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Chapter 13

Dean was just walking, not towards his cubicle, but towards the boss´s office. Truth to be said, he´s been walking that path for a while now.

Sure, she´s no longer rubbing ointment on his butt, lucky for him. That felt kind of odd… to have the boss rubbing his ass with her huge hands. The feeling of the cool ointment, together with her large hands, it wasn´t so pleasant.

Dean´s boss, Mrs. Clark, has changed. Not only she was a 6´8” amazon, with thicker, fuller curves, her personality has changed too. It makes him aware that he can quite change a woman´s way of thinking, or at least their attitude towards him. However, he´s still practicing.

So far, things have gotten better. He nailed the, now, 6´6” amazon Dixie now is. Before, she could´ve sent him straight to hell, but not anymore.

It was all thanks to the fact that having sex with her was what he desired the most. And he managed to focus all of his thoughts on it. But now, as he walks towards his boss, he´s uncertain. What does he want?

He´s unsure. The doubts, well, they are not so good. He´s still wondering if he should make her concerned, or, if he should add some spice to the morning. Maybe she´s a little mad, perhaps, just a bit annoyed he didn´t show up earlier.

“Maybe I made her wait too long…” He thought, wondering if it could be a good idea to make her hungry for him.

For her to desire him. It should make things up after she so casually rubbed his ass every day during a whole week. It actually felt like an eternity. He´d be a Casanova, the boss´s favorite employee. He likes how that sounds.

“Her favorite… nice…” He thought, giving the last few steps towards her door.

But then, a fly appeared before his eyes. Which wasn´t a big deal, normally. However, when you´re working hard on your thoughts, when you need to concentrate, well, a fly can mean the end of that.

The buzzing, the annoying bug flying at his face. He tried to slap it, push it away. He even blew a little to get the bug away from him.

While he was busy pushing away the annoying fly, he heard something, someone moving from inside Mrs. Clark´s office. Of course, it was her. But there was a problem. Dean got distracted.

What was he thinking? What did he wanted to happen? What was his plan again?

“Shit! Uhm… favorite! Sure, I´m her favorite! She´s desperate to have me here… and… she´s… bigger, yes! Taller, much taller than any other woman around…” He set his mind on that, and then, he got a few flashes of what he wanted. But all ended up in one thing, a sweet, big woman who cares, and, maybe he kind of missed the sex part…

The last thing on his mind as she took a hold of the know was: “Thicker, Thicker, THICKER!” He wanted to see some more cleavage…

Soon, the knob was turned and the door began to open. Before his eyes stood a much taller Mrs. Clark. And she seemed much thicker. Her breasts were colossal! Gigantesque! And so close to his face!

“Well, well, well, if isn´t this my FAVORITE employee?” He nailed that part. However, there were a few other things he managed to change…

He soon realized Mrs. Clark was much taller. A lot more! His intention, an idea that stuck to his mind as the door was slowly cracking open, was to make her taller, but he forgot one tiny, little, and insignificant detail, to set the height.

It shouldn´t be much of a concern, just something to keep in mind, however, whenever we´re speaking of a person´s height, well, every inch matters. He was so casual about it he forgot to set a determined growth. He could´ve made her six-inches taller. Or, maybe, just make her as tall as she is on heels. She´d still be a seven-feet-tall amazon, but he didn´t think of that. Instead, he just thought of her being taller than the rest of women he´s grown.

And, with such a liberty on the size, things changed. Sure, she was taller, but not by just a little…

Dean was below chin level, but that was common, however, he was much lower than that. Shoulder level? Well, maybe on his tip-toes? Hardly. Dean was looking straight at a big, hefty, massive pair of tits.

Mrs. Clark, the now thicker, curvier and sexier woman, stood at 7´6”, that´s a ten-inch growth spurt. However, that´s on her bare feet. Right now, wearing her, not so high, four-inch heels, she´s all the way up to 7´10”. Dean´s eyes are right in the middle of her enormous bosom.

She´s taller than the door-frame now. Intimidating? Not quite, she did say he was his favorite. As he intended her to think. But, with such a quick change, what else did he missed?

He smiled, a bit awkwardly, trying to hide the shock he felt as he looked up at his gargantuan boss. She was smiling, he could see a smile past her big, heavy breasts. She seemed pretty, and yes, he was kind of aroused by her mere sight. But then, she drove her hands to her hips.

She adopted a more imposing pose. Looking down at him, her look change, there seemed to be something in her mind.

“Well…?” She said.

“Uhm…” What was he supposed to say? All of a sudden, his mind was blank! He was out of his, let´s say, comfort zone. Sure, she changed as he wanted, but he´s not able to think what will happen next. Sex? Did he ask for that? Is that “Well” a way for her to say, come in and let´s fuck?

“Uhm? Haha, don´t be silly, come here!” Soon, both her big, long arms reached for him. In an instant, the amazon swept him off his feet and pressed his entire body right against her big, soft bosom.

The feeling, so soft. And the smell, her aromatic, floral perfume, such a nice aroma. He breathed her in as she squished him a little. And just when he thought this was awkward. She shook him. From one side, and immediately back to the other.

“Awww, Dean, I´ve missed you!” Mrs. Clark said, so joyfully.

“You…” He said, still squished between her massive breasts. “Have?” He asked. What has he done?

“Of course, silly. You´re my favorite. And the boss likes it when she gets the chance to meet her most valuable employee.” Wow, most valuable? Does it mean he changed things and now he´s the best?

“Most… valuable?” He was starting to see a bonus on his future. A higher pay. But it wasn´t such a way.

“Yes, dear. I mean, you´re not the most productive, or the most punctual. In fact, I believe someone´s late today, isn´t he?” Well, she was right about that. And, with that, she also dismissed his hopes on a better salary. “But, you´re certainly the cutest!” She squeezed him tighter. And tighter.

Mrs. Clark was certainly stronger. But at least she´s kind.

Although, she´s a bit more attentive towards him. And that means, ALL of him…

“Oh my,” she said, and then, getting closer to him, she whispered: “I can feel someone´s… happy to meet me…” She meant, I can feel you´re harder down there.

With this proximity, not to say he was pinned to her, it was impossible he didn´t get more aroused. And, with that, he poked her with his hard member. The next thing she said was: “Would you like some help with that?” Of course he nodded.

The amazon carried him inside her office and closed the door. Was she going to give him some relieve? Hopefully. He made himself her favorite employee, it should mean she´s attentive towards him, right? And, most importantly, his needs. He could use some “help” with his “friend” down there.

He heard the click-clacking of her heels, then, the door closing behind them. All the while, he could feel her enormous bosom bouncing as he was still pinned to her large breasts. They were absurdly massive! And so firm, yet, so soft.

Being pinned to her larger body doesn´t help settling his member, but she´s surely going to help him with that, right?

“Ok, let´s get comfortable…” she said, softly, with a sensuous tone.

He noticed there were a few things at her office that were bigger. Such as, her desk, and the chair where she´s about to sit.

She placed her immense butt on the chair, placed him over her plump lap and, proceeded to take his pants off.

Dean felt hot, aroused, a little tense. This was actually happening! Within a moment, his member was in full display, pointing up, as hard as ever. Throbbing. Then, Mrs. Clark put her large hand on it, sending quivers all the way up and down his spine.

He was sitting on the amazon´s lap as she was not about to jerk him off. Was this what he wanted? Well, maybe, but this is surely what he needs!

“Ok, dear, I´ll try to be gentle this time, just let me know if I get too caried away, ok?” Her sweet, slightly threatening, words. What does she imply by “this time”? Had this happened before?

More like, is this the reason why he´s her favorite?

Mrs. Clark started slowly. With her large hand on his cock as she jerked him off slowly, gently. It felt good. So easy, so casual, so nice.

Little by little, she sped up, electricity running down his spine as her big hand was jerking his cock faster and faster. He just laid his head back and decided to enjoy the ride. Up and down, her hand went up and down all over his hard member.

Dean was so hard, he could feel a tingle on his balls, his legs went a bit tense, his toes too. As she sped up, her boobs began to bounce. He had a great view as he saw her heavy breasts go up and down, up and down. Her hand on his penis, the view of her breasts. This was nice, this was good.

She kept going faster and faster. But he didn´t care. His lust kept his mind away from any concern. He got more and more tense as he felt Mrs. Clark about to jerk him off into climax. She was milking his member, the pressure, the speed, the sensation. He started moaning, taking more and more air in as he felt it was getting close.

He felt the climax coming. His member was as hard as it could get. And her hand, her hand moved so fast! His balls felt swollen, ready to burst!

“Mmmm, I can feel it coming…” She said, and she was right. Dean couldn’t hold it anymore. He burst, shooting his load in the air as she kept going. Jerking him clean.

“My, you needed some relive, didn´t you? Just look at all that going…” He came hard, strong, and it was a lot!

He was ecstatic as he just threw his head back down. Then, his whole body relaxed. It felt so nice. But it didn´t last forever…

“Well, I hope you´re not too tired, because I need some relieve too…” With that, she got up.

Dean had no idea what she meant. Relieve? Does she want him to… masturbate her? He could do it, no problem.

He thought he knew what was coming since the amazon stood up in all of her enlarged glory. Then, she took her clothes off. Piece by piece. Showing off her striking curves.

She stood in the middle of the room, wearing nothing but her underwear. The titanic bra that held her humongous breasts. And a pair of panties around her wide, fleshy hips. Mrs. Clark´s quite a milf now. Mature, sexy, naughty.

“Ok dear, the lotion´s on the first drawer, as always…” Lotion? My…

He thought he knew what he had to do, until she emptied the top of her desk and laid down. With her back facing the ceiling.

“Don´t be afraid to rub harder, you know I´m a big lady, and sometimes, this big lady needs a good, strong, massage…” Her boobs were spilling over the top of the desk, her juicy butt was facing the ceiling.

Her long, shapely, plump legs were bare, sensuous, so arousing, but… did she said rub? Massage?

He opened the drawer, and immediately spotted the lotion. The kind someone uses to moisturize the body before a massage. Does she want him to… massage her? Just a massage?

“Start whenever you feel ready. I think I got a knot on my back. All thanks to this stress… but you, oh, you´re so kind, coming to massage me when I need it. That´s why you´re my favorite!” Is he the boss´s… pet?

He feels as if he the kind of guy who over-compliments the boss. Kisses her ass in order to be in good terms with her. He´ll have to fix that, but for now, there´s a huge butt that needs to be rubbed!

“Ohh! My butt first? How naughty…” Who cares, in the end, Dean can change that. However, rubbing a goddess´s body? Well, he doesn´t get a chance like this much often…