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Chapter 15

So much time without sex, it has some effects on certain people. Some are capable of forgetting, some others learn how to deal with that. But there´s other people who simply can´t.

People who desire it, who hunger for it. People who are desperate to share some intimacy with the one they love. People who, whenever they see their couple, can´t help but to feel these primal urges calling for them.

The touch of her naked skin, the touch of his bare body. Their skin touching, creating warm, heat. Their breaths, together, becoming one as the slowly turn the air in the room into fog.

Some people are often aroused by the sight of their lovers. Other´s can hold it. And some act completely normal around them. Not everything has to be sexual, not all of your partners move have to be a tease. You don´t have to leer at the other´s body every time you can.

Cory and Eunice got that. Well, so far, they could because he was too concerned to feel any sexual need. However, now that his concerns are fading away…

The kiss, what was supposed to be just a display of love, tenderness, turned into something more…

Her lips, her sweet lips kissed his, he could taste the cake on her mouth, but he could also feel the softness of her lips. Eunice was a good kisser, and so was him.

For a moment, he forgot she was bigger, for a moment, he forgot he had shrunk. For the moment, he didn´t care if their sizes had changed. At the time, he only perceived Eunice as the woman he loves. And the woman he loves, needs some love…

The kiss was longer than expected, deeper, more passionate. Then, she was in for another one. And when she wanted to move back, he pushed forward. Maintaining a constant touch of their lips. Wet, soft, tender.

Soon, it wasn´t only a kiss, then, it became something more. His hands found their way into her body. The touch of her bust. Bigger, heavier boobs, he missed this. Once he had the chance to squeeze one of her boobs, he knew he missed the feeling. So tender, so perky, and larger than he could remember.

Eunice´s 6´2” frame holds a pair of enormous breasts, or so they seem to his 5´1” frame. She´s gotten so big, and he forgot to think on what other things were aside of height. Curves, with every inch she grows, her body develops in the most sensuous of ways.

Eunice didn´t only got taller, her body expanded in the most sensuous of ways. How could he be so blind? Were his worries so that he forgot to check her out?

He´s not only driven by lust, he´s not only with her because she´s hot. He loves her, not for what´s on the outside, but for what´s on the inside. Still, her enlarged outside teases his senses much more now…

Soon, his hand got under her shirt, and he found his way into her bare tit. Her nipple, hard, perky. He played with it, massaging it with his thumb and index finger.

Eunice moaned softly by the caressing of her lover. But she was not going to be the only one…

Soon, her hands caressed his back. Her long fingers went all over his back, up and down. Sending quivers down his spine, making him tremble with lust.

The simple kiss rapidly escalated. First, they came closer, as if they were hugging, but they were actually touching the other´s body. Caressing it with their hands, touching. Things kept rising and rising. Their desire intensified.

A desire they ignored they had, a need they thought they could handle. Before they knew it, Cory pulled her shirt, with the intention of removing it, but it was a bit harder than he remembered.

“Hehe, let me help you with that…” She said, breaking the kiss after so long, and then, she pulled off her top.

Cory swallowed by the sight of her breasts. She wasn´t wearing a bra; well, nowadays, she´s never wearing one, much less inside their unit.

His hands found their way to her naked breasts, squeezing them gently. He had forgotten how round, how heavy, and just how perfect they were. So firm, so arousing, so tender…

It took them a couple seconds to lose the rest of their clothes. Right there, on the couch, they forgot about the inhibitions they should have and simply went for it.

Eunice was on top for a brief moment, holding her weight back a little, with no intention to squash him. But he liked it.

Her body, it´s weight, heavily pinning him down under her warm, soft flesh. She was such a woman, so big, and yet, so soft. Big, but gentle; hot, but sweet.

When he was finally on top, he took a moment to appreciate her larger curves. Her hips were wider, fleshier. He caressed them by running his hands over them. Up and down, admiring their natural beauty.

“Mmmm, it tickles…” she said, looking at him in the eye. Smiling.

There´s no denial that her frame is bigger, her limbs, her body, everything on her is larger. But, for the first time in weeks, he won´t worry about it. Maybe it´s time for him to appreciate her growing beauty.

She´s not a threat, she´s just bigger. Sexier, hotter. Slowly becoming a goddess…

They made love, so passionately. So tenderly. Love in a way they never had before. Maybe it comes with a consequence, but for the time being, they will enjoy it.

It doesn´t matter if he shrinks, it doesn´t matter if she grows. They are together in this. Tomorrow, they will come to regret it, maybe, but tonight, they will enjoy it. As if it was the last time. But, will it be?

On the next day, early in the morning. The couple was still in bed. They took their passion into another room. And now, after quite some action, they were too tired. But the good news is, there´s nothing to worry about. There´s nothing to do, so it doesn´t matter if they over-sleep.

However, there´s not so much inactivity across the street…

*ding* *dong*

Came the doorbell on unit B. Andrew and Lena´s unit.

Soon, some large steps were heard, and then, Lena opened the door. It may be a little early, but Lena´s a lady who wakes up with the sun. Well, not exactly, but she usually wakes up by 7:00 am.

She looked out, wondering if this was Eunice or Daisy, but her face turned into a light frown as she found someone else at the door. Blythe…

“May I help you?” she said, with not such a friendly tone.

“Hi, dear. Good morning. How are you today?” Came Blythe´s polite greet.

“I´ve been better… what brings you here?” Lena asked. Still looking up at the mature woman.

Lena may be a 6´9” amazon, but Blythe´s still the tallest in the neighborhood. Standing at 7´3”. The top of Lena´s head, which seemed miles away for Andrew, was a little below eye-level to Blythe.

Blythe´s frame was larger, curvier. And her boobs were noticeably bigger. Still, Lena didn´t care. So what if she was six-inches taller? She´s not scared of her.

“Oh, well… I don´t want to be… nosy but, last night, I couldn´t help but to… overhear some sounds coming from your place…”

“Sounds? Like what?” Is there a problem with the house or… does she mean something else?

“Dear, I know you and your… he´s your boyfriend, right? I know you two had a bit of an argument last night. And, I also happened to know that you were a little… rough on him?” Lena spanked his ass until she saw fit, which, at this scale, was by far too much.

“So? It´s none of your business. He´s MY boyfriend, and whatever happens in this place, is clearly out of boundaries for someone like YOU.” So what? Blythe teases Andrew and now she wants to play the role of the good neighbor?

“I know, dear. I know. But I didn´t came here to tell you what to do.” Blythe explained realizing Lena´s tone was rising, and so was her temper.

“So? What brings you here?” She asked, again.

“Well… I´m a little concerned.”

“Concerned?” About what? That he´ll be too mangled to stare at her? Too injured to cheat on Lena with Blythe?

“I think… I don´t think you guys should fight. I know it´s none of my business, but, there´s other ways to resolve issues like this without getting physical, you know…”

“I…” Who does she think she is?! She can´t come here and say that. She´s the reason why he´s in bed with an ass as red as Mars right now.

Blythe could tell Lena was about to send her straight to hell. She knows she shouldn´t stand, or try to make a comment about them. It´s their own, personal life. She doesn´t have the right to say a word about it.

However, Blythe wasn´t a mean lady. She didn´t want to be such a teaser to men. But, the thing is, she´s not so sure about who she is anymore. Sure, she gets voracious when it comes to sex. But she´s not intending to hurt anyone. In fact, she´s not even looking forward to steal anyone´s couple here.

“Before you speak, just let me explain something to you…” And so, Blythe was sincere.

She explained to her that, she respected the fact that they were a couple. And that she wouldn´t dare take any of the men here to bed. It´s just that, as a single woman, who, for the first time, feels desired by men; it´s hard for her not to act as a bombshell from time to time.

To walk down the streets as if she was doing the cat-walk. She feels like a model, as if she was on the runway and all eyes were on her.

For some men who like big boobs, or big butts, she´s clearly impossible to resist. But her goal´s not to be such a way. She´s just bored because she was sent here on her own. Everyone she knew cataloged her as a maneater.

They all, jealous women, thought she´d steal their husbands, their boyfriends. And they put a stop to it, and sent her there. Confining Blythe to a life of loneliness…

“You know, I wasn´t so pretty before. But when I got the virus, well, things just changed. And I became, well, this…” she pointed at her luscious body. Specifically, at her huge breasts. “I don´t intend to hurt anyone, but, it´s hard to be alone. For the first time, I didn´t feel insecure about my body, about myself. And, well, when I arrived here, I just adopted the role of this… hot woman who teases every man with her looks. I know it´s some sort of defense mechanism, to help myself to go through this, but I just… I didn´t wanted for anyone to get hurt. I know Andrew peeps through the window and looks at me, but I never wanted him to get hurt. Or for you to get mad at him.”

Lena must recognize that she´s been sincere. Still, that doesn´t give her the right to do the things she does.

“And why didn’t you say a word? Why didn´t you close the window? You could´ve avoided this, you know…” Lena´s still mad, and finding some soft feelings towards Blythe, that makes her feel even worse.

“I know, but, I just… I can´t help it. All these years being a bug, and now, I´ve become such a butterfly… listen, if you want to hate me, that´s fine. But please, don´t take it back on him. You´re much stronger than him. Right now, I´m sure he´s truly injured.”

“So what, he should know better not to do those kinds of things… he deserves it…”

“Possibly, but think about this, what if you take things too far? I know you´re mad at him, but you shouldn´t be so hard…”

And don´t you think I know! I never intended to be this way! I… I just… he´s so stupid! I thought this could bring us closer. For the first time, I could be the bigger one, the one who… protects… but he had to call it on us…” It was time for Lena to be sincere too…

This was a delicate matter for Lena; Blythe could tell. The way she speaks, how she´s so defensive towards this, and, the look of sadness in her face as they get closer to it.

“I never meant to be the bad one! But… he just… never listens…” Maybe it was time to show some empathy, to be there. Even if Blythe knew Lena probably hates her, she needs someone who listens.

“Lena, dear.” Blythe said, putting a hand over her shoulder. “Would you like it if we talked about this? Go for a walk, maybe?” Any other day, Lena would´ve said no.

Completely reject her offer. Send her back from where she came from. Who does she think she is? She doesn´t have a husband, a boyfriend, no one! She´s just the tall, teasing neighbor. A home-breaker! However, Blythe open herself up to her. That confession, her words were true.

Maybe Lena misjudged her. Sure, she can´t deny she teased Andrew, she confessed it, but she may have her reasons…

Both amazons went for a walk. And with every step, Lena opened herself, more and more.

“He wasn´t like this when we met. He was… perfect. Or at least he seemed to be…” Lena said as both walked past the pool.

“Aren´t all men like that? At least at first. They appear to be the perfect prince, but once they feel comfortable, they show their true colors…”

“I guess. I mean, he was so sweet. But, before this virus started, I could tell he was looking at other women. Just looking, but it went from one girl every now and then, to abruptly staring at them. Of course, they didn´t notice, but I did. And I´m sure he knew, but I just never said a word. I thought he´ll get tired of it…”

“Oh, honey. But, what about the virus? I mean, when you got infected, wasn´t he all over you? Just look at the fine woman you are, I bet he loves your growing assets…” Lena´s surely hotter than any other woman, aside Blythe, or maybe Daisy, that Andrew has seen. But…

“He was too concerned about his lost height. Sure, I grew hotter, but… the fact that he lost some height, oh, I never thought he´d betray me like that!” Lena explained to Blythe how Andrew called it on her, and he wasn´t aware he had actually put both into this. Both were caught and sent here.

“My, so he betrayed you? That´s not nice. Perhaps… maybe he did deserve that spanking…” Blythe said.

“I´m not so sure. I was so mad, maybe I overdid it. But what else can I do? I just… I´m so mad! And, and I never meant to! I always wanted to be the sweet wife he´ll come home to meet. Tender, warm, affectionate. But the things he did… knowing he hasn´t learned makes me so mad! And I don´t want that! I want to be sweet, and kind, but he, UGH! He just… pulls the worst of me…” Lena was frustrated. She wanted to be good, but he just doesn´t deserve that.

“I understand. I completely do. But… have you thought about… teaching him?”


“Sure, to educate him to be the man you want. He needs to learn a lesson, and, maybe, it would be easier if, instead of being mean, you´re assertive…” Blythe explained.

“Assertive? But… wasn´t that…?”

“No, you don´t have to hurt him. But, you´ll act as if you were. Let me give you some advice…” It seems there´s a way for Lena to get the life she wants. And for Andrew to learn.

Perhaps, with Blythe´s guidance, there could be a way to resolve this issue…

“You´ll keep as stern as you are. BUT, you´ll be kind with him when needed. If you´re mad all the time, well… he´ll get tired and look for attention somewhere else. But if you bring back your soft side from time to time, he´ll appreciate that. I´m not saying he´ll be scared of you, but he´ll learn to respect you.” Blythe said.

“Are you sure? Cause I´ve done that before, and it just didn´t work as well…” She said.

“Were you as stern as you needed? Or only good and sweet?” Blythe asked.

“I guess… I was just sweet. But I did… never mind…” It seems Lena´s never been this way before. But now, she took things a bit too far.

“Listen, you´ll be good to him, not often. And when he messes up, you´ll be as hard as you need, ok? If you, somehow, compensate him, or show more affection whenever things are right, then he´ll know that, when you´re in a good mood, things are better. That way, he´ll do his best to keep you happy. And, it will also implicate that, when he does wrong, there´s consequences. And you´re not a little push-over anymore. You´re big! A tall, imposing woman.”

“I guess you´re right… I mean, I don´t want him to be scared of me…”

“And he won´t. He´ll respect you. Trust me, men show a better response towards women who are hard to get. That´s what I do nowadays…”

“I see… but, you must promise me you´ll stop teasing him. I don´t want to be rude, but… don´t you think that´s disrespectful?” Lena´s nature was not the one of a woman who´ll hate another person forever. She liked to forgive and forget, however, she wasn´t dumb and didn´t trust everyone at all times.

“*sigh* I promise, but I can´t do anything if he comes to me, ok? Besides… that way you can tell if he´s faithful, right? Maybe… if I was to tease him just a little… it could be as a test…?”

“Don´t. Just don´t, ok? I´m willing to forgive what you´ve done, but promise me you´ll stop doing it.”

“Fine, I will…” She only does it to have fun, but if Lena gets mad… in order to be a good neighbor, Blythe will leave him alone. She can still have some fun with the other men around…


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