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Chapter 23

“Hello… Trevor…” Said Pam, to a hardly-listening Trevor.

“I… huh? Oh! Right! Hi, Pam. How… are you?” Pam scheduled a date with Trevor, just as she planned. But this was not going to be just a casual date.

For the things she had in mind, it would be easier if she avoids a public place and just takes things directly to somewhere more… private.

Now, Pam had just arrived at Trevor´s apartment. Wearing the most sensuous clothes she could find.

As soon as he opened the door, a sensuous amazon stood before his eyes. Sure, Pam was still 6´5”, but she´s never worn more sensuous clothes before.

Trevor was speechless before Pam´s luscious body. Her smooth legs, barely covered by the biggest, which now were tight, denim shorts she had.

Her feet, wearing sandals, showing off the entirety of her plump legs. The expansive curves all over her legs. Her swelling calves, her even more swelling thighs. Her shorts, so tight all over her big, juicy butt. Something he hadn´t quite had the chance to admire yet.

Trevor was dumbfounded as he caught a glimpse of her chest. Above her fleshy waist, stood a pair of tits that were nothing but mesmerizing. And, with her crop top, so tight above her waist, well, there was a little fix she did to the top.

She needed to tease him, and what a better way than to rip the top so that she could display more of her cleavage? He could see a long, deep and smooth line between her enormous breasts. They were round, heavy-looking, big. And they seemed to be about to rip down the whole top.

The top barely hide her nipples, and it was obvious to him to see where they were because, well, Pam wasn´t wearing a bra…

“Can I come in?” Pam asked, since Trevor wasn´t paying much attention anywhere but her tits. Which was just what she wanted.

“Oh, I… sure! Come in.” He smiled and stepped aside to welcome the sensuous amazon.

He´s already watched her naked, sure, but to watch her shape barely covered by clothes. To see her barely dressed form, there was something that made him eager to see what was behind that.

It got him excited, aroused, to think about when she was going to lose those clothes and, in the end, reveal her luscious, naked form to him…

Pam had something in mind, she´s unaware of when the growth will come back. They told her it wouldn´t be so long. During that time, she needs to make sure that she´s still on Trevor´s thoughts. That she doesn´t lose that for what she´s worked so hard. Soon, she´ll be bigger, but what is it good for if she loses before that?

She can´t take the risk. Maybe Kelsey will stop growing too, for a while, and then it will be Pam´s chance to be on top again. But, until that day comes, she must make sure to work her way with Trevor…

Pam skipped all formalities, and as soon as the door was closed, she got “busy”.

“So, what do you want to…” To do, he was about to ask that when he turned and caught Pam ripping down her blouse. Literally, she took it with both hands and revealed her big, bouncy breasts.

The way they jolted as they were finally free from their tight confinement…

“I think you know what I want to do…” Pam´s sensuous voice said as she approached…

Sweet? Loving? Teasing? Hot? Well, she must be all those things if she wants to make sure she´ll win this competition.

Pam started with some kisses. Deep, passionate kisses. Making sure his hands found their way to her large body.

“Can you feel that, mmmm, my growing body? Hmm? It´s big, right?” She said.

“Mmmm, sure…” He replied while kissing her.

“And soft…” She added.

“And… soft…”

“I´m getting big and soft, and all just for you…”


“Tall, big and soft. I bet you love it, don´t you?”


“How does my growing tits feel? They haven´t stop growing, you know. Come on, touch them… caress my boobs, Trevor…”

He just did as she was saying. He was going for it either way.

Trevor will never lose the chance to caress the body of his lovers. The feeling of her soft breasts, the heavy feeling. They were enormous now, all of Pam was. So soft, so big, her whole body was so feminine, so soft, so big.

Soon, his hands found their way into her butt. Touching the fabric of her denims…

“Mmmm, want me to remove them? Huh? Do you want me to show off my BIG trunk? Hmm?”

“Yes! I… I´d love you to…”

Within a moment, they were both naked, kissing on the couch, with Trevor on top. He kissed her while his hands fondled with her big, soft breasts.

Pam´s frame was larger, her legs were longer than his, her head was a bit further than he could reach. Before, he used to be the one who had to be careful, now, she´s the one who´s too big to be hurt.

Her large form, out weighing him by almost one-hundredth pounds. She was big, she was hot, and she was tender to the touch.

Trevor can´t get enough of her. As he fondles with her flesh, as he squeezes her larger breasts. Trevor´s certain he loves her growing form.

He´s uncertain about which is the type of amazon he likes. Does he like them just tall? Well… not quite. Boobs are important, but there´s more than just boobs.

What´s the type of woman he likes? Buxom? Busty? Pear-shaped? Or… is there something else?

He can´t decide. Right now, he´s dealing with two different amazons. On a side, he has Kelsey. Who´s body is truly the definition of an amazon. Tall, strong, with visible muscles. The woman towers above him, and her frame has filled up with some muscle. Some sensuous, firm muscles.

Her larger frame allures him. But he can´t say Pam doesn´t have the same effect on him.

On the other side, Pam´s body is just so… soft. Tender, soft, warm flesh all over her body. Her curves are bigger, giving her a big, sexy frame. More curvaceous than Kelsey´s, still, they are kind of tied…

He´s yet to define who´ll win. But, deep down, he´s sure he won´t be able to choose.

Now, as Pam´s large frame lays under his. As his penis finds it´s way into her pussy, he craves for more. More of her, taller, thicker, curvier. He knows Pam´s plan is to grow thicker and thicker. He´s not blind, it´s easy for him to tell she´s gaining weight quite fast.

If her intentions are to become a hot, tall, big, beautiful woman. He´s in! He´d love to watch the progress of her expanding frame.

As he thrusts his hips forwards and backwards, he craves to, one day, meet an even bigger Pam. He wants her thick all over. Boobs, butt, waits, legs, even arms. He´d love to touch her larger frame. To caress an even bigger body. Desire, he´s having a hard time keeping his desire at bay…

Now, as his mouth finds its way to her nipples, as his mouth sucks on her enormous breasts, he knows he wants more. And surely, she won´t mind growing some more for him…

Is he mean? Does that make him bad? Not quite. It wasn´t his idea, they both came up with this. But now that they are into it, it´s hard for him to put an end to this.

The largest difference in size is six-inches. Which is half-a-foot. What if it was an entire foot? What if they were fifty-pounds heavier? Or one-hundredth?

He´d love it if he could see Pam´s frame enlarging before his eyes. Her head rising higher, her body swelling bigger. Her breasts, ballooning, bigger and bigger. Inflating like the most sensuous of balloons!

He craves for a time like that to come. But he knows it´s impossible. They don´t grow all at once, it´s something gradual, it takes time. But he can dream about it…

“Mmmm, ohhh, Trevor, MMMM!” Pam moaned as his lust-driven body fucked with hers.

It was hard for him not to get aroused by her expanding frame. After all, gaining weight is also one type of expansion, right? The heavier she gets, the bigger she is. And the taller, the better those extra pounds accommodate on her growing form.

She already outgrew him, out weighed him. Pam´s the bigger one in the room. And soon, he knows this naked amazon will get even bigger.

The touch of her sturdy thighs, the softness of her stomach, and the immensity of her tits. He craves for them to keep growing. For Pam to keep expanding, bigger and bigger.

He wouldn´t dare say something like this, yet, but the truth is, they are both doing this for him. Should he share his opinion? Find a way to persuade them into getting bigger? Or, maybe, for them to keep going forever?


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