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Chapter 10

Ethan wasn´t complaining as she thought. In fact, he seemed to be complying without caring.

“You pig, I bet you´re just looking forward to the end of our date, ugh, does he know my plans?” Judith thought.

Sure, the end will be sweet, well, it will seem so. She´s got some big plans for the end of this date. He should´ve complaint at dinner, or when she just ordered him to take her to the park. Or just now, that he´s rubbing her huge feet. But no, he´s doing as she says, why?

“You know, I think we´ve had enough. Why don´t we… get back to the penthouse?” She said, pulling her feet back.

“Back? But… don´t you wanna go to the movies or something?” He asked.

She thought, movies? Sure, a place where he´ll be waiting for a kiss of hers. Men, they only want what they like.

“No, I was thinking… maybe we can go back and have some… privacy?” The tone in which she said it, her words, the way she bent and said it all so sweetly, so tenderly, so… lusty.

Ethan breathed in, does that mean? Of course she does! Sex! She means sex! Why else would she want to be somewhere “private”, she wants to get laid.

He was looking forward to this. He knows that, when a man keeps a woman happy, she has her way to pay back. And, hopefully, she´d find a luscious way to do it…

Both of them were back at the penthouse quite fast. He was eager to find out her reasons to need a “private” place. He was so excited!

It made it hard not to stare at her. He´s uncertain if she´s got the same idea in mind. Will she actually do… that?

To end up a date with sex was… what he was looking for. But he ignores if that´s the same thing she´s looking for. After all, this is a date that he sort of… forced her to.

Not literally, because she´s bigger, and stronger, besides, she´s much more assertive. But he exasperated her to the point that, well, she may not have had a choice…

“Here we are… back at the penthouse…” He said, opening the door widely. Ethan turned and waited for his gigantic date to step in.

Ethan was so nervous. Was this going to happen? As he turned to look at Judith, as he glared at the face of the amazon woman from beneath. He felt small, short, not up with this goddess. What if this was it?

Soon, Judith walked in. Turned to close the door, then, she turned back. Looked at him for a second, from high above, and then, she walked past him.

One large step after another. She made her way inside. And then, she made her way to her room. She didn´t say a word, didn’t even gave him a look that could help him understand if he was, or wasn´t, getting lucky tonight.

Ethan just watched the large lady make her way, all the way to her room. He knew it, he was so silly, of course there was not going to be anything else. Silly him with his hopes.

But then…

“Aren´t you coming?” She said, turning at him, “the date´s not over… sweetheart…” He smiled, if only he knew…

Of course the date wasn´t over. How else will he understand she´s too much woman for him if she doesn´t make it fully clear. Besides, if he doesn´t have his share of her, then she knows he´ll insist on another date, and another and another. Until he finally gets what he truly wants, sex with the amazon.

For real, he can´t trick her. Of course he wants a piece of her big, heavy and meaty body. She´s tall, she´s sexy, and she´s out of his reach. On a whole different league. Which will push him harder to get her; after all, he wants what he likes, and if he can´t get it, then he wants it more.

He was right at her door in less than a blink, and equally as fast, he stepped in.

He entered her room, breathe in her aroma that filled all of the air inside. Sweet, nice. Then, she closed the door behind him. A quiver ran down his spine, was this really going to happen? For real?!

“We both know this date isn´t over until… we make it, right?” She said, with the most sensuous of voices. Her deep, velvety voice filled the air. He trembled.

“R-right!” He replied, looking up at the immense beauty Judith was.

“Mmmm, I´m glad… now, let´s enjoy ourselves, ok? Let´s get… intimate…” And so, her hand went behind her back, and soon, he heard the sound of a zipper coming down.

Ethan swallowed. Before his eyes, Judith removed her dress. Slowly, sensuously. Soon, the dress fell at the floor, and then he realized she wasn´t wearing a bra…

She may not be wearing a bra, but she was still wearing something, something that hid her nipples. Two silicone covers, one on each nipple. Still, he could see how the entirety of her bare tit hung firmly on her chest. And as she moved, her tits bounced.

She was right before him. With her enormous breasts right at his eye level. Ethan couldn´t move, waiting for her to give the order, still, he wondered, what comes next?

“Tell me, do you still think you love me?” She asked, her voice coming from high above as he stared at her enormous bosom with a lost look on his face.

“Huh?” Had he heard her correctly?

“Listen, you and I, well, I´m sure you´ve enjoyed our date. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except for one thing, my size…” How come he wasn´t already concerned about her size? A big woman requires a lot, a LOT!

Judith wanted to make a point, but it´s of no use to speak about it. It´s better if she shows him…

“If you can bare through this, oh, I´ll do anything you want. I´ll even be your… girlfriend.” She didn´t like the word. “But, if you think you´re not up to be with a woman my size, well, there´s no shame on it.” This sounded as if it was a trial. And it is!

But not much of a trial, or a test. This is more like… the real thing. If he succeeds, which will be much impressive, she´ll give it to him. However, if he doesn´t… she wouldn´t be surprised.

What´s this whole thing about? Simple. If he doesn´t pass out while having sex with the amazon, then he´s able to date a woman like her. But she won´t be so gentle…

Soon, Judith bent and picked Ethan, off the floor, both his feet were rapidly in the air, and just like that, she threw him over the mattress.

“Wow…” he said, not prepared for what comes next.

“What? Too rough? Beat it, you know I´m too strong for you. And trust me, I wasn´t too hard there…” Soon, she walked over the mattress, then, she removed the silicone patches from her tits.

Her large, erect nipples were at full display. They were big, perky, sexy. It even made it worth being tossed in the air by the amazon.

Then, Judith jumped and landed over the mattress. Right over him. The whole floor trembled, the whole bed quaked. For a second, he thought she was going to squash him! But she landed on her hands and knees, he was safe. For now…

“Now, let´s remove all these clothes, shall we?” Without any further warning, she proceeded to rip off his clothes. Shirt, pants, even the belt was torn apart. She was strong, there´s no doubt about it.

She was a bit too fierce with him. Besides, those clothes were not exactly cheap, but that´s nothing to worry about.

Judith wanted to show him how voracious, how intense, how hungry for sex she can be. To make it clear that, whenever she wants some, she´ll get it. Does he really want to be the man beneath her?

A kiss, soon her face came down and her thick lips landed on his. He could feel her thick lips kissing him, passionately, intense. His whole face felt covered by her lipstick. He was sure his whole mouth was red. But he doesn´t care.

A kiss? She´s really kissing him? He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. Her lips, her thick, sweet lips, all over his. They came down without a warning, but he doesn´t care.

Soon, he just enjoyed the moment, and then, he allowed his hands to move on into the big cleavage that´s firmly hanging above his chest.

But as Judith felt his hands squeezing, or attempting to, she stopped him.

“Hold on, no one said you´re allowed to touch me.” She broke the kiss and stood back.

“But…” Wasn´t the kiss like… the green light to get wild?

“You need my permission, understood? I don´t want your hands all over me. I´ll tell you when. IF I decide you can.” She was bossy. But that´s fine. He´s not supposed to enjoy it. So what if she´s bossy? She´s got rules, even for sex.

She came back down to continue with the kiss, and then, slowly, she allowed her body to come down. Little by little, her tits came closer to his chest. After a moment, he could feel her enormous bosom resting on his chest. It was mesmerizing how her breasts alone could cover up his whole chest, even his shoulders!

At first, he enjoyed the soft, warm feeling of her bosom. But then, things got a little… heavier.

She started lowering more, leaning further. Resting more of her weight on him. Judith was a heavy lady. Maybe she´s not fat, but her 7´ frame it´s much heavier than his 5´3”. He can feel the pressure growing, and it´s really hard to take.

She wasn´t sure if he was going to complaint, or if he´ll pass out first. He must need some air, right?

A squeak was the only sound he could make. And it was all she needed.

“What´s the matter? Too heavy? Hmm? You don´t think I´m fat, do you?” she said, hoping he´ll realize this wasn´t such a good idea.

“N-no! Of course not, I just… I needed to… doesn´t matter.” Was he really willing to faint under her? All in order to keep touching her body? He must be crazy.

She knew she had to turn up the notch…

Their underwear soon flew in the air. Foreplay was over.

Ethan was looking agape at Judith. She was colossal, imposing. And so pretty. Before his eyes, there was this goddess, a woman that could literally turn his world upside down, and she knows that…

“Hope you´re ready…” she said, and then, it happened.

She inserted his throbbing member inside her big pussy. Ethan was so turned on, he couldn´t get any harder, not even if he tried. As soon as he was in, she started going…

She thrusted her hips slowly, gently at first, but then, then it was time to show him how intense she can get.

She sped up gradually, it was pleasant at first, but after a moment, things got a lot more intense…

His whole world felt like trembling. Was this really Judith? Or was it an earthquake? Her crotch felt as if she was smacking it against his. His member was moving faster than ever. Not even jerking off as fast as he could, he could´ve matched up the speed of this woman.

Strong, quick thrusts. She was giving him all of her. His legs became tense, he started moaning. She knew it was just a matter of time before he pleaded her to stop. He wants to date a strong amazon like her? Well, this type of sex will be on his plate, every single time…

He took hold of her thighs, her large, plump thighs. The passion, he was sweating, her crotch felt so hot. He could feel the heat coming out of her. And above, her enormous tits, bouncing, jolting as she thrusted her hips forward, and backward.

The whole bed was creaking. Hitting the wall hardly, fast. Over and over. The phone rang, maybe people from downstairs were complaining about the noise. But Ethan couldn´t listen, he was focused on going all the way…

He was covered in sweat, Judith was intense, beyond that. She was fierce, strong, maybe she was right, perhaps, she was a bit too much.

But he didn´t want her to stop. For as hard as it was to take it, this felt so good! He was physically exhausted, but the passion, oh, she was on fire!

She was just waiting for him to give up, to say the words, as her to stop. But he didn´t.

She turned things up a little, soon, he was bouncing up and down over the mattress. His legs pinned to the mattress because of her crotch, but his torso, she literally pulled him up of the bed. He was bouncing, over and over.

Ethan was not going to give up. He couldn´t. His whole body was tense, this was by far the hardest thing he´s ever been through, but he´ll bear for it. He knows that, at the end, when he comes to a climax, it will be the most heavenly feeling ever…

Judith was impressed. He was actually going to finish? Was he really going for it? And the answer was… yes.

Maybe she should´ve made him fuck her. For him to be on top and do all of the work. His job became relatively easy, he only had to take it, which wasn´t actually easy. But he did it.

At the very end, his body went tense, numb, he felt quivers all over his body. From the tip of his fingers to the core. And so, he came. Hard, a huge load escaping his member. And then, after a long moment without breathing, just allowing the blast to come out of him, he fainted.

Ethan was exhausted, but he did it.

“Well, he came…” Judith said, making sure he was still breathing…

The next morning, Ethan woke up. Alone, in Judith´s bed. He turned his head, but he didn´t find her there.

“J-Judith?” He called.

Judith came into the room, wearing gym clothes. Sensuously tight all over her body. She was a goddess.

Her look, she was waiting for him to tell her he wasn´t actually in love. After such intense sex, he must regret everything. He should even be a little scared of her.

“So? Are you still in love with me?” She asked, with her arms crossed under her enormous bosom.

Was he? He got sex. If this was as she thought it was. Then this should be the end of it. Right?

“I still think you´re wonderful. A true beauty.” He said, glaring at her body. He was still laying in bed as he spoke, turning his face at her, with a smile.

Judith was pissed. If he liked it, then she´s certain he´s going to start begging her for more. More and more sex. She was looking forward to an unpleasant future. Where he´s more clingy.

“But,” he started. “I think you´re right. I mean, sex was great, and your body´s just so… hot! I´d be lying if I said I didn´t enjoy it. But the truth us… you´re right.” She was?

Judith paid attention to his words. She feels as if there would be a catch after this, but so far, he seems to be heading towards the right direction.

“You´re pretty. Sexy. But you´re big. Which is totally fine. However, I think you and I… we´re not meant to be.” Well, that was clear.

“I really had fun last night. It was truly one of the best nights, the best dates I´ve had. You´re such a lovely companion.” He was waiting for him to gawk at her body. Or to turn his monologue towards her curves. But he didn´t. “I think that date proved something… we´ve got nothing in common.” What?

“Sorry but, I felt no chemistry between you and I. Don´t get me wrong, you´re a nice lady, but… we don´t have a thing in common.” During dinner, they didn´t talk at all. And when they did, it was sort of boring. They truly have nothing in common.

It seems she was right, he thought he was in love with her, but it seems, he only wanted her body. And now that he had some intimacy with her… he´s done.

Ethan´s the kind of guy that gets bored of things. Too fast. And Judith, well, she was one of many crushes he´s had.

“I think we´re not quite… meant to be a couple I hope you understand.” He said.

“I told you, we´re NOT meant for that.” She was glad she was right.

“I hope this doesn´t interfere in our… relationship. You know, that you don´t quit just because, well, this didn´t actually worked out.”

“Not at all. I´ll be more than happy to work for you, as long as you don´t try to seduce me again.” She said.

“I won´t. Don´t worry.” Things were fine, maybe they will remain awkward, but soon, they would get over it.

“So, is that all you need?” She asked.

“Well, that´s all I had to say. Still… can you help me? I can´t… I can´t get up.” Well she was right, she was way too much woman for him. His legs felt numb, and there´s a chance she´ll have to carry him for the rest of the day. But don´t worry, nothing´s broken.

“Hehe, sure boss. You won´t be the first guy who can´t walk after one night with me. But trust me, you´ll recover fast.” It seems his relationship with his bodyguard didn’t evolve as he thought. But that´s fine.

From now on, the relationship will work as normal. As a guy with his amazonic bodyguard. Who´s certainly sexy. Maybe he´ll still leer at her from time to time, but it won´t go any further than that…




I feel bad for him.