´s great!” She seemed so excited.

Melanie felt bad for wanting to reject her, so… she just said: “May I have the last one, I´d like the coffee-flavor.” She needs a drink to wash down all she ate, right? Besides, caffeine boosts your metabolism, right? This would… make up for the extra calories she ate, even if she ends up taking more in.

“Thank you.” Melanie said, and soon, she opened the bottle and drank from it. She must´ve been thirsty because she drank down the whole thing in one go.

“Wow, it´s good!” She said.

“It sure is, ma´am. Would you like another one? Or, how about a different flavor?”

“I don´t know…” She started, she did wanted, but she wasn´t sure if she should have some more.

“Don´t worry, they are free… oh! I have an idea!” The girl said, as if there were stars in her eyes, “why don´t you have one of each? That way you´ll be able to tell which flavor you like the most.” One of each? There were like six different types of milk!

There was whole, skim, lactose-free, strawberry, chocolate, and coffee. Six bottles? This lady wants to give her SIX bottles?

This is concerning, how can they keep up a business if they give away so many free samples? One per customer is normal, maybe two, but six? That´s not good business.

“I think I´ll pass…” She said, but the lady insisted, and in a not so regular way.

“Please, ma´am!!! You´re the first person that takes a sample from my tray! Please! Everyone says no…” Did her eyes went teary? Was she really begging her to have more samples? Why? This was so… awkward.

But she doesn´t really know how to deal with that, so… before she starts crying…

“Fine! Just give them to me…” she needs to know how to be assertive.

“Great! Thank you sooooo much!” And so, Melanie was loaded.

Six free sample bottles of milk on her cart. She got going as she opened another bottle, the strawberry one, and drank it up.

“Have a good day, ma´am!” Do they get paid by how many free sampled they give away or something?

Melanie had no idea, but this is the first time she´s ever seen someone at the verge of tears because she didn´t accepted a free sample, and not just here, but ever!

She just walked away, the taste of this milk was nice, it was sweet, creamy, delicious! However, the only problem was the tightness on her clothes. Seriously, and that´s not just it, as she walks, she has to bend a little, she feels like… her blouse is rising?

Melanie has no idea, but, after her second bottle, right when she opened the skim one, she stood taller. She was wearing sandals, but her feet have grown a bit too big for them. The overall feeling of tightness is distracting her from her actual changes.

Can clothes shrink while wearing them? No. The actual reason is that she´s grown so much that she´s now a 6´1” woman. Too big for her clothes. Even her calves are trying to rip down her pants to get some more space.

But she´s grown six-inches taller, and, gained about 30-pounds of flesh! How come she hasn’t noticed?

Part 3

Melanie kept walking, making sure to drink down all of the free samples she received. They are giving so much away, and she can´t be the only one they are giving free samples.

The more she wanders, more people start to come up. Thankfully. She was starting to feel as if she was one of the few customers, and that soon, a horde of clerks would come and fill her car with free samples.

Which is not something that bad, she´ll be getting free food after all, however, is that really necessary?

“Oh my… what´s with these jeans? Had they shrunk?” She wondered as she struggled with the uncomfortable tight fit of her jeans. If only she knew…

But she was not the only one who noticed her clothes were tight.

“Honey, I don´t mean to be rude, but those clothes… aren´t they a bit tight? Are you comfortable?” Came an older woman´s voice. By the tone of her voice, she must´ve been about 6o-years-old, however, she had the body, and the face, of someone younger. At least in their early 40s.

Maybe she just had one of those voices…

Melanie turned, and before her, a tall woman. Again, but she wasn´t as tall as the other lady from before. The one with the extremely tight clothes? Well, now it seems she´s the one wearing noticeably tight clothes. She felt kind of embarrassed. Mostly because the mature woman chose to speak out loud, luckily, there weren´t much people around.

“I… it´s not.” She admitted.

“My, I can tell. Wouldn´t you feel more comfortable in some… bigger clothes?” Said this woman, with a few greys in her hair, however, her boobs were HUGE!

And her hips were so wide. She had the thick body of a mature woman, but without aging signs. Her boobs were so close to her face.

Melanie was at nose level with this woman. The top of her head was right there. She wondered, why is there so many tall people here? This woman is easily above the six-foot-mark. 6´4” maybe?

She didn´t care too much for her words, she knows her clothes are tight, but why? She doesn´t have an explanation, not yet. This may not be of her business, but she was so concerned about it that, instead of finding her words as a threat, of nosy, she used them to confirm her concern.

“You can pick up some clothes a few aisles over there,” she pointed at the back of the store. “The lady that works there is so nice, besides, you can pay for it at the check-out, they don´t mind.” That was some good advice.

“Really?” she asked, to what the older woman nodded.

Her advice was good. Even if she came out of nowhere to, well, judge her. But she was right, her clothes feel so tight. Why? Is the food the kind that makes you blow up like a balloon? Has she been having too much free samples?

“Maybe I´m just a bit… swollen. And speaking of swollen…” Those woman´s enormous breasts came to her mind. They were mesmerizing. Firm, fleshy, round!

She´s not stacked, per se, but she´s not jealous of the older woman. However, if only she had noticed the actual changes on her figure.

For starters, Melanie, silly, careless, Melanie, didn´t notice the actual size of the woman. She was not 6´4”, in fact, that woman was 7´5”! And just like her, she´s been having plenty of free samples, only that she´s been here for far more time.

So, just how tall is Melanie now? Well, she´s about 6´3”, that´s right, she´s gone up by nine-inches. And gained about 40-pounds of flesh, one that´s been going nowhere but the right places. How come she hasn´t noticed an extra sway on her hips? Or a bounce on her tits?

Well, once she tries on new clothes, she´ll see…

She arrived to the clothes section, and was soon greeted by one of the clerks. Unlike the other ones she has met, the ones that are come with trays and the “free samples!” phrase, this woman was dedicated to a different department.

She carried no tray with food, or drinks, instead, she said: “Can I help you, ma´am? Are you looking for some new clothes?” She wasn´t rude enough to tell her that her clothes were so tight. Instead, she helped her get what she needed.

In fact, that lady, who seemed to be about 5´ tall, was so helpful! She made her a couple questions and then, she picked clothes for her, based on her size, and preferences.

She was so skilled! That lady rapidly picked a full change for her and soon, she pointed Melanie towards the dressing rooms.

She thought she was great! And, well, that lady wasn´t as short as she thought. If only she knew she was actually 5´7”, just like her when she came in.

This woman even helped her with underwear. Picking up a bra and, well, she allowed her to pick her bottoms herself. Melanie was too shy to say a thing, and the woman was too quick to pick. Before she knew it, she was heading towards the dressing room.

“You can leave your cart here, ma´am, I´ll keep an eye on it.” And so, Melanie was on her way in.

“Ok, time to get these off…” She said, slowly pealing her tight clothes off.

She started with her blouse, which was the easiest part. However, she struggled just a little bit more than she normally does. Then, she went for her jeans. She was lucky she didn´t use a belt of something like that, as soon as she pulled it, the button popped!

Her eyes were opened widely, the button actually popped? It… it would´ve been embarrassing if anyone had noticed. Or if the round, metal button had hit the mirror and cracked it.

But, now that we´re speaking of the mirror…

“Huh… is that… me?” She hadn´t seen herself since morning, and she ignores there´s been a few changes. For starters, her bosom… it´s big!

Melanie has curved up! Bigger boobs, wider hips, and a slim waist to give her a more pronounced hourglass figure.

“No way…” She said, as she turned and took a look at her butt. “Wow!” It was big. Round, firm, sexy.

Her thighs were thicker, and her butt, it was majestic! She´s… how long has she been this way?

She´s not the kind of woman that looks at her reflection in the mirror every morning. She knows she´s got a healthy figure, and that´s all that matters. Her clothes fit the same, well, prior to today. Which means her size is still the same.

But she wasn´t aware of the growing she´s been doing. Taller, thicker, curvier. Melanie´s body has changed. Now, she´s not only a 6´3” woman, but quite a hottie too.

“Is this the reason why my clothes are tight?” She wondered, but that wasn´t a good enough explanation. “Hmm…” She looked at the tags on her clothes. And they seemed to be fine.

Her regular t-shirt size, her usual jeans size, even the bra was… wait… it seems her boobs are bigger…

“Oh my… double-D?! Wow!” No wonder why the top´s been feeling tight. Melanie´s boobs are now sexy melons!

But that can´t be… right? Why would her bra fit her this morning, and now that she´s been here, it suddenly doesn´t?

“Does the milk… do that?” she wondered, she doesn´t have dairy much often, could it be?

It certainly… isn´t. She´s unaware of her growth. She´s taller, thicker, with a fuller figure. Her boobs are not even a DD-Cup. The tags on the store ate tricked! All tags. Shorts, jeans, blouses, and the underwear.

But that´s not it, as she changes herself, her cart, the one she used, the one she hasn´t noticed is a bit smaller, they will change it. Give her a bigger one. But why?

Why are they so fixed on it? Well, they don´t carry tons of free samples just because. It´s clear that, those free samples, they come with a prize, on her case, and that goes for everyone at the store, she´ll grow. And grow, and grow, her only escape, the only way to stop it, is to pay and get out.

But when would that be? And just how tall will she get?

Part 4

Time flew by, and with time, more and more free samples came Melanie´s way.

Sour, sweet, spicy, different flavors from a wide variety of samples. Drinks, food, sweets, all things were offered to her in the same red tray each employee offered her. One by one, she couldn´t say no, little by little, all things add up to her figure.

Melanie was no longer the same woman she was when she first came in, she was bigger!

Standing now at an impressive 7´3”, with heavy curves that sway, huge breasts that bounce. Her figure, sexy, elegant, a large hourglass figure. How come she hasn´t noticed? Well, it´s simple…

All of the people there, they are as tall as her, some even taller. However, the people who works there doesn´t look so tall. But they make a change, different shifts. She´s been there for more than four hours now, the first people she met are gone, now, all of the employees are taller, but she can´t perceive it that way.

She was over a full head taller than the last guy she met, she thought he was so short, but he was actually 6´4”. Melanie´s unaware of her size. Completely ignorant on the fact that she has changed…

“My… how long have I been here?” she said, wondering how much more until she finds her way to the check-out.

Her clothes still fit fine, but that´s because of the spandex on them. All clothes at the store are designed to stretch, really stretch.

She ignores a couple things, like the fact that her jeans are too high above her ankles, or that her shirt rose a bit. Exposing some of the smooth skin on her flat stomach. But she doesn´t care.

As she looks at her reflection, she only finds herself prettier, hotter. A bombshell!

Why isn´t she concerned? Why isn´t she alarmed? Does it have something to do with the food? Have they messed up her mind? The answer´s… no. They haven´t.

It´s obvious, by now, that all the food there, it seems to expand the consumer, in this case all customers at the store. Turning to the right, free samples, turning to the left, more free samples.

And around the clerks offering them, there´s a line of customers waiting.

You can see the effect it has, looking at Melanie, well, she´s an amazon! Tall, pretty, imposing. With wider hips, a fuller chest, and an ass that could kill! She´s certainly bigger, heavier, stronger, and much hotter!

A beauty on an extra-large pack. Just like most of the food she has on her car. This is a whole-sale store, therefore, things come in quantity! Large packs, a lot of products, and all for ridiculous prices! She can´t deny it, she´s hooked!

Her car is already filled up. And she knows this is time for her to leave. But, will she make it to the door?

What will happen when she meets the outside world? What will happen when she sees all the people coming in? They are still regular sized, but her, she´s jumbo-size!

How will she fit on her car? On her old clothes? How come she hasn´t noticed? It seems that everything inside is meant to make it easier for her to ignore the size changes.

The overly high ceilings, the huge packs of food, the size, the length, everything at the store seems to be made to fit an amazon like her. The question is, will she make it out of the door as a 7´3” woman? Well…

“Ok, I´ve got a ton of stuff here, ironically, this will all come really cheap. And that lady, the coupon she gave me, 50% off on your first purchase? Wow!” It was true, it seems that, they like to keep their customers happy, maybe for them to come back…

Now, Melanie was on her way out. She could finally see the register at the end of the store. She met the end, and now, she was coming back to the front. But, there´s another thing that caught her attention.

Did she forget something? No. Has she missed one of the isles? To look for something she needed? Not quite.

She´s not forgetting a thing, in fact, she met something else. But not with her eyes, but with her nose. A smell, a fragrance… food!

A food court, just like someone told her a while back. All of their foods, the ones with the brand-name of the store on it, they can be found at their food court, but in larger sizes. Of course, most of the food she picked are fun-sized. But not over there, no bite-burgers, they got the WHOLE burger there.

No pizza-bites, but the whole pizza. Shakes, pasta, lasagna, hotdogs, everything she can find inside the store, but BIGGER!

“It smells good, but there´s no way…” she thought she wouldn´t be hungry, after all, she´s been eating a lot recently. How much samples has she had? Well, certainly, as much to feed herself at least three times, but that´s if we speak about her original self. The 5´7” lady who first came into the store.

Now, we´re talking about a 7´3” amazon, who certainly has some room for more…

*grrrRROOOOOWWWWWLLLlllll” That was her stomach, the food, the smell, it made her hungry!

She shouldn´t. She normally wouldn´t. This was way too much, all the food she ate, all of the cheese, flour, fat, she must´ve had over five-thousand calories already! And not necessarily of healthy food. But there´s one thing, the aroma, it´s so… inviting.

Even if she doesn´t want to, even if she wants to resist, she knows that, no matter what, she´ll have to grab a bite.

But she was strong! Melanie wouldn´t allow herself to fall, at least not so quick.

“I´ll pay for all these, and if I´m still hungry, well… I´ll take something home.” A to-go order, simple, and she could eat it when it was lunch time, but… wasn’t it lunch time already? She hasn´t even checked on her clock.

“Ready to pay, ma´am?” She made her way to the register, but once she got there, the smell, it only intensified.

Her mouth turned into water, the smell of sauce, the bread, freshly made food, freshly baked meals. It was too much!

*GROOOOOWWWLLLL* That was her stomach again, but louder, much louder.

“Oh my, someone´s hungry, heh.” The cashier said while smiling.

Melanie´s whole face turned red, it was so embarrassing! After all she´s had a lot of food, and she´s not even full? What´s the matter?

It didn´t matter if the cashier was like 4´10”, which was completely wrong. But she ignores she´s no longer 7´3”. She was concerned about what this person could think. How could her stomach growl so loud?

“I assume you´ll make a quick stop at our food court, right ma´am?” The cashier said as Melanie inserted her credit card on the machine.

“Excuse me?” She said, still embarrassed.

“I mean, we´ve got pretty nice deals, besides, today, food´s at a 50-percent discount! Plus, we have a soda-machine where you can refill your glass as much as you like.” Well, that thing about the machine wasn´t so new, but a fifty-percent discount?

“I… I guess I could try it…” Poor Melanie, all things she´s ignored so far. Still, that purchase was a really great deal! She paid a percentage of what she normally pays for at least twice as much. It was the ultimate deal. And now… time to eat.

Why not? She thought, why not give it a try? She´s not on a strict diet, and if she already ate a ton of food inside, why not adding a bit more to the sum? After all, it was about lunch time.

As she stood on the line, she could see a lot of people, and all dressed in really tight clothes. What´s the matter? Can´t they tell they are far too small? If only she knew…

“Hi, what can I get you?” Said a “short” guy at the register.

“Uhm, I´ll have…” What? Wasn’t it enough time while she waited in line? She spend five minutes in line, which given the length of the line, wasn´t so much. “Pizza.” She said.

“A whole pizza?” Asked the guy.

She should´ve said that only a slice, two at the most. And a small drink. She should´ve explained that she was not hungry, but she needed to try it. She should´ve, but she didn´t…

“Sure, but make it cheese only.” Darn it.

“Cool, oh, and you get an extra-large drink with it. It´s part of the combo.” He explained as he tapped the buttons and got her order on the machine.

“Combo?” She asked, looming over a head taller than the guy. Melanie was enormous, but no one pointed that out, not even the guy at the register, who´s size hasn´t been affected.

“Sure, it´s listed above, but don´t worry, there´s no extra charge. And… here´s your ticket. Your order´s the number… 912, we´ll call you when it´s ready.” Almost a thousand orders by now? Wow, they certainly know how to keep their business.

Melanie thanked the guy and made her way to a table. There was a lot of people at the food court, however, they had a really big area for the tables. There should´ve been about fifty tables there. And she just found her way to one of them.

She sat her bigger ass on the enormous chair, and waited. They were already in order 867, however, by the time she took a sit, they were on the number 872. That´s fast!

They should have her order done within a couple minutes. How much can it take them to make a pizza? They must have huge, industrialized, ovens, and a ton of people at the kitchen.

But that´s not what should be worrying her, what she should be thinking, if she was aware of it, is: How big will a whole pizza get her?

Part 5

Melanie waited patiently for them to call her number. She was concerned, was she really going to eat? Still? She ate a ton of free samples, if she´s not mistaken, she´s already eaten enough, for a day!

She knew there´s no way she won´t eat that pizza, the smell, it´s filling the air. The sweet smell of cheese, the saucy aroma, the bread, meat, and a ton more things that only made her stomach grumble! But she knew better, she had self-control, she will only eat ONE slice. And take the rest home.

It was a good enough plan… if she manages to stick to it.

She was concerned, she feels different, as she waited she was thinking about herself. Her body.

She feels… heavy. She´s sure she feels heavier, but she can´t feel a huge bulge of food on her stomach. She should be bloated like a balloon! However, the only ballooning things are her boobs. They are huge!

She´s not sure if she ignored it, or if she just happened to wake up like this. However, she can quite tell there´s a difference in her body. Between yesterday and today, she can tell there´s some curves that were not there before.

She was thinking about her body, but suddenly, the food arrived!

“One large cheese pizza, and… your drink!” Said one of the employees as they delivered her huge box of pizza.

“Oh my… large?” Did she order large? Well, most likely, it´s the only size they have, everything at the store is huge, and little does she know, so are customers.

“Yes, ma´am, a large pizza, plus a large drink. Here you go. Is there anything else I can get you?”

That will be it, thanks.” She replied, looking at the cheering size of the box, the whole thing was heavy! That employee struggled to hold it, and now, she´s about to see the reason why…

“Wow…” Melanie said as she opened the box. Not only the pizza was huge, but the smell, as soon as she opened the box, she knew one slice won´t be it. For sure.

She took a slice, drove it to her mouth and then, slowly, she took her first bite.

As soon as it hit her tongue, an explosion of flavors ran down her mouth. The sauce, the cheese, this was a hundredth times better than the samples! She took another bite, then another, and another!

Before she knew it, that first, and supposedly only, slice was gone. But she wanted more!

“Ugh, fine, another, but it will be the last one…” spoilers, it wasn’t!

Melanie was not going to be able to resist eating the whole box. No one could. If only she was aware of her growth, or the growth of people around her. She should´ve noticed that, the more they eat, the larger they get. But it´s not that bad.

Melanie was so lost in her food that she didn´t realize the growth of her body. She wasn´t getting fat, instead, her body was expanding in the most sensuous of ways.

She realized the sits were big, but she thought they were designed for, well, fat people. But they are not, they are designed for large people, not necessarily fat…

Slowly, bite after bite, her trunk grew. Her butt became bigger and bigger, taking up more space on the surface of the sit. Her hips also grew wider as her legs thickened.

Longer, fleshier, Melanie was expanding. She didn´t realize because, well, the food has some sort of power. It catches her attention, all of it. Enough for her not to realize that her pants are getting too short, or that her blouse is rising over her stomach.

The clothes they sell there are all designed with the most elastic, expansive and stretching of materials. They can stretch to the sides, but not quite lengthwise. Melanie´s clothes are still fitting, tighter, wrapped around her expanding body like a glove, but they won´t rip. However, they are getting a bit too short.

Melanie was growing, thicker, taller, sexier. She passed the 7´6” mark, and then she reached 7´9”, and that was before her third slice. She still has five more slices to go, and the drink won´t help at all…

Two slices? No. Three slices? Not quite. By the time she ate the forth one, even if she wasn´t counting, she knew very well that she´ll eat the whole thing. Diet? Too much food? Calories? She´s not worried about that at the moment.

Subconsciously, she knows this is too much food, how is she able to pack all that? She´s not even feeling full! Something´s wrong, how come she hasn´t realized all of the employees at the store look smaller?

It´s not quite like that, but the fact that she´s growing. She´s no longer just a tall lady, now, she´s more on the amazonic side of the word. A tall, sensuous beauty. Even her lips look a bit thicker, her hair looks better, and let´s not talk about her body.

Tall, sexy, hot! Her hips grow wider after each bite. Her thighs are thick, plump. And her butt, round, heavy, firm! She´s a menace! A hottie! Sexy in all the extension of the word”

She´s fleshing out in all of the right places, her waist looks narrow, thin. Even if she has actually thickened there too, but her, she can´t keep her original waist size, she´s expanding, still, she´s got an alluring hourglass figure.

Her boobs, so big, they are getting bigger! Filling out, rounding up after each bite, after each drink. Huge, mesmerizing, big, firm, sexy!

She reached the eight-foot-mark without even realizing. Melanie, like most people, was reaching new heights. And all without knowing!

What´s in the food? How come they grow? And not just that, how come no one in the whole store has said a thing?

Well, to make sure no one notices, they have two separate doors, one to come in, and one to go out. Both are far away from the other. That way, people coming in won´t notice the giants that come out.

In the end, Melanie was full, finally. And all it took was a thousand samples, and a whole pizza. Oh, and let´s not forget about the drink.

She was in a state of pure bliss! This was the first time she eats a whole pizza, in one sit!

She finally made her way out of the store. Standing taller, thicker, curvier, sexier! Her heavy butt bounce, her humongous breasts jolted. She was no longer the 5´7” woman that came in this morning, now, as she makes her way out, she walks out like an amazon!

A giantess! A 9´7” woman. Tall, strong, and obviously distracted.

Her shirt, even if it still covers the entirety of her titanic breasts, it fails to cover her trimmed stomach. That blouse is more like a crop top now. And her pants, well, they are closer to leggings shorts. All of her clothes are tightly wrapped over her luscious body.

But what will happen next? All the customers making their way out are giants! And the employees, well, they are about waist level, how come she can´t tell that?

“Have a nice day, ma´am! Come back soon!” she will, definitely.

To complaint? To see what happens? What will happen next? Will she even fit inside her car?

This is strange, at the store, all food is supposed to make you grow. And, inside, they sure carry clothes that she will need in the near future.

What will happen next? And, will there be a cure? The question is, how tall could she get if she eats all of the food she bought? For sure, she´ll be gigantic!

And to think that it all started with a free sample…



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