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Chapter 52

Lillian has been trying to move things somewhere else. Colin´s a good guy, his only mistake was to pick, well, Lillian.

She doesn´t feel nice whenever he wakes up shorter. After he´s shrunk, all thanks to the creamy nectar that flows out of her tits. It was inevitable for his mouth to find her tit. Why did he suck anyway? Most men wouldn´t be attracted to a woman who´s lactating, however, Colin´s not like most men…

“Fuck!” Colin´s voice said, coming out of Lillian´s room.

Today, it was his free day, which means, he spent the night with her. A night full of tender moments. She gave him anything he wanted, but what he always wants the most is… her.

Sex was always on the table, Lillian was his main dish. The eight-feet-tall amazon teased him with her mere presence. She didn´t have to do much to drag all of his attention to her. She had the size, the boobs, the butt, Lillian´s body was alluring!

Her sensuous flesh jiggled with her every step, her boobs jolted, her butt bounced. The swaying of her hips was hypnotic to him. He couldn´t resist that woman´s charms, even though she wasn´t even trying…

Lillian walked out of the room, her luscious body covered only by a gown, one so large that it could cover a sedan. She took one step after the other, her bare feet clapping over the floor. Her heavy steps, graceful, yet carrying this woman´s huge form from her room into the kitchen.

Colin complaint, and why? Well, she knows very well the reason why.

She´s been trying to avoid his unnecessary shrinking. He´s the perfect man, her lover, she wouldn´t want him to get too small, unfortunately, as days went by, she realized this wasn´t such an easy task…

“What´s the matter, sweetheart?” Came Lillians deep, velvety voice as she came into the kitchen.

“I…” He said, craning his neck up and up to look at the immense woman Lillian was. “It happened again!” He complaint.

“What, honey? Don´t tell me you…” She knows very well what happened. He drank, straight from her tit, for over a minute.

She knows she should stop him. But on one side, she doesn´t want to be rude. On the other, she doesn´t know her own strength, what if she hurts him while she pushes him? And, for the most, the feeling of his mouth, attached to her nipple. Sucking, gentle bites, the tease. That makes her tremble!

Her whole, eight-feet-tall body, quivering by the mere touch of his lips. He surely knows how to please a woman, well, an amazon.

But the thing is, after her does…

“I´m five-foot-tall! That… that can´t be!” He hated it. He went from a 6´2” man to a now 5´ one. “I´m a shrimp!” He hates it.

Not knowing what to do, the feeling of despair. He feels vulnerable, concerned, worried. He´s afraid of what can happen next. And the worst part is, people have noticed.

It´s not hard to tell when you´re taller than someone, but when that someone´s a guy who used to stand at 6´2”, well, then it´s inevitable to tell something´s wrong. Mostly when you´re not the one growing.

Everyone at the office is aware of this. But no one has said a word. However, he had a meeting with his boss, he was advice to see a doctor, a specialist. But that doesn´t make things easy to him.

His answer was always that, he´s fine. This is just something physical, but he feels healthy as ever. However, he´s not as confident, ensured, relaxed.

“Aww, don´t say that, dear. You´re fine. It´s… it´s nothing.” His only comfort was Lillian. The only person who was always there to tell him things are fine, it was Lillian.

Guilt, sure, but she´s naturally a caring woman.

“Nothing? Lillian, can´t you see me? I know everyone´s short for you, but I´m… look! I´ve lost over a foot in height! That´s awful! I´m… I´m a creep!” Cold, he feels cold on the inside, alone, sad.

“No, Colin, baby, don´t say that…” and she´s the one to blame.

She may run to him, with a body so large that she could easily tackle him, however, she was as gentle as ever. Slowly, smoothly, she wrapped her large arms around him and embraced him. He never rejected one of her hugs, he knows they are full of love.

Lillian´s kind, sweet, affectionate. His main worry is that soon, she´ll get tired of him. Why would she stay with him? He´s just another guy, and she´s such a hottie. She can easily find a replacement for him.

Lillian may be older, but a woman with her looks, she can lure any man she wants. Seduce him, and start a new relationship. Or that´s what Colin thinks.

But the truth is, she messed up. She´s the one who brought this on him, and now, it´s she the one who must fix it. If he feels bad for it, then she must comfort him. If he´s in despair, she must show him the bright side. If he ever feels like crying, then she´s the one who´ll dry those tears. She´ll be there, she must be there. And she will always be…

“You´re not a creep, honey. You´re a handsome man. Sure, you´ve lost a couple inches, but don´t let that trouble your mind, ok?” She was trying to be sweet, and she was using her sweetest voice.

“Why? I… people at the office, shit, everyone I know have already noticed! Some guy asked me the other day if I was contagious. CONTAGIOUS! I´m a creep, you can´t say I´m not.” He said, while resting his head right below her mammoth tits.

“Who said that! They… they can´t be so rude!” no one can mess with him. And if they do, he´s got an eight-feet-tall amazon who´s got his back.

“No one, just… some random lady at the office. An older woman. Trust me, it´s no big deal.” He replied.

“Well, if it´s not such a big deal, then why did you bring that up? Hmm? Tell me, is someone messing with you because of this… condition? Because if they are, oh, believe me, I´ll let them have a share of what I think!”

“No, not at all. It´s just… what if she´s right? We… I don´t know what´s going on. And… even if I told everyone I have, I haven´t seen a doctor.”

“And you don´t need to.” She reassured, partially protecting herself. “You´re fine, honey. Believe me.” She knows he is, she´s aware of the effects of her milk in men, he´s as healthy as ever, the only difference is his size.

“I don´t know. What if… what if there´s a way to reverse this?”

“Oh, honey…” And so, she pulled him, gently, lifting his body a little, in the most gentle and warm of ways.

Soon, both were sitting on the couch. With Lillian´s large frame surrounding him. They needed to have a small talk. She must reassure him things are fine. And persuade him from going to any clinic.

“Tell me, do you feel sick? Ill?”


“Now, tell me, do you have any idea what they will do to you if they find this… condition you have?”

“I… I don´t. Maybe, maybe they will look for a cure?”

“Surely, they will look for a cure. But what do they have to do to find one? Honey, you´re one in a million, no other person in this whole world,” she was lying, “has gone through the same thing you have. If they need to find a cure, they are surely going to keep you there until they find one. And what do you think they will do to you?”

“I… I don´t know…”

“They will hold you, for as long at they need. It could be a week, a month, but I´m sure that, it will take them years to find a way to reverse this. YEARS! You´re basically going to become their prisoner, or worse!” She said.

“Worse than a prisoner?”

“A lab rat. What if they want to run some tests on you? Hmm, don´t tell me you haven´t thought about it. How do they know how something works? They open it!” Colin was not a guy who got easily scared. But Lillian´s words…

First of all, why would she lie? And second, with all that´s going on, he feels vulnerable. The only place where he finds comfort is next to Lillian. She´s his rock, his muse, his lover. His everything…

“And what should I do?” He asked, concerned once again.

“If I were you, I wouldn´t go for a check-up. And, for sure, I´ll look for someone who can take care of me… in your case, of course. Someone who doesn´t mind…” She was giving some hints.

“And that someone would be…?” He was playing her game now.

“Me! Silly. I´ll take care of you. Don´t worry. Anything you need, I´ll be right here. Just give me a call and I´ll be there, ok?” And so, she kissed him, affectionately.

Her large lips, engulfing all of his. Her mouth, so large now, her lips so sweet. And the kiss, so warm.

“But… you…” He started.

“I… what?”

“I don´t want you to get, you know… I don´t want to be a burden.” He doesn´t want her to get tired of him. If he´s needy, well, no woman wants that, right?

“Oh, sweetheart. Don´t say that! Trust me, you´ll never, EVER, be a burden to me.” If anything, she´s the burden. This is all her fault.


“I promise. I´d love to take care of you.” She kissed him.

He doesn´t know just how much she would like that. But she can´t say a thing. She won´t force any other man into her life. If he wants her, then as a proof, he´s the one who´s going to ask her to stay, not being forced to stay.

As Lillian buried him in her bosom. A place where he can surely find comfort. Or at least he´ll be teased enough to keep his mind away from his worries. With his face so deep in her large, soft bosom, he´s unlikely to think, or focus, on any other thing other than her tits. She´s sure they must be humongous now!

As she tries to make him forget of the worries she brought to his life, a part of her can´t help but to think, to considerate certain options. What if… he was to move in with her? She wouldn´t dare say it, now yet, but the truth is, if this keeps going, if he keeps shrinking, how long before he becomes dependent on someone else?

She wants to be the one he depends on. She wouldn´t mind, in fact, that´s what she likes. To be the everything for a man, shelter, patience, love. Her large figure, one of comfort, tenderness. She knows it would be selfish to force him into that, she´s done it before, but if things were to go on like this, if he didn´t have any other choice, then she´ll make the proposal…

Now, Colin´s not the only man who´s life has been affected by Lillian…

“Jonathan, baby, where are you?” Echoed Lillian´s voice in the room.

Jonathan was trying to escape. Running through the house, but the place was huge! He knows he´s been shrunken down, but the size of this, he doesn´t feel like a 1´2” man, now, he feels like three-inches tall!

“Jonathan…” Lillian´s voice, again. Coming from what seems to be everywhere!

Jonathan rushed, looking for a way out! He was still too big to make it out from under the door. He needed to escape. The kitchen, he was soon in the kitchen. The size of things was overwhelming. The fridge seemed to be as tall as a skyscraper! Chairs look like bridges. He stopped for a second, but he can´t stay still.

“Honey, where are you…” Came the giantess voice, closer and closer.

What could he do? Scream? Hide under the fridge? How long could he stay there? What would he do? How was he going to get out?

Soon, the only thing, the only person that came to his mind was Melissa. The image of the gorgeous woman, shinning like the sun, his savior, she would be the one who´ll take him out of this.

But it was now too late.

“Gotcha!” Lillian said as her enormous fingers seized him. Soon, he was trapped by her thick fingers. They were bigger than his legs!

“Why did you run away, honey? Hmmm? It´s not ok to escape from mommy…”

She was monumental! Gigantic! Titanic! As she spoke, she drove his minuscule body closer to her face. He´s never seen a woman bigger than her. She seems to be about fifty-feet-tall!

“How can we avoid this?” She said. Meanwhile, he was trying to escape, to squirm, but he couldn´t feel her hand giving up, her fingers didn´t even move! He was trapped, trapped in this giantess hand.

“I know! I´ll keep you somewhere close. Somewhere safe…” and so, she pulled her shirt, and slowly, she drove Jonathan closer to her bosom.

Suspended, and looking down, he could only see her large line of cleavage, and then, darkness. Right inside her blouse, an abyss, nothing. He´d be lost inside that woman´s rack.

“There we go…” She cooed as she dropped him.

He kicked, screamed, tried to escape, but he could see his clear ending. Imprisoned right inside that woman´s breasts…

“NOOOOOO!!!” He screamed finally, finally able to hear his voice.

Everything was still dark, but soon, a light went on.

“Jonathan, what´s the matter?” Came Melissa´s voice, sleepy. She´s been woken from a deep sleep. Why? Well, it´s the middle of the night, they were asleep. And, yes, it was all a nightmare.

“I… yeah…” Did he just scream? Yes, he did.

“You sure? Tell me, did you have a nightmare again?” This wasn´t the first time.

Jonathan doesn´t want to believe he´s traumatized, but he´s living with this day after day. Deep inside his mind, he blames Lillian for everything. And much deeper, he´s concerned. Lillian´s now an antagonist for him, evil, malefic. A threat. And sometimes, dreams, or nightmares, like this come to him. So far, it´s the fourth time, and every time, he ends up disappearing.

Last time, he felt like drowning in an ocean of milk that was running down her tits.

“I… I´m sure.” He said, which she didn´t believe. But Melissa was too tired. It was 3:00 am, if there´s anything to talk about, it will have to wait until tomorrow… or at least until the sun´s up.

“Fine, just…” and so, Melissa, the 6´6” amazon pulled him closer, wrapped her enormous hand around him and said: “Close your eyes and try to sleep, ok? *yaawnnn* I´m here, don´t… worry…”

Things were hard for him. So far, the effects of the shrinking aren´t gone.

He´s still a 1´2” man, trapped inside that apartment. Still, it´s not like being trapped at Lillian´s place. He stays there only because he wants. And another reason why he doesn´t mind is… Melissa.

Such a sweet woman, attentive, caring. Kind. She´s not selfish, she´s just perfect…

He´s still not sure if he´d call themselves a couple. She´s sweet, but… is this out of pity?

Jonathan refuses to believe that. But, why else would she accept to keep him at her place? He must know, one day, he´ll ask. The only question is, how?

How to ask without being too straight. How to, casually, turn the conversation into it? How to ask if they are a couple?

They are surely friend, but… is there something more?

There´s been changes in everyone´s life. Men have shrunk, and women have grown. But these four people are on a bit of a doubt right now. Melissa and Jonathan. Lillian and Colin. What are they?

Are they a couple? Are they friends? Mere acquaintances? Or is there something more?

No one has said a word. No one has denied anything either. But deep inside, they all know the way things are, they only need to talk about it…

There are similarities between them. Colin and Jonathan, they both feel like a burden to the amazon they are, in Jonathan´s case, living with.

But none of them seem to mind. None of these ladies seem to be bothered by the fact that they now share their lives with men with a shrinking condition. For Jonathan, this has stopped, but Colin´s still close to the source of the shrinking.

As long as he´s still with Lillian, his shrinking isn´t over. Not that she´s trying to shrink him any further, but at this moment she knows that this is inevitable…


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