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Basically, the plot goes a little like this:

Size change between a couple. He´s tall, and with some bulking muscles. Although, he´s a bit husky, but on the strong side. And she´s thin, slim, delicate looking.

The couple are just talking about how things are, and that the other wouldn´t be able to take it if they were the other´s side…

Part 1

There´s no such a thing as a standard for a couple. Anyone can fall in love with any other person, and when that person loves you back as much as you love them, well, that´s when a relationship flourishes.

Take this couple, for example. On a side, we have Dave, a tall guy. At 6´6”, he´s well above the average. And not just in height. Dave weights over 400-pounds. He used to be slimmer, but he´s been hitting the gym, and after a while, he packed some pounds.

His first intention was to get muscular, and in order to achieve that, he started bulking. But he´s been bulking for quite some time now…

On the other hand, we have Kiara, she´s not like Dave. She´s slim, a thin lady with light curves. But she´s got a gentle, feminine frame. And she´s not so tall either, standing at exactly five-feet-tall, she´s quite the contrast with her boyfriend Dave.

She weights no more than 100-pounds, and she takes care of her figure, unlike Dave…

None of them really complaints about the other. Sure, he´s a big guy, and she´s a tiny lady, but they love each other with all of their hearts. However, there´s some times when they argue a little…

“Dave! What happened to the fridge?!” Came Kiara´s voice from the kitchen.

Dave was laying on the couch, watching a football game as he munched some chips. “What´s the matter?” He asked, right before he drove a handful of chips to his mouth.

“What´s the matter? It´s almost empty! Dave, you should really watch what you eat. You even ate mu yogurt, and you said you hated yogurt…” He was kind, lovely, but sometimes, he so carelessly, eats everything on the house.

“Yeah, I was hungry, and there was nothing else in there…” He replied, now turning at Kiara as she came to the living room. Still, eating the chips.

“Nothing else? And what about those chips?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Oh, yeah, I found them when I finished the yogurt…”

“Lucky you, huh? So, you finished the WHOLE can of yogurt, and you still have room for chips?”

“Pretty much… but hey, don´t worry, it´s bulking season. All these extra calories will turn into some big muscles.” He winked at her.

“Yeah, just like last season, which was also bulking season. Dave, you know I love you just the way you are but, when do you think cutting season will come? I´d like to see some definition too…” and for him to stop emptying the fridge, or the pantry.

“I know, I know…” He replied smiling.

So, it seems it´s easier to bulk up. He gets to eat whatever he wants, and as long as he goes to the gym, he doesn´t become a fatty. Sure, he´s a big guy, and he´s developed a layer of fat on his body, but he compensates it with all the muscle he´s put into his frame. He´s got a belly, but he also gained some strong biceps.

And on the cutting season, well, he already grew a frame to impress, he only needs to burn down all the extra fat he gained. Which, will require something called caloric deficit. Basically, he´ll eat less and less calories. He won´t go as far as a bodybuilder would on season, but he´ll sure eat less. Much less junk food, counted calories, basically, he´ll have to stop eating everything he wants.

Kiara´s not mad he gained weight. She loves him, like she said. No matter what. But she´s getting tired of getting to the kitchen just to find out he already ate everything there…

Don´t get it wrong, they love each other, but sometimes, it´s a bit annoying to live with such a big guy like him…

They are a young couple, he´s 27 and she´s 25. They moved in over a year ago. At first, it was thrilling! They got to meet each other when they got back to work, and then, they could stay together the rest of the day.

And the first person they met in the morning, was no other than their lover. Together with the singing of the birds. They were happy, they were together, but that honeymoon stage, it was coming to an end…

They were totally in love, they still are. But now that they live together, well, there´s a few things they can now notice…

For example, ever since Dave started bulking, he became a bit… lazy. When they met, he was 270-pounds. Slimmer, fit, athletic. He always liked to work out, and he mostly did cardio. But last year, he wanted to put some muscles on his body. Huge muscles, and bulking was the key.

The first fifty pounds he gain, they looked spectacular! She didn´t care if his abs were gone, his arms were huge, his chest was impressive. But then, the other fifty pounds came…

He was starting to look plainly big, and he started growing a belly. His toned middle became soft. Not that she complaints, but, she does miss the old, fit, Dave.

And then, he gained another thirty pounds. She´s concerned if there´s appoint when he´ll just be… fat.

But that´s her point of view. Now, let´s talk about his. Dave´s a big guy, wouldn´t a taller woman be a better couple to him? Love knows no size, and neither does him. However…

With all this bulking, all this working out, all this time at the gym, he came to notice some things. A few, nothing outstanding.

He loves Kiara, every single inch of her. But, he wouldn´t mind if she packed some pounds…

He doesn´t mean for her to get fat, but he´s noticed the changes on women who go to the gym. They develop some nice curves. Bigger butts, fuller thighs, and some, some even grow bigger tits.

He loves Kiara, he fell in love with her for who she was and not for how she looks. But, he had the idea that, probably, her boobs could grow. Or at least she could get a fleshier butt.

But that´s completely up to her. He has invited her to go to the gym with him, but she sticks to yoga and morning jogging.

Now, how does this couple get along with the size? To Dave, it´s easy, he only has to make sure not to step on Kiara. But Kiara, well…

Dave´s sometimes a mess, leaving his shoes everywhere. Dropping his towel in bed. At times, he´s messy, and his things aren´t exactly light or small…

She has to carry all of his huge clothing to the washing machine, she´s getting tired of it. One of his changes is the equivalent to three of hers! And that counting the fact that he doesn´t wear a bra like her.

And, recently, at night, there´s some other things she complaints about. Not his snoring, which may have increased a little bit lately. But the fact that, sometimes, he rolls over the bed. Imagine his 400-pounds frame threatening to crush her small one, there´s no way she can push him aside.

But, even with all that, they are still in love. Sure, it´s hard to live with a giant like him. Mostly when it comes to food. Seriously, would it hurt him to be more considerate about food? He´s not the only one there.

However, there may be a bit of a change soon…

“Haha…” He laughed as they were together, in the couch, watching TV.

“What´s the matter? She asked. There was no joke on the show they were watching.

“Oh, it´s nothing, I was just looking at your hand, compared to mine, yours is just so… tiny.”

“Ha. Ha. Isn´t that a bit obvious? You´re like a giant compared to me.” She replied.

“I know but, I just, never stopped to look at your hands. Have they always been so small?” He was just being silly, but Kiara´s kind of cranky, and he makes it look as if he was mocking her smaller frame.

“Well, yes, they have. Unlike someone´s belly…” she said, pointing out at someone´s growth…

“Hey, what´s the matter with my belly?” He replied.

“Well, I don´t know, just the fact that, with all of the “bulking” you´ve been doing, your waist has grown…”

“What do you mean by that?” Dave was starting to feel this wasn´t just a comment.

They are not a couple that would fight often. But when there´s an argument, well, let´s just say it´s not fun.

They weren´t yelling, or screaming, but you could see the disgust on their faces. Maybe Kiara should´ve said things differently, but she was just so tired.

Dave´s too big, and he´s selfish at times. Kiara felt as if he was just taking advantage of her kind side. Well, he never really asked her to do the things she does, but he never seems to thank her.

She made comments, he made some comments. Overall, they were kind of focused on the size…

“You just eat everything around the house!” She complaint.

“Well, that´s just because a big body like mine needs more calories than you. I bet a rabbit eats more than you.” He said back.

“Bullshit! You overeat, Dave. And that´s fine, but what´s not fine is to come home with a snack in mind, only to find out you ate the whole shit! I swear, if furniture tasted good, you´ll eat it!”

“You´ll understand me better if you weren´t so SMALL.” He replied.

“What? For your information, I´m a perfectly normal size. It´s you the one who´s too big!”

“Oh, and now you care? You didn´t seem to mind me being big and tall. In fact, you liked it!”

“I do! But I don´t like it when you´re selfish! I swear, if only someone could show you how it feels to be… mistreated by a giant like you!”

“Is that so?”

“Yes! You need a lesson! I wish you could see how it feels to walk in my shoes!”

“Well, and so could you! So that you can see that a big body ain´t so easy to maintain. I bet I wouldn´t eat that much if I was as short as you.”

And so, between all of the arguing, all of the exchanges of comments, something happened.

Thunder. The unmistakable sound of thunder filled the air. But the couple didn´t heard it so much. But then, the light´s went off. Everything turned dark.

The TV shut down, the lights all around the house. Even her phone made a sound that the charger had been unplugged. For a moment, at the late evening, they couldn´t see a thing.

And something worse happened. Although, it wasn´t so bad. Tremble. A mild tremble, that didn´t feel like shaking the house, but they did felt some quake. Barely, still, something wasn´t right.

Within a minute, things went back to normal. This strange moment was enough to break down their arguing. They were still mad, but now they were focused on something else.

Dave turned at her, as soon as the lights went on, and said: “What? Will you blame me for this too? Hmmm? Big guy forgot to pay the electricity bills?”

“Oh, relax. I´m not saying you´re a mess. I´m just saying I´ll appreciate it if you could see things as I do. Maybe you´ll be more considerate.” She replied, not mad, just being realistic.

“Fine. Maybe… maybe you´re right… but, I don´t know how could that be possible?” He doesn´t, but tomorrow, tomorrow he may…


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