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Chapter 14

“So… do you like your new place, honey?” Mrs. Stalwart asked.

“You bet! I love it!” Harvey replied, looking up at the amazon with eager eyes.

“Oh, I´m so glad you loved it!” She replied, so excited.

“Why wouldn´t I? It´s amazing! You´re amazing! In fact…” and so, he made a pause, and just threw himself over her. Clearly, his head didn´t made it higher than her waist, after all, she was a 9´6” giantess. But the feeling, he hugged her tight…

“Awww…” she replied as she put her hands over his shoulders.

“The only thing I love more than the house is… you! I love you, Mrs. Stalwart!” Harvey screamed, loud enough so that everyone could listen.

“Oh, Harvey!” She said.

“I love you! I love you! Love… Love… Love…” And… this wasn´t happening…

Soon, Vera Stalwart heard a claxon from behind her. Yes, she wasn´t at the office, this wasn´t the next day. And Harvey wasn´t thanking her for it. Yes, right now, Mrs. Stalwart was fantasizing about what could come the next day.

She was daydreaming, right before a red light. She almost made it home, but she stopped and wondered what, or how, Harvey could show some appreciation for what she´s done. Of course, she´s not looking forward to any type of compensation. However, she wouldn´t mind that hug she dreamt about.


Sure, what woke her up from her dream was no other thing than the claxon of the car behind her. There wasn´t any red light anymore, instead, the green light, which means go, was shining right in front of her. Now, she was king of holding back traffic…


That fantasy she had, why does she care so much about him? What´s so special about Harvey? Well, she´s unsure, but one thing´s for sure, she liked that dream she had, and now, someone took it away with their claxon.


She was mad, and whenever she´s mad…

She rapidly turned out the window, right at the car behind her, and screamed: “Honk that shit one more time and I swear you´ll SWALLOW it!!!”

Of course, the guy behind her wouldn´t, he thought he was behind a truck, not a customized-size vehicle for an amazonic woman.

Now, Vera´s on her way home, mad, again. But soon, she´ll find something else to distract herself.

She´d like to lay in bed and fantasize some more about how he´ll thank her. Is there a possibility he comes with a ring to ask for marriage?

“Hmm, that would be a bit… something a gold digger would do.” True, if he asks her out because she let him borrow her old house… that´s kind of something someone would do in order to get more free stuff from her. Or, for some, as a way to have access to her wealth. Although…

“Well, I wouldn´t mind being a sugar-mommy. That´s a new fashion, right? A powerful woman with a young lover… sounds good…” Harvey as her lover?

She´s got a lot of things to consider. For starters, she´s not sure what she sees on him. Is he polite? Nice? Cute? Or is he a safe option?

Even if Vera Stalwart is the image of power, status, wealth, and strength, deep down, she´s got her own worries. Her own concerns…

Sure, he´d be lucky to have her. Any man would! But, is that still accurate? She´s not as young as she once was, and each passing year, even if her beauty´s too strong, she´s eventually going to age. Each passing day, she´s older.

She took a moment to look at herself. She stood naked in front of the immense mirror of her room. Looking at her curves, scanning her body up and down, with a question in mind, a, I still hot?

The woman, in all her gigantic glory, was a muse! Tall, thick, sensuous. Every inch of her statuesque frame was succulent. Sexy, a tease to the eye. Any man would be lucky to have a woman like her. Even if she´s a mature woman, she doesn´t look her age, but younger, an ever-lasting beauty. Still, she knows there´s some differences…

“Hmm, am I gaining weight?” She wasn´t fat, but her curves have certainly grown over the years.

In her case, she´s expanded in the most sensuous of ways. However, as she pinch some fat over her stomach, she can tell she´s no longer the slim, toned woman she was on her glory days.

“I… should I work out?” Would that help her with Harvey?

She´s uncertain as to why she´s so worried about what he might think. She´s fine with her body, sure, she´s softer than she was, but that doesn´t mean she´s fat. If anything, the large woman has become more curvaceous. But that only makes her sexier. Buxom, thick, hot. Still…

“What if I worked out? I could get some weights, do some cardio, that´s healthy, right?” Sure, exercise is healthy, but there´s a bit of worry deep inside her. What if she goes too far?

She knows she´s a dedicated woman, devoted. If she wants something, she gets it. And if she wants to work out, well, some things could happen…

She already pictured herself, endless hours at the gym, lifting more and more weight. Burning calories like a furnace! She can lose weight, that´s for sure, but what if she bulks too much?

She wants to attract Harvey, but she´s not sure if the gym is the way.

She pictured herself, one day, just walking into the office. Slimmer, sure, but with abs. A toned, firm, and strong stomach. Ripped. Everything hidden under her office attire. But there´s some other things that show.

If she wore a skirt, Harvey could be able to see her quads. Her strong legs, thick, solid thighs. Muscular. And that wouldn´t be it. Wouldn´t she be intimidating if, as a 9´6” woman, she developed some enormous biceps?

Her arms, thicker than his legs. Full of muscle. A huge biceps that bulge to the slightest of flexes…

“No! He´ll fear me! If he´s not already scared of me, I don´t think he wants me to become a muscular amazon… and how about just losing weight?

Well, that´s easier. The worst part could be the feeling of starving. And that got her thinking.

What if she loses too much weight? Her curves will slowly vanish, and her bones, they will start to stick out! She´d be a tall, long-looking woman. If she became too skinny, wouldn´t she look kind of… malefic?

With sharp cheek-bones. Skull-looking. Sinister. Besides, wouldn´t that make her look kind of… older? She doesn´t want to look like a witch from fairy tales. She would rather get fat. But that lead to another idea.

*STOMP* *STOMP* *STOMP!* Her steps, heavier than ever as she makes her way.

She can see Harvey waiting at her office, but as she makes her way…

“Morning, Harvey…” Her voice, it sounded deeper. Sure, as the deeper voice of her fat self.

Big couldn´t begin to describe her. She was enormous! She pictured herself as a huge mass of woman. Her legs, so immensely thick, her arms were huge too. But not muscular biceps, these were soft, all full of fat.

Her clothes, so tight they didn´t even button over her stomach. How much does this fat version of her weight? Three times what she does? She looks huge!

Struggling to make it through the door. Waddling as she walks. Her arms spread apart due to all of the fat on her body. And how to make it worst?

She tripped, as she made it past the door frame, she trips and her ballooning self falls on Harvey.

“Poor little thing, squashed under that giant body… ugh! Why can´t I be positive!” Why can´t she think of something where she doesn´t take things too far?

This always happens to her when she has to take a big decision. Always picturing the worst-case scenario for each possible answer. Too muscular, too thin, too fat. Why can´t she picture herself as just a healthy lady?

“Maybe… maybe I´m fine…” sure, she´s got a killing body. Perfectly proportional, thick in all the right places. And to tease, she´s got the thighs, the butt, and of course, a massive pair of jugs that can smother Harvey.

She ran her hands over her naked hips, made a pose. Her boobs bouncing as she swifts her weight from one leg to the other. She´s fine the way she is. She knows it.

“Of course I am! Silly me, I´m already a goddess. Gosh, I don´t know what I was thinking…” So silly, what got her so worried?

She covered her luscious body with a huge, and luxurious, night gown and made herself a drink at her bar.

If anything has to happen, then it will happen tomorrow. And if he has to say a thing, then he´ll say it tomorrow.

“Mmmm, I wouldn´t mind the hug, though…” His arms, trying to wrap around her, she´s so big, it would be so nice to feel him trying…

“You slept on the guest´s room? Why would you do that?!” Next day, at the office, he spilled some of the truth…

“I… I´m sorry, I just couldn´t… I couldn´t fit my clothes on the drawer…” He said.

“Why? What was it in there that obstructed the way?” She shares her room with him, and he goes somewhere else? Why would he do that? Besides, why would he go sleep to another room. Just because her socks don´t fill in the drawer? She´s certain he couldn´t open the drawer.

“I… well… there was…” She was waiting for his answer. Looking at him, right in the eye. From her desk, she seemed intimidating. And, in the end, he confessed. “Your underwear… the drawer was full of your, ehm… underwear…” His whole face turned red in embarrassment.

He moved into another room because he was too tempted to touch her panties. Her bras. He just knew he had to get away form that drawer.

“Great!” she thought, looking at how embarrassed he seemed. “If he was a perv, who touched my undies, this could´ve gone way faster. But no, oh no Harvey, you´re playing hard to get… I like it.”

Sure, if he would´ve touched her underwear, then it would´ve been easier to seduce him. He would already be teased by her.

“Pfft, old clothes. There´s no big deal, just take them out.” And if he wants to keep a little souvenir, well, she wouldn’t mind…

“Uhm… so you… don´t you mind me… touching your… undies?” He asked.

“No problem. I haven´t wore those in a loooong time. In fact,” time to tease, “I think my boobs have grown a couple sizes since I last wore those. I don´t think they will still fit…”

He swallowed. She noticed he swallowed. Maybe this was a good start.

“I mean, you can throw them away if you want. Unless, I don´t know… you´d like to keep them, hahaha” A joke, she hid her tease inside a joke. Would he understand she intends to give him her clothes?

“I… uhm… maybe I can bring them here… in a bag?” Well, it´s not working. He´s either too shy, or too dumb to get it.

Mrs. Stalwart sighed. It´s so hard to seduce him. And if he´s playing hard to get, well, he´s the hardest one so far. She knows he´s interested on her, that tone of red on his face, it means he´s hot for her.

“You know what, just throw them away…” But one of these days, he´s going to fall for her. But, to make things work a bit faster… maybe she has to tease him a little more…



I love this part of the story! Her insecurity is adorable, such a contrast to her appearance and strength. Great chapter :)


THANK YOU! I like to give her a bit of a contrast. I mean, she´s HUGE, but we all have a soft, and slightly insecure side, right? My main goal is to make her sweeter, yet, she´s of a stern nature, which is quite a contrast LOL.