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Hello! This is the new story I´ll add on this tier! Here´s the summary:

Everything´s normal, except for one thing, women never seem to stop growing! The older they are, the bigger. It all started not so long ago, but now, it´s a reality. Mature women are bigger!

And not just that, the older they get, the slower they seem to age. Maintaining their youth and beauty for much longer.

How are things in this world?

I´ll write a lot more about this new world as the story goes. I´m actually very excited about this NWO story. I hope you like it!!!

Chapter 1

The wind was blowing outside, the singing of the birds on this autumn´s evening. The sun, finding it´s way to be long gone on the horizon. The sky was already painted in red, violet and black. With some stains of yellow giving some color to the clouds.

Right now, Jason was walking back home. He got off the bus a few blocks back, and now he found his way into his apartment.

He lived on a nice neighborhood, surrounded by people about his age. Which was no coincidence, but we´ll get to it in a moment.

Soon, he inserted his key on the knob, only to realize it was already open.

“Huh? Nataly must be here already.” He thought, turning the knob and stepping in.

Jason was the average man. Brown, slightly messy hair, blue eyes. He stood at 5´10”, which was pretty average, for a man. At 25 years of age, he was already living with his girlfriend, Nataly.

She was gorgeous. Thick lips, caramel-color skin. Her hazelnut-colored eyes could see through his soul. She was a dream come true.

“Nataly, I´m home!” He announced himself as he kicked his shoes off. Soon, he could hear Nataly´s feet, rushing to the door.

In a blink of an eye, she appeared in the room. He was just taking off his tie when his girlfriend showed up. And there she was, in all of her glory. Smiling down at him.

“Welcome! Hope you´re hungry,” she said, stepping close to him. Coming closer as he was looking up, and up, and up. Nataly was 6´4”, six-inches taller than him, and still growing…

“I made pasta…” she said as she kissed him, tenderly, on the lips.

“Mmm, that sounds tasty. But I´m not sure if it will be tastier than that kiss…” He joked.

“Haha, oh, silly you!” He loved her, and she loved him. They are a happy couple.

A couple, living in this new world. Now, let´s talk about why they live in a neighborhood, more like an area, surrounded by people their age. And, most importantly, the reason why she´s still growing, even though, like him, she´s already 25-years-old.

There´s a simple answer for all these. The easy answer is, all women here, they just never stop growing…

Back on the day, when they were both 18-years-old, they knew they were perfect for the other. Of course, back then, Nataly was 5´9”, an inch shorter than Jason. He often made little pranks about being the taller one.

And some other jokes that she won´t get to grow taller than him. But the truth is, she did. The next year, she was exactly as tall as him, and the year after, she was an inch taller.

When they both turned 21, and moved in together, Nataly stood at exactly six-feet-tall. And now, after four years, she´s a 6´4” woman, and the next year, she´ll be 6´5”.

But why is this?

Well, no one knows. In fact, Nataly´s not the only woman who´s perpetually growing. This is the same for all women around the world.

When it all first started, it wasn´t all women, and the growth was spontaneous. However, from a few generations back, this has changed. Now, the growth´s steady, all women, after 18, grow an inch with each passing year.

Maybe there´s a pause, a small loop, but once they reach 18, year after year, they will grow an inch. Exactly one. No one´s sure why. Natural selection? Evolution? Climate change?

Everyone´s uncertain, but they learned to adapt over the years. And now, the world´s used to this.

The reason why they live on a block surrounded by people from 20 to 30 years old is, the size of the houses. Women never stop growing, and reached a certain height, then need taller ceilings, bigger doors.

Jason and Nataly live on a regular house, which is cool for him, but she´s starting to feel a bit too tall for the place. Lucky for her, only four more years and she´ll move on into a house meant for women above seven-feet-tall. Which means, room to grow!

This new world has gone through a lot of changes. For starters, now there´s cars that come in all sizes. For women from five-feet-tall, to women of above eleven-feet-tall. Truly giantesses!

Doors on public places stand as tall as Eighteen-feet-high, everything´s designed to fit all people. From an average 5´8” man, up to a fifteen-feet-tall amazon woman.

There´s a lot of new things that come with this new world. For starters, no one will mess up with a mature woman. They are bigger, stronger, and in some cases, mean. But that´s not the case for every woman. There´s some sweet women too.

It´s hard for a man to walk down a neighborhood of women above fifty without receiving a compliment. The words: “Are you alone, cutie?” Are often heard in those places. Always referring to single men, or just men walking alone.

Life is different. For starters, now there´s neighborhoods meant for single men.

If you have a girlfriend, or a wife, or simply live with a woman, you often move into a place where the growing woman fits. Changing houses every decade, that´s very common now.

Single men neighborhoods are often found around the city. Not downtown, since, being such a crowded place, that zone´s meant for women who are, well, bigger.

But soon, we´ll talk more about this new world, now, let´s go back to this couple´s life…

Jason loves his girlfriend Nataly, even if he´s looking forward to be shoulder level with her, eventually. Unfortunately, things don´t stop there. He was the taller one for a whole year, but after that year, she´s been growing taller and taller.

But not just taller, each passing year, Nataly simply gets… hotter. He can´t deny that her boobs are bigger, heavier. Her curves are developing in a nice way. No match for the striking curves of a mature woman, but she´s hot.

She´s not too big, she´s just the right size. If only this could remain… oh well…

“Ta da!” Nataly said as they were both in the kitchen. She had a surprise for him. Right on top of the table, a cake, a big, sweet, chocolate cake. “Happy anniversary!” she said.

Jason smiled, but nervously. Anniversary? Oh no, did he forget about it? That couldn´t be!

He wasn’t prepared for it. But he knows, very well that, this is not their anniversary. Their anniversary, as an official couple, was two months ago.

And he knows this is not their anniversary from the first time they met. He´s confused. What is she celebrating? Did he miss the date? Or is she the one who´s confused?

“What´s the matter, Jason? Oh! Haha, no, don´t worry, it´s not THAT anniversary. This is our anniversary, sure, but the one from when we first moved in here!” She explained.

“Oh, right. Since we moved as a couple to live on our own, ok…” Safe! Nataly´s not a lady who will get mad, but he´d rather not seen her sad. Besides, there´s no need for a gift, right?

“Haha, the look on your face. Don´t worry. I just wanted to celebrate four years living together, on our own…” That´s not precisely as a couple.

They are also celebrating four years of living together, alone. As grown-ups. Turns out, there were some mild rules their mothers had. For starters, Nataly wasn´t allowed to leave the house until she was six-feet-tall, at least. And Jason, well, same thing for him, until Nataly´s six-feet-tall. Something weird, but those were the rules.

Who could blame their mothers? At the time, they were giantesses. Just imagine, Nataly didn´t even made it to her mother´s shoulder when she left her house.

But now, these two are finally living their life, as independent adults…

“Wow, that´s… that´s a lot of cake, isn´t it?” He said. Enough for ten people, at least. Or one giant woman.

“I know, but, when I went into the store, all small cakes were gone. It was this one or, you know, one that weight´s one-hundredth, pounds, hehe.” She wasn´t lying. Probably a “regular” cake for some tea party or something. Meant for a hundredth regular people, or three giantesses.

“Ok, no problem. Uhm, should we keep this for dessert or… should we eat it now?” He asked.

“Well… I was thinking… maybe we can, you know, have some fun first…? I know you don´t have a present for me, but that´s ok, you´re all I need…” He knows exactly what she means.

Soon, a trace of clothing was left. Shoes, socks, pants, underwear, her F-Cup bra…

Cake would be the after-sex meal. Sure, they will skip dinner, but not sex.

“Oh, Jason…” Nataly said as he was on top. Naked, his body covered by sweat. He can´t deny that, after these years, Nataly´s body does feel different.

Taller, thicker, softer. She´s hotter, her boobs are bigger, her hips are fleshier. Her thighs, her ass, so smooth to the touch.

He can feel the heat coming out of her larger crotch. With more size, also came some more… hotness. She´s hot, she´s often hot, with one thing in mind, sex. It´s not every day, but when she wants it, she wants it!

Right now, he´s squeezing her boobs, so big, so soft. Round, heavy, her growing boobs never fail to amaze him. So soft, so firm, sexy.

“Wow!” He said as she, naughtily, pinched his butt.

“Haha, sorry, I couldn´t help it. You have such a cute butt… I needed to pinch it…” she teased.

“Oh, yeah?” He replied, eager to get her back.

They fondled with each other´s body. Nataly liked the feeling, she wasn´t so eager to keep growing forever, but she likes the feeling. She´s taller, stronger, and sexier.

She notices her growing curves; how her thighs expand year after year. The new curves on her body, her growing assets. Even if she´s getting thicker, she still feels strong, healthy.

Jason´s kind of the same ever since they met. Sure, he´s more mature, and he´s got a different hairstyle, but he´s not the one who´s growing. Unlike women, he´ll keep that height forever. But her, Nataly will keep growing, and growing.

Inch after inch, taller, fleshier. One day, she´ll be a huge woman, living on a bigger place. But, for now, she won´t think about it. Right now, it´s time to sate her carnal needs.

They were making out, while his hand massaged her left boob. Her nipples, so perky, so hard. Maybe not as hard as the erection he´s carrying, but she´s surely turned on.

The air on the room felt foggy. Their moans rose, passion intensified, and so, they both met a climax. Men these days have a lot more stamina, in fact, it´s Nataly the one who often finishes first.

But that´s natural, as she grows, so does her desire.

A little while after, they were still in bed. But now, they were eating the huge cake she bought.

“Are you seriously going to eat all that?” He asked. While he had a plate and a fork, she only had a fork. Unlike him, she wasn´t eating a slice, she was eating the cake straight from the tray.

“What? You know I eat more than you. Besides, this way,” she made a pause to grab another bite, and while chewing the cake, she said: “we don´t have to wash a second plate, mmm, you´re welcome…”

“Haha, ok, just make sure not to finish the whole thing.”

“I´ll try…” Of course she couldn´t, not even half that cake. But it´s just a matter of time before she can. Right now, maybe she eats three, or four times more cake than him.

“Oh, Jason. There´s something I forgot to tell you…” She started.

“What is it?” He asked, taking another bite of the cake with the fork.

“On Friday, my mother wants us to visit her… by noon.”

“What? Your mom? And… is it necessary?”

“Jason! Don´t be silly! It´s just a visit.”

“I know, but… she´s just so… affectionate…” She is.

“Ugh, listen, I know, but I promised her. Besides, it´s going to be fine. She won´t be so… smothering this time.”

“Sure, it´s easy for you to say it, you´re already taller. But me? To me, she´s just…”


“Yes! She´s simply huge! I don´t want her to crush me with a hug.”

“Don´t be silly, she won´t… I think…” They will meet her mother? The question is, just how tall is she?


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