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Chapter 24

Trevor´s uncertain on this. Sure, he loves the growth, the expansion, how both women just keep growing. But, sometimes, he wonders, for how long will this last?

It´s been quite a while now, and yet, he hasn´t given any of them an answer. Not even a hint of who´s the winner. Sometimes he wonders, should he lie? Tell both they are the one?

To let them know, trying to get something in exchange of course, that they are ahead of the competition?

He wouldn´t dare do so. He would lie, again. Give them fake hopes as they work harder and harder on their growth. Or maybe, they won´t?

He has some doubts, if he was to choose one of them, or maybe not choose but to tell both they are winning. Will they automatically believe they already won? Will they stop with all this? Can his opinion matter that much that they will stop at the slightest hint?

Maybe they will stop with the growth. Maybe they won´t continue with it if they think they already won. Which will spoil things a bit. But, the question´s still there, how long? And, how big will they get in the end?

Tonight, he was laying in bed, with the light still on, Trevor was looking at the ceiling. It was past his usual bed time, but he couldn´t get any sleep. He was puzzled, concerned. Would they get tired? Would they get mad?

After all, they are growing for him. Making their best effort, giving it all in order to satisfy him. Growing taller, thicker, all just for him. Was he greedy? Maybe. Was he selfish? Well, he didn´t ask them for it.

Trevor stood there, wondering, thinking, and soon, he fell asleep. To the very thoughts he was having…

He woke up, or thought he did, but he wasn´t in bed anymore. He was at the coffee shop. Sitting at the same spot, waiting for the same gorgeous women to come in. But things felt odd.

Soon, he heard their voices, coming closer and closer. Then, both of them appeared at the door. He could see them through the glass of the door. And they didn´t seem so happy.

In fact, both seemed to be arguing, with each other.

“No! He´ll choose me!” Pam said as the door was pushed open.

“What? You? You´re all messed up. He´s choosing ME!” Replied Kelsey.

Both women seemed to be arguing for a while. All he could do was to watch them as they struggled to fit through the door. Both tried to come in at the same time.

For some reason, maybe he was wrong, or maybe not but, they seemed bigger. Kelsey seemed absolutely muscular, and Pam looked way thicker.

He could see how Pam´s soft shoulder was pressed against Kelsey´s solid one. How they fought to be the first one to come in. Everyone seemed to be focusing their attention on the pair of amazons. But no one said a word. Not even the manager, even if they seemed to be about to break the whole frame.

In the end, they managed to squeeze their massive bodies through the door. Trevor swallowed, are they mad? Why are they fighting? Were they tired? Maybe it´s been too much.

Then, they stopped and turned at him. The stern looks on their faces quickly faded. Their frown vanished and their smiles appeared. “Hello, Trevor…” Both said, at the same time. But then, they turned back at the other in anger. As if they were jealous.

Of course they were jealous, they were never friends, for starters, and now, they feel like enemies. That´s how he perceives them, at least.

Soon, all three of them were sitting at the table. Trevor was a bit distracted by their sheering size. Even while sitting, they were much taller than him. Besides, the way they can barely squeeze their growing bodies to fit the, now tiny, chairs at the shop, the mere thought aroused him a little.

Trying to imagine Pam´s huge, soft butt, spilling over the sides of the chair. Same thing with Kelsey, but her butt seemed more solid, yet, it was quite voluminous.

“So, Trevor… I don´t want to push you or anything…” Starter Kelsey.

“Yeah, there´s no rush, Trevor.” Added Pam.

“Do you mind? I´m talking to him!” Said Kelsey, annoyed by Pam´s intromission. “Anyways, you see, we´re big ladies now, and we were wondering, are you happy with our growth so far?” Trevor nodded quickly.

“Yes!” He said.

“And… do you think… you have a winner by now?” She asked.

That question, the same one he´s never actually answered. All this time and he´s still got the same idea in mind. He needs more time. He not only doesn´t have an answer, but he´s uncertain if he´s fine with the growth so far.

What if… they were bigger? That idea came to him, and almost as if it was by his command, Pam said:

“Ugh! I knew it! He´s not satisfied!” Pam put both hands on her hips and looked at Kelsey.

“I know! Gosh, maybe… maybe we should grow some more…” Kelsey said.

“Surely!” Pam replied.

He was prepared for things to take a week more, maybe much more than that. For all of them to leave and for both ladies to be back to work on their growth. But something unexpected happened.

Both women closed their eyes, shattered their fists and put some pressure all over their bodies. They were tense, their faces turned red. Trevor had no idea what was going on, he was just looking at them, expecting the worse. But what happened next…

Before his eyes, Kelsey and Pam grew, an inch, still, it was the first time he witnessed something like that. He´s never seen growth before. He´s only met them after the growth. But now, he got to see the spurt, in person, live!

“My, is this how it works?” He thought, but they were not done.

They kept rising, higher and higher. But that wasn´t it. Their bodies expanded as well. Kelsey´s shoulders were bulging, thicker, more muscular, wider! Same thing happened with Pam, but her shoulders were not in display as Kelsey´s tank-top allows. Still, he could see her t-shirt, tighter and tighter.

Before his eyes both ladies were expanding. And expanding, and expanding! Their clothes, he could see how they slowly shred. Ripping off their expanding bodies. Their breasts grew bigger, and bigger. They were getting way too big. Six, seven, eight inches in just a minute. But they didn’t stop there.

The expansion on both their bodies was so different. Kelsey was growing bigger, more muscular. Her shoulders were immense, full of muscle. Her arms thickened, swelling with more and more muscle. Meanwhile, Pam was growing rounder and rounder. Softer, massive, so, so thick!

Their heads kept rising, higher and higher. How much had they grown? A foot? Two? Their growth never seemed to stop.

Soon, their clothes were totally shredded, they fell right at the floor as these naked amazons kept growing. It was so magnificent to watch.

On a side, Kelsey grew incredibly muscular, her abs were impressive! He could swear there´s a TEN-PACK! Meanwhile, Pam´s belly expanded and expanded. Bigger, rounder, so full of flesh.

Kelsey was growing like a true amazon. Tall, muscular, surreal! And Pam was getting bigger, fatter, thicker. So round.

In a blink of an eye, they reached, what he believes, is the ten-foot-mark. How could they grow so much in so little time?

“Tell us… which one do you like more?” Both said, watching their enormous bodies. Their naked breasts. It was so… so… a dream…

Suddenly, he woke up. He wasn´t at the coffee shop. He was still in bed, but several hours had passed.

“A dream, it was just… a dream.” He said, looking at the time, it was almost time to get up to work.

He had just fantasized about what he desired. Sure, it was hot. And yes, he had an erection. The moment was just so sweet. So arousing. His luscious mind had created what it wanted to see.

He knew it, he knows he´d like them to grow much more. But, he also knows it may not be for the best to make them wait so much. Still, the decision´s his, right? After all, that wasn´t fake, they needed his approval, and until he decides, they will keep growing…


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