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Chapter 36

Larry was tired of the change in perspective, but there are a few things he can´t deny. For starters, aren´t women hotter when they seem to be above ten-feet-tall?

This was something that´s been running around his mind lately. Women look much hotter now that they seem taller. In reality, he´s the one shrinking, but it´s easier to think it´s the other way around. Even if it could be harder to explain.

Women´s legs are longer, thicker, all of them are. Their shapes, so tall and curvaceous. Their hips, much wider than his shoulders, their butts, almost at his eye-level. And their boobs, their big, heavy, and bouncy breasts.

He never stop to think, or maybe he never really was able to look, but from down below, breasts seem to bounce more!

It´s true that this comes with a not-so-nice thing. The fact that everyone thinks he´s shrinking because he´s “ill”, and to make things worse, this “illness” it´s supposed to be triggered by stress. He´s already explained, and so has Evangeline, that his size seems to be affected by stress. As if it was true.

It´s all in order to hide the fact that this “Dr. Eva” is actually an angel that´s shrinking him as part of a punishment. Although, would it be harder to believe that? Other than stress is the cause for his shrinking? Probably, or maybe not.

Anyway, his life has changed over the course of this last couple weeks. And now, instead of spending his Saturday night at a club, surrounded by gorgeous women, he´s at his place.

Larry is sitting at the couch, watching a movie. But he´s not alone, Nellie´s sitting right next to him. And yes, she picked the movie.

“I don´t get, who is this guy again?” Larry asked, trying to catch up with the movie, but he wasn´t capable to pay attention for more than a minute straight.

Partially because of everything going on in his life. Another part is because of Nellie´s body. She´s wearing a tank top, and her boobs seem so big. And last, but not least, the movie is quite boring…

“Him? He´s the ex-boyfriend. Who was trapped on an island after drifting away during a storm when her parents renewed their vows.” Nellie explained, of course, she was watching the movie.

“Oh, right…” Boring, he thought.

The movie was boring, he was never a movie guy, he´ll rather spend the night with a sensuous woman. Although, isn´t he sitting by a sensuous woman? Nellie´s quite a hottie, and now that she appears to be eleven-feet-tall, well, she´s hotter!

Her boobs, from his position, look immense! Heavy, perky, she didn´t even care to wear a bra under her top. He could see her nipples showing.

“It´s a bit chilly, isn´t it?” She casually said as he tried not to stare too much at her bosom.

“S-sure…” he added.

Larry was bored, and the hot amazon next to him was making him feel a bit uncomfortable. Not because he was afraid of her or anything, but because, well, her boobs are about two feet away, and he can´t seem to keep his eyes from them.

He´s trying to focus on the movie, but he can´t. He could check on his phone to waste some time away, get distracted. But Dr. Eva said phones are a possible cause for stress. So Nellie decided that he should stay away from it as much as possible.

Now, Larry was sitting there, struggling not to fantasize with the woman´s luscious body. Fighting the urge to peek at those big, sensuous breasts of hers.

And Nellie? Well, she was paying attention to the movie, but she could notice some things.

“Everything ok?” She asked, thinking Larry was tense, and not that he was fighting not to get a boner.

“What? Oh… yeah! Everything´s fine!” He said to the amazon next to him.

“Are you sure? You seem a little… tense. What´s the matter?” She asked.

“I… well…” Your boobs are teasing me? He couldn´t admit that.

Larry felt as if he had his back to the wall, he felt cornered. Now, Nellie wanted to know what´s the matter. What excuse can he make?

Soon, her hands made their way and landed over his shoulders. It didn´t help much that her boobs got closer as she did that, but then, she started massaging him.

“You´re worried, aren´t you?” She started as her big hands massaged him tightly. “Is it because of work? Don´t worry, everything´s fine at the office. I´ve talked to Violet, and even with your, our, boss. Mrs. Davis said things are fine, that you shouldn´t worry about anything.” She thinks he´s stressed?

Well, when stress is supposed to be the cause of one´s shrinking, then those who care will be concerned about your state of mind.

“Relax, just relax. Work´s fine. And I´m here to help you out. Cooking, cleaning, you´re not alone, don’t worry…” She cooed as her hands kept massaging him.

Evangeline, as Dr. Eva, told Nellie it could be helpful if she helped him out when he seems to be tense. A massage, lay a hand on his shoulder. And, sometimes, even a hug. And now, Nellie wonders…

“Would you like to sit on my lap?” She asked, and as soon as he heard her, his heart skipped a beat.

Her lap? Did she just say… lap?

“Y-your… lap?” He asked, looking up at this woman who had a gentle smile on her face.

“Yeah, my lap. Maybe it can help you get relaxed. I´m sure my laps more comfortable than this couch. No offense, but it´s a bit hard, hehe.” Sure, he bought the couch just because he needed one. Not because he´d use it.

It was expensive, covered in leather, and fancy, but it´s really hard to sit in it for a long time.

“You want me to… sit on your… lap?” He asked, once more.

Larry drove his eyes down, glaring at her lap for a moment. She wore some tiny denim shorts, revealing some soft, plump, and surely cushioning, thighs. From his point of view, they seemed big, soft and warm.

“Yeah, my lap. It´s not a big deal.” Dr. Eva said it would be helpful to show him that he´s not alone.

As a single man, he should receive care, someone could show him that he´s not alone, that they care. Show love, affection, be tender. And what a better way than to wrap her whole body around him? That´s, sure, if he likes.

“It´ll be easier, for me to give you a massage, if you´re sitting on my lap…” She said, with nothing but good intentions.

Larry wasn´t sure, should he do it? Wouldn´t it make his arousal worse? In the end… he accepted her offer.

Larry found himself sitting on Nellie´s lap. He was right, it was soft, and warm. The touch of her tender skin, the cushioning flesh of her vast thighs. She felt simply enormous. He found himself sitting on the amazon´s lap as she continued with the massage.

“That´s right, leave all your troubles away. Don´t think about tomorrow, everything´s alright. Just let your friend Nellie take care…” Troubles? His main trouble was the erection that was bulging in his pants!

Her thighs, so soft beneath him, and right behind him, Larry could feel Nellie´s enormous breasts. So soft, perky, and… rubbing against his back, right behind his shoulders.

This massage, which was meant to help him, was making him feel so aroused.

“Wow, are you trying to relax? You feel… a bit more tense now, hehe.” How could he avoid that? He was aroused. Electricity ran through his spine as Nellie´s hands make him quiver.

He knew he had to let go, get relaxed in order for his shoulders to lose. But how could he? If he did, if he actually relaxed, then his member will start to rise easily. Maybe he can hide it, maybe she won´t notice. But he can´t be sure.

“It´s ok, just relax.” Nellie said as her hands massaged his back. Rub after rub, he found it hard to hold it. If he didn´t relax, then she won´t stop. But if he relaxes, then his member will start to rise.

It was a hard decision, but he chose to relax.

“There we go! That´s right, just lay back and allow Nellie to take care of you. Clear your mind, close your eyes and enjoy the ride…” She said, which seemed easy, if her goal was to make him hard on his pants.

He completely forgot about the movie, he didn´t even cared anyway. It´s not as if she´ll ask about it or something. He closed his eyes, and then, his mind drift away.

Soon, he focused only on his breathing as Nellie´s hands rubbed all of his thoughts away. Slowly, he let himself go. And, little by little, he was completely gone.

Larry fell asleep, how? He wasn´t even tired. It didn´t took long before his relaxed state turned him into sleeping mode.

And then, on his dreams, he fantasized. He wasn´t even completely asleep, he was daydreaming. He knew what was going on around him. He could still listen to the movie, he could still feel Nellie´s hands behind his back. Rubbing his shoulders. But he was focused on something else.

What could be better? What would be a better place to be? Well, anywhere, actually. But his mind was still set on those big hands behind his back.

He didn´t forgot it was Nellie, but he chose to change his current reality. His mind was set on one thing, her boobs. Nellie´s boobs.

Before he could tell whether it was real or not, he was sitting, comfortably somewhere else. Maybe at a bench by the sea. With his eyes closed, the sun right on top. And, behind him, Nellie. Wearing nothing but a tiny bikini.

One that showed off her curves, her wide hips, her perky breasts. Her looks, she was so hot. He was aware that she was taller than him, so, in his mind, he pictured her as a seven-feet-tall goddess.

She was an amazon, a real amazon, with tanned skin. Rubbing his back, massaging him because, deep down, she desires him. All women do, right? He´s the man, the boss, he´s got money, looks, everything a woman may want.

“Is that an erection?” She asked. And he thought about answering, something like: sure, it is. Maybe this tanned Nellie would want to have some fun with him. Take things to a room, or have sex right by the beach. It was a fantasy after all, right?

“Larry, is that an… erection?” Her voice, why was she asking again? And… why does it seem as if she was actually asking and not just inside… uh oh.

Larry opened his eyes fast. Nellie was actually speaking to him. It had happened. He was worried she´ll notice, and now, she noticed!

“I…” he started. Worried she might think he´s a perv, a pig, that he went hard just because of her touch. It could be kind of lame, and, dangerous. What if she gets mad?

“It´s… ok, I…” Nellie caused it, she knew it.

As he thought she´ll get mad, she had her own things in mind. Had she gone too far? Was this massage too much? Maybe she shouldn´t have offered her lap. A million things went down their minds, but, what he wasn´t expecting was…

“Do you need some… relieve?” Was she, no she couldn’t, was she offering… a hand-job?

Larry wasn´t aware of the conversation Nellie and Evangeline had. And, part of the things they discussed, all thanks to the horny angel´s thoughts, was… his libido.

Evangeline said that, if it helps, she could help him get some relieve. Sexually speaking. He was a man, with needs, if she didn´t mind, or if she would like, maybe she can help him get some “relieve”.

“I… I…” Larry didn´t know what to do, or say.

“It´s ok, I… maybe you´re stressed because you need some… help with your… member?” Nellie should get an award for being the best amazon friend. “Would you like me to…” and so, her right hand went down, drifter all the way down to his crotch.

Larry said nothing more, he just laid back and allowed her to take control.

Soon, her hand went right inside his pants. And then, she wrapped her fingers around his member. Stroking it gently, and speeding up slowly. Nellie jerked Larry off.

Her mere touch send quivers all over his body. And when she started stroking his hard member, well, it made his legs feel weak. Was he feeling strange because of a hand-job? No, but a hand-job given by a giantess, that was different.

Larry was surrounded by Nellie´s larger body. He laid back and allowed the amazon to take control as she “helped” him with “stress”. He was not the one to blame, if anything, it was Evangeline.

She´s the one to blame. And he, well, he can only enjoy the ride…

Was this something new? Should he ask? Well, he didn´t. He just took it as a special occasion. As a gift, maybe after all he´s been through, he deserves a mild reward.

Things didn´t change much between him and Nellie. However, he was thoughtful about it. Why did she do that? Was it out of pity? Or was she just trying not to make things more uncomfortable? Either way, what´s done it´s done.

However, at the end, she did say: “I hope this helps. Let me know if you ever… need another favor like this, ok?” She was so sweet.

Women around him does seem to be treating him nicely. All women except for one…

“Ugh, you again?” Complaint Cathy as she stood in the elevator.

He had a meeting with Mrs. Davis, after quite a while. He was just trying to make his way up, but when the metallic doors of the elevator set apart, the first, and only person, he saw inside was no other than the H.R. manager, Cathy. A woman who doesn´t like him.

“Hey, I´m not happy to meet you either.” He replied.

Larry can´t deny one thing, right now, Cathy looks like an eleven-feet-tall giantess. Intimidating, but he can´t chicken out.

But, even if he´s upset, even mad to meet this woman, he can´t actually spill it out. He must contain himself, at least as much as he can, in order not to be too disrespectful. He must not insult Cathy, he can´t be too unpolite, else, she will win.

Evangeline, or Cathy, either would find a benefit on him loosing inches. Evangeline would grow taller, meanwhile, Cathy will say something like: “That´s what you deserve.” And that he was as little of a man as he truly is.

Either way, he must contain himself.

“Not happy? Well, imagine how you´d feel if you were the one they send a warning to. That will go directly to my file, you know?” Cathy complaint.

“I know…” He said, not looking at her, but still acknowledging her words, at least for now…

Larry had it hard, Cathy kept complaining, the way up seemed much longer than it should. But, when he was half way there, he had an idea. How about… headphones?

While Cathy was still complaining about how he was such a jerk, one of smaller proportions, he pulled out a pair of ear-pods and put them on. Then, with his phone connected to the pods, he played some music.

Anything would do. The main purpose was to ignore Cathy´s words. And it worked. She kept ranting on him, complaining, maybe she insulted him more. Who cares, he´s not listening.

But that also has some consequences…

“Yeah, sure, put your pods on, how stupid. I know you can still hear me!” She said, not completely finished with that part about how he deserves what´s happening to him.

Of course, she knew Mrs. Davis would get mad if she found out she was still acting hideous with him. This poor guy, that´s how she saw it, meanwhile, Cathy saw him for who he was. An arrogant macho who doesn´t care. And still, he doesn´t seem to care.

Two floors before, Cathy went off. And as she made her way out, she turned back. Larry had a huge smile on his face as he succeeded to avoid the annoying amazon´s complaints. He didn´t insult her back, didn´t offend her, he remained in silence as he heard some soft rock. But this, which felt like a win to him, was not quite a victory.

“Oh, Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence… what have you done?” Came Evangeline´s voice, echoing inside his mind.

Her voice, the sound of it, he knows what´s about to come.

“Have you forgot already? You must listen to a woman when she´s talking to you. Blocking your ears, well, that´s a strike…” And so, a snap of fingers echoed inside his mind.

Two floors, he was two floors away from Mrs. Davis office when he felt it, in his gut, the feeling of… shrinking…

The unmistakable feeling of loosing height, loosing inches. The feeling he always got after he´s done wrong. After he´s gone against Evangeline´s, already set, rules. And this was not the first time he falls for this. This wasn´t the first time he falls on the same mistake.

Now, Larry´s about to meet the consequences, he felt as if he had won by ignoring Cathy, but it seems, Evangeline had something else coming for him…



Mommy Nellie is starting to take shape and Lap sitting was awesome…slowly incorporating baby talk to take care of his bring out infantile tendency…he is starting to accept her like her listen to her …mentally he is bonding to her like a needful baby with his Mommy… always a magic when younger takes maternal care of their boss or older ones ..


Will this dude ever learn lol. Can’t wait to see what happens next. Loved the lap-sitting massage!


Glad you liked the lap scene! I wanted to make a sweet scene for this chapter.