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Chapter 5

Later that week, Jeannie had a visit at home, Danielle, her daughter. She wanted to check on her mother, and, well, make sure she was fine after all that´s happening to her.

“Are you sure, mom?” Danielle insisted before taking a sip of her drink.

Both ladies were drinking tea, by the pool. On this lovely, sunny day. Danielle was wearing light clothes, a pair of denim shorts over her shapely pale legs, and a sleeveless blouse, of a pink pastel color.

However, she was wearing some other thing too, a look, one of concern. Looking at the current state of her mother, well, her size is kind of concerning.

“Dear, I´m fine. How many times do I have to tell you? I feel fine, no, I feel better than ever! I assure you there´s nothing to worry about.” Replied Jeannie, taking a sip of her own glass. Both were drinking margaritas on this Sunday morning. However, her glass was actually the size of a jug.

Danielle can´t believe her mother´s telling the truth. She´s changed so much in such a short time. Still, she does seem fine. But that´s what´s unsettling her.

Jeannie´s wearing clothes a bit more… revealing. She´s wearing a yellow bikini, and not just any bikini. A microkini!

Danielle´s a bit embarrassed by so much of her mother´s figure at, well, display. To think that last month she used to cover herself with a shirt, and now, she´s sitting there, with her flesh exposed, so that everyone can see her recent expansion.

Jeannie´s size is constantly augmenting. Right now, Danielle can´t believe her mother looks 30 and stands at 6´7”! That´s right, mommy´s tall! And not just tall, she´s stacked! And with a figure all man will certainly leer at. Salivate over.

Before taking a sip, Danielle looked elsewhere, then back at her mother and said: “But mom!”

“Ugh, dear, I´m FINE. Listen, if I was feeling ill, or bad, I assure you I´d be at the clinic screaming the crap out of everybody there.” And she means that, “But there´s no need, I feel better than ever. The treatment works. The only thing is…”

“That you´re a giraffe…” Danielle murmured as she turned at her semi-full glass, or was it semi-empty?

“Ha, sure, call your own mother a giraffe, but I can tell you´re jealous.” Jeannie replied to her own daughter´s name-calling.

“What?! I´m not jealous!”

“Oh, of course you are, dear. You´re mad you have to look up to mommy again. And by the way things are, I assure you you´ll be looking much higher soon. So you better get used to my new size, or better, not. Soon I´ll be taller.” Jeannie´s already used to her constant growing, and, to the constant expansion of her alluring assets.

Jeannie knows Danielle´s concerned, yes. But she also feels like her daughter´s a bit jealous of her. And who wouldn´t? Jeannie´s never felt better in her life. She´s not only younger, but hotter. Hotter than she´s ever been. And much, much taller.

“Whatever…” Danielle said, not wanting to counter-argument her mother´s silly, and mistaken, affirmations.

“I hope you understand I´m big enough to take care of myself. And if I ever need someone, I know Troy will stand by my side.” Jeannie added. And now that she´s mentioned Troy…

“Him? HA! He´s not going to take care of you. What makes you think that? He´s here for THE MONEY, that´s how guys like him are, they only care about money…” Danielle was a bit sour now that Troy came to the chat.

“Troy´s not like that. Maybe you´re mad because the men you date are into your money… well, MY money. I know someone likes to brag about mommy´s fortune…” Jeannie teased.

“I don´t! I… I don´t need to tell men that I´m rich so that they want to date me.”

“Mommy, that mommy´s rich.” Jeannie corrected. “But that´s fine, dear. Not all of us find the right men. How long have you been single?” Jeannie asked, bending over, approaching to Danielle with a semi-arrogant smile on her face.

She was clearly stating that she, a woman on her early sixties, had a stable relationship with a young, handsome man, while her own daughter has been single for, how long? A year or so?

“That´s… nonsense! I´m perfectly fine as a single woman. And I promise you that, IF I wanted a man, I could walk out of this place and a line of men will fight to get me.”

“Is that so, sweetheart?” Jeannie teased, still with that arrogant smile on her face, with a teasing tone. And both hands supporting her face. Her boobs were all over the table, spreading sensuously over the top. Big, soft, massive breasts. But Danielle was too mad to notice, or even care.

“Ugh! You´re so… immature!” Well, now Danielle knows how she felt when she was cocky. How does she like a bit of role-reversal?

“I just wanted to check on you, mom. That´s it. I don´t need you to try and control my life. Or make fake accusations…” Danielle was offended.

“Such as the ones you make on Troy? He´s a fine man, dear. You´ve got nothing to worry about.” Jeannie reassured.

“Fine man? He´s obnoxious. And, as a matter of fact, if he´s so “attentive” why isn´t he over here? Shouldn´t he be, ugh, worshiping you or something?”

“He went to the store.” Jeannie replied. Knowing very well that Danielle and Troy don´t get along so well, and he´s most likely avoiding her.

“The store? I´ve been here for more than an hour. Tell me, which visit to the store takes more than an hour?” Danielle saw this as an opportunity to tease her mother and have a little revenge. “Maybe… maybe he´s over there… looking for, I don´t know… a woman more his… size?” She smiled, in a cocky way as Jeannie´s smile rapidly faded.

“He´s NOT.” Jeannie replied. “There must be traffic, that´s it.” Jeannie wasn´t appreciating those insinuations.

“Traffic? Or… maybe a hot lady is kind of… distracting him…”

“Danielle, stop it.” Jeannie was starting to get mad.

“What? I´m just saying. Maybe there´s a woman, his age, who needs help. Maybe she´s hot, maybe she´s his type. I don´t know, maybe he likes her…” She´s going too far, but she´s just paying her mother back for talking a bit too much about her life.

Danielle let out a little laugh as Jeannie was turning red. All those nasty things, and to her own mother! Danielle´s laugh was the last thing she wanted to hear. Her daughter, mocking her, laughing at her expenses, well, not anymore.

*SMACK!!!* Jeannie´s hand was slammed over the table, the whole thing trembled and both their glasses fell.

“Enough! You´re NOT allowed to say such things. Such nasty words, coming from your mouth. That´s VERY disrespectful. Intolerable!” The amazon was upset, and Danielle could see that in her face. Her eyes were a bit threatening too. And her size didn´t help much. But the truth is, Danielle´s not afraid of her.

“What? I was just saying, you know he…” Jeannie cut her off.

“Better think that through, young lady. Because if I hear ANYTHING implying my Troy, cheating on me, I´ll grab a soap and wash that filthy mouth of yours.”

“What? You can´t!” Danielle said.

“Oh, I can´t? Physically, I can, and if you dare say anything else that´s not “sorry, mom”, believe me, I will!” Jeannie stood up, looming high above her, the mean look on her mother´s face. Her size, and the fact that she literally could make her words come true, well, it was intimidating.

Danielle´s heart sped up a little, she felt threatened by her humongous mother.

Danielle was looking up at her, at first, frowning. She can´t do that to her, she´s a grown woman. However, she didn´t dare challenging her. Soon, Danielle´s frown faded as her mother´s face was still red, then, she stopped looking at her in the eye and set her look away.

“That´s better.” Jeannie replied, knowing very well she had won this fight. Still, Danielle´s words echoed in her mind, where´s Troy?

Danielle didn´t stay for much longer. After fifteen minutes, wondering whether or not to say something else, she decided to left. Her mother was fine. At least physically.

Besides, she´s getting way too big. If Troy was to make the wrong move, being dumped would be the last of his problems. Jeannie´s getting a bit too big. Maybe at his 6´1” she´s not a colossus yet, to Danielle´s 5´8”, she´s definitely intimidating.

“I can´t believe she threatened me with soap…” She complaint as she drove off. Leaving the amazon of her mother alone. Alone with her thoughts, and some suspicion, she decided to make a phone call.

“Troy? Hi, dear. So… have you finished with the groceries?” She asked, making sure not to hear the voice of any sexy woman close to him, but the sound of a register confirmed he was where he said.

“Danielle?” Jeannie asked, feeling relieved he was at the store. “She´s gone. That´s right, she just left. But let me tell you, it was for the best, you see, she had this attitude…”

Of course Troy wouldn´t cheat on her. She´s alluring, sexy, in a much bigger pack. However, certain things were changing. Yes, he was at a store, why? Because he said he´ll be there, and he doesn´t want to lie to Jeannie.

He was wasting his time with a drink, why? He can´t stand being in the same room or place as Danielle. However, he remained at the store because that´s what he said Jeannie he´ll do, and now, he wants to build a sincere relationship. He didn´t tell her he hated Danielle, but there was no need.

“So… are you coming soon? Cause I´m wearing that sexy bikini we bought last week… mhmm, the yellow one… ten? Sure, I´ll be waiting in our room…” Jeannie feels so powerful. Her sexiness certainly holds a lot of power on him.

Almost as if she could control him with a snap of her fingers. Well, she´s seducing him and making him come home earlier. But that works the same, right? He´s lured by her. And that means he loved her, right? Not only because of her body.

If he rushes home to be with her, even if it´s because of sex, in the end, it´s Jeannie the one he has sex with. Oh, so many doubts Danielle has put on her mind, but those doubts have always been there, they are just coming up more often now.

Soon, Troy was back home. With nothing in hands. He was so eager, so aroused to see Jeannie that he forgot to buy the decoy groceries, to pretend he had actually bought something, and not just spend over an hour sitting there, avoiding Jeannie´s daughter.

He opened the door, excited, hoping to meet Jeannie´s large, sensuous form right there. But she wasn´t there.

“Jeannie? Hello? I´m home…” He said, closing the door behind him.

“Upstairs, honey… I´m here…” She said, with her deep, sensuous voice, calling for him in a sensuous way.

Jeannie´s voice now casted a spell on him. He felt like floating as he made his way to her. As if her voice carried a power, a certain power that drags his body to her. Levitating, floating in desire, all the way to their room.

Once he was at the door, he turned the knob and, slowly, opened the door.

“Mmmm, Troy… it took you a while…” Jeannie said, laying in bed, sideways. Her long legs crossed. The long, sensuous flesh of her sexy, soft legs, so long, so sexy.

Jeannie was sitting there, with a luscious grin on her face, laying there, with her enormous boobs dragging all of his attention to them. They were so round, so heavy, so firm. Barely covered by the microkini´s top. He could see the full entirety of her breasts, except for her areola´s or nipples, the rest of her tits were at full display.

A sensuous line of cleavage between her tremendous tits. Her wide, fleshy hips rising higher in bed. Her waist, trimmed, a flat stomach, she was hot, sexy, alluring.

If he had been a cartoon, his eyes would´ve popped out of his skull, his heart would´ve beat out of his chest and back. His eyes would´ve turned the size of plates, but all he could do was to get hard.

“Well, you said ten minutes… but it took you about,” Jeannie said, sensuously, taking a glance at the watch by the bed and then said, “twelve… but don´t worry, I won´t punish you for that.” She teased.

The truth is, Jeannie´s a business woman. Stern, mandatory. She´s not rich just because. Out of that mansion, she´s the boss. The head of a millionaire company. With thousands of people at her orders. She must be stern, demand respect, responsibility, punctuality.

And today, she also demanded that same respect from Danielle, not allowing her to just say as she pleased about her relationship with Troy. Jeannie was tired of that lady´s smart mouth. But now, she had the means to correct that.

Ever since she´s been seeing the treatment´s results, she´s been feeling better. Powerful. But then, she started growing, which was preoccupying, however, she´s come to find that, with height, she gets more dominance. Almost everyone looks up to her, literally.

She feels more dominant, more in control. She´s no longer willing to take any sort of bullshit from anyone. ANYONE. However, she´s got a soft spot for Troy. Him, her lover, she´s been careful not to say anything bad to him. Not to criticize him, trying not to push him away.

A young man like him was too good for an old woman like her. The best she could ever get. However, that changed. And she knows that now, she´s casted a spell on him with her expanded curves. Her smoother flesh, the velvet touch of her hot skin. She knows he won´t want to go anywhere, and not only because of her money, but because of the hot sex they go through every day.

However, she can´t change the way she is with him. Not getting mad, patient, tolerating a lot of things. She can´t help it, but she´s uncertain if she should change that.

“You´re lucky you´re cute, dear…” Jeannie said, rolling over and spreading her long legs apart. A sign for him to come…

Within a moment, a blink of an eye, Troy was all over her. And after a hot moment, both were naked. It was easy to take the tiny clothes off of her, he was the one who took the most time kicking off his shoes, taking off his pants, removing his shirt.

He landed on the large, soft body of the amazon. Jeannie was a big woman now, standing six-inches taller, with big curves all over her long, sensuous body.

The touch of her skin, her fingers, caressing his body. Her lips, wet, thick, kissing him with the perfect mix of passion and lust. He squeezes her tits gently, making her moan softly. Electricity flowing down their spines. He loves her. Her new body, the new size of her assets. Her body is so sexy now.

She may be taller, but he can´t complaint, that only makes her boobs bigger, her hips fleshier, and her butt rounder and firmer. Somehow, she´s growing sexier week after week. Does he care? No, doctor´s said she´s got nothing to worry about, and neither does he. As long as that body of hers keeps expanding in such a succulent way, he doesn´t care.

He´s got money, a mansion, and now, this beautiful lover. In a much bigger package than he anticipated, and of course much older, but she looks like the million-dollars she has on her bank account. And certainly, sex has gotten much better.

In the end, Troy collapsed, he couldn´t take it anymore. It´s harder to satisfy Jeannie nowadays, but he still manages. Barely.

He collapsed over her. His head landing at her neck level, his chest resting over her pillowy boobs. She´s just so big that, it´s mesmerizing! But he´s too tired to care, and too exhausted to move.

“There, there, you´ve done great, honey…” Jeannie said as she caressed her lover´s hair, caressing his back with her other hand. Slowly, Troy drifted into sleep, covered in sweat, slowly taking his breath back.

Meanwhile, Jeannie kept caressing Troy´s body. Pleased after her lover, so passionately, worshiped her as she liked it. But, even after he gave it all of his, until he literally collapsed over her, she had her doubts.

He´s showing commitment to her, love, passion. That´s enough, right? He´s not just with her because she´s right, he no longer cares about her money, right?

Her main question is, why? Why does she have all these doubts? Why does she care? He´s there because he wants to, he´s with her because he wants to. She´s not forcing him, or buying his love. Sure, she pays for literally everything, gets her whatever he wants, but that´s only because she´s got the money. She´s rich, after all.

But the doubt remains, is he a gold digger? Is he loving her for the wrong reasons? Besides, she´s turning into a freak! Taller and taller, rising higher and higher. She´s already taller than him! And not just a little bit, but a lot! She´s towering over him. Doesn´t he care? Isn´t he worried she´s getting too big?

“Oh, Troy, why are you with me?” At first, it was money, and she´s certain, but, why now? Why hasn´t he tried to escape? She likes being taller, but she knows that soon, she´ll meet the “too tall” stage, why has he chosen to stay?

Does he feel guilty he´s the one that caused her that? That he dragged her into this clinic, and that he´s the one who pushed her into the treatment? Or, he´s staying because of her luscious body. She´s a muse, a goddess, and she knows it, but, is that it? Where, where is the love?

He´s come with gifts, he cares more, he´s more attentive, but why is he doing that? To get more sex? To make sure she´s happy and, maybe, in the mood?

Jeannie´s unsure if she´ll have to say something, speak up. Or just wait for him to say so. What should she do? The inevitable answer is, she´ll be much taller before she gets an answer. But when would that be?


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