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Chapter 21

The past few days were heavenly for Trevor. Each and every single one of them, he got to spend a wonderful evening with Pam. And quite a luscious one too…

Pam was right, softer is nice. He wasn´t aware of her goals, or the kind of growth she was looking for. It was obvious that she was filling up, growing some curves, but he knew better not to say a thing. Each lady develops their own growth just as they wish.

Pam was going for the big, large, soft side of it.

He liked the creamy touch of her soft body. Her larger curves were soft, warm, inviting. He sank his fingers on her soft flesh, fondled with her massive breasts. Squeezed her mesmerizing butt as they danced with passion in bed.

Their bodies, caressing each other´s nakedness. He was overwhelmed by her. Pam´s height, her curves. He loved it! And she´s certain he does. However…

They were supposed to meet on Saturday, therefore, he wasn´t at her place on Friday night, unlike the other days. She had to fight some urges, she wanted him, she needed him. However, all those horny thoughts were washed away when she checked on herself, more precisely, her measurements.

“What?!” She said as she weighed herself. She had to double-check, and then, check for a third time, those numbers, they couldn´t be right!

“I… I… I haven´t gained any weight?” That was the least of her worries, “I´ve… lost weight?” She panicked.

Pam´s routine was sort of the same, but there were some changes. Sure, she´s been eating to her full, but not as many meals, whenever Trevor´s around, she just forgets she has to add calories and focuses on the man before her. A man she wants to fuck…

This meant one thing, she´s eating a bit less, and with all the sex, she´s been burning more calories. Not that sex replaces cardio, but when you´re under the same treatment as Pam, or Kelsey, any type of physical activity that requires more effort, well, it can be shown on the body. Really show.

Now, Pam shouldn’t have to worry so much, sure, she lost weight, but not too much. She´s down by ten-pounds. Bringing her weight down to 270-pounds. It was mortifying, but not as much as the second measure she took.

“The fuck! I… I… I didn´t grow this week?” She was right, her mark, it was at the same level as the last one, Pam was still a 6´5” woman, which was enough to be called tall, an amazon even, but not as much for the competition.

“No, this… this can´t be right!” This wasn´t good, her weight decreased, and no height augmentation? What could make things worse?

The next day, at the coffee shop…

“No way…” Said Pam, wearing clothes she thought she would´ve outgrown by now. Standing in front of the store. She had some worries, and some hopes too.

If this week was hard to her, then it must´ve been the same for Kelsey, right? Maybe the treatment didn´t worked this week. Or maybe they are in some sort of stop, a pause probably? Or it could be the weather.

She´ll use anything in order to excuse her not-so-productive week. But Kelsey, as she looks at her coming from the distance, Pam´s worried, she looks… bigger?

“Hi there… is Trevor inside already?” Kelsey asked, she seemed huge! And that wasn´t a lie.

It wasn´t only that Pam, due to the lack of growth, felt smaller, Kelsey was taller! Pam was actually looking up to her? No way!

This last week was quite a test for Kelsey. She had to abstain from a lot of things. In fact, her life last week was only working at the office, then working out, and finally eating. She ate more last week than she did last month! But it was totally worth it.

Finally, after so much time, the bulking worked out! Sure, she can see the actual effects of a true bulk, but not as much as if she was a mere mortal.

Kesley got bigger, much bigger. Her arms are big, her legs are massive! Her waist remains thin, in comparison, but she´s lost some definition on those abs she´s been sculping. Turns out that, when you want to gain volume, abs often disappear. On her case, it wasn´t that bad, but she can notice.

Pam feels jealous. Her blood´s boiling! But she won´t let it show. She kept a smile as she nodded to Kelsey´s question, still, she´s mad!

And why wouldn’t she? Kelsey´s the taller one now, again! She stands at 6´6”, and not just that, her weight, it went up to 245-pounds. Which is still below Pam, but the gap has decreased quite some much.

However, it would be hard to tell, since Pam´s full of, let´s say, softness, and Kelsey´s filling up with solid muscle. Kelsey still looks leaner, more compact. Let´s remember that muscle takes over less space than fat.

But her changes are quite noticeable, specially in two areas. Kelsey´s thighs are big and firm, however, her boobs have grown quite some much. In fact, not so sure if it´s for the muscle beneath or if it´s a mere expansion but, Kelsey´s boobs are now bigger.

“Wow…” Said Trevor as she spotted the two beauties. But mostly, paying attention to Kelsey. He hadn´t seen her in a whole week, and he can tell someone´s been growing…

Over the next hour, Trevor came up with the same answer. He can´t yet decide. But no one was upset by that, however, someone did have some things in mind…

“Oh well, if you can´t tell, then you can´t, right? Pammie?” Said Kelsey, but, was she mocking Pam? Calling her like that meaning… she was smaller?

Pam was mad, mad enough not to feel like eating, or having a bite at the coffee shop, not even a drink. But it were Kelsey´s next words what really flipped her mood.

“So, Trevor, since it´s been a while… would you like to come over to my place? Hmmm?” She wasn´t really asking, and her tone, so sexy, so inviting. Of course he wanted! “You don´t mind, right… Pam? I´m sure you´ve spend a lot of time together this past week… right?” she knows? How?

Pam had no say in this, she was too mad to think of anything that wasn´t cursing Kelsey with some nasty words. In the end, Kelsey walked out of the coffee shop, with Trevor holding her arm.

The sight was quite unique, on a side, we have a 6-foot-tall man, of about 170-pounds, and on the other, we have a 6´6” amazon, a muscular one. Outweighing him by over 70-pounds of lean muscle.

Kelsey couldn´t hide it, she knows what Dr. Glasshow said about what happens once she got a certain height, and now, she´s taller than that!

She had some urges, a mental picture of Trevor was enough to get her going, but when she spotted him. She felt quivers running down her spine, and all heading to the same direction, her crotch!

She really had to fight it not to get wet, her pussy felt an urge, and urge for Trevor! As they walked down the street, she knew it, today, he´s hers, and hers alone…

Once they got to her apartment, things got a little… hot!

“Mmmm, it´s so nice to be alone, finally…” Kelsey said. She was wearing, unlike the rest of the days, a dress.

An apron dress. Which really allowed someone to see how truly big her arms have gotten. Trevor can easily tell she´s growing more and more muscular. And he likes it!

He´s unsure, is it the muscles? Or the fact that it makes the woman look bigger? More powerful? Perhaps, he only likes to see tall, muscular beauties?

And the dress is not so long, below, he can see how her legs have fleshed out, filling up with consistent muscle. Enormous thighs, filled of powerful mass, flesh. Thich, big and powerful.

He was looking up at Kelsey, shew as six-inches taller than him, his eyes were leveled with her nose, and her size. Her shoulders were much wider than his, her biceps were already bigger than his. Her muscles, he feels skinny compared to this mighty amazon. And now, she´s about to take control.

“Wow!” He said as she rapidly bent and picked him up.

“Sorry, I couldn´t help it. But, just as I thought, you´re so light. Have you lost weight?” She teased, of course he hasn´t, it´s her who´s stronger. “Let´s go to my bedroom, shall we, handsome?” She wanted a piece of him, she´s been waiting for so long, and now, it´s finally her turn.

She carried him upstairs, with the least of efforts. She wonders, does he like it? She can see an erection growing inside his pants, but that could be because of her enormous I-cups rubbing against him. Does he feel protected by his amazon girlfriend?

Soon, she placed him down in bed, then, she removed the dress off of her. Quite fast since she ripped the whole thing.

“They don´t make these as they used to, right?” She must be kidding, she ripped it off as if it was made up of paper! Now, she´s standing before him, in all her amazonic glory, wearing nothing but underwear.

He can tell she´s thickening up, but not soft like Pam, Kelsey´s bulking up. He can see some nice muscles on her. Her thighs, so plump, and so strong, her muscles flexing as she walks. And her boobs, so big, so round, yet, there´s some muscles showing on her chest.

Her shoulders are bigger too, making her look wider. Giving her a wasp-like waist. The body of a model, a strong, muscular model. Now, that model´s crawling over to him…

“Mmmm, I´ve waited for so long, Trevor. A week is way too much when I don´t have you, you know…” She means, how will you make it up for that much time away? Easy, with sex, lots of sex.

The touch of her body, so much larger, so much stronger. It was quite the contrast with Pam. Not like he´s comparing, but there´s only another amazon woman in his life, and she´s soft. But Kelsey, she´s strong, tough, solid. Sexy…

They made out, he was kissing her thick lips. In the meantime, his hands found their way and he stripped her down. Removing her bra and thong. She didn´t like the fact that he didn´t ask for permission, so she removed his clothes too. Pulled down his pants and, well, she ripped off his shirt, but that´s the least of his problems.

The feeling, his hands going all over the strong body of this amazon. So large, so firm. She´s heavier, but she´s being gentle. She´s strong, but not so rough. Passionate, but not voracious.

“Don´t worry, I´ll be kind with you, little guy…” It was funny that now, Kelsey was a giantess. And so muscular, how? Well, exercise´s the answer.

Now, both of them are sharing quite a nice time, both naked. Kelsey on top. Her big body, being careful. She wants to show him she´s strong, but that she can be gentle. Powerful, but sweet.

After all, her body, he´s attracted to large women because they can protect him, right? At least that´s what she thinks. And who better to protect him than a big, muscular girlfriend? Someone who´s thought, but gentle with you.

He can´t deny it, he loves her body. He can´t stop touching her. And Kelsey, well, she needed him so bad. But, what will Pam do? Jealousy must be killing her!


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